
‘Their screams won’t let me sleep’: Nadia Jamil urges action after employers accused of torturing, murdering child in Lahore

‘Their screams won’t let me sleep’: Nadia Jamil urges action after employers accused of torturing, murdering child in Lahore

The actor took to her Instagram and urged her followers to raise their voices for the children who are tortured and abused.
13 Jul, 2022

Actor Nadia Jamil is horrified over the alleged torture and murder of a young boy employed as a domestic worker in Lahore and the injury of his younger brother by their employers over petty mistakes. She is urging her followers to raise their voices against acts of abuse against children.

The actor took to her Instagram and shared a video clip of herself asking her followers if the lives of these children aren’t “valuable” enough for people to take a stand for them and requested them to join hands with her to fight against child abuse, especially this case.

The police are investigating a family who live in DHA’s Phase III over the murder and torture of 10-year-old Kamran and the torture and injury of his six-year-old brother Rizwan. Doctors at a private hospital reported on Monday 2that they received a domestic child worker dead and another critically injured. The doctors said the body of the deceased boy had deep torture marks while the condition of the other boy was serious.

“Please stop fighting with each other, it doesn’t matter who is in power, whether it’s the Nawaz, Bhutto or Imran Khan’s family. What difference does it make when all this time, till this date and time, when these ‘leaders’ were in power, our children never got protection? Have you not seen kids on the streets begging? [Are] kids not subjected to violence in homes?” she questioned.

“We have this disease in which we turn our eyes away and it’s taking the lives of our children,” she pleaded with her followers to raise their voices for the protection of children and said this case should not end up like that of Uzma, where the culprits roam freely.

“Please, this is a crime, it needs to be punished at the highest level. There needs to be an example set. Enough with the violence against children. So what if it is a family from Defence? Are the lives of these children not valuable enough? Please become a part of this war to raise your voice as it’s the only one that counts,” she implored.

“Children are the most vulnerable amongst us. We are ALL responsible for every child on our planet. We are the adults. We make the rules, if those rules cannot protect our children then what kind of adults are we? Children look to adults for protection. Yet so many rot in domestic labour, begging, in prostitution,” she wrote, saying that she can “hear their screams” and that it won’t let her sleep in peace.

So far, the police believe the house owner Nasrullah, his wife Shabana, two sons and his daughter-in-law Hinna are involved in the case. The Punjab IGP has taken notice and directed the Lahore police higher-ups to arrest the perpetrators and stay in contact with the family of the children.


Falcon1 Jul 13, 2022 04:58pm
ALL human lives matter - regardless of color, creed, religion, socio-economic status, caste, culture, lifestyle or gender.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 13, 2022 04:58pm
Tip of the melting iceberg.
Imran Ahmed Jul 13, 2022 04:59pm
We have to make an easily accessible child abuse protection agency which is responsible for preventing such cruelty. I suspect that only a tiny minority of cases come into the public eye.
hammad ahmad Jul 13, 2022 05:05pm
Nothing will happen to the culprits. They are protected by Government, Army
Amjad Durrani Engineer New York, USA Jul 13, 2022 05:37pm
Raising your voice isn’t enough. This slavery will continue unabated until and unless we create resources for those 40% poor in our country living under poverty line for decades. Those destitute families having nothing to feed their children are forced to give their children in this modern form of slavery,, often ending in injuries or even death by their masters for committing minor mistakes. Those crying foul by showing empty sympathy must come forward with financial help of these poor families so that these children who prey to such atrocities are save from slavery and find themselves to be in schools to have better future for these unfortunate kids. No doubt that our national literacy rate have fallen from 60% in 2016 to 58% at present. We need honest NGO’s (which we lack at present) specially oriented towards this goal so that these tragic events can be prevented from happening every now and then. Let us hope this happens soon before a similar heart wrenching event happens again
Redchilli Jul 13, 2022 05:53pm
When and where she heard them screaming?
Nasir Jul 13, 2022 05:56pm
We support you. Child as domestic worker should be banned and any body found should be criminally punished. The state , philanthropist should come forward and take the responsibility of these Childs for their well being and education.
A Khan Jul 13, 2022 06:07pm
Absolutely can anyone do this to a child and then carry on with their daily lives as if nothing has happened ?
FACTS Jul 13, 2022 06:10pm
Any vigilante out there? You know what you have to do in this country. Take them out . Simple
AJ Jul 13, 2022 06:13pm
Shameful but nothing will happen as usual…
Tanvir Khan Jul 13, 2022 06:14pm
People who cruelly slaughter innocent animals and devour them are totally devoid of compassion, which comes from the depths of the heart !!!
Hanif Jul 13, 2022 06:14pm
Horrified. Humanity is non-existent in the society. Cannot imagine the agony of this child who was killed for something as basic as food.
Kamran khalid Jul 13, 2022 06:27pm
Firstly child labour should not be there. But being a poor country we have so there should be rules. All such children working should be documented and if employer mistreats them he should be punished to deter others. Sadly an innocent kid lost his life just bcoz he wanted to eat. Where is our humanity? Why preach islam and call ourselves muslims. We should be ashamed of ourselves that we live in a society where children are tortured and killed. Please continue to raise voice against this atrocity Nadia. I will support you in any way possible.
Hidsight Jul 13, 2022 06:32pm
just look at the address it happened in. Defence Phase.. They have immunity from any justice. Period. Thus is plain murder of innocent children working for their survival.. It is heanous crime to beat and murder these children. if there was any justice these barbaric animals would now be behind bars waiting to be executed by law. NO questions asked. I have no words. This is extreme brutality defined as ZULM in ISLAM. Zalims must be fully punished.
Truth be told Jul 13, 2022 06:32pm
Our's is a torture-driven society. Will require many decades and few generations to turn things around provided people are convinced that what they need to change.
Miss khan Jul 13, 2022 06:37pm
Well said....people of Pakistan are more important than who is in power. Poverty is increasing in fast speed.
Miss khan Jul 13, 2022 06:38pm
Well said
Jalal Jul 13, 2022 06:52pm
Please raise the social conscience of the nation it’s been dead for a long time .
Asif A. Shah Jul 13, 2022 07:17pm
Child labor and the brutal treatment of many children are steeped in Pakistani society. I hope that in this instance the culprits get their due punishment.
Cardiac Arrest Jul 13, 2022 07:17pm
Why are such young kids domestic helpers? Shouldn’t they be in school or playing or doing something else. Sad.
Seedoo Jul 13, 2022 07:19pm
Thank you. This is a very important issue. This is not just about morality, but it is also about the future of our nation. A nation that does not invest in its children is bound to be a failed nation. We need to protect each and every child no matter what socioeconomic background he/she comes from
Shahla Jul 13, 2022 07:46pm
The first to be held accountable are the children parents. Why did they send such young children to work. It is the duty of parents to feed and protect their children. If they cannot do so then they should not be bring them into this world. Having 6 children when they have no resources and then crying hoarse over poverty is not understandable. If parents cannot protect their children then how can anyone else.
Shabbir Jul 13, 2022 08:24pm
Signs of a rotting society
it's me Jul 13, 2022 08:39pm
Again elite will come to the rescue of elite.
Zia Jul 13, 2022 08:57pm
Cruelty, insults and abuse, I have seen towards household workers in Pakistan is unparalleled. When would we learn to respect humans, they sell their services not their honour. Islam does not teach us to behave like animals.
ST Jul 13, 2022 09:07pm
She is right. The culprits should be given exemplary punishment. Child abuse should be considered the highest crime and should be dealt accordingly.
Mahmood Jul 13, 2022 09:19pm
@Hidsight Yes, they make escape the law of the land, but there's indeed a higher power that they cannot escape from. It is written: "I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them."
Bunny Jul 13, 2022 09:21pm
nice to see people like her come out and speak about this eveil in our society. people will listen to her more . when such things start coming to notice , the perpeturators will start getting scared.
Devasted Jul 13, 2022 09:21pm
My heart bleads animals are better than these beasts please punish them according to the law of County if there is any!
Moazzam shafiq Jul 13, 2022 10:01pm
Law need to take its course inorder to convert them to humans.
Asmat Jamal Jul 13, 2022 10:15pm
Punjab is notorious for employing child labour , torturing and killing domestic workers
Asim Jul 13, 2022 11:03pm
This is plain murder. Whatever happened to the FIR and arresting the murderers? Our leaders over the last 50 years have failed the nation becuse they are consistently corrupt and incompetent.
Mahmood Shah Jul 13, 2022 11:46pm
There should be legal protection for ALL domestic workers. Children should not be employed.
Farida Rahman Jul 13, 2022 11:57pm
It is not only a case of child abuse but a more glaring case of their heartlessness for not feedng the boys well and when they took something from the frig , they were beaten to death. Considering it was eid day and we have clear directions of Almighty to feed the poor.
Dr. Q USA Jul 14, 2022 12:00am
I have heard that personal servants abuse is very common. Children should be in schools and colleges, not working as servants.
Naeem Jul 14, 2022 12:07am
Inhuman behaviour. The culprit should be brought to accountability. Are the poor not considered humans in this country?
Naeem Jul 14, 2022 12:11am
Is this our Quaid's Pakistan?
tuk Jul 14, 2022 12:14am
@Shahla Respectfully, you are 100% wrong! Is birth control even available to poor couples? Why can't rich adopt children instead of having them as slaves??
Ejaz Jul 14, 2022 12:15am
Your plea to the nation to standup against the criminals who otherwise would go scot free in this lawless nation is commendable. You must understand that you’re are up against the entire criminal justice system and not just one perpetrator of crime. It’s a uphill and very challenging task and I would like to assure you that we the expats in US are ready to provide any type of support you ask for in order to help succeed in this noble cause!
Iqbal Aswani Jul 14, 2022 12:36am
@Redchilli That's an example. Of course the kids would have scream. Better if you get the message instead of picking up words.
Saima Jul 14, 2022 01:44am
@A Khan i agree with your comment
Saima Jul 14, 2022 01:45am
@Imran Ahmed yes you are right
Ibrahim S Jul 14, 2022 01:46am
Stop blaming parents . Start an organization to empower those poor parents ( hint - micro financing BD style) . Sponsor a child for education. It’s not in the best interest of these politicians , religious mafia to empower people. Eradicate class society . This disease is in every house and every segment of our society .
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Jul 14, 2022 02:08am
Shame, shame and utter shame to be honest and I simply cannot find the most appropriate words to pronounce that it is 3rd day of Eid ul Azha in Pakistan and on such auspicious day the poor of the poorest deserve to be given some Eidee by the employer on our annual festival but very much ironically, instead, Nasrullah, his wife Shabana and son Mahmood turned truly barbaric like wild beast for mercilessly beating the poorest souls and, therefore, I have very rightly captioned my article, ‘The word shame itself is ashamed’
lion Jul 14, 2022 02:15am
i am really sorry psychopathic crimes, use of alcohol are both hugely risen in 22 yrs. DHA ? well they will pay off bcs qisas law is wrong in Pakistan. No other major Muslim country has such law. state must punish, even if plaintiffs forgive
Irfan Huq Jul 14, 2022 02:18am
@Redchilli One does not need to have ears to hear the scream it can be heard in the brain if you're sensitive enough.
Irfan Huq Jul 14, 2022 02:22am
Azam Swati a minister in ik'sgovernment had parents put in the jail at his order and left 2 little children alone in the house for 2 days. And he was appointed a federal minister. Shame on everyone
Shahid Tanvir Jul 14, 2022 02:30am
Nadia , I feel the same way. Tell me what can I do??
Umer Khawaja Jul 14, 2022 02:30am
DESPICABLE ACT! The child must have been hungry and just wanted to eat something like many children in Pakistan who are left on the streets to fend for themselves. My head is lowered in shame :(
Khurram Shaikh Jul 14, 2022 02:56am
Please expose the people who did this . “A family in DHA 3” will not cut it. Name the culprits , put their pictures , videos online to identify them on social media.
Za Jul 14, 2022 04:48am
No one can do anything to this extremely powerful people, It will be difficult to prove because she only heard the sounds of screaming, but saw nothing
A D Bux Jul 14, 2022 05:24am
The Js & Gs are swift to save their own skins than dispensing justice for the poor!
Imtiaz. Faruqui Jul 14, 2022 06:05am
@Cardiac Arrest Because the Pakistani families are lazy by nature women children and men , they won't even get up to get a glass of water. So they hire poor folks.
Allan Jul 14, 2022 06:27am
Firstly kids should not be domestic servants . Anyone doing so if part of the problem. So look at yourselves first and do the right thing. Kids should be in school and in play. Not working for the wealthy.
Tamilselvan Jul 14, 2022 07:42am
A very moving plea by this actor. Hope adults in Pakistan whether they are Sunni or Shia wake up and treat children better.
Sobia Kiran Jul 14, 2022 07:45am
Such people must be punished. I stand against child abuse in all forms.
KJ Jul 14, 2022 07:48am
Please punish the perpetrators of the crime with a similar punishment. They deserve nothing less in the form of any other punishment. This makes me so angry.
KJ Jul 14, 2022 07:50am
@Redchilli "When and where she heard them screaming?" Does it matter? Here an innocent kid has died, and his younger brother is in a serious condition, which is all that matters.
KJ Jul 14, 2022 07:52am
@Shahla Sometimes the parents have no choice. When we are not in their shoes, it is hard to understand why parents send their kids to work in this manner.
Sridhar Raghunatha Rao Jul 14, 2022 08:12am
Please ban Child labor
Sam Jul 14, 2022 08:42am
There is no government regulation for domestic labor
Sami Jul 14, 2022 08:54am
This blood-money thing is garbage. Don’t try to justify it with religion. When a person with money can buy themself freedom from the crime of murder and another with no money gets the death penalty, then how can this be Islamic?? Here in the US, murder is a crime against the state. There’s no concept of blood money. No one, including the victim’s family, has any power to forgive the perpetrator. Rich or poor, justices is thus blind and equal. Learn and pick up good ideas and things from the US, instead of trashing it blindly.
Mumtaz Ahmed Shah Jul 14, 2022 09:05am
The accused should be sent behind the bar for ever.(Texas)
dev Jul 14, 2022 09:32am
do population control, all problems in pakistan is due to that only.
suresh pandey Jul 14, 2022 09:33am
I also feel great pain for Child's torture and death. Please enact law to ban child labor. It is a shame that even after 75 years independence we in the sub continent are not able to feed our children.
ST Jul 14, 2022 09:45am
There should be age limit for the domestic workers and also there should be some organization to check upon the well being of domestic workers. A monthly visit and an inspection of the house may ease the lives of these poor souls
Ahsan Gul Jul 14, 2022 09:50am
Pakistan a country where laws are made for the protection of upper class only. We have class structure, cast and religious categories too. A messed up country. Future prospects for improvement in human value are pretty remote.
Ramay Jul 14, 2022 10:19am
Failure of the Government to provide justice to common man and failure of the system to provide jobs to its people and children (with remendous potential) who must be going to school are left stranded in the homes of wealthy ones at their mercy. And mind it no one will go unheard and and no one can scape the justice of Almighty where we all will be answerable for not doing enough for these innocent children.
TPA Jul 14, 2022 10:38am
Crocodile tears