
Nadia Jamil's traumatic experience with British Airways leaves her in tears

Nadia Jamil's traumatic experience with British Airways leaves her in tears

The airline staff allegedly left the actor alone in a wheelchair for hours without any assistance.
05 Jul, 2021

Actor Nadia Jamil — who recently recovered from cancer — was allegedly left stranded and unassisted in a wheelchair at Heathrow Airport after she was unable to travel to Pakistan due to an issue with her travel documents.

In a series of tweets, Jamil highlighted how she was left abandoned in a wheelchair with her luggage lying around her after she was unable to board a flight to Pakistan.

"I have never been so intimidated, humiliated and helpless in my life," wrote Jamil. "Your staff left me to sleep alone on terminal 5. How did you expect me to wheelchair myself and my three suitcases back to Cambridge from Heathrow? Kindness counts!"

The actor was taken off the flight because of issues with her travel documents. She was unable to leave the airport afterwards because the airline did not arrange for any assistance to help her with her luggage while she was wheelchair bound.

"My very elderly aunt came to my rescue. She hauled the heavy suitcases. Then managed both wheelchair and trolley. When I fainted to the floor outside the cab, she managed me!" wrote the actor.

Jamil described her condition as one that had become dire enough to need emergency assistance from medical services. "If my aunt not been there last night I would have had to call 999. That is how serious the situation was last night," she wrote.

The actor also highlighted the behaviour of some airline staff. "I will never forget one staff in particular," she wrote. "He was shockingly curt. I was tired, scared and he made me feel very small on that wheelchair. Don't use strength to belittle others."

Jamil emphasised the importance of helping those who are bound to a wheelchair and unable to walk.

"People on a wheelchair may not be able to carry luggage or move around like many others," she wrote. "Be patient with them. Don't use your position of power and strength to make others feel small."

Since the incident at Heathrow Airport, the actor has received many messages of support from her fans and well wishers.

British Airways has also responded to Jamil's tweets, apologising for the difficult experience she had.

The actor was going home for the first time after her cancer treatment. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and had traveled to the UK to receive treatment.


NoVoice Jul 05, 2021 05:45pm
This seems a bit entitled. It was not the airline's fault your documents were expired. It is not their fault that you are unwell but did not manage anyone to pick you up again or assist you. It is unfortunate but if you're that unwell, your family needed to be there to take care of you. Half of London is Pakistani and all you can find is some ancient aunt.
NYS Jul 05, 2021 05:51pm
Shocking The helpless left intimidate when British are considered very well behaved sophisticated perhaps this persona can be seen from third eye
M.S Jul 05, 2021 05:56pm
Unbelievable & totally unacceptable! British Airways must immediately take note & action for thier STAFF unprofessional behaviour & bare minimum send them home until investigation is completed & needless to say without PAY!! Such behaviour is uncalled for & Ms. Nadia Jamil reserves the right to take them to court!
Andherr Nagri Jul 05, 2021 05:58pm
Why travel with big heavy bags if you are in a wheelchair ? British Airways is not duty bound to make sure every passenger reaches home and it's the passengers responsibility to ensure they have the correct documents! What a diva.
AHGONDAL Jul 05, 2021 06:08pm
The woman did not have valid travel documents. Why is she blaming oters.
Rosebell Jul 05, 2021 06:19pm
Please sue the so called British Airways.
Badar Jul 05, 2021 06:25pm
Just an apology? That doesn't count. What counts is compensation in material terms. She should be upgraded free of cost by BA.
Sameer Jul 05, 2021 06:31pm
And thats why we Pakistanis must stick together.
Khaled Jul 05, 2021 06:34pm
So pathetic and unfortunate.
Rizwan Jul 05, 2021 06:35pm
Sad to hear this Nadia Jamal. It is good that someone raised your story. There are hundreds of Pakistani who are treated with cruelty, unethically, and all has to pass through mental trauma. I hope this platform shall also highlight their issues.
M. Saeed Jul 05, 2021 06:45pm
In the first place, Nadia Jamil should have somebody with her to help, without expecting anything sure from BA .
well-wisher Jul 05, 2021 06:47pm
Bad experience. But you are a fighter. BA should look after all passengers as a duty. Were you travelling alone after cancer treatment?
Enlightened One Jul 05, 2021 06:54pm
This is truly heartbreaking! Show some decency and humanity, British Airways. Customer service still matters irrespective of who the customer is! Remember the customer is the reason that you exist!
Abid Ali Jul 05, 2021 07:12pm
This is, unfortunately, the real face of supposedly most advanced society which is otherwise portrayed as standard bearer of humanity. One of the most busy airports of the worlds replete with the so called human is, indeed empty and devoid of the humanity.
Yes Jul 05, 2021 07:33pm
Stop blaming civilised people!
Tanvir Khan Jul 05, 2021 07:41pm
In Germany as well, even 80-year-old women very often have to cope very patiently on their own, as there is no maasi or coolie culture here. For such cases as Nadia's, there are special travel insurances, like ADAC in Germany.
AJ Jul 05, 2021 07:53pm
I sympathize with her, but seems like the problems arose because of incomplete documents. Anyway, someone who is sick must be treated well and with empathy.
Ahmed Jul 05, 2021 08:07pm
@NoVoice You are really something. Sure the document may not have been all in place but are they not supposed to provide assistance to her to get outside to meet her party? They could call the airport assistance for that. It is as simple.
Parvez Jul 05, 2021 08:08pm
Travel is a stressful experience under normal conditions ....... your condition was certainly not normal and it was the ground staff of the airlines responsibility to assist you .. no matter what ...... and they failed.....MISERABLY.
Ad Jul 05, 2021 08:27pm
Its not british airways, it should be heathrow's responsibility to provide support to someone in a wheel chair.
Ehsan Jul 05, 2021 08:40pm
BA comes to Pakistan with a superiority complex. Last time I travelled on it they said that the reason they ran out of drinking water was that they don’t trust water from Pakistan yet they were some incompetent that they didn’t bring enough drinking water with them.
AKBAR ALI BIERBAL Jul 05, 2021 09:36pm
@M. Saeed Better to avoid travelling by British Airways ill treated company aviation to their passengers. Better voyage by AIR FRANCE very good service and take care the passengers as their eyes.
Ifti Malik Jul 05, 2021 11:15pm
Shame on BA .
Kaspar Jul 05, 2021 11:31pm
Highly condemnable.
Gamer Jul 06, 2021 02:15am
@Sameer and at home that is Pakistan
Touseef Jul 06, 2021 05:03am
@NoVoice and no shame as it’s not how one is treated in the west, customer service is a huge priority. British Airways messed up and they need to fix this. Let it be a teaching point for the rest of the air lines as well. We paid for service not negligence.
Khadija Haider Asif Jul 06, 2021 05:32am
@NoVoice Not everyone has close family or friends available at all times. And she was not in her home country. It is common etiquette/ikhlaq to help someone who is ill or physically incapacitated. Should we really be blaming someone for being weak and vulnerable rather than helping such a person?
Lily Jul 06, 2021 06:25am
And some time back on our own PIA, an air steward offered to take care of a crying baby when he saw the young mother struggling and managed to pacify the baby quite nicely too. It was not his duty to tend to babies, and yet. Empathy, out of the way help, and kindness is something we Pakistanis are used to getting and giving, but unfortunately somehow still take our own qualities as granted. These incidents and treatment by the "civilized" give us a huge lesson.
Cye Jul 06, 2021 08:01am
@NoVoice wait till this happens to you.
Amen Jul 06, 2021 08:34am
Classic victim card game without travel document.
FAZ Jul 06, 2021 10:24am
@Ahmed He is right. My uncle and auntie travel frequently to US and Australia. Their sons make sure to have all arrangements done like wheel chair and luggage assistance. And they are twice in age as Nadia. People expect professional attention and then they get one.
saeed Jul 06, 2021 11:51am
@Ahmed Spot on
saeed Jul 06, 2021 11:54am
@NoVoice Have some empathetic feelings. May be some of your close elder or sick person in the same position.
F Nawaz Jul 06, 2021 01:24pm
"We may need to confirm you are who you say you are by asking a couple more questions. Beth S." Doesn't sound like an apology. Besides, does it matter who she is?
Riaz Uddin Jul 06, 2021 02:42pm
The Airline’s attitude is some what callous and unforgettable! They must at least arrange help a sick lady!
Ash Jul 07, 2021 06:55pm
Why is she complaining all over if her travel documents were not in order? Its not BA' fault to provide him best possible hospitality if she turned up at the airport and his family left her without ensuring she has her boarding card issued or not. Stop ridiculing British Airways please.
Ash Jul 07, 2021 07:02pm
Those who travel often understand what is the scope of services offered by airlines and what is the responsibility of airport staff. She clearly is not a frequent traveler (that's why came to airport with incomplete travel documents) and now blaming airline for everything that went wrong!
Babar Ali Jul 07, 2021 10:32pm
So you are also among those who can't be treated in their own country?
Saf Jul 09, 2021 12:25pm
@NoVoice shame on you for such an inconsiderate and unkind comment.