
Celebrities call for #JusticeForNoor after 27-year-old's brutal murder

Celebrities call for #JusticeForNoor after 27-year-old's brutal murder

Mahira Khan, Mira Sethi and others expressed horror at the attack while highlighting how we fail women in Pakistan.
Updated 23 Jul, 2021

Celebrities are calling for #JusticeForNoor with a heavy heart and anger at the systems and attitudes that fail women such as Noor Mukadam every single day. The 27-year-old was was murdered at a residence in Islamabad's upscale Sector F-7/4 on Tuesday. Zahir Zakir was arrested for his involvement in the murder.

Many people took to Twitter to express their horror and anger in the aftermath of the gruesome murder. Actors, singers and public figures have also spoken up and shared their thoughts on the matter.

Mahira Khan

The actor used the hashtag #JusticeForNoor to share a tweet that highlights that the murder was gender-based violence.

Muniba Mazari

The public speaker commented via Instagram Story about how "[w]e live in a heartless, inhumane and unjust society."

She also used the hashtags #JusticeForSaima and #JusticeForQuratulain to remind her followers of the cases of Saima Ali and Quratulain Balouch — two women who were murdered by their husbands prior to Mukadam's killing.

Mira Sethi

The actor-writer shared an Instagram user's post to reflect their shared thoughts on the matter.

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Adnan Malik

The actor directed his Twitter posts towards men and asked them to "pause, take some time and introspect" about the "source of this misaligned, pent up rage" that leads to violence like this.

Aiman Khan

The actor used the hashtag #JusticeForNoor and shared a post that vilified people who justify rape and domestic violence.

Ahmed Ali Akbar

The actor also used the hashtag and prayed for the soul of the deceased.

Meesha Shafi

The singer posted a tweet that called out those who opposed the passing of the domestic violence bill. The law would have offered women state protection from domestic violence and oppression.

Osman Khalid Butt

The actor also took to Twitter to call out the perpetrators involved in the murder of Mukadam and other women.

Maheen Ghani

The designer called the killing "terrifying" and "devastating" on Instagram.

Nadia Hussain

The model called Mukadam's murder a "heinous crime" committed against women by "misogynistic men" and asked for justice for Mukadam and others.

These are dark times that have left many — especially women — feeling hopeless, angry and vulnerable. Acts of violence against women have become an every day occurrence and little is done by either the state or society to protect women against all forms of oppression. It is high time that the authorities wake up from their stupor and offer women the rights and protection they deserve as citizens of this country and human beings.


نعیم ںھائ Jul 22, 2021 04:33pm
What this lady was doing in zakir jaffar house ? Just like the pair caught red handed by usman mirza in a room ?
Ahmad Jul 22, 2021 04:38pm
We all call for justice for Noor. Please all be careful of your surroundings, don’t trust strangers or even non strangers. May Almighty protect all of Us. Ameen
Fastrack Jul 22, 2021 05:08pm
How come the poor and underprivileged never get 1% of this attention from these "celebrities"?
Fastrack Jul 22, 2021 05:11pm
Gruesome. But how come all the BIG red flags were ignored by everybody including both's parents and she herself?
Say no to political correctness Jul 22, 2021 05:28pm
Spending days at her boyfriend's house, doing drugs (the details are out now) and partying will have consequences. And no, she wasn't financially independent, like the fake news being spread. Just someone who was estranged with her parents, not married and living with them, and doing drugs. Pervy Pakistani men are bound to take advantage of this.
Ali Jul 22, 2021 05:56pm
How come no media outlet talks of the murderer’s family which is Jaffer Jee. Only Noor’s family is being mentioned.
D’Souza Jul 22, 2021 06:04pm
@نعیم ںھائ “What this lady was doing in zakir jaffar house ? Just like the pair caught red handed by usman mirza in a room ?” What’s that got to do with what she has said? You agree with the murder here don’t you.
D’Souza Jul 22, 2021 06:05pm
@Fastrack “ How come the poor and underprivileged …” The murdered woman was the daughter of a diplomat. This problem is affecting even your elite, nobody is safe in Pakistan.
D’Souza Jul 22, 2021 06:08pm
@Say no to political correctness “ Spending days at her boyfriend's house, doing drugs (the details are out now) and partying will have consequences” Ah so having a boyfriend partying and drugs means you’ll go and rape and kill women is it?
D’Souza Jul 22, 2021 06:09pm
@Say no to political correctness “ Spending days at her boyfriend's house, doing drugs (the details are out now) and partying will have consequences” Who have you the right to go and rape and murder? Even if a person does all that, who are you to murder? You mind your business understand ?
D’Souza Jul 22, 2021 06:09pm
@Say no to political correctness “ Pervy Pakistani men are bound to take advantage of this.” Men like yourself.
Subhan Jul 22, 2021 06:38pm
Pakistan is a Islamic Republic single women or men hold same responsibilities as any other to be vigilant of there surrounding. Chicago or New-York societies are not forgiven for those who decided to let them lose with drugs , consumption of alcohol or look for easy hook up or sex by taking off what they used to cover there body. Look no further than India turned into capital city or country of Rape in the world. Islam has clearly given us guidelines how women should be seen in public and not engaged any illicit relationship.
sidC Jul 22, 2021 06:45pm
@Say no to political correctness So all these thing justify her killing ?
Jawwad Jul 22, 2021 06:47pm
Celebrities are twisting the issue into women safety when in reality the real issue is about the drug use such as Methamphetamine and it's subsequent consequences.
WS Jul 22, 2021 06:51pm
@Say no to political correctness I don't know precisely what happened so I won't comment on that. But a murder is a murder and it must be legally sought with the offender hanged to death. Life for a life.
SachBol Jul 22, 2021 07:08pm
@نعیم ںھائ Regardless of what she was doing anywhere, this is a barbaric crime. Chopping off anyone’s head due to rage and vengeful is plainly cold blooded murder. Our society is always readily eager to blame the weaker sex.
Waldo Jul 22, 2021 07:25pm
@D’Souza stop boxing everyone by your dogma. This is an institutional problem, finger pointing with sharp replies serve you no good
Parvez Jul 22, 2021 07:34pm
Eventually it will come down to which side has more money and influence ...... our justice system has by its own performance made the common many cynical and our value system is such that many will blame the victim.
Saeed Anwar Jul 22, 2021 07:56pm
Why the hell is this being called a crime against women? This is simply a crime, a heinous crime. If we were to determine crimes against men then it will put to shame all the so called celebrities and non-celebrities. Why do we have to have gender based laws? A crime against another human being should just be treated as a crime and there should be punishments based on the severity of the crime.
Ali Jul 22, 2021 07:57pm
How hypocrite has become this society no one of these celebrities raised voice for Qurat Ul Ain of Hyderabad but for elite class lady they started pouring in condemnation
Dean Jul 22, 2021 07:59pm
Women don't have no value in Pakistan !!
Zeeshan Ahmed Jul 22, 2021 08:04pm
@Ali Totally agree!
Mansur Ul Haque Jul 22, 2021 08:13pm
Discussing women are safe in Pakistan or not wastage of time. Prosecute the killer and give him capital punishment as soon as possible. Why the rapist of Sialkot Motor way case has not been hanged to date? A lot of time has passed. We are waiting for execution of court order.
FARIDA RAHMAN Jul 22, 2021 08:52pm
It doesn't matter where she was and what she was doing, ( no one's business) , what matters is her right to life . If she was not desired he could throw her out but MURDER, no way justified.
Zak Jul 22, 2021 09:43pm
@نعیم ںھائ What this lady was doing in zakir jaffar house ? Just like the pair caught red handed by usman mirza in a room ? She was old school friend, probably went to say goodbye as criminal was travelling abroad. Instead, the maniac murdered the poor girl.
Ahmad Jul 22, 2021 10:17pm
@Say no to political correctness is partying or dating justification for murder? Stop shaming the victim.
Sane Mind1st Jul 22, 2021 11:23pm
See the expression on these so called celebrities' when they are expressing fake remorse. Pity that they use these incidents to stay in the news and relevance.
Riz Nasar Jul 22, 2021 11:30pm
@Subhan ... Yeah men can and women can't... wah what theory!
Chrís Dăn Jul 22, 2021 11:35pm
@نعیم ںھائ it does not justify the murder.
Chrís Dăn Jul 22, 2021 11:36pm
@Say no to political correctness nothing justifies the nurder of a human being.
Chrís Dăn Jul 22, 2021 11:39pm
@Jawwad it does not justify to murder her.
Ahsan Gul Jul 23, 2021 02:05am
Very inappropriate comments from non Pakistani citizen. Wonder their country is clean! Why Pakistani celebrities have to jump on this issue? Who thinks that government would not get involved? Let our police and other agencies handle it professionally please! Sincerely
Adeel Jul 23, 2021 03:35am
@نعیم ںھائ What a typical question to rationalise the crime, A girl is murdered and it doesn't matter why she went there...lets not save the murderers.
Irfan Huq Jul 23, 2021 04:53am
@Say n Do murderers have right to kill such persons is that what you're employing. A murder is a murder no matter whose murder is that there is no need to character assassination of a person who has already been murdered .
Aurat March Jul 23, 2021 07:46am
Certainly it is heinous and condemnable crime but there is a need to go to the root cause. Why has she been staying away from her home for as long as two days?
Ali da Malanga Jul 23, 2021 09:13am
It is indeed a sad incident and should be condemned by everyone. Along the same lines, why do these celebrities stay quiet when our soldiers are martyred?
Ibrahim Jul 23, 2021 09:16am
@نعیم ںھائ so instead of condemning the murders you somehow found a way to put the blame on the victims.
Sufia Jul 23, 2021 01:10pm
@نعیم ںھائ it doesn’t matter what she was doing. She was murdered and you’re still wanting to find a way to blame the victim
Maxx Jul 23, 2021 02:03pm
@Ahmad Why the top leadership is so silent on the matter!
Maxx Jul 23, 2021 02:06pm
@D’Souza When someone does drugs, they are in a different domain, anything can happen!
Maxx Jul 23, 2021 02:07pm
@Ali Very very valid observation! Money talks! Big business! Big ad money!
Maxx Jul 23, 2021 02:10pm
@Zak Mostly probably under influence of drugs!
Maxx Jul 23, 2021 02:11pm
@Saeed Anwar This is a crime exposing what the corrupt elite are doing to the society!
Ne Jul 23, 2021 05:24pm
@Saeed Anwar Just checking when was the last time a man in Pak was murdered by a woman for cheating, sleeping with other women, taking drugs, being out late at night, dressing inappropriately? If the statistics show that way more women are killed by men for reasons stated above then it is about gender and misogyny so don't try and mask for just another killing. It is a show of power and an attempt by men to put women in their place. Ignorance is bliss! Can I suggest you take a step back and reflect? The perpetrator is known for crime against women and is banned from the UK for rape. So yes it is gender based and it is crime against a woman
Rami Jul 23, 2021 07:44pm
Reform of justice system and police are needed, now,or these cases will raise! You can not expect justice with out accountability for all !
Arshad Khan Jul 24, 2021 11:25am
@Say no to political correctness Bravo! At last, someone has the courage to call a spade a spade
Amna Jul 24, 2021 01:02pm
@نعیم ںھائ they were in a relationship and their parents were aware of it.
Pakistani Jul 24, 2021 04:52pm
To those people whose response to this sick brutality is "what was she doing in his house": this is your takeaway from this story? Are you saying that this is the natural consequence of a woman being in a male acquaintance/friend's house? Are you yourselves in the habit of torturing, killing and beheading strange women if they enter your homes? Listen to yourselves. Try to feel outrage on behalf of this woman, on behalf of her family, on behalf of this nation. And get this straight: NO ONE could EVER deserve something like this.
Ali Alwa Jul 24, 2021 07:53pm
this is the big problem, just reading a few comments like what was she doing at that guy's place? be that it may, no one can disrespect the human body, like that? it's a senseless killing, Khansaheb & the so-called Islamic moral police will blame the woman, as usual, it's due to such crimes, Pakistan is a failing state...