
Twitter has had enough of PM Imran Khan's rape apologies

Twitter has had enough of PM Imran Khan's rape apologies

People are calling on the premier to stop victim blaming and giving rapists a free pass.
21 Jun, 2021

Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke about rape and "temptation" in a recent interview with Jonathan Swan for Axios and no one is happy with what he said.

Lo and behold.

For clarity's sake, here a transcript of the part of his interview that concerns rape.

JS: You were asked about the epidemic of sexual violence and rape in Pakistan and you acknowledged the seriousness of the problem and you spoke about Pakistan’s strict laws. You were also quoted as saying that the practice of women wearing veils “is to stop temptation not every man has willpower”. You said on increasing vulgarity, it will have consequences and you were accused of rape victim blaming. How do you respond to that?

IK: It is such nonsense. I never said veils, this was never said. I said the concept of purdah and the concept of purdah is to avoid temptation in society. We don’t have discos here, we don’t have nightclubs, so it is a completely different society, way of life here, so if you raise temptation in society to the point and all these young guys have nowhere to go, it has consequences in the society.

JS: Do you think what women wear has any effect? That this is part of that temptation?

IK: If a woman is wearing very few clothes it will have an impact, it will have an impact on the men, unless they’re robots. I mean it’s common sense

JS: But will it really provoke acts of sexual violence?

IK: It depends on which society you live in. If in a society where people haven’t seen that sort of thing, it will have an impact on them. If you grow up in a society like you, maybe it won’t on you. This cultural imperialism, whatever is in our culture, must be acceptable to everyone else, it’s not.

JS: Forgive me, when you were a cricket star, you were seen as a playboy, there were photos of you with your shirts off in your bedroom.

IK: This is not about me.

JS: You’re the messenger.

IK: It’s about my society. My priority is how my society behaves, what reactions are caused in my society. So when I see sex crimes going through the roof, we sit down and discuss how are we going to tackle this. It is having an impact in my society.

Obviously, social media didn't take this well.

PM Imran has been under fire for his views on rape previously as well, and as a result, has come to be viewed as a rape apologist and misogynist. His recent comments have added fuel to the already raging fire and Twitter has erupted in criticism.

Mosharraf Zaidi spelled it out for everyone.

Journalist Gharidah Farooqi described her reaction to the premier's words as "disgusted," "appalled" and "outraged."

Journalist Shahmir Sanni didn't see the PM's justification as legit. "Nearly every woman that has been raped in Pakistan has worn what he would prescribe as modest clothing," he wrote.

So, what is the country saying about the PM?

That perhaps he doesn't understand what cultural imperialism is.

Or he doesn't realise that out of control men are the problem.

That he's made a threat to the women of the country.

He's a rape apologist who hates women.

Here's victim blaming 101 with PM Imran

Does he believe Pakistan should have a dress code?

People say we're paying the price for his own guilt.

Others say comments like his are just a defence of the right to rape.

Why aren't men offended?

"Archiac mentality" sounds about right.

Maybe if his logic is presented back to him in a different context, he will see where he's wrong?

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the premier has said something problematic and it likely won't be the last. What we have learned though is that he doesn't seem to listen to public outcry much.


Umair Jun 21, 2021 04:09pm
Maybe someone in his media team should stop him from giving such absurd interviews. Few years ago PTI was thought of as a party of Liberals and what has it become now
Anwar Jun 21, 2021 04:10pm
In another news segment a 15year old was raped and an 8 year old almost raped. A minor raped repeatedly by a mufti. Veiled, clothes, too few clothes, no clothes; none of it matters. RAPE IS A CRIME IRRESPECTIVE OF CIRCUMSTANCES PERIOD!
Umar Farooq Jun 21, 2021 04:41pm
PM IK will never learn from his mistakes , or his understanding is so naive.
Asghar Jun 21, 2021 04:45pm
IK has pointed out the truth, it must be accepted.
funnyman Jun 21, 2021 04:47pm
This is so called Riyast Madina? Where men who rape are not the fault but women, children and maderrsah students are at fault for getting raped? What kind of Islam did he learn? Where is Islam does he think the blame lies on women and not rapists?
Multani Jun 21, 2021 05:03pm
IK is correct, he does not justify rape but what leads to it, veiled women are protected , encourage purdah, our society has these mechanism, western societies have none.
Daniel Schofield Jun 21, 2021 05:12pm
Shame on PMIK for disgusting remarks.
LgbtqX Jun 21, 2021 05:12pm
Zia era is back.
Multani Jun 21, 2021 05:13pm
IK rightly suggests modestly dressed women less likely to face rape,less clothing is invitation for disaster as men will be men, no control,, see in India the rape capital of the world, western dressing brought this rape epidemic, no such problem in Saudi Arabia as gender segregation.
Just Saying Jun 21, 2021 05:17pm
Imran Khan, just acknowledge that you are a human being and people around you affect your thoughts. Did you not think for second before speaking about the subject? Just apologize and explain what you mean before these ‘ media personalities’ use it to revive their remunerations. Reasons of vulgarity in Pakistan is not women wearing revealing clothing but access to **X movies with a lot less knowledge, law enforcement and ethics. Not equal rights for everyone gives rights to some and they become savages.
Jm Jun 21, 2021 05:19pm
This is disgusting. He blamed the victims. And he blamed me. I'm a man. Why should I be described in such a horrid manner? Am I out to rape a woman who dresses "less"? I hate this sort of accusation.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 21, 2021 05:22pm
In my view, PM's answer relating to morality and hijab was correct and, only those who are in favour of having advance liberalism in Pakistan will make unjust noises. Such people are hypocrites, opportunists and looking for cheap publicity through different channels. Be aware of them!
Mansoor K. Jun 21, 2021 05:23pm
This was such a 'gotta question'. There is no good answer for it. PMIK should have asked him for the next question.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad/bhaRAT Jun 21, 2021 05:28pm
Then those men need help. Woman is not supposed to be raped if she is scantily dressed.
Common Man Jun 21, 2021 05:28pm
Where is the outrage? This is the result of mixing religion with politics. IK needs to resign
TZaman Jun 21, 2021 05:30pm
Is our PM in senses?
Aly Jun 21, 2021 05:32pm
These people only comment on this topic. PM lands in trouble? By these single-sighted online comments? All these views are out of context and irrelevant. It's not about victim blaming. You have a societial norms that have not developed overnight, and absolutly not online. It's about your own safety and security by abiding by the norms of the society you live in. Its about cultural imperialism. You cannot seperate a single aspect and impose on a society where it does not belong. If you want freedom of dress or no dress, the whole fabric of the society needs shift. You live like people live in a certain society. Even in west, people don't walk in the street in a dress they wear on the beach. Why? It's about fitting where you are...
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 21, 2021 05:35pm
Simply, no advance liberalism in Pakistan, we have to protect our religious and cultural values. This will be a setback for some liberal people but majority will not allow such disgraceful changes in our society.
Imran Jun 21, 2021 05:36pm
Imran Khan does not condone violence against women. These people on twitter, facebook or whatever social media platform they use need to calm down. Try not to get overly excited about something that was not actually said.
Ben Melbourne Jun 21, 2021 05:40pm
Ghabrana nahi hai
Changez Khan Jun 21, 2021 05:47pm
So what's wrong what he said, it is true. If woman shows herself off she is inviting ...
Sikander Mirza Jun 21, 2021 05:49pm
If I can only get my vote for PTI back and burn it in front of Bani Gala.
Asad K Jun 21, 2021 05:57pm
You all are taking PM's comment out of context , obviously its the fault of rapist for sure if he commit the act or even tries. At the same time its important for women to dress modestly and don't give any one the opportunity to do anything wrong to them. In any case it will be fault of the person who commit the crime so women are not to be blamed but what is their social/moral responsibility is the question. These are 2 different things , stop playing feminist's card for nothing and blaming the PM. He does more for women's freedom then anyone else. Stop falling into the hands of a western media person stirring up controversy with his controversial questions.
Captain Jun 21, 2021 05:57pm
I agree with PM as same is the teaching of Islam as well to hide your body. What’s wrong in statement?
Khan Jun 21, 2021 06:04pm
100% agree with IK! Liberals pls take a hike!
A Khan Jun 21, 2021 06:07pm
PM is absolutely correct and said nothing wrong. We are proud of our tradition of purdah and our religion promotes it for a reason. It does not mean veil but it means dressing modestly. Improper dressing leads to objectification which can lead to psychological disorders. Sex crimes can be a manifestation of these disorders in some cases. All these so called intellectuals are nothing more than colonized minds.
Ali da Malanga Jun 21, 2021 06:08pm
PM "landed into trouble" because a few people didn't like his comments and they tweeted. That is some criteria of labeling someone's actions. Those who are writing editorials from their desks should grab their mics and start asking people from all walks of life what they think to get a better idea.
Zak Jun 21, 2021 06:13pm
PMIK just commented what is in line with Islam, safety through modesty. Nothing wrong with that. Infact, he was protecting women's right.
Fastrack Jun 21, 2021 06:13pm
The hate some pitiable souls have for IK has blinded them. HE is the man who has introduced the strictest of punishments for rapists. While these wannabe liberals OPPOSED that.
Fastrack Jun 21, 2021 06:14pm
"Lands in trouble.." What trouble?
asim Jun 21, 2021 06:15pm
"and no one is happy with what he said....." Seems like Dawn is not happy with what he said.
Fastrack Jun 21, 2021 06:22pm
Good to see its nothing but the same half-wit haters taking things out of context to have their cheap shots at IK. He has said it earlier, he meant vulgarity on media causes sexual frustration, the media which these geniuses should know is male dominated.
Andherr Nagri Jun 21, 2021 06:26pm
Either the PM is ignorant of these perverted men in our society or he doesn't care to do something about it, it is apparent in his silence and lack of condemnation whenever such incidents occur, this also includes the religious leaders. Complete silence!
Truth be told Jun 21, 2021 06:37pm
It takes two to quarrel, similarly barely clad ladies will invite trouble but without aggressive, sexual perverts are not trained to behave or de-balled, rape cannot be prevented.
korakagez Jun 21, 2021 06:39pm
You do not like the comments because it does not pleases you.
KJ Jun 21, 2021 06:39pm
IK has not only treated women as trash, but he has also branded all men as potential rapists. In short, this guy needs basic education.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Jun 21, 2021 06:42pm
Imrankhan is right. People who commented against Imran Khan are hypocrite and do not want to hear scientific truth. Men are not robots and that is fact nothing against women.
Rock-'n'-roll Jun 21, 2021 06:44pm
People including women wear clothes for modesty, pardah and hejab in societies is to preserve modesty. If women wear clothing alien to these norms there would be men who will become interested or obsessed and some with weak impulse control could cross boundaries. Women not to be blamed but why give temptation to weak minds and weirdos ?
cofcol Jun 21, 2021 06:46pm
This is reality. Why would someone have problem with that?
Rock-'n'-roll Jun 21, 2021 06:49pm
Every feminist or sympathetic to the cause knows in heart of hearts that in a conservative society provoking clothing could entice weak minds and weirdos.
Atif Dar Jun 21, 2021 06:50pm
There is nothing in what he said, it is in accordance with our religion. Men should lower their gaze and women should dress modestly
Malik Jun 21, 2021 06:53pm
All the Pakistani women that I have met in my life are blind supporters of Imran Khan. So if Imran Khan is talking against girls then why almost 99.99% are still following Imran Khan?.
Nasir S. Jun 21, 2021 07:04pm
So are you saying then that robbery happens because people flaunt their wealth? I don't seen women displaying skin in Pakistan over above what is already available on the net by click of a mouse.
Waheed Noor Jun 21, 2021 07:04pm
S Arabia is becoming more liberal and we are going the other way. Maintaining equilibrium in the Universe.
Waheed Noor Jun 21, 2021 07:04pm
@Aly Yea only people like you defend him.
FS Jun 21, 2021 07:05pm
@Aly completely agree. You need a society shift before a woman with less clothes isn’t stared at. Pakistani society still stares at this as they are not used to it, so how can you expect them to get used it it. I don’t see if he made a link of rape to inappropriate clothes and there are pros and cons- some women do attract by alluring attire but it can’t be generalised. Similarly, beach culture sensitises people in the west and they are used to this kind of dressing.
well-wisher Jun 21, 2021 07:05pm
PMIK is right in some way because women exposing their bodies invite attention which sometimes contribute. Women must play a contributory positive role in curbing the crimes. Decency line must not be crossed. Bollywood is a sad contributor.
Javid abbas Jun 21, 2021 07:06pm
So as a doctor if I see my lady patient half naked,I have right to rape her.
Waheed Noor Jun 21, 2021 07:06pm
@Khan You mean all sane people should take a hike and leave Pakistan for crazies like you?
Omair Jun 21, 2021 07:07pm
Rape is a unilateral act of violence, a woman under no condition is responsible for it. Ashamed that this guy is PM of the country.
M. Mushtaq Ahmed Jun 21, 2021 07:07pm
Truth hurts to so-called liberals.
Ali Nasir Jun 21, 2021 07:07pm
@Aly Great reply. I totally agree with you. The society matters alot. Absolutely, people in the west do not put on such clothes which are inappropriate for the society. In our country, so called enlightened women thinks freedom means no "dopata", no "parda". And today a new slogan is circulating in our society that; "men need to lower their eyes". We are like this and remain like this. Such a pathetic pretext to cover their tracks.
Pursuit Jun 21, 2021 07:08pm
Never vote hypocrites
D’Souza Jun 21, 2021 07:09pm
@Anti-Corruption_Pakistani “… we have to protect our religious and cultural values…” You do know that your people watch the most porn in the world and that too child porn, as admitted by your own human rights minister?
KAZ Jun 21, 2021 07:15pm
Those who are against IK. We all know what are they coming from.
KAZ Jun 21, 2021 07:16pm
Modernity doest mean nudity. Sex with consensus is also rape.
KAZ Jun 21, 2021 07:18pm
Nudity is an open invitation but also ban tik tok and snack video.
Imran Shafi Jun 21, 2021 07:18pm
عمران خان نے ایسا کیا غلط کہہ دیا
Pursuit Jun 21, 2021 07:19pm
Never vote a hypocrite
Qaiser Jun 21, 2021 07:20pm
The PM is right for a change.
Asad K Jun 21, 2021 07:22pm
@Sikander Mirza , bro stop being dramatic. Read carefully between the lines and stop falling for false propaganda. Change will come with time , great nations build over time. Read some history and then compare , there is no overnight success in anything.
Naeem Jun 21, 2021 07:33pm
@Sikander Mirza Would you allow women of your family to go out in the street dressed like women in Europe, in particular, what they wear in Summer. If not, then why not ?
Nawaz Jun 21, 2021 07:53pm
Such a sick society we live in that educated and journalists don't understand what PM is saying. Is it because of the PR? What he meant is very simple. If a women comes out wearing bikini in the streets of Paris then nevermind, the ppls are used to of that culture. If same thing happens in Peshawar then? This is what he meant. As simple is this. Women and feminist in Pakistan are also so called weak. They get offended so easily.
KJ Jun 21, 2021 08:02pm
IK, is that why you also don't wear scanty clothes, like the way you used to in UK? Are you afraid that women may attack you?
Khan Jun 21, 2021 08:05pm
Pornography and sexualization of Women on Media is one of the reasons. But women who wear too few cloths are not the victims but other women (and young boys) who are in the target of Molester, Raper, out of control men are. As men excited by thoughts of sex due to porn or women in media or on the road with minimal cloths. Men then take their frustration of easy targets around them. Ofcourse Men are responsible and should be in control. But other catalysts such as easy access to pornography and vulger clothing of women should also be discouraged in Pakistani society. In western world this is not the case as there are night clubs and open society, men can easily hookup with women.
Amin Jun 21, 2021 08:21pm
For once Imran Khan is absolutely right.
Tauji M Jun 21, 2021 08:25pm
IK surely is the best thing to have happened to Pakistan. He beats Gen Zia by miles. What an enlightened leader for riyasate Medina.
SidC Jun 21, 2021 08:26pm
@Naeem Every Pakistani Muslim dream to move western countries with there families and want to raise there daughters in western society .But they want Pakistan to be Islam ka Kila and any western values are unacceptable and sinful. Hypocrisy at the peak when it’s comes to Pakistani Muslim.
Bila Jun 21, 2021 08:45pm
Ik just beat the air. Simple answer to this question is " Islam orders men to put their gaze down while women too shouldn't wear unethical dress. Furthermore it's not such a big news, Dawn just mentioned some tweets of some liberals it should have mentioned the supporters of the narrative too who are much more in number than these.
mazhar Jun 21, 2021 08:45pm
"words can be easily weaponized" media has that sorta power
SAA Jun 21, 2021 08:46pm
There is something very wrong with a person who cannot control his sexual urges and resorts to rape. No matter how many veil a woman wears she is not safe from such sickos. They must be locked up instead of our PM becoming their apologist. Shameful and disgraceful stance of our PM on such a sensitive issue.
mazhar Jun 21, 2021 08:47pm
@TZaman are you?
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Jun 21, 2021 08:56pm
I agree with PM Imran whom I respect since 1993 when he came to Kuwait to get money for his cancer hospital and I am one the committee members entrusted by Ambassador Karamatullah Khan Ghori to raise money for hospital but I disagree as well with PM Imran despite the fact I was his PRO in Kuwait and ate lunch with him hosted in his honor by HE Sheikh Naser Al Sabah son of late Amir HH Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah. No denying the hard fact that absolutely man is to blamed more than woman simply because a man becomes too inquisitive and goes even after the woman who is clad in burqa so the argument that loose dress of a lady attracts a man is half-cooked truth. However, let me say in very loud and crystal clear terms devoid of any ifs and buts that loose dress of lady attracts men but thereby a man is not issued a license to even go after her forget about rape her. Concludingly the men are to prove as human not animals and women also dress up modestly.
Faisal Jun 21, 2021 09:03pm
Dude, the simple thing he is trying to imply is if you leave the door open while you are not at the house, someone will be tempted to steal and it will *partly* be your fault. Yes, the person who steals must be punished but you will also be accused of being careless. Why is that so tough to understand for these liberals?
AH Jun 21, 2021 09:05pm
@Anwar He wasn't a minor, looks like early twenties
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 21, 2021 09:06pm
Is there any politician in the whole world especially those heading a government of 225 million people and a land double the size of Britain and France put together, who is not in trouble?
Zubia Jun 21, 2021 09:06pm
So essentially Pakistani men are animals. We always knew that but it’s nice to be confirmed by the packs leader.
N_Saq Jun 21, 2021 09:07pm
Just like on education, IK is wrong here too. In the West they have figured it out that rape has nothing to do with clothing and more to do with enforcement of the law. People are not afraid in Pak because in Pak no one ever get punished. Pakistanis mentality is also to blame because in Pak instead of focusing on the crime, the Pakistanis start focusing on the victim i.e. what were they wearing, was it late at night, did they leave the door open etc etc, while the criminals sit around and enjoy the chatter. Make the law supreme and start punishing rich and poor alike and see how quickly the attitudes will change otherwise you can take all the measure you want but there will be still rapes, killings, robberies, bribes etc etc.
AH Jun 21, 2021 09:12pm
PMIK is not blaming the victims or siding with rapist's.
Sarfaraz Jun 21, 2021 09:13pm
Classic example of Andho me kana raja.
Erum Aziz Jun 21, 2021 09:22pm
@TZaman Why what happend to him?
Erum Aziz Jun 21, 2021 09:26pm
You want to live like Western you must go there and start living their life. PERIOD
Erum Aziz Jun 21, 2021 09:38pm
A man becomes rapist only when possibilities are there.
Vijay B. Jun 21, 2021 10:04pm
@Multani "Encourage Purdah" Yes! Sounds like a brilliant idea! But, make men and women both to observe purdah to be extra safe and cover all bases. Be prepared for a surge in tourism and FDI.
Aurat March Jun 21, 2021 10:36pm
Rape cannot be justified in whatsoever is the situation. Although there is no doubt that revealing clothes may tempt people and these does not only include males but females could also be tempted equally. Style apart, there is a need for code of conduct in dressing. We can't allow nude beaches here.
A shah Jun 21, 2021 10:39pm
Scary to think this man is in charge
A shah Jun 21, 2021 10:40pm
So the 8 year old and her 15 year old sister who was raped? It was their fault for not being covered head to toe?
Mir Jun 21, 2021 11:04pm
@Captain what do say about a Mullah molesting a student.Was the dressed improperly.
D’Souza Jun 21, 2021 11:45pm
Best thing the Pakistani men can do is wear an opaque burqa over their head themselves so that they cannot see anything. All problem solved.
M.Sethi Jun 21, 2021 11:55pm
It's correct what he said. Fully endorse his point of view. Dressing does have a trigger impact on the human 5 senses
Ali Jun 22, 2021 12:01am
To all those who disagree with IK, I have 2 comments 1. He is entitled to give his opinion. You may agree or disagree with him but that doesn’t mean you are right and he is wrong or that he is right and you are wrong. He shared his opinion just as you all can share yours. One of the biggest problems I see with fellow Pakistanis is that it is always ‘my was or the highway’ and ‘I’m right and you are wrong’. Please Change that mentality 2. He never said that the ONLY reason for rape is skimpy dressing. He said it is ONE of the reasons in a society like ours where sexual frustration are borne and cannot be properly channeled (various reasons for that but would be too lengthy to discuss here) …..again please re read the excerpt of the conversation and don’t jump to conclusions
Javed Jun 22, 2021 12:16am
What Imran said is the Simple Truth, but politically incorrect to say. Pass, is always a better answer.
Ibrahim Jun 22, 2021 12:21am
If you get robbed because you have money in your wallet - that’s you fault . Women should dress up like the First Lady , covered from head to toe in compliance with sharia .
Ibrahim Jun 22, 2021 12:24am
@Erum Aziz - few weeks ago you sided with wearing hijab in western country . You can advise them to leave western countries as well.
Anum Sheikh Jun 22, 2021 12:28am
CIA assets in media and other parts being activated.
Ibrahim Jun 22, 2021 12:29am
@AH - So , he had to say something.
Kaleem Jun 22, 2021 12:40am
@Changez Khan, if a man is wearing shorts in summers, is he inviting opposite gender? Women can feel the heat too. Plus it be cultural thing. Not everything has to be done to attract or woo opposite gender. P.S. I do not support indecent dresses.
Danyal hussain Jun 22, 2021 01:33am
@Fastrack what laws? Why are their still rape cases in madarsahs? Hmmmm
Pakistani Jun 22, 2021 02:05am
He is absolutely right
Sara Jun 22, 2021 02:09am
I dont see a problem in Imran khan answer. Vulgarity is a contributing factor. Its not the only factor and i dont think he said it was the only factor. The question was directed to him on veils so he had to answer that. Look at india where nudity and vulgarity has become common and look at the rape numbers. If u want to try following that pakistan, go ahead.
Twisted Tales Jun 22, 2021 02:09am
Visionary PM of this universe
Kashmiri Jun 22, 2021 02:27am
Nothing wrong with IK's comment on dressing modestly. We are an Islamic Republic and have our own values and culture. Even west has limitations on certain acts that you can/cannot do in public then why cant we define our own limits. People blaming IK for having double standards is not true. His own ex-wife dressed modestly when she lived in Pakistan.
Ds Jun 22, 2021 02:50am
@Multani firstly you should be put in purdah for ever else some maulvi may get tempted.
Malik Jun 22, 2021 03:15am
Imran khan lost it. I’m not sure he will win next election. Bilawal has more chances now.
Malik Jun 22, 2021 03:16am
What PM says about Islamic cleric raping children???
Toni Jun 22, 2021 03:38am
Everyone who commented here wanted their opinion to be PURE, Special and Imperial; wow, such piety is nothing but shallow publicity stunt and for personal rating. Bottom line "men are inherently potential rapists" and few women too; rest RAPE IS AN INHUMANE ACT! We all know what PMIK said and meant; modesty in everything dress and behaviour of both men and women; control your flirtatious and seductive behaviour; act of RAPE is a mental sickness and is inhumane, regardless.
LgbtqX Jun 22, 2021 04:47am
@Naeem Then why migrate to the West.
John Jun 22, 2021 05:32am
Rape is not a reflection of clothes etc. It is a reflection of a male chauvinist society which sees women as objects of desire and to be subdued and abused sexually
Zaid Jun 22, 2021 05:47am
Love u IK. He is correctly saying and following Islam. Women must be covered. There is no debate on that.
Akil Akhtar Jun 22, 2021 06:30am
He has stated the facts unlike the west which likes to live in some kind of political correct rubbish....It does not mean it justifies any violence...
TPA Jun 22, 2021 06:40am
Qureshi and IKan are really taking pakistan for a royal ride.
Jawad Jun 22, 2021 06:49am
Why is everyone taking things out of context. Pls listen to the question again. He responded to the interviewers question about parda issue when it was misquoted. Rape issue has to be discussed in detail and openly to target the root cause. Stop foolishly blaming Prime minister about his comments. There is a reason he is The Prime Minister and you all have nothing to do but to fuel the society with your irrational understanding of a simple statement.
Aurat March Jun 22, 2021 07:53am
As always, he has once again been misinterpreted by many. Just ask yourself whether he is supporting the rape or defining one of its causes?
Irfan Huq Jun 22, 2021 08:13am
@Multani Does rape happen in Saudi Arabia?
Irfan Huq Jun 22, 2021 08:17am
@Imran Listen to the interview again and again.
Babar Ali Jun 22, 2021 08:42am
"Mera jism meri marzi" kind of people would never understand what PM Khan has said in his interview. Their brains are just corroded an d eyes are blinded with Western way of life and therefore unable to see what modesty is in reality and the respect it attracts.
Syed Irfan Ali Jun 22, 2021 11:23am
IK needs counselling.
Master Jun 22, 2021 11:50am
This guy is a fake.
haid Jun 22, 2021 12:30pm
@Multani yet western societies are safer than islamic one
v Jun 22, 2021 12:35pm
Pakistani women should come out and sit outside PM office till he take his words back. You cannot change an old guys sick thinking but you can pressurize him to talk sense.
F Nawaz Jun 22, 2021 12:42pm
Its a serious issue and these tweets have nothing constructive to say. Where is the discussion? Tweeting in self-righteous outrage is why nothing will change.
Naveed Khan Jun 22, 2021 12:44pm
I'm not astonished at what Imran says about scrumpy clothes of women but I'm astonished that such a superficial man was once the prince of the millions women's dream around the world.
Faisal Ahmad Jun 22, 2021 02:04pm
A person who has a formal degree in Public speaking from Oxford should be able to answer such questions well and diplomatically. Iam shocked to see and hear what sort of a goof he is.
Uddin Jun 22, 2021 03:52pm
Wow what a breaking news ! Like the masses care what Twitter says !
Naseer Jun 22, 2021 04:19pm
what is wrong with his statement, saying that less clothing is one factor out of many factors that cause rape and sexual violence, that does not justify this appalling act, it has nothing to do on putting blame on victim, he has just stated the ground reality of our society where people with less clothing and without veil are more vulnerable to sexual assault than those who wear burqas, it does not justify the those who act in this way but it is reality of our society, so the point is that while living in our society one should not pretend like living in New york, but should know the limitation of our society and live accordingly to stay safe, and there is nothing harm in it.
Safiullah Safi Jun 22, 2021 05:22pm
Rape is a crime .our government should take seriously this issue every month you have seen these prosecutions
Hammad Siddique Jun 22, 2021 05:55pm
That doesn't give men a license to do such things
Chota Jun 22, 2021 11:13pm
Liberally corrupt people are here
Ka Jun 23, 2021 12:55am
@Multani ok so should men also do Pardah, because the question was about increased repe crime, not about Pardah, men are getting raped these days
Parsa Jun 23, 2021 01:56am
@Imran Shafi Your namesake tends to blame women for getting raped and absolves men who rape.
Aysha Jun 23, 2021 06:46pm
Reading most of the comments , I have realised in pakistan liberalism means “ naked women “ that’s what they understand of the word.
M.Tabish Siddiqui Jun 24, 2021 11:17am
@Common Man this is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Remember & Islam is a complete code of life.
Zulfiqar Jun 25, 2021 02:38am
PM has pointed out why rape exists in society. It’s not the only reason. It might be part of the overall problem. He could have expanded more and explain his thinking a bit more so that the liberal brigade can understand. Unemployment, illiteracy, hopelessness, drug abuse, inflation, no law and order, corrupt officials, etc all serve as fuel to the fire of frustration and discontent in society. This fire manifests itself in the form of social evils such as rape, subjugation, slavery, abuse, etc.
Khakan Jun 28, 2021 01:27am
@Umair What is absurd about it . Think and you will realize that it may not be politically correct but it sure is factual
Khakan Jun 28, 2021 01:28am
@Anwar please stop taking it out of context He is not condoning any sexual assault