
Nadia Jamil calls out NADRA for delaying her adopted daughter Nuri’s medical visa paperwork

Nadia Jamil calls out NADRA for delaying her adopted daughter Nuri’s medical visa paperwork

The actor is currently in the UK for her sons' education while Nuri is in Pakistan with her grandmother.
06 Sep, 2022

Actor Nadia Jamil has been quite vocal about her struggles on social media, including troubles that come the adoption process in Pakistan. She is facing another issue with her daughter Nuri’s medical visa paperwork and is asking for help.

On Monday, she shared a photo with her captioned, “I love her. I miss her. Nadra, you didn’t make a single paper for her this time. I waited endlessly. Requesting whoever can help me get Nuri’s guardianship certificate, bay form and passport made and help me apply for a medical visa for her. No child should have to be away from her mother. Especially if she has a medical condition.”

The Damsa actor explained that she has to be in the UK for her sons’ schooling. Meanwhile, her daughter is with her paternal grandmother in Pakistan.

“It’s been over a year since I adopted her. And I’m still struggling with the paper work. She was meant to be assessed by eye doctors in the UK by this October. I’m am going to keep trying,” Jamil wrote, hoping they’d be reunited soon. “My baby is a champion, a warrior and a delicious munchkin. Like her Mama. Keep us both in your prayers. Please.”

She also shared a group photo with five of her foster sons and introduced them to her followers. She told them about where Sabir, Ali Rashid, Azaad, Talha and Ali Shakir came from, their earliest memories, their professions and their trauma. She talked about where they are now, how each one is unique in his own way and what they are aiming for professionally after completing their education.

“I will not risk these boys of mine being subjected to rejection and abandonment again. The one thing they [thirst] for in life is being important in someone’s life. A sense of significance. And they are so very important to me. Deeply so. They inspire me and teach me. They lean in to laughter and healing. They are strong warriors and nurturers,” she wrote.

Adding that no child should ever need to be as strong as they have had to be, she said it’s a shame we expect so much resilience from our kids. “They have more resilience than most adults I know. They should be playing and being given opportunities to enjoy learning, developing relationships and being loved. Instead, they fight hard to survive loneliness and past traumas. My foster sons are my pride and heart’s joy,” she concluded.


Syed A. Mateen Sep 06, 2022 03:12pm
The whole system of government departments is collapsed as no body want to work free, unless the palms of the staff are greased, despite the fact that required fee is already paid to expedite the application. Would the incumbent chairman of Nadra trace her application from the system to expedite the job without any further delay.
Adoption is not accepted Sep 06, 2022 03:34pm
Adoption is invalid and should be avoided. People should follow what is right. It is not acceptable. Any educated person in Pak can explain this.
Zak Sep 06, 2022 04:11pm
These delays would not happen under PTI government
Ehsan Sep 06, 2022 07:22pm
More strength to such amazing special people with angelic qualities. Rest of us just lecture each other what’s right IR wrong
M Nasir Sep 06, 2022 08:07pm
@Zak She has been trying for a year. Come out of your PTI worshipping cocoon.
Alexa Sep 07, 2022 02:19am
You are a brave woman. May your family prosper.
AJ Sep 07, 2022 03:43am
@Adoption is not accepted not sure what you are going on about…..
Ali Mehdi Sep 07, 2022 05:28am
What a marvellous job you are doing Nadia. More power to you
Omamah Khan Sep 07, 2022 05:28am
Nadra wake up
Omamah Khan Sep 07, 2022 05:29am
If this is PTI time of government, you should have complianed on PM Portal and someone would have replied you back in week time and action by now would have been taken...I have tried this personally...
krishna singh Sep 07, 2022 08:22am
Respect to this lady who is making life of 5 innocent kid to the life every kid deserves.. we have same.problems and we need such good people everywhere.
zahid Sep 07, 2022 10:52am
wake up Nadra. Good work Nadia