
For a short while, Paris Hilton cared for dying children in Gaza

For a short while, Paris Hilton cared for dying children in Gaza

The American socialite tweeted in support of Palestine, but deleted it in favour of a more 'neutral' sentiment.
18 May, 2021

Socialite and media personality Paris Hilton has made yet another headline but perhaps not for something she wants to make headlines for. She voiced her support for Palestinian people as Israel ramps up attacks against the people of the occupied state, only to later delete her post and stand with "both sides".

The poster girl for the luck of birth made her initial tweet with a share of the Middle East Eye's report on a 10-year-old Palestinian victim of Israel's colonial aspirations. The victim in question was a girl who saw her neighbourhood struck by Israeli missiles, where eight children and two women died. She couldn't keep herself from tearing up while speaking of the tragedy.

"This hurts my heart," said Hilton. "No one should have to live in fear," she asserted, saying her heart goes out to the little girl and the other children around her.

The tweet was then taken down supposedly when the realisation that the powers that be might not appreciate her thought occurred, or more likely, revealed to her. She deleted the tweet, replacing it with this.

Criticism of this replacement of sentiments has since erupted on social media.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, a Kuwaiti-American journalist, wondered why Hilton did so. He then answered his own question, regretfully admitting, "Because there is a consequence to supporting Palestinian dignity and right to life in the US."

Miqdaad Versi, a director for media monitoring at the Muslim Council of Britain, also wondered why the tweet was retracted.

Users used the incident as a reminder to just how significant celebrities talking about the matter is for mass awareness.

This user called the updated tweet 'hogwash'.

There is a cost to pay for speaking up against the Israeli state in the western world, it is clear. What is also clear is that notable westerners speaking on the matter is genuinely viewed as a threat by the Zionists, as made evident by the Israeli government's slander of Bella Hadid.


Anti-Corruption_Pakistani May 18, 2021 01:48pm
Taking her first tweet down indicates that she didn't want to upset Zionists, in case, they decide to take revenge. As TRUTH always bitter to swallow.
Jaredlee007 May 18, 2021 02:13pm
A screwed up white American is now trying to show her soft side. Only liberated people support human rights fearlessly.
Ahmad May 18, 2021 02:25pm
ley start #boycottHiltonhotel trend and let her know we can also hurt the wallet
Brownflower May 18, 2021 02:28pm
She spends a lot time with rich princes. Probably posted that tweet to impress her Arab clients.
Asif May 18, 2021 06:16pm
And we are the biggest market for their products.
well-wisher May 18, 2021 06:41pm
Is this the extent of sincerity and truth? Think of humanity that is aggressively and brutally hurt. Shame on such celebs.
Practical May 19, 2021 05:11am
It was a marketing gimmick/opportunity for Paris Hilton to sell more of her cosmetics. As she grows older the glamour has gone or is going. So only thing now left is be sympathetic and sell more.
nk May 19, 2021 10:13am
"later deleted it in favour of a more 'neutral' sentiment." Nothing is worse than a biased or dictated comment.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 19, 2021 06:04pm
When the going gets tough and the surroundings get rough, only the toughest and roughest get going.
Sana May 20, 2021 06:54am
her account her choice her freedom to change her mind none of anyone's business
JFG May 20, 2021 02:57pm
We should be careful in making the news reports centered on the brief sayings of a few people on social media who may not be the most informed on the topic - the Palestine issue is to complex to be trivialised this way. Who speaks for Palestine matters and PK can use its influence in other to help this. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has entered the 16th year of what was meant to be a four-year term in office. The Palestinian leadership, which is now split between the PA-controlled West Bank and Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, has not held presidential or legislative elections since 2005 and 2006, respectively. We need to help find leaders that represent and speak for the people instead of speaking form afar with slogans.