
Jemima Goldsmith tells Meghan Markle she knows what it's like to marry a national hero

Jemima Goldsmith tells Meghan Markle she knows what it's like to marry a national hero

She said she could empathise with The Duchess of Sussex, who has been bullied by the media for her ethnicity and gender
16 Jan, 2020

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shocked the world last week when they announced they were stepping back as senior members of the royal family.

Everyone has thoughts; from Twitter dubbing the move Megxit to even Ahmed Ali Butt making predictions about the couple.

Jemima Goldsmith, however, didn't just speak up about the situation, but related to the vitriol the Duchess of Sussex has been enduring. She took to Twitter to call out the obvious sexism that female members of the royal family have to endure, especially if they are foreign or of a different ethnicity.

Jemima wrote, "The female consort is always demonised. Compare the coverage of Diana, Fergie, Camilla, 'Waity Katy', and Meghan with the sparse and gentle coverage of male consorts - Prince Phillip, Mark Phillips, Timothy Lawrence, Mike Tindall, Jack Brooksbank."

By Waity Katy, Jemima referred to the cruel nickname given to the now beloved Kate Middlteton because of how long she was in a relationship with Prince William before the two decided to get married.

Jemima went on to call out the "special scorn reserved for the American consort with the power to break up the boy band - Wallis, Meghan, Yoko, Linda, Gwyneth etc."

She lent her support to Meghan, relating to the spiteful way she is being depicted by many who seem to forget that Prince Harry is a grown man not only capable of making his own decisions but making a decision we should be able to understand considering he actually said, "I will not be bullied into playing a game that killed my mum."

"I don’t necessarily agree with the way Meghan & Harry have handled things," said Jemima." "But I know what Princess Diana went through and what it’s like to marry a national hero from another country and be attacked by the media for your ethinicity (too Jewish, in my case)."

Although Jemima had converted to Islam for her marriage to Imran Khan, she had also suffered a lot of backlash by the media. The marriage had also been used to vilify Khan's political career.

Many responded to Jemima's post, including Mehwish Hayat.


Fastrack Jan 16, 2020 02:22pm
She would have made such a fine First Lady.
bhaRAT© Jan 16, 2020 02:23pm
Wonderful comments from Jemima.
chengez k Jan 16, 2020 02:48pm
Pakistan is indeed unlucky for losing someone as grand & gracious like Jemmima Khan !!!
Solomon The King Jan 16, 2020 03:17pm
He's the monarch, not a hero, it is more to demand to act in certain manner, while Harry is a free spirit like his mother. Dont compare IK to Harry
Cris Dan Jan 16, 2020 03:47pm
Jemima is perfectly right in this assessment.
Cris Dan Jan 16, 2020 03:47pm
@Fastrack indeed.
Armagan Akram Jan 16, 2020 06:04pm
As a Pakistani man I say she could not be more right. Sorry Jemima for the way our men especially the political class treated you and your marriage.
Srinivasa Reddy Jan 16, 2020 06:19pm
@chengez k she is no more Khan by the way now.
Aurangzeb Ghauri Jan 16, 2020 07:00pm
Reading this makes me very sad, People in Pakistan did not try to understand Jemima (Khan) She is a wonderful women, very brave and she speaks her mind. Her track record as a mother raising PM Imran Khan's kids while being active for the well being of society and raising awareness against injustices speaks for it self.
Hassan Jan 16, 2020 07:56pm
Jemima is a really classy lady.
Cincy mumbhai Jan 16, 2020 08:36pm
Quite a contrast compared to when an Italian marries into a first family in South Asia and is accepted by the masses as one of them. I am sure there must have been challenges but it does not always end as badly as Jemima’s or Meghan’s situation. The case in point being Sonia Gandhi.
Rao Amjad Ali Jan 16, 2020 08:37pm
As always, Jemima Goldsmith is measured, honest and on-point. A great role model!
Bhola Bhala Jan 16, 2020 08:56pm
Prince Harry is a national hero? Please!!!
RationalBabu Jan 17, 2020 12:29am
Can’t compare, they are in a different league!
N. Rahim Jan 17, 2020 10:43pm
@chengez k Thank to the opposition politicians.