
Jami dumps his LSA awards over harassment controversy

Jami dumps his LSA awards over harassment controversy

The director is the latest star to call out the LSAs, saying: "We stand by our women!"
Updated 25 Apr, 2019

As more and more stars drop out of the Lux Style Awards nominees list, Jami goes one step further and dumps the three LSA Awards he's earned over the past years on the street outside his house.

According to Jami, this comes in retaliation to the Lux Style Awards nominating an accused sexual harasser this year.

Speaking to Images the director said, "Putting out our Lux Award is an extreme reaction to an extreme action. LSA should've been more careful and sensitive towards women and their massive harassment issues. This time I feel LSA completely missed the point by not taking our women’s point and stories seriously."

What started with Eman Suleman withdrawing her nomination has now snowballed to clothing brand Generation, makeup artist Saima Bargfrede, singer Meesha Shafi, folk band The Sketches, makeup artist Fatima Nasir and now Jami who minced no words when calling out the award platform.

He shared on Facebook that he will be getting rid of his awards in defiance.

"Azadfilm company and I will put all our Lux Style Awards outside my gate - it's trash for us now! We stand by our women, believe them and their stories."

The next day his awards were left on the street. "Lux Award —- yes here u go! We promised and let's hope someone picks it. For us it's done."

We've reached out to the LSAs for a comment.


Kamran Apr 24, 2019 01:02pm
This is sheer stupidity. Just on the basis of an allegation, can you declare someone guilty. How can you pronounce judgment without having a guilt established by any forum. This is also injustice.
thinking Apr 24, 2019 01:35pm
@Kamran What makes you believe that the accused, is not guilty? How can so many of them, declining nominations, be wrong?
A. Nasir Apr 24, 2019 01:36pm
@Kamran, what's stupid? That you stand by women who say they have been sexually harassed? It is not. The alleged harasser should not have been nominated till the case was decided and if the his name had been cleared. Kudos to Jami for protesting like he has.
Reck Apr 24, 2019 01:37pm
I appreciate the fact that all these people are standing by their principles. But I also expect the same people to come up with a public apology if the Alleged harasser gets exonerated by the Court. And secondly, not to speak against those people who would accuse others without proof in matters other than harassment.
jo Apr 24, 2019 01:48pm
wow ! pakistani men have started feeling really uncomfortable. Because the winds are changing.
Asad Apr 24, 2019 01:50pm
Our So called Elite class trying to portray as if they represent majority population, whereas they are confined to less than 0.1% of Pakistan population. They are backing away from Style award and don't they think that their style do not represent Pakistanis at all, elite society only .
Shar Zoor Apr 24, 2019 01:55pm
showbiz is showbiz where everything is done to get fame. Some of them even don't mind what kind of fame they are getting.
saeed Apr 24, 2019 01:59pm
@thinking Kamran is saying he is guilty or not. This trend need to stop . Keep your street clean it will help cleaning mind also.
Shabbir Apr 24, 2019 02:00pm
the rule of law established here is " be condemned until proven innocent" vow
ahmad Apr 24, 2019 02:20pm
hashtag followers, so without any evidence they believe Ali Zafar should be denied nomination. We've already seen the case of Johnny Depp and need to learn the difference between Allegation and Evidence.
Anas Apr 24, 2019 02:32pm
No allegation should be considered true, unless proven.
Jawwad Apr 24, 2019 03:13pm
The things people do for personal publicity stunts. How does this help an embattled and abused women in industry or elsewhere? The right thing to do is perhaps leave the industry and start s new career but no.
Samie Apr 24, 2019 03:18pm
If some body is accussed. Is it all over for him ?
Dr Accountant Apr 24, 2019 03:19pm
@thinking Everyone's entitled to their opinion and their action, how many of those who didn't be wrong?!
Sid Apr 24, 2019 03:43pm
Kudos to you. It takes guts to side with what is right. Peer to you from India. Every country in South Asia need to believe in their women and their stories.
Laila Apr 24, 2019 03:44pm
See, now that is a real man. A real Pakistani man. It takes a lot for a Pakistani woman to publically accuse somebody of such a crime. Dont forget that our women usually stay silent for fear of social stigma and ostracization. So take those who come forward very seriously. The rest is up to the courts.
A Apr 24, 2019 03:45pm
I thought this guy has left Pakistan?
ABC Apr 24, 2019 03:49pm
@thinking What makes you believe that the accused is guilty?
Ahmad Gul Kainth Apr 24, 2019 03:54pm
Who alleged harreser Is in nomination list?
Syed Hani Apr 24, 2019 04:03pm
I agree with Kashif. There is always two sides of a picture.
Jami Apr 24, 2019 04:07pm
@A. Nasir thx boss. Exactly the point
A. A. Apr 24, 2019 04:13pm
@A. Nasir Have you followed the case? The accused has been asking for proof for a year in the court and Misha's lawyers have been unable to provide any despite a lapse of more than a year. Plus, is it guilty till proven otherwise, or the other-way around? It is not fair to the accused.
Ahsan Apr 24, 2019 05:19pm
@Kamran nobody said that the accused are necessarily guilty but everyone has a right to not share a stage with someone accused of a crime. I don't know why (usually) men translate boycotting an accused as judging that person to be guilty. It is as if you believe that person to be guilty.
Reck Apr 24, 2019 06:06pm
How about stripping the alleged harasser of all the awards and implementing an industry-wide boycott once/if he is found guilty??? Firstly it would not damage the sanctity of one of the biggest events of our Showbiz industry secondly it would insure that no innocent person suffers. It would also help bridge the divide amongst people with opposite views on this very serious matter.
Sikander Mirza Apr 24, 2019 06:32pm
He should be fined for littering in the street.
Raj Patel Apr 24, 2019 07:43pm
Holier then thou syndrome. If you look in their house how they behave with their family women you will find most of them are biggest hypocrites.
Rani Emaan Apr 24, 2019 08:09pm
Like a true Pakistani he just dumped his trash on the street outside his own house.
Pro Bono Publico Apr 24, 2019 08:44pm
There are many contradictions. an accused can be leader of opposition in Punjab assembly and another accused cannot be nominated for this award. We have to fix ourselves first before fixing others.
Asim Apr 24, 2019 09:57pm
@Kamran , Totally agreed Sir!
Dark Material Apr 24, 2019 10:33pm
@thinking Sometimes majority means all the stupids on the same side, its the delimma of our society we judge rather than let the authority decide what's wrong or right ?
Aku Apr 24, 2019 10:52pm
@A. Nasir : I hope some sense prevails. Otherwise there is no end to this mud slinging game. Innocent until proven guilty is the law in sensible societies
Aku Apr 24, 2019 10:53pm
@thinking : so many of us are voting for Zardari as well. What an argument?
Abbas Khan Apr 25, 2019 12:36am
@Kamran Well said. There are all types of women out there. Some lie for publicity or revenge.
JustAThought Apr 25, 2019 01:47am
whom to believe though? I'd say be safe until things get better out there.
Ibrahim Apr 25, 2019 05:21am
Celebrities standing by our women is just lip service.
Mehkan Apr 25, 2019 05:32am
It takes a lot of courage and capacity to form and stick to your opinion, however much unpopular it is. Kudos to Jami on that! Now to all the people who think that when women come out they usually have ulterior motives. How many women, statistically speaking have ever used sexual harassment as a weapon to bring others down? Now statistically, how many men have gone around to sexually harass? Even if it is not proven, we at this point in time need to allow people to come out without being judged or shamed or trolled. That is the need of time. We can never have a perfect solution in the first round, but an openness towards women coming out needs to happen, now!
Illawarrior Apr 25, 2019 07:00am
When the allegations are proven, that is the time for action!
Laila Apr 25, 2019 03:27pm
@Kamran Dear Kamran, It is not stupidity or unjust. It is a normal reaction. When you learn something you have a view. You pick a side. It is human nature. Imagine if a female you knew told you something liek this, what would your reaction be? "I cant comment until the trial is over?" or would you console her and support her? Ms Shafi could have been your sister, cousin, daughter or just a close friend. You must know as a Pakistani, how conservative and shy our women are and when somebody comes forward then it should be taken seriously. They have nothing to gain but everything to lose. I do hope you understand that.
Zulfiqar Apr 27, 2019 10:38am
Over reaction. Learn to trust the courts.