Going loco for local: Red Riviera’s calendars are the perfect way to brighten up your desk
2024 is the year we’re becoming calendar girls. And one of the cutest calendars we have is one in Urdu by Red Rivieras by Zaeema!
The calendar is the cutest Pakistani souvenir you could get without being too in your face. All the dates are in Urdu and each month features an adorable painting of something iconically Pakistani — like mangoes, Rooh Afza and dhols.
It’s cute, minimalist and decently priced right now — it’s on sale for Rs1,500 on their website! It’s 5.5x7.5 inches and features 12 illustrations for each month.
One thing that’s very appealing about the calendar is the paper texture — printed on card paper, it gives the product a very home-made feel, even though it likely isn’t. There’s just something about cutely printed stationery that doesn’t look like it has been mass produced in a factory.
Keep track of 2024 with this beautiful calendar from @Red Rivieras! Each page features a painting of a unique Pakistani thing corresponding with the month! #goinglocoforlocal #calendar #pakistaniart #2024 #madeinpakistan
The brand describes the calendar as being “an amalgamation of all the things that I associate with the different months in the year- like the chai-paratha combo, fresh mangoes, that first bottle of rooh-afza that marks the beginning of summer, pineapple cakes from the bakery down your street, your dadi’s tub of tibet snow and the tiger printed kambals’ that come out in the winter”.
“It’s the little things that are unapologetically yours.”
The “one woman design studio” is on a mission to bring Urdu hand lettered stationery to the world and they’ve certainly done their job bringing it to our office!
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at imagesdawndotcom@gmail.com.