
12 Jan, 2024

I am a slave to consumerism and cute marketing and The Magic Molecules has some very cute marketing — from their TikTok videos to the small business feel of the page and the small batches they make products in.

Only being able to buy body care products when a drop is announced every couple of months? Sounds ridiculous but count me in! I waited and waited and when I finally got the email saying their new batch of products had dropped, I ordered two things right away.

I hadn’t heard any reviews of The Magic Molecules, nor did I know anyone who had ordered from there before. But the fact that they only dropped their products every few months intrigued me and I’m happy to report that I did not waste my money.

I ordered their Foaming Sugar Scrub and their Scented Body Oil and this review is for the body oil.

So one fun fact about me is that I absolutely despise the natural smell of oils. Coconut oil sends me fleeing, as does mustard oil and most other scented oils. That’s why I love the concept of scented body oils — bring on the bubble gum and vanilla scents!

I got the Sugar Berry Body Oil, which comes in a 100ml bottle for Rs2,250. The price is a bit on the steeper side but the quantity is quite alright.


Check out this scented body oil we got our hands on from @themagicmolecules — it smells great and it’s in a SPRAY BOTTLE. Revolutionary! #goinglocoforlocal #madeinpakistan #shoplocal #pakistanskincare

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The oils used in the mixture are sunflower oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, fragrance oil and Vitamin E oil, which are a moisturising mix. The feel isn’t too greasy

According to the brand, the oil has notes of strawberry, raspberry and vanilla.

One thing I love is how the oil is in a spray bottle. This may not be the first brand to put oil in a spray bottle, but it’s the first one I’ve used and it’s so smart! I’m not an oil girl — my skin produces enough oil that i’ve never seen a reason to add on more unless I’m getting a massage — but recently, my skin has gotten super dry and moisturiser just isn’t cutting it. Enter this fun spray bottle, that allows me to moisturise with oil without having to pour it into my hands. The spray makes application easy and, kind of fun, to be honest.

The scent stayed, but not in an overpowering way. It was more of a subtle scent that lingers softly, which I loved.

The only downside, in my opinion, is the plastic bottle. I think the product would get a more luxurious feel if it was in a glass bottle, but I also understand that that would increase the price. The overall packaging is very minimalist — which is great! — but I think the quality of the containers could be improved.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This article is part of an ongoing series on supporting local products. All the products are independently evaluated and reviewed by a member of the Images team and reflect their personal opinions. If you’re a local business and would like to be featured, reach out to us at

Going Loco For Local