
Fawad Chaudhry's sexist remarks about Hina Rabbani Khar aren't going down well on Twitter

Fawad Chaudhry's sexist remarks about Hina Rabbani Khar aren't going down well on Twitter

The former minister called her a "low IQ woman" attaching an old interview netizens used to prove him wrong.
Updated 20 Apr, 2022

Former minister for information and broadcasting, and former minister for science and technology Fawad Chaudhry recently made some very sexist remarks about Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar. Social media users, regardless of political allegiance, rose to the occasion and defended her against his blatant sexism and misogyny.

On April 19, Chaudhry posted an old interview from Khar's last appointment as foreign minister which was in 2011. She was not only the youngest person but also the first woman to have held the position in Pakistan's history. In his tweet, Chaudhry insulted her intelligence and credibility, attaching it to her "Berkens".

"When you appoint a low IQ women whose only claim to fame is her Berkin bags and expensive eye shades such blunders ll become a norm, hope ll get rid of this lot sooner than later #ImportedGovernmentNamzanzoor [sic]," he tweeted.

The former minister faced immediate backlash from netizens regardless of their political affiliation — some social media users specifically mentioned that they were PTI supporters and did not endorse these claims, calling them "unbecoming" and "unacceptable." On the contrary, the users called Khar "articulate" and "one of the best foreign ministers our county has had", asking Chaudhry to apologise.

Several users found it necessary to remind Chaudhry of former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi's "chewing non-responsiveness" and "unnecessary sniggering" when he was called out for anti-Semitism following a comment he made about Israel having "deep pockets" during his interview with CNN.

The former minister must not have checked his archives before posting because netizens were quick to retrieve an old tweet of his from 2012 where he said Khar could "make it to the PM house."

Chaudhry's "sexist mindset" was called out by Twitter users who said if the argument was really about questioning her intelligence, it could've been backed up by her comments instead of "a misogynistic reference to her appearance."

Numerous people rose to simply defend Khar, saying the video accomplishes the opposite of what Chaudhry intended, displaying her "high IQ caliber" and "impressive" tackling of "provocative questions" instead.

This user simply called the tweet "embarrassing."

It is 2022 and men still refuse to look past a woman's appearance, ignoring their minds and capabilities. If Chaudhry wanted to insult Khar as a politician and her performance as foreign minister, he should have done just that. Judge her on her performance, not the value of her clothes and appearance.

The same judgment does not apply when it comes to male politicians, which shows how this misogynistic treatment does not deem women competent enough to take seriously. It was, however, refreshing to see a great number of netizens stand up and defend Khar — and rightfully so — not just based on her comments in the video but also her career as foreign minister.

Chaudhry needs to look at women as people before insulting their gender and making assumptions — there's no place for the outdated misogyny here.


Shah Apr 20, 2022 01:40pm
He's a narrow minded piece of work.iy was more than obvious when he mocked India's failed moon landing.. at least they got that far.all this man can do is make snyde remarks..
Hamed Apr 20, 2022 01:42pm
Why he hasn't been charged for insulting and attacking gender?
Kulsoom Baloch Apr 20, 2022 01:44pm
The so called statement by Ch Fawad Hussain; mentioning his mindset and theoretical analysis throughout her fame rather than her accessories or her makeover personality. Grow man!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 20, 2022 01:47pm
Welcome to the club and the clubhouse. As always, keep it up and hang on tough.
Abs Uk Apr 20, 2022 01:48pm
Very very silly thing to say.
Changez Khan Apr 20, 2022 01:49pm
Hina Rabbani Khan is unfit to be Foreign Minister job.
Soniye Tu Auder Te La Apr 20, 2022 02:01pm
He's absolutely right about the 75 Lakh rupee Berkin bags. These princes and princesses have ZERO connection with the grass roots. At least people like Fawad can connect with the feelings of the middle class.
Bol Ke Lab Azad Hain Tere Apr 20, 2022 02:07pm
Why am I not surprised...!! And why should anybody else be.... What else would you expect from him and his leader. It's not too long ago that his leader was blaming a woman for being raped. He thinks it's common sense! So Fawad Ch, you're not off the mark at all.
F Nawaz Apr 20, 2022 02:11pm
Ok. We all know the whole of society is sexist and we are the better on Twitter. Let's focus on her competence for the job.
Ibrahim S Apr 20, 2022 02:15pm
Choudhry Fawad should lose weight and go for detox to shed moral addiction . It impairs rational thinking of a person
Nasir Apr 20, 2022 02:15pm
This could also seen from a lense where PTI's supporters can be called realists rather than cultists. They don't support everything that comes from a PTI leader's mouth and aren't blind followers, unlike followers of PPP and PMLN who blindly follow their party leadership for keemay walay naans.
Chrís Dăn Apr 20, 2022 02:31pm
But the fact is that Rabbani does not enjoy a good IQ and her posting period/s where she achieved nothing for the country are self explanatory recirds in neutral history. She is remembered for her expensive dressing etc but not her expensive political views. No one can imagine she is near to Ursula,Merkel,Thatcher or Bandra Naike.
Pakistan Zindabad Apr 20, 2022 02:33pm
Didn't she have an affair with zardari junior?
Light at the end of the tunnel Apr 20, 2022 02:36pm
Sorry! We have the right to ask why any human being who is using things that ordinary people can't afford is representing them.
SAk Apr 20, 2022 02:41pm
It’s good to know that all criticising Fawad Ch are PTI sympathisers.
Anonymouseee Apr 20, 2022 02:42pm
Well he didn’t say anything written by. Truth is bitter.
Irfan Manzoor Apr 20, 2022 02:42pm
Arrogant PTI. This is the reason that these guys got kicked out.
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 02:54pm
Fawad is the person, who has damaged undeniable, the reputation, and therefore the fall of Imran Khan by his nonsense image destroying acts in the name of image making.
JS Apr 20, 2022 03:01pm
Its better to ignore such base comments that come from people of very low IQ. Intelligence, intellectual calibre, emotional Intelligence, competencies, high moral cadence, etc., are potentially unknown to them. Poor, bare individuals of the herd mentality.
Zulfiqar Apr 20, 2022 03:01pm
All women should be respected irrespective of party allegiances, achievements, choice of personal artifacts or past indiscretions. Fawad Choudary should apologize.
Syed Hasni Apr 20, 2022 03:08pm
I will only call it Beauty and the Beast !
Tadka Apr 20, 2022 03:09pm
He forgot his world famous space memes....
Syed A. Mateen Apr 20, 2022 03:21pm
What else one can expect from the cheap-minded Chaudhry Fawad Hussain who does not know how to address and respect the females. He think himself that if Imran Khan will again come into power he will be given the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister? Imran Khan can again come to power whenever people of Pakistan will vote for him and to his nominees, but Imran Khan will think twice before awarding ticket to all times supreme lota Chaudhry Fawad Hussain who have left no political party of country to join and then left the party as people did not liked his behaviour and mentality and how he offend others by using his tongue wrongly. Even Sheikh Rashid who was the most talkative man in PTI have more respect in the country than the round faced Chaudhry Fawad Hussain. Chaudhry Fawad Hussain should join any good school to learn as how to give respect to the women in the society, otherwise, he will be beaten with the ladies sandles any time whenever he is seen some where roaming in bazar.
Asma Sayeed Apr 20, 2022 03:27pm
Why. Oh why can't Khan get rid of ppl like him !!
Jin Apr 20, 2022 03:27pm
Fawad shut your trap - for once stop taking. You are one of the people that brought IK where he is today. I do not trust your allegiance.
Haider Apr 20, 2022 03:32pm
This person has no shame and respect, raise serious question on his upbringing. I can bet if her mother knows what disgusting language this man use she will also be ashamed of the output. I never expect apology from this stooge.
Parsa Apr 20, 2022 03:34pm
This guy doesn’t know the difference between woman and women, can’t take an ignoramus seriously.
Haider Apr 20, 2022 03:36pm
@Pakistan Zindabad should we investigate your house?
Asif A Shah Apr 20, 2022 03:39pm
MR. Fawad Chaudhry! You should remain civil, relevant, and issue-oriented in your politics.
Light at the end of the tunnel Apr 20, 2022 03:44pm
@Zulfiqar you earn respect. One too many woman have used this excuse to evade accountability in public life
Light at the end of the tunnel Apr 20, 2022 03:44pm
@Pakistan Zindabad, And the point of this argument?
Scary Apr 20, 2022 03:45pm
Fawad Chowdrey has suffered from a inferiority complex for a long time. He is basically a reject from all political parties and has now found a home in PTI. No one should take him seriously.
Shamim Apr 20, 2022 03:51pm
There we have Mr fraud chaudhry who prove to be a nitwit nincompoop as science and tech minister
Slowtrack Apr 20, 2022 03:54pm
He himself was appointed as a science and technology minister without any relevant background because of his family's influence, and was a failure.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Apr 20, 2022 04:07pm
Fawad Chaudhry is without a job now. Before he used give statement everyday and was in the Media. Now he is sitting at home changing TV Channels and is totally frustrated so he comes up with his foolish remarks.
hope2 Apr 20, 2022 04:07pm
actually on listening to the interview she comes out as very intelligent person , definitely more than Fawad Hussain . I am impressed . I am from India . The way she explained counter productive , she may be the most intelligent minister I have heard in Pakistan . Pakistanis should be proud of her.
Chrís Dăn Apr 20, 2022 04:09pm
@Zulfiqar Respect is an earning.
jazz Apr 20, 2022 04:17pm
what is her qualification. ohh yes.. in the govt where PM is on bail and 25 out of 37 ministers are on bail. no qualification or merit is required
Thuglife Apr 20, 2022 04:24pm
He's absolutely right. She was just a political appointee.
Khan D Apr 20, 2022 04:35pm
She looks very beautiful.
Ali(USA) Apr 20, 2022 04:40pm
Can someone explain to me what did Fawad Chaudhary exactly accomplish as a Science and Technology Minister?
Rukhsaar Apr 20, 2022 04:40pm
Agar koi Kisi Aurat per criticism Karen ya phir 'low IQ women' kahen toh us main bhi apko 'misagony' Nazar ati hen. Jab Aurat mard ke barey mai gatya baat Karen ya phir Usi Tarah kahen jis Tarah Fawad Chaudhary ney kaha toh us per apko koi aeteraz nahi hota.
Ali Mehdi Apr 20, 2022 04:41pm
Criminal is a criminal be it a woman or a man. Just because rabbani is a girl dii oh dang mean she can be the representative of the people who have outrightly rejected them n their so called leaders. I’m with Fawad.
Raka Apr 20, 2022 04:54pm
How low does Fawad wants to fall, it amazes me.
wolf Apr 20, 2022 04:58pm
She is the face of a brave women from Contemporary Islamic society. I bet her IQ will be far higher that Fawad.
Ijaz Durrani Apr 20, 2022 05:02pm
Ch Fawad Hussain is a rotundity amounting to NADA. I think HR Khar was a consummate FM and far more eloquent and lucid than her predecessor Qureshi, a rung ahead. He used to chew words like a cow would cud. ex Infernal Minister should have his IQ measured. It will be on the negative side!!
Adil Siddiqui Apr 20, 2022 05:18pm
Speak the truth even though it maybe bitter. The comment is sexist, its merely states that the PPP was a party that played on certain ideas, eg chauvinism... they wanted a young pretty girl, but was the person qualified to hold the post. This is a position for the whole nation not just for the pleasure of males wanting to view for their pleasure. A lot of ppl in PK want to act like westerns but dont want to take it in a wholesome manner, we have freedom of expression here. And Qureshi's comments were spot on, but ppl turn a blind eye, PTI stands for justice but certain ppl want to misinterpret.. under whose watch is this, - the sensible person can see through the cracks
Ga Apr 20, 2022 05:26pm
As a PTI supporter I was hoping Hina would join PTI. But I guess she is maybe not smart enough to see crooks right in front of her eyes..
HashBrown® Apr 20, 2022 05:27pm
By all means criticise SMQ for his poor interview skills, but there was NOTHING anti-semitic about his "deep pockets" remark. Israel is the single largest recipient of US international funding, receiving over $3bn annually - and this doesn't include the huge sums of money that are sent by US-based private donors. As far as I'm concerned, that makes for very, very deep pockets, just as SMQ stated. Sometimes in our desperation to come across as enlightened, we end up being a little too keen to parrot western narratives around never hurts to do a little independent research.
MatterOfFact Apr 20, 2022 05:38pm
Fawad Ch.'s IQ is even lower. His stupid statements are there for everyone to read.
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 05:39pm
She has already aged during the last 11 years and gained much in her already high IQ than most of our Ministers.
Dev Apr 20, 2022 05:41pm
Fawad has too much 'Mawad' his head, he needs to clear it up.
Jimmy Toka Apr 20, 2022 05:41pm
@Ali(USA) he invented a car that runs on water.
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 05:42pm
@Abs Uk, as they say, dead if speaks, will only shred it's coffin!
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 05:47pm
@Asma Sayeed, Imran needs such people to bad-mouth the Sharifs, his ultimate task for running and progressing the Government efforts in development.
M. Saeed Apr 20, 2022 05:49pm
@Soniye Tu Auder Te La , what middle class? The day he got elected, he became a feudal himself.
Truth be told Apr 20, 2022 05:51pm
@Asma Sayeed because Khan is just like him deep inside.
Truth be told Apr 20, 2022 05:52pm
@Chrís Dăn prejudice.
Reddy Apr 20, 2022 05:55pm
This guy was the Science and Technology minister with Zero qualifications
Tenjee Apr 20, 2022 05:58pm
Outrageous comments but I bet we won't be seeing any stellar performances from the current incumbents. He is wrong to tarnish their IQ, but right to question the prospect of noteworthy achievements. On this he might sadly turn out to be correct.
Mahmood Apr 20, 2022 05:58pm
I don't know if she has an IQ lower than Fawad, but I can say for sure, she is far more presentable and attractive than the blob Fawad Chaudhy. Out of shape, slogging, from Ministry of Information to Technology and a job as a Minister of Law for less than 24 hours. That is the legacy fo FC!! Compare that to lengthy credentials of Ms. Khar and soft-spoken approach to anything worth bragging about by Fawad Chaudhry and we don't need to go further down the list!!
A. Din Apr 20, 2022 06:05pm
How is low IQ sexist ?
AmjadKhan Apr 20, 2022 06:20pm
Hina Rabbani Khar another scion of British created landlords like Bilawal. She should be modeling for Gucci handbags and Prada sunglasses. She only represents corrupt Elite of Pakistan.Stop playing the Women card.
Faisal Apr 20, 2022 06:35pm
Sometimes insults are sexist...but sometimes they're just insults
A. Ali Apr 20, 2022 06:37pm
@Hamed .... sadistic
Angraiz ki Utran Apr 20, 2022 06:48pm
So personal attacks on women are not allowed but personal attacks on men are completely OK with PTI.
Zulfiqar Apr 20, 2022 06:50pm
@Light at the end of the tunnel the same holds true for us men. Does it not? In this case he has no reason to taunt her
Zulfiqar Apr 20, 2022 06:51pm
@Chrís Dăn can you please tell me what she has done to lose your or Mr Fawad’s respect?
Hanna Apr 20, 2022 06:54pm
@Thuglife and fawad chudhary and sheikh Rasheed were appointed on merit?the merit being the ex cricketer's friends?
Hanna Apr 20, 2022 06:56pm
@Light at the end of the tunnel you know very well that's a lie,the ones who have been evading accountibility have always been men throughout history till this day
Cardiac Arrest Apr 20, 2022 06:57pm
Look who is talking about IQ? I think Fawad has the lowest of it in recent memory.
Hanna Apr 20, 2022 06:59pm
@jazz what is his qualification as a science and technology minister given his failed and inadequate education credentials?does being friends with an ex cricketer justify his appointment?
well wisher Apr 20, 2022 07:03pm
FC you are showing your low IQ with your comments. Khar is intelligent and articulate. She is a PM material with foreign affairs experience. Be proud of this great FM of PK.
Asad Apr 20, 2022 07:06pm
Oh, get over it. Fawad Chaudry could have use different words and tone but what he is pointing out is correct. You don't hire a person with no qualification other than a family name which was the case with this lady at the time. She was not capable at that time, dont know much has changed since then to make her a better FM now. Just being able to talk in English doesn't make one a rocket scientist, or a FM in this case.
fawadbhai Apr 20, 2022 07:07pm
Hopefully there is that much uproar when someone in PDM makes a comment that IK's claim to fame was his clothes and sunglasses.
Seedoo Apr 20, 2022 07:12pm
@Nasir This is only because it came out of the mouth of Fawad Chaudhri, and not Imran Khan. If Imran Khan had uttered such words, 100% of his supporters would come out to defend him.
secularist Apr 20, 2022 07:13pm
Those who make fun of women belong to conservative extremists which should be condemned. This is 21st century and not 1900.
Helping hands Apr 20, 2022 07:14pm
Hina Rabbani Khar are so far been the only capable representative of Pakistan to speak about her country to the outside world.
White Noise Apr 20, 2022 07:23pm
First, its Birkin, and 2ndly, you all are cut from the same cloth. Nothing but ruining the legacy of a beautiful Country.
abu aliev Apr 20, 2022 07:38pm
its has noting to be taken a feminist comment . and here you are just ridiculing every one who is defending Imran khan . competence man competence Fawad pointed out all goes well with incompetency whether its men or women here. in imported government back by Boots. its a jock to mock Buzdar for these blunders like Take Sania Nistar Vs Shazia Maree Faysal sultan Vs Qadir Patel
Naya Pakistani Apr 20, 2022 07:42pm
Is it me or Fawad appears like a bloated toad?
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Apr 20, 2022 07:44pm
All Fawad Chaudhry was trying to say is that "Hina Rabbani Khar's appointment is not based on merit. It is a political appointment". He just added a bit of sarcasm to it which initiated a debate. Fawad Chaudhry sahab please keep it simple. You don't want any unnecessary distractions at the moment. Please lets focus on the core issues.
Taj Ahmad Apr 20, 2022 07:57pm
Beautiful Rabani Khar was a great FM during PPP government in center during 2014-15.
Jameel Apr 20, 2022 08:16pm
Hina rabbani is an old women aged 44 according to wikipedia. She should be the new FM of Pakistan.
Jameel Apr 20, 2022 08:22pm
She should be the FM of Pakistan. She is very old to make jokes on her. Anty Hina Rabbani is not beautiful at all, but a lady from multan. She is Saraiki. Please respect her.
Vens Apr 20, 2022 08:44pm
This says more about Fahad's IQ than Hina' :) what a loser!
Raz Khan Apr 20, 2022 08:48pm
As a PTI support, I am disappointed over Fawad Ch's comment. He should better watch his mouth and avoid such negative comments.
Zak Apr 20, 2022 09:39pm
Anyone in PPP is a crook, regardless if they are man or women.
Gulshan Omar Apr 20, 2022 09:53pm
The greatest mismatch I saw when Mr. Fawad is standing by the side of Madam Hina Rabbani. Mm Hina is so cute.
D Apr 20, 2022 10:31pm
American slave
Lin Apr 20, 2022 11:13pm
Totally unacceptable language and gesture. Fawad is unnecessarily creating a Fasad.
Ace Apr 21, 2022 12:19am
PTI mindset....leadership and most supporters, no wonder it is referred as cult. Refreshing to see some supporters speaking out though.
Obaid Apr 21, 2022 01:59am
Not sure..May be he likes her..all are humans.
Abdul Apr 21, 2022 01:59am
Grow up man.
Abdul Apr 21, 2022 02:03am
He is showing how low he can go
Pardesi Apr 21, 2022 03:24am
@Nasir and Biryani
Truth will always prevail Apr 21, 2022 05:02am
Grow out of this programmed mentality. Company you keep defines your character. Any one working under PPP or PMLN definitely can't be a voice against corruption and money laundering.
Ahmed Apr 21, 2022 05:48am
Hina Khar is one of very few dedicated person in PPP. I still don’t understand why is she there. She should join PTI.
MATEEN A K MIRZA Apr 21, 2022 06:08am
Fawad Chaudhry must apologize for his ridiculous and unintelligent comment about an ex foreign minister of the country.
TPA Apr 21, 2022 08:58am
Long live Fawad Choudhary
Daredevil Apr 21, 2022 10:42am
She is way more intelligent than him. No doubts.
Critic Apr 24, 2022 08:23am
With her beauty and brains she could bring the two countries together.