
Imran Khan — once cricketer, now prime minister, unbudgeable rape apologist?

Imran Khan — once cricketer, now prime minister, unbudgeable rape apologist?

The premier clarified his opinions on rape and temptation and it confirmed what everyone already knew — he's a rape apologist.
Updated 21 Jun, 2021

Well Captain, you've done it again. Despite your ministers, avid supporters and other party members scrambling to defend you the last time you were a rape apologist, you've proven that you do indeed blame women for rape.

You didn't let anyone change your mind — not public outcry, not international horror, not even your supporters twisting your words to mask your meaning. And this time, you spoke in English, leaving no room for ambiguity.

We would commend you for staying true to yourself if only the words you uttered weren't so problematic.

Women across Pakistan can rest assured that if someone rapes them, our prime minister will say it was the fault of "temptation", not the rapist. Would the same apply to children?

In an interview to Jonathan Swan for Axios, the premier was asked about his earlier comments about temptation, women's dressing and men's "willpower” — and how he was accused of rape victim blaming.

Imran, brushing it off as nonsense, said the concept of purdah is to avoid temptation in society. But then he went on to explain how Pakistan's society works and this where he lost the plot.

"We don’t have discos here, we don’t have nightclubs, so it is a completely different society, way of life here, so if you raise temptation in society to the point and all these young guys have nowhere to go, it has consequences in the society."

The interviewer point-blank asked him if what women wear has any effect. This is where our premier really went off track.

"If a woman is wearing very few clothes it will have an impact, it will have an impact on the men, unless they’re robots. I mean it’s common sense."

Is it common sense, PM Imran? Do you think men are so weak and out of control that the slightest show of skin will send them into a violent sexual fit?

When questioned if women's clothes would really provoke acts of sexual violence, the premier instead of saying "No, rape is not provoked", he said: "It depends on which society you live in. If in a society where people haven’t seen that sort of thing, it will have an impact on them."

There you have it folks, our prime minister in all his glory.

If you still have doubts about whether the premier is a rape apologist, let us disabuse you of that notion.

A rape apologist is someone who excuses, condones or justifies rape. When PM Imran says women wearing "very few clothes" will have an impact on men, he's saying men will rape you if you don't wear the clothes they want you to. To our Oxford- educated prime minister, clothes "provoke" rape. What then were the children and animals who were raped in Pakistan wearing, we ask.

Clearly, he must have an answer for that.

Men are not robots, he said, as if any sane man would attack a woman based on her clothes. If you weren't insulted before, you should be now. Imran Khan seems to have little respect for rape victims and it seems he doesn't think much of men either. He believes that men can't help it: they'll see a woman in "very few clothes" and attack. That he sees Pakistani men as little more than animals with no impulse control speaks volumes.

And for the people who say, oh but he's talking about "very few clothes", let us ask you this: what constitutes "very few clothes"? Is it a bikini? Or jeans and a T-shirt? Or shalwar kameez without a dupatta? Or a hijab without an abaya? Or an abaya without a face covering?

We'll say it again and again and again: There is no justification for rape — not the victim's clothes, shoes, hair, style of walking, manner of talking or anything else.

He also needs to keep in mind that by pushing this problematic narrative of "young men" not having outlets for their sexual urges, he is giving rapists and harassers an excuse on a silver platter. And they are not all "young men"! As was recently proven by the Mufti Azizur Rehman sexual abuse case, rape is a crime perpetuated by anyone in a position of power.

If nothing else, the premier could have kept this harrowing case in his mind while answering questions about rape and temptation and reminded himself that though there is never a time to be a rape apologist, this is an even worse time than usual. The trauma of rape is immense and it resurges every time a rape apologist provides what in their mind constitutes as a reason for this violence.

To our prime minister we have a few heartfelt requests: 1) Think, really think, about the impact your words have on survivors of sexual assault and their families. You have reduced their pain to something as vague as temptation and don't seem to have any concrete answers as to how you plan to tackle this issue or give them justice 2) Talk to women, and really listen. Women are groped in societies which have "discos and nightclubs" and women who wear an abaya and a hijab and a veil have been subjected to sexual violence as well. Stop putting all the burden of sexual violence on women and how they dress.

If you don't know what the women of this society go through regardless of what they wear, and are going to group all men into the category of "unable to control their sexual urges", then you, Imran Khan, are not fit to represent this society that you speak of.


junaid Zuberi Jun 21, 2021 04:39pm
Imran Khan is absolutely right.
Ali Mehdi Jun 21, 2021 04:41pm
He’s a person that cannot make any sense out of his talk. Such a person needs help
Ziauddin Shaikh Jun 21, 2021 04:46pm
The 'goof' goofs up again!
Mueez Jun 21, 2021 04:53pm
I think the author has no idea what she is talking about.
Imran Jun 21, 2021 04:56pm
It is very hard to have honest discussion on this topic. Although I didnt read any disagreement that rapist be dealt with fullest extent of law and promptly snd victim be provided with all and every legal, emotional and any support needed.
S.Ahmad Jun 21, 2021 05:03pm
What perverse logic! blaming the victim and absolving the criminal!
Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Jun 21, 2021 05:11pm
I agree with PM Imran whom I respect since 1993 when he came to Kuwait to get money for his cancer hospital and I am one the committee members entrusted by Ambassador Karamatullah Khan Ghori to raise money for hospital but I disagree as well with PM Imran despite the fact I was his PRO in Kuwait and ate lunch with him hosted in his honor by HE Sheikh Naser Al Sabah son of late Amir HH Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah. No denying the hard fact that absolutely man is to blamed more than woman simply because a man becomes too inquisitive and goes even after the woman who is clad in burqa so the argument that loose dress of a lady attracts a man is half-cooked truth. However, let me say in very loud and crystal clear terms devoid of any ifs and buts that loose dress of lady attracts men but thereby a man is not issued a license to even go after her forget about rape her. Concludingly the men are to prove as human not animals and women also dress up modestly.
Saleem Jun 21, 2021 05:24pm
I can’t understand the PM’s point here. Is he arguing for more discos and nightclubs in Pakistan? He seems to blame the lack of such facilities for the behavior of men?? No amount of deflection or victim blaming will work unless society considers and values women equally.
atif dar Jun 21, 2021 05:26pm
These are not just word of a PM, these are teaching of Islam. He is 100% when he says the women wearing proactive clothes will have an impact on men. Men should lower their gazes and women should wear modest dresses, its that simple. you want to wear short dress , T-shirt/jeans and bikini? wear it inside your houses not in public.
Mansoor K. Jun 21, 2021 05:27pm
This was such a 'gotta question'. There is not a good answer for it. PMIK should have refused to indulge and asked him politely for the next question. We do not need to opine on every subject under the sun.
Ebaad Jun 21, 2021 05:28pm
The prime minister has already clarified his opinion on it .. there is nothing wrong with what Imran khan said need to update your definition of a liberal moderate ... it is tempting to see women half naked.. and every individual reacts to it differently based on their society and upbringing .. Islam also mandates women to cover up their body to a certain degree, if we go by your defination then Islam is also a rape apologist religion? ...
Sam Jay Jun 21, 2021 05:31pm
Utterly embarrassing views! I feel like he hasn’t grown up after a certain age and he really doesn’t sit and think.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad/bhaRAT Jun 21, 2021 05:33pm
Old thinking is hard to die.
Imran Jun 21, 2021 05:38pm
his comments are totally factual. If we follow Islamic principles of hijab and mehram, there would be very very few cases of rape in society. We need to view it from an Islamic scociety and culture and not to mix with western culture where it is ok for people (women or men) to wear whatever they want
Fastrack Jun 21, 2021 05:39pm
"It will have an effect" is a scientifically proven fact. But where did he say men are not to blame for rape? He introduced the strongest punishment for rapists.
Fastrack Jun 21, 2021 05:42pm
Please get out of single track mentality. Provocation is real. We dress modestly. Our religion teaches so. And IK wants rapists castrated.
Imran Jun 21, 2021 05:42pm
Everyone just CALM DOWN. Imran Khan does not condone violence against women. So please, take it easy.
Changez Khan Jun 21, 2021 05:43pm
Imran Khan is a great PM. He is a great leader.
MG Jun 21, 2021 05:47pm
Educated bruts
Nadia Jun 21, 2021 05:56pm
Absolute nonsense he is not saying that at all. I have been to Pakistan, I know that wearing revealing clothes in that country looks out of place and men will stare till their eyes will pop out and you will be attacked if you are alone. It’s a different society from say US and UK where a female could walk by in tiniest shorts and no one bats an eyelid.
Ahsan Gul Jun 21, 2021 05:58pm
Well, IK is not a psychologist on any medical issue. Our media and opposition are just finding some points on to criticize government or PM. How many of the opposition have spoken against sexual abuse of children in mosques? There are multiple reasons to a rape. One of that could be the victim on a wrong place and time. Alone in a provocative dresses can be inviting a heinous person. Sincerely
Sheraz Jun 21, 2021 05:58pm
What is wrong ? Nudity and vulgarity is a factor that distorts social factor.
KJ Jun 21, 2021 06:03pm
Bravo, Dawn! You have the guts to call a spade a spade!
AJ Jun 21, 2021 06:15pm
I don’t think that he is a rape apologist. He is merely highlighting that there are criminals in every society at all times and one should try to protect oneself. Rapists should be punished severely without hesitation but the rape victim is left with a lot of trauma…
Patriotic Jun 21, 2021 06:18pm
These statements are not worthy of a leader much less for a prime minister. Shameful indeed.
John Jun 21, 2021 06:19pm
Absolutely agree the PM IK,he is correct. If one provokes a bull,thy will attack,as in bull fighting in Spain.Humen are social animals, with sexual desires,society dislikes marriages at age of 18 years,gals want the guys to be a well earning robot, very sductive morning shows,exposure of body curves,provoke lust to animal desire.Allow marriage at age of 16 for girls and boys,and discard the slogan "mera jism meri marzi"
KJ Jun 21, 2021 06:20pm
IK is unfit to hold any public office. Worst, he holds the highest office in Pakistan, the very people whom he should be serving; instead, he is acting against the interests of half the population.
Tamza Jun 21, 2021 06:21pm
Sexual assault is WRONG. It is a mental health matter. As well as a societal norms matter. And how women, and men are brought up and behave is a huge factor. Simply punishing the behavior is not enough - you need to reduce the temptation. This is NOT VICTOM blaming. If you drive too fast you are more likely to be injured - period. The victim generally has some level of self-preservation responsibility.
Hina Jun 21, 2021 06:26pm
We understand him and we love him. Chew that.
Irfan Huq Jun 21, 2021 06:30pm
Ik knows the hwest. He played cricket in daytime attended nightclubs at night and spent weekend on beaches . He never was known as a person of intellect , he didn't move in the intellectual circles or had intellectual debate when in Oxford Why he even gave an interview in itself is mind boggling
Waheed Noor Jun 21, 2021 06:42pm
Katan is 100% correct. If there were no women there would be no rape. Even if there are women only their eyes can be seen by anyone else. How dare they expose any part of their skin to public? All their fault.
Ghayur Baig Jun 21, 2021 06:48pm
Did he say it is not a crime ?
Haroon Temueri Jun 21, 2021 06:57pm
Really are you so far from Islam and it’s norm that please western masters you go after your on PM
Mansoor K. Jun 21, 2021 07:00pm
Who put together this garbage? Did not have the courage to give their names to it.
Malik Jun 21, 2021 07:00pm
I am a man and I can control my emotions and desires. Other men should do the same. Imran Khan should realize that we are living in a global world and his statements like these will isolate him in many countries.
Kohi Jun 21, 2021 07:03pm
What could one expect from this person!
Pursuit Jun 21, 2021 07:05pm
Shame on his hypocrite mindset! He shouldn’t be PM
Humza Jun 21, 2021 07:11pm
Imran Khan is a national embarrassment. The less he speaks, the better for Pakistan. If someone who lived in the West and went to University there can act so clueless, what does it say for those who have never travelled out of Pakistan.
Fast comment Jun 21, 2021 07:12pm
You may be hard in cricket, but premier ship requires flexibility.
Tanvir Khan Jun 21, 2021 07:16pm
One becomes speechless when EVEN 70-year-old muftis confess that they rape adolescent boys and girls. It is very possible that Imran Khan and you all guys hold your prayers behind such noble humans!!!
Nasir S. Jun 21, 2021 07:21pm
For those who are defending the PM, please note that next time you get robbed you maybe guilty of flaunting your wealth.
Frank Manuel Jun 21, 2021 07:22pm
Does not explain rape of men by men. IK would advise clothing all animals with appropriate clothing. Pakistan men you see are not exposed to Western habits or entertainment habits.
Waheed Noor Jun 21, 2021 07:22pm
Mufti Azizur Rehman raped his students even though they were fully clothed. So clothes and temptation go for a toss. Who am I tell this naked truth to our great PM Mr Niazi (whose uncle lost half of our country)?
Mariana Jun 21, 2021 07:27pm
@Imran No. If in the West women are scantily dressed thats because the men over there like it like that. Again Pak society it is because of men that women dress the way they do. In this society there is the other extreme where women are covered head to toe in sheets of suffocating cloth to make them invisible to spare men the EFFORT of lowering their gaze & controlling their desires.
Abaji Jun 21, 2021 07:36pm
As a man, I second that! 99 out of 100 men will not rape a woman but there is a chance 1 man will. The law is to stop that one man from harming...Even in the west rape has increased two-fold and the law has been unable to stop it! there must be reason for it!
A Jun 21, 2021 07:37pm
You get ticked off as soon as someone mentions modesty and dressing properly. This is your issue, not that he is apologizing for rape which he never did
farid Jun 21, 2021 07:40pm
People should look at this man's previous life. He lived and slept in discos and night clubs while in the UK. "NIGHT LIFE" , his favourite shirt, where is it now?
Mueez Jun 21, 2021 07:40pm
Totally support IK. There are a hundred causes of rape and YES! SCANTY clothing is one! And yes this is just pure common sense... In the same breath this by no means justifies the perpetrator! Its just saying better safe than sorry! As simple as that... Islam or no Islam.. This is just pure biology and psychology.
Zak Jun 21, 2021 07:44pm
Well Captain, you've done it again. Despite your ministers, avid supporters and other party members scrambling to defend you the last time you were a rape apologist, you've proven that you do indeed blame women for rape. What a cheap shot and showing lack of understanding. PMIK views are based on his Islamic principle, not made rules. IK never blamed women, but said, modesty in the culture is women's safe guard. Don't turn and twist to suit opposition narrative.
Zak Jun 21, 2021 07:44pm
@Sam Jay Utterly embarrassing views! I feel like he hasn’t grown up after a certain age and he really doesn’t sit and think. Thats because you are of a different culture.
Zak Jun 21, 2021 07:47pm
@KJ Bravo, Dawn! You have the guts to call a spade a spade! But the spade is not a spade and still being called a spade, is misrepresentation.
KJ Jun 21, 2021 07:50pm
@Ahsan Gul, ask your own self... would you ever rape a woman, given a chance? Raping a woman is no different from assaulting any person... now think again, are you that kind of a person? Rapists are criminally minded people, prepared to inflict a crime against women.
Truth Jun 21, 2021 07:57pm
Country with the highest per capita porn viewership in the world has its PM issuing morality lessons to women.
UFO Jun 21, 2021 08:02pm
Any doctor asking you to wash hands or wear mask is an infection apologist. Stay away from him.
Salimah Amirali Jun 21, 2021 08:03pm
Instead of defending him and trying to explain to others “what he really meant,” his supporters need to tell him that he is wrong and that his statements are highly insensitive, hurtful and disrespectful. Get him a strong PR company, if nothing else. This is such an embarrassment!
Madaiyan Jun 21, 2021 08:09pm
After Mufti Azizur Rehman incident , boys will be prescribed to wear Burqa
Riz Nasar Jun 21, 2021 08:36pm
I wonder if we really understand the society we live in. I guess not! Honestly in a country where a renounced scholar is caught molesting one of his fully clothed male students , how will they react to "Bay Watch" type clothing! The question is , "Is IK wrong in his statements about rape and clothing?" I guess in all honesty, giving how majority of Pakistani society works, I will say NO. In a country like Pakistan there has to be a balance which is lacking! The questions PM was asked has no simple answers! We have to educate Pakistan where over 67% cannot read and write! I feel only education can help! So educate Pakistanis and knowledge should be across the spectrum based and that includes religious studies. Unless a Muslim UNDERSTANDS the scripture nothing will change! we will stay a few centuries behind! Always!
Nidz Jun 21, 2021 08:42pm
There is nothing wrong in what he said... this article reflects how distant we are from teachings of Islam
JAG Jun 21, 2021 08:55pm
What IK is saying can be summarized as follows: Pakistan is a repressed society where men have no outlet to tend to their sexual urges. Women are property without any agency; just as you lock your treasure inside the chest, your woman must be locked in a purdah. However, if a Pakistani man can avail of the degradations of the west like him, go for a binge!
NM Khan Jun 21, 2021 08:56pm
@Mueez Do you even know what you're talking about?
Zak Jun 21, 2021 09:05pm
@Truth Country with the highest per capita porn viewership in the world has its PM issuing morality lessons to women. That was India.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 21, 2021 09:07pm
The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is 100 percent right.
Qbmx Jun 21, 2021 09:12pm
the Mufti Azizur must have been tempted by skin showed by young Pakistani MEN for his sexual assault on them. Should men be wearing purdah to fend off temptations?
Erum Aziz Jun 21, 2021 09:48pm
Even in Western world, those women wear "very few clothes" have an impact on men.. That is 100% true.
Ghani Jun 21, 2021 10:15pm
@Imran then why do rapes happen in Saudi Arabia and the men have the habit of groping women also in markets?
Ghani Jun 21, 2021 10:16pm
@Hina because he is handsome?
haid Jun 21, 2021 10:47pm
@junaid Zuberi get me statistics on this and then we will determine if he is right or not
LIAQAT ali khan Jun 21, 2021 10:50pm
Khan is 100% right. I love him due to his straightness. Facts are facts.
Nkhan Jun 21, 2021 10:51pm
What the man rape man . A mufti just raped a student . Is it the same issue of clothes .I think PM can provide some reasoning for this as well .
HumanA Jun 21, 2021 11:14pm
Well said PM. You are 100% right.
Aftab Jun 21, 2021 11:19pm
PM IK, in his youth never had any objection to clothing style and always had many friends who used to wear them. That included his ex.
R.A Jun 21, 2021 11:25pm
Can someone tell us what clothes 15 year old Madrassa boy was wearing
Abu Jun 21, 2021 11:33pm
A man who says women's revealing clothes doesn't have an impact on sexual provocation is either IMPOTENT or is LYING. And this doesn't mean victim blaming. Its the identification of causes of sexual violence.
RIAZ Jun 21, 2021 11:33pm
He is very RIGHT.
Imran Jun 21, 2021 11:49pm
@Ghani How do you know? especially the groping part.
Stargazer Jun 21, 2021 11:49pm
The questions were twisted to drag him into this. His point was clear and valid, over exposure is promoting sexual violence in the society.
Zaib Jun 21, 2021 11:54pm
@Mueez say you support rape apologists and go. It is understandable that blaming women for the wrongs and grueling crimes of a man is the only thing most of the Pakistani men unite in. Just disgusting.
Chand Jun 22, 2021 12:09am
@Zak Gosh! What is your culture that blames the victim?
Zunaira Azeem Chaudhry Jun 22, 2021 12:20am
If we wear tight clothes, what is the problem with Imran Khan? Wearing tight clothes does not rape any girl. Not right for women’s but they should be allow brands cloths
zehra Jun 22, 2021 12:36am
what about the kids who are raped, or boys ? are they also temping
AH Jun 22, 2021 12:54am
@Nadia That's not correct. Women do get harassed even in the UK.
Hassan Jun 22, 2021 01:14am
I thought IK remarks in the video are completely justified. Women should cover their body and men should lower their gaze.
Asghar Jun 22, 2021 01:19am
Imran Khan is right, people do put themselves in trouble by going to wrong places at wrong time. If any one thinks it is not women’s fault they can experiment it themselves.
Governornwfp Jun 22, 2021 02:53am
He has a point
ShadowLugia Jun 22, 2021 04:41am
@Zak Check again, this is the only area Pakistan is ranked No. 1
LgbtqX Jun 22, 2021 04:52am
@Imran Then why the rush to migrate there!!
Syed Hafeez Imran Jun 22, 2021 05:51am
@junaid Zuberi what about sexual crimes against males and children. they too are incited by wearing too few clothes
Syed Hafeez Imran Jun 22, 2021 05:51am
@Mueez I think she raised very valid points
Tariq K Sami Jun 22, 2021 05:56am
Watch Ali Gul Pir's "Tarro".
Sajid Khan Jun 22, 2021 06:43am
You are making no sense. People get tempted with porns and how sexually women dress and sick people then take it to the next level by victimizing the children and the weak..
cosmo Jun 22, 2021 06:57am
@Iqbal Hadi Zaidi Many boys and men are also victims of gross sexual violence in Pakistan. Would you say that even men should start living in a burqa? The line of thought u possess is the real cancer in our society!
Sim Jun 22, 2021 07:14am
Very disappointing comments by the prime minister. Another leader unable to grasp the impact of his words.
Jcee Jun 22, 2021 07:23am
In India, small village girls are being massraped and murdered. No immodest dress is involved. It is a crime anytime anywhere.
Shoaib Jun 22, 2021 07:37am
He is explaining one of the reason of rape , he is not saying women are responsible. It is just like a doctor is explaing the causes of fever, it doesnt mean that he is blaming the patient for having fever.
Rahul Sharma Jun 22, 2021 07:53am
PM Imran Khan just made his country look like its still in the stone age.
Ali Jun 22, 2021 07:54am
@Nadia, which part of USA and Uk ? You are talking about . Men are men wherever you go. Living in USA for almost half a century, women with little clothes got more attention than anyone else….
Harry Jun 22, 2021 08:15am
What will murderer do if you go out with your neck.
Amir Shah Jun 22, 2021 09:28am
@Ali Mehdi this person speaks the truth and of course it hurts those who do not like to hear the truth.
FAZ Jun 22, 2021 09:39am
Both are wrong. Rape can never be justified. On the other hand we all know what modesty is and what "defines" short clothes. We live in an Islamic Republic and we have to abide by its terms and definitions. Anyone objecting, needs to bring in change in the constitution.
its me Jun 22, 2021 09:46am
@Ali Mehdi obviously to people, blinded by westerner's culture, How could he make sense to them!!
Shad Jun 22, 2021 09:52am
He didn't say anything wrong. Every society is different and has its own customs and values. Its an undeniable, scientifically and statistically proven fact that modesty is required in the society for both men and women. Go compare different societies and check the number of cases and you will see the difference.
Shad Jun 22, 2021 09:54am
@Imran Actually westerners are now threatened by hijab and many European countries have banned hijab.
Ns Jun 22, 2021 10:11am
Can anyone pls tell us, where are these so called few clothes wearing women in pakistan? Like just where? What is few? Skipping a dupatta and wearing a sleeveless? Rape is about exerting power over anyone who cannot and won't be able to threaten you with the same. It has existed since the caves, in very clothed and religious societies too. All these ppl supporting IK'pov need to go to school again.
Murad Mahal Jun 22, 2021 10:27am
@Stargazer: So you want men, boys, transgenders and goats wear burkah as well.
Mona Jun 22, 2021 10:35am
Well said. It looks like he is speaking in a personal capacity, saying what he would do in a "tempting" situation.
Khalid H. Khan Jun 22, 2021 10:42am
PM is absolutely right. Our society is not like Europe that everyone night club is open and sure if a women dresses short clothes people will have more eyes on them instead of dresses modesty. PM IK rocks.
Syed Irfan Ali Jun 22, 2021 11:14am
To the point and precise. Wish someone in PM's team showed him this article and he understood the logic explained lucidly.
Salman Wasti Jun 22, 2021 11:17am
I think the PM is right. I have lived for some 40 years in various European & US cities. Equality or unequality apart, women do everything possible to attract men. Makeup, perfume and hairstyle is one thing, but bare legs, high-heels to make hips swing left and right, bare arms rising up high using slightest pretext to show off naked armpits and low necklines are common sights everywhere, in offices, streets & public parks and not just in nightclubs. Pakistan is a more respectable society in that sense!
JBashir Jun 22, 2021 11:17am
Why are boys raped?
Dr. Talha Vaqar Jun 22, 2021 11:36am
The pm is right. There is a benefit to reducing temptation in society.
Zainab Jun 22, 2021 11:42am
He never sided with the rapist.. Infact in his government we have seen rapist being actually captured and punished. What Imran Khan has said is totally correct and majority of our nation stands with him.
Master Jun 22, 2021 11:53am
@Changez Khan , I know this guy from his days in UK, cannot be trusted, keep my word.
Aamir Jun 22, 2021 12:14pm
@Ali Mehdi actually those understand him needs help
Aamir Jun 22, 2021 12:14pm
@Ziauddin Shaikh Wake up bro
Mujahid Jun 22, 2021 12:20pm
It's a well known conclusion of famous evolutionary biologists from Harvard what IK has reiterated
Khanm Jun 22, 2021 12:31pm
It is a man's world out here and there...the emencipation or liberation of women is just a theory ...but never in practise ...We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is our only ruler; sovereign.
Chrís Dăn Jun 22, 2021 12:36pm
@Shad why not. It is not in any civilized culture.
Sabah Jun 22, 2021 12:37pm
There are a lot of decent men all over the world belonging to all religions and economic backgrounds. Making a blanket declaration of all men being animals driven by instinct is an insult. As the PM he has the opportunity to set an example of how a responsible Muslim man takes responsibility for protection and care of the weak and vulnerable. All those being raped are those in a position of weakness and that’s their fault?
SATT Jun 22, 2021 12:40pm
This proves he is robot.A small robot.
Neil Jun 22, 2021 12:42pm
Shown his true colors
aisha Jun 22, 2021 12:55pm
Stop misrepresenting what IK said.
Umar Jun 22, 2021 12:55pm
It is clear in my mind, why the reporter asked tbis question. Tbis was only raised to create unnecessary diversion.
Faiza Haider Jun 22, 2021 01:46pm
@Imran interestingly I feel much safer walking out in a western country then I do in my own why is that ? So is the Islamic culture not guaranteeing me protection if walk out of my house without a Mehram! So a woman is inviting trouble if she is alone ??? That’s says volumes about Muslim men and their ability to respect women . Shame on your limited brain
Sane Khan Jun 22, 2021 01:48pm
Read the the whole interview. Never in his interview he said that it's the fault of the victim. He never said that the rapist is not guilty. He talked specifically in terms of culture. You hav to understand the nature of a man, to understand what IK is trying to say. To all the men who are criticizing IK, be honest and answer this question "what was your feeling when you a saw someone with less clothing?" In the end its' all about who can control their instincts. It's what our religion tells us to do, control your nerves. Pakistani men are most susceptible to give in to this feeling.
Tajammal Waheed Jun 22, 2021 02:22pm
Shut up! You are talking non sense and mischievous.
Khayyam Hussain Jun 22, 2021 02:26pm
@junaid Zuberi Meaning what exactly?!?
Shaby Jun 22, 2021 02:28pm
I am sure his point of view is not the same as it might have been a few years before. He is confused between state of madina and china.
Parvez Jun 22, 2021 02:35pm
His argument was weak......and badly flawed. It would have been better if he he had diplomatically side stepped the question because his knowledge on the issue of " rape " is at best limited.
ahmed Jun 22, 2021 02:55pm
What Imran Khan said is very true. he only said it helps in controlling the temptation. that doesnot means allowing rape. after all rape is a heinous crime requires severe punishment as what he has suggested in parliament.
Talha Jun 22, 2021 03:23pm
There is no Pakistani ruler that I despise more than I do IK. However, to reject his comments on human psyche: are you seriously discounting human nature, and the fact that attractive men and women are employed to sell goods or movie tickets? Are you seriously denying that subliminal messaging is not employed in media targeting specific urges inside the target audience?
KM Jun 22, 2021 03:39pm
IK is absolutely right. Those who do not understand, need to improve their comprehension without bais.
Shahid Jun 22, 2021 04:31pm
Agendas, sponsored or not, need no response or rebutting but must be pushed back on merit. What he said he said and that is logical, rational and pertinent. Anything, yes anything, which tempts one towards committing heinous social crime must be avoided as a social norm. Ever thought of 'properly' educating oneself, and society at large, so that elevated mutual awareness gives a chance to march together on the path of genuine spirit of human behavior and not tempted animal instinct?
paki1 Jun 22, 2021 04:42pm
This reporting is a whimsical piece of conjecture. It is devoid of any substance, any concrete argument to the contrary and instead only relies on hyperbole, utter astonishment and repetition of a thought to make its point; and that it utterly fails, ofcourse. That is is because what IK said is correct. If you leave a door open, robber is likely to strike. The robber should be punished? yes indeed. Is the person leaving his door open to share the blame? Yes indeed. A successful society is one where all follow their responsibilities. Saying one party can do anything they want without any consequences of their extremism is ridiculous. The goal of the society is to prevent robbery not only through punishment but also through common sense by keeping your doors locked. Otherwise you will have robberies; punishments or no punishments.
AZulfi Jun 22, 2021 05:33pm
Most men obviously are not weak or devoid of control but there are a lot of sick men around who just cannot control their frustration
Patriotic pakistani Jun 22, 2021 05:43pm
Your own failure in practice of your religion is your own fault you want to be a wannabe or Western one in Pakistan then they're going to look at you like the dirt of their feet, so if you was born Muslim then be a Muslim be a Pakistani not a wannabe westernize liberal. Islam zindabad, Pakistan zindabad.
Adnan Aslam Jun 22, 2021 05:50pm
This site is so much biased and westernized in opinions. It stands nowhere in opinion making.
Asif Jun 22, 2021 05:56pm
@Ebaad we are talking about rapes in Pakistani. How many times you have seen half naked women in Pakistan on the streets or public places.
Lakhkar khan Jun 22, 2021 06:29pm
@Changez Khan - never stop taking meds, listen to your doc!
Lakhkar khan Jun 22, 2021 06:32pm
@Hina - in the words of Forrest Gump , stupid is, stupid does.
Ali Jun 22, 2021 10:38pm
@paki1 completely agree with your comments
Truth Hurts Jun 23, 2021 03:11am
@Abu So if you see any expensive cars in showroom you can't buy then can desire to have one, but can't break into the showroom and grab one. Warped logic
Syed Jun 23, 2021 03:47am
He is absolutely right, if u have brains to understand what he is talking about.
S.Ahmad Jun 23, 2021 05:29am
How insensitive can one be.
S.Ahmad Jun 23, 2021 05:32am
Who then to blame? The raped or the rapist!
Sameer Jun 23, 2021 06:22am
@Ebaad Yeah. It is.
Waseem Ahmed Jun 23, 2021 06:41am
He's only stating facts, in a country like pak any show of skin sends men wild. Men are not like women they are sexuslity frustrated in pak. I've seen it in the bazaar the slightly tight dress and they all watch as though hypnotised
Tufail Jun 23, 2021 07:31am
It is unfortunate that we are criticising imran khan although he is telling absolutely right
Rahal Jun 23, 2021 02:11pm
Where does one even begin! Should he then open up discos and nightclubs, the lack of which he repeatedly refers to? Will that help ‘young men avoid temptation?’ What about the men and boys who are raped? The women in full hijab and purdah? When will he understand that forms of sexual molestation and rape especially are extreme manifestations of bullying, force, and power and not simply acts of uncontrollable sexual arousal which he has reduced them to.
Saif ullah Jun 23, 2021 05:05pm
Rape is a crime with violence not a mistake due to temptation.
Saif ullah Jun 23, 2021 05:07pm
Crime and violence has no justification in mistake through seduction
Rizwan Akhtar Jun 24, 2021 12:19pm
In western society where rape's ration is far higher who is blamed ?