
Kubra Khan defends Mohsin Abbas Haider against domestic abuse claims

Kubra Khan defends Mohsin Abbas Haider against domestic abuse claims

"We can't decide what's true. Even the law can't decide," said the actor.
25 Mar, 2021

When pictures of Mohsin Abbas Haider's bruised and battered ex-wife Fatema Sohail started circulating on social media, the country was in a state of shock. She alleged that she had suffered domestic abuse at the hands of the actor while she was pregnant after she found out he was cheating on her. Following this, popular names from the industry disowned Haider but Kubra Khan wasn't one of them.

She recently appeared on the talkshow Ghabrana Mana Hai by Vasay Chaudhry and spoke about how she wasn't sure what the truth was and was, therefore, rejecting any disapproval of the actor's behaviour.

In a segment where the host was going through old pictures shared on Khan's Instagram, he pointed out a picture she had uploaded with Haider following the release of their serial Muqabil. In the caption, Khan had referred to him as a "beautiful, beautiful human being."

Chaudhry then questioned whether she had stopped taking pictures with the actor after his wife had accused him of domestic abuse and infidelity.

"No, I went on his show once and took a picture there as well. I did a telefilm with him and there too we had pictures together," she said.

She was then asked about the abuse allegations, to which she replied: "If what came out was true, it was disgusting. If it was true, it was disgusting." Emphasis on if. Khan then said there's no way to tell what was true and what wasn't.

"We can't decide what's true. It's not for us to decide because we don't know the actresses in question. Not even the law can decide," she claimed. Khan then said only "that person and the wife" know what happened.

Thankfully, hers is not a popular opinion in the entertainment industry. While the industry has failed to call out harassers and abusers in the past, in Haider's case it didn't hesitate.

Dua Malik, Gohar Rasheed, Humaima Malick and Hamza Ali Abbasi previously came out to corroborate parts of Sohail's account, saying they were first-hand witnesses to the horrors Haider put his pregnant wife through.

What was even more surprising was that some of these actors were also people Khan had worked with and could easily speak to, if she really wanted to get to the bottom of the matter.

After the horrible pictures of Sohail began circulating on social media, showing her bruised and bloodied, celebrities such as Mahira Khan, Mansha Pasha, Osman Khalid Butt, Mehwish Hayat, Sajal Aly and Sadaf Kanwal had called for justice.

Asim Azhar read our minds when he said this, and it seems apt to quote him again.

"Even if after all this you're waiting for the other side, then you're automatically saying Mohsin beating his wife can be justified. Even if after witnessing all this, we're waiting for proof, then shame on us."

Every story has two sides, and in this case there are also two sides — the abused and the abuser. It's pretty clear which one Khan has chosen to be on.


Farhan Mar 25, 2021 01:51pm
It's he said, she said thing and most people are saying "believe women". What Kubra is saying that we just can't believe anyone without independent evidence and there is none in this case
israr Mar 25, 2021 02:01pm
so what happened now is known to us all, she could not prove he beat her and now on tv everyone can see she is not one of those who will keep quite plus she did all this drama to get into industry and carry out her live as business not as human
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Mar 25, 2021 02:28pm
Under no circumstances , domestic abuse is acceptable and, I strongly object and demand severe action against such culprits. Shame on such people, who abuse children and women!
Sajn Mar 25, 2021 04:17pm
I think the reporter needs to understand the legal definition of a witness. The people he is quoting as "witnesses" are actually reporting hearsay not actual witnesses.
Ibrahim S Mar 25, 2021 05:32pm
@Anti-Corruption_Pakistani - I can’t agree more. I think people don’t understand the meaning of domestic abuse . We “protect” women in the name of honour, religion , and our fake pride. We don’t own women , they are human being first . With real education and being gainfully employed , women will get their equal share - which unfortunately doesn’t go well with men who still expect finding socks for them and making fantastic tea while they watch Turkish dramas. Please remember, a woman is not only cooking steak , she is bring home the steak .
M. Saeed Mar 25, 2021 06:52pm
Domestic violence is an inhuman act and negates the basic concept of marriage. It is also a proof of the fact that, we never give right of divorce to the wife, as provided in the official Nikah Nama and dis-balance the essence of equal rights for the women.
DA Mar 26, 2021 10:39am
This is what I understood from her answer: She didn't defend him. She basically said she wasn't there, the judge and jury of any court cases also weren't there. The 2 people that know for certain what happened are Mohsin Abbas Haider and Fatima Sohail. She also said that if he did do it, that it's disgusting. The picture that was shown was taken waaay before this news came out and she has not worked with him since. Then again, I wasn't screening the interview for clickbait headlines, so you all may have gotten something different out of what was said.
sheema Mar 26, 2021 11:16am
She has the right to her opinion and we dont know what is the real truth, she is right.
ambreen Mar 27, 2021 12:48am
Mohsin is an extremely talented person - abusive ,non abusive husband, that is his personal masla. These days people post their domestic issues on screen before going to court and asking family to help.Nothing justifies abuse but again actors are actors and social media is a best!
DA Apr 01, 2021 01:03pm
@DA All of us found what happened to Fatima Sohail to be horrific. If you look at when news of this horrific situation came out, it was the summer of 2019. There are interviews in the past where Kubra has said that he should not have done this. The interview that she's being misquoted from, she says it's "disgusting." After watching the full interview, I did not see her support or defend him. The picture that was shown was from 2017, and my understanding is that her last project with him was done before this news came out. I think it's unfortunate that some of the questions in this interview seemed to be framed for controversy. It was unfortunate to see a colleague put another colleague in this position. It's more unfortunate to see how her responses have been misconstrued.