
19 Mar, 2021

As unsurprising as Pakistan's politics may be at times, nothing beats Aamir Liaquat's predictability for cracking crass and downright rude jokes

Here's what happened earlier this week: The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) had to postpone its long march, which was planned for later this month to topple the PTI-led government, after cracks within the ranks of the 10-party opposition alliance — including the Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League-N — became visible.

Here's the 'joke' Aamir Liaquat shared on social media: The only way to topple the PTI government would be to falsely accuse a party leader of sexual harassment.

The MNA — let us spell this out for you since we still find it hard to wrap our minds around it sometimes: member of the National Assembly — of the ruling party thought it would be funny(?) to share a picture of Bollywood baddie Amrish Puri with this 'quip': "There is only one scenario in which PPP can topple the government and that is if [PPP chairperson] Bilawal tears his clothes and accuses Sheikh Rasheed [PTI minister] of sexual harassment."

Any normal human being with a semblance of decency would know this is not funny, and it is most definitely not a joke to be shared with more than a million followers.

But we'll break it down anyway: you cannot trivialise rape and sexual harassment. No, not even if "it's just a joke about how badly you lost at a game" or to use it as a verb for a political party's horrible performance in an area.

And this meme — if you can even call it that — not only belittles harassment but also perpetuates the problematic thinking that victims 'cry harassment' when there is no other option left to achieve a goal. There is enough scrutiny and doubtful questions raised when a victim of assault, regardless of gender, comes forward. How then does this lawmaker think it is okay to take a jibe at his political opponents at the expense of those who are already vulnerable?

Is there anyone within the PTI or in Aamir Liaquat's life who has sat him down and explained — really explained — why so much of his rhetoric is extremely problematic? If not for his personal growth, then do it at least for how poorly this reflects on the Imran Khan-led political party.

If they need help addressing some topics, how about casual sexism or how not to make jokes about the deceased?

There are plenty of others who have called him out but we doubt their words will have any impact on this learned public figure.

Only less than a month, Aamir Liaquat was embroiled in a controversy over something he said; the PTI MNA from Karachi was severely criticised after he used the image of a Hindu deity to mock PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz.

The TV host shared the screenshot of a news channel that quoted Maryam as saying: "They (government) will now see a second version of me." He accompanied her quote with the image of a Hindu deity, likening it to Maryam's "second version (dusra roop)".

A large number of politicians and netizens had condemned the lawmaker's post, which he deleted the next day followed by an apology. This wasn't his first apology.

Here's what Aamir Liaquat and those who have given him space in the parliament need to hear: an apology for a repeated offence stops holding any meaning whatsoever. And Aamir Liaquat is a repeat offender.


Sid Mar 19, 2021 12:59pm
Nida Karmani - the same way you wake up to looters in politics each morning in Pakistan.
Fatima Mar 19, 2021 01:11pm
So crass acts including womanizing and assaults by these politicians against women don't hurt you, and now you want to stand with them? Media in Pakistan has lost it completely.
Shuaib Mar 19, 2021 01:12pm
A lot of trash collected by the establishment to make a political party...just think and numerous names pop up, a loooong list
Fatima Mar 19, 2021 01:12pm
What these PPP politicians do with women cannot be written here. How come you never lecture them??
Hasan Khan Mar 19, 2021 01:15pm
He is a great asset of PTI and Imran Khan. He is a hard hitter and we Insafians love him.
Sarcasm_ITCell Mar 19, 2021 01:16pm
Though I highly condemn this act and never understood why is he is what he is, I am surprised when none of them have ever talked about poor system run by two faced PPP. They have ripped us off in every way possible and cant even joke about them.
ABCD Mar 19, 2021 01:19pm
Not only this man, his followers also belong to same tribe. They too are in majority. To entertain his followers he will continue his jokes and he will again win his election. The story will continue.
Zartaj Gul Mar 19, 2021 01:20pm
Aamir Liaqat has a point. He knows more about Islam than you can ever learn.
Sharath Chandra Mar 19, 2021 01:21pm
Humour has lost its meaning.
Arsalan Masood Khan Mar 19, 2021 01:36pm
@Sid Wake Up Sid..!!!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 19, 2021 01:42pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster.
Billa sheedi Mar 19, 2021 01:58pm
mbbs from su, they have no record of him phd from a certain foreign uni which doesnt exist likes joking about rajesh khanna, he is the biggest joke of all.
Wolf Mar 19, 2021 02:00pm
He should get fired from PTI. Pakistani should social boycott with him.
Ahmed Mar 19, 2021 02:48pm
Not funny at all. What is funny is IK talking about a Madina state and then taking a helicopter back and forth from the PMs mansion to Banigala and one of his minister's saying it costs pennies to do that.
Parvez Mar 19, 2021 03:47pm
Aamir Liaquat is a disgrace ...... he thrives on crass, objectionable language and behavior. The media would be doing the people a good service if they simply drastically restricted his air time. Those who voted for him need to have their heads examined.
Fast comment Mar 19, 2021 03:54pm
Amir Liaquat has freedom of expression. Just see the number of ‘likes’ he got.
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Mar 19, 2021 03:57pm
What else do you expect from a Conartist like Aamir Liaquat.
HashBrown® Mar 19, 2021 04:06pm
All those who were outraged and mortified by two people hugging on campus, have you suddenly lost your voices? Or is this oily little man perfectly acceptable within our culture of izzat and purity?
M. Saeed Mar 19, 2021 04:26pm
I was baffled when Gen. Musharraf made Aamir Liaquat his minister for religious affairs, about 20 years ago. I was further baffled to see him the darling of every government after Musharraf and conducting very sensitive programs like Shab-e-Barat, Eid and Ramazan shows on various TV channels. Then, there was a big controversy about him on a new TV Channel, when he was removed due to very problematic show and remained out of circulation for some time. But, it is the height of it, to see him return as an MNA of Imran Khan's PTI and still making his usual nasty appearances and writings in media. It definitely shows what type of company Imran Khan keeps close to him. and is tarnishing his image.
Truthful Mar 19, 2021 04:39pm
All waste in PTI including ik This party is a waste of our time
Tuaha Badar Mar 19, 2021 04:40pm
This person is a caricature of every ethical insensitivity present in the media of Pakistan. He should be outright banned, but somehow he always manages to rise back to highlight. Public should become more aware that such characters do more damage on social and moral values rather than producing something meaningful out of their life.
bhaRAT© Mar 19, 2021 04:41pm
Crass sense of humour!
Toni Mar 19, 2021 04:45pm
This is a silly critique, really pulling it out without being referenced.
Ibrahim S Mar 19, 2021 04:53pm
“PTI government would be to falsely accuse a party leader of sexual harassment.” This is itself demeaning to women and a sexual harassment. I remembered what dictator Mushraf said when Mai was supported by international community after her gang rape. “To get visa , just get raped” We still need to understand and educate ourselves what sexual harassment means .
Fareed Mar 19, 2021 05:06pm
And he is still parliamentarian.
marquis de sade Mar 19, 2021 05:22pm
you get the MNAs you deserve.
jagdish Misra Mar 19, 2021 05:22pm
Amir Liaquat should have been in jail by now, but then in Pakistan may be this is normal behavior and hence he is free to repeat such indecency
Ali Mehdi Mar 19, 2021 05:25pm
He knows how to remain in news.
Sara Khan Mar 19, 2021 05:39pm
It’s very funny and amusing
Saeeds Mar 19, 2021 05:42pm
He true representative of average Pakistani mentality.
Shakeel Amin Mar 19, 2021 05:47pm
The chap who does not feel remorse in advocating Wajib e Qatil in his TV shows. And Pemra just closes eyes and ears.
babaji Mar 19, 2021 05:48pm
He is not joking....he's mocking
It's me Mar 19, 2021 06:03pm
@Hasan Khan "shameful"
Zulfiqar Mar 19, 2021 06:35pm
@Sid how can you be sure of that. How can you defend what Aamir Liaqat said? By attacking someone else? Probably you’re one of the million followers for Aamir Liaqat
Sheraz Mar 19, 2021 06:42pm
Amir Liaqat, a legend.
Aamir Mar 19, 2021 06:47pm
Total low life
Sach Mar 19, 2021 07:01pm
Why people are flipping over this? These so called political leaders have looted this country to bankruptcy and put our future generations in limbo and people can’t even make jokes about them? Their corruption is far greater sin than the distasteful joke posted.
AKBAR-e-AZAM Mar 19, 2021 07:35pm
Dirty young-old man. Quite undeserving of the publicity lavished on him.
haris Mar 19, 2021 07:45pm
It's been more than 15 years and this guy is in limelight for all the wrong reasons.
Ali Mar 19, 2021 07:46pm
. The video uploaded for him few years back shows his mentality. If that would have happened in any other country he would have been banned but not in here.
ali jaffery Mar 19, 2021 10:18pm
Insane person. have no clue why the heck he was choosen by PTI. But then when was PTI sane
Shakeel Nizamani Mar 19, 2021 11:13pm
Only intellectual bankrupt will give this guy any importance. I pity those who think he is an intellectual.
Hidde Marieke Van Hal Mar 20, 2021 12:10am
@Hasan Khan He was also with Altaf Husain another Fascist Leader.
Fast comment Mar 20, 2021 12:33am
@M. Saeed Don’t be disheartened. He’s an entertainer.
tahir malik Mar 20, 2021 01:21am
loose cannon on the deck of PTI,s ship
Umar Mar 20, 2021 04:40am
@Hasan Khan speak for yourself.
THE MORNING STAR, MD. Mar 20, 2021 05:47am
Aamir Liaquat's jokes may be silly or even vulgar : I do not think it rises to the level of profanity and disgust that we should feel against those who have stolen the wealth of this nation and transferred it abroad.
Raj Mar 20, 2021 06:11am
At least he made comments of some unacceptable notes, while we see people who committed more sinuous crimes than just verbosity.
IMRAN QAISER Mar 20, 2021 08:31am
Why the surprise? When you keep electing corrupt politicians and their in competent kins over and over again. Then you will have politicians like aamir liaqat. You have muddled the environment so much that decent educated people cant even think of joining politics.
Masood Haider Mar 20, 2021 09:26am
Why does IK tolerate such horrible people in his party?
HumanA Mar 20, 2021 09:53am
For once, I don't disagree with AL.
kinza Mar 20, 2021 11:14am
unfortunately amir liaquat has said the truth, it happens behind the closed doors.
Pakistani in New Zealand Mar 20, 2021 03:21pm
I thought it was funny.
Hamid Mar 20, 2021 06:26pm
As pti mostly engage , entertain their fan club via imaginary achievements of incompetent government and accusing others. These types of clowns are important assets
Ali Mehdi Mar 20, 2021 11:28pm
Even he knows how his statements will impact the audience. He’s playing with fire as there are many crackpots everywhere n who knows the f he gets to face the wrath of one such crazy guy. He better try to find a decent way to maintain his popularity.
Abraham Haque Mar 21, 2021 04:42am
@Zartaj Gul and you know nothing about islam
Ghaznavi Mar 21, 2021 07:02am
What happened to lectures about tolerance and freedom of speech? Agreed his joke was below standard but nothing below the class average so I will give him a B
Funny man Mar 21, 2021 12:32pm
Funny how Zardari using a minor girl to launder money and getting the officer who caught her killed is totally ok but you can't hurdle jokes at these people because of whom millions are in poverty. These so called liberals .. What a joke.
Sara Khan Mar 21, 2021 06:22pm
Nothing wrong in what he is expressing. He has full rights to do so. All the freedom of speech NGOs are silent now. They only want the foreign funded Agenda.
Mind Mar 21, 2021 06:51pm
@Shuaib The first name is IK itself who is not a behaved politician in himself