
Aamir Liaquat's joke about Sri Devi and Irrfan was an extremely callous act, says Adnan Siddiqui

Aamir Liaquat's joke about Sri Devi and Irrfan was an extremely callous act, says Adnan Siddiqui

The actor shared how he felt about "this unfortunate incident," after which the host issued an apology
Updated 03 May, 2020

Adnan Siddiqui is calling out Aamir Liaquat for his extremely insensitive comments regarding Sri Devi and Irrfan.

The actor appeared on Liaquat's show Jeewey Pakistan where the host decided to joke about the actor's relationship with the two deceased icons... and basically implied he was the connection behind their deaths.

The joke was in poor taste and one can see how disturbed Siddiqui feels upon the remarks as the actor maintains his cool throughout. Kudos to him for trying to keep cool in such an uncomfortable moment.

Siddiqui later took to social media to release his statement where he shared how he felt about "this unfortunate incident."

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

Said Siddiqui, "The anchor Aamir Liaquat Sahab joked about something extremely sensitive. Not only were they both close to me but also as a human it was wrong on so many levels. I cannot even call it hitting below the belt."

"It was an extremely callous act to joke about the deceased. This is in very bad taste, not only does it show him and me but also the entire country in bad light."

"I want to apologise to the families of Sridevi Sahiba and lrrfan Khan Sahab, their loved ones and fans. If you see my body language I was extremely uncomfortable with what he said but I didn't want to stoop to that level," he added.

He ended his note saying, "I regret being on the show. I've learnt my lesson and I promise I will not tolerate such an act in future. I was hoping this bit wouldn't become public but unfortunately it has. I'm sorry."

Aamir Liaquat has also since then issued an apology.

According to the host, "Sometimes you lose control over your words. That happens in a live show. At the time it didn't seem like a big issue but when I later thought about I realised that was not appropriate. So I'm really sorry. Keeping humanity in mind, this should not have been said. I made a mistake."


Rajesh Sharma May 02, 2020 11:41am
Respect for this actor from India, thankyou for taking a stand. we must stand up to such hate mongers, both sides of the border!
Omair May 02, 2020 11:55am
He's despicable, at the same time I can not respect anyone who goes to his show.
Neel singh May 02, 2020 12:21pm
Lack credibility, nonsense attitude
Dattatraya May 02, 2020 12:23pm
Amir liaqat is known for loud mouth. What more can we expect from him. Adnan Siddique is a sensative person. He is aware that we do not speak ill about those who are no more. This speaks about upbringing . Salute to Adnan.
Science save life May 02, 2020 12:34pm
What a person speaks shows his character.
Farrukh May 02, 2020 12:37pm
Not the first time Amir liaqat has insulted people. At many occasions he did it with general public. Now it's a celebrity Adnan Siddiqui so the media is taking it sternly. The anchor must not be allowed live shows or he must be trained to follow ethics and norms.
munir siddiqi May 02, 2020 12:47pm
The cheapest man in the show business. Shame on him.
Zafar May 02, 2020 12:58pm
Thank you Adnan Siddiqui for gracefully calling out Amir Liaquat's actions. The graceful manner in which Adnan dealt with the situation made Amir Liaquat apologize too who otherwise is very indifferent towards his actions. Respect for the deceased souls. Let's move on but hopefully, the anchor would show more seriousness towards his words and actions.
Jai Moolchandani May 02, 2020 01:18pm
Liaqat Sir ! So sad , but it wasn't the first time haan . We respect you and we unless you want .
SRK May 02, 2020 01:46pm
While obviously it's a callous act and typical of the anchor , it is quite appreciable in the way Adnan Siddiqui is calling out. Well done, your body language was very uncomfortable but I am sure next time you will shut down these people immediately for their insensitive remarks. Shameful to have such anchors who make jokea on deceased people
Lar May 02, 2020 01:52pm
This guy never learns
Ashar May 02, 2020 02:00pm
This shows how immature, unprofessional and uneducated this person is!
Citizen May 02, 2020 02:30pm
You apologize to families of both and personally visit Adnan sahib home to say sorry. Adnan sahib open minded
Shoaib Ahmad May 02, 2020 02:31pm
This issue needs to be buried here. Its good that both realized what went wrong. No need to keep beating a dead horse
A true fact May 02, 2020 02:34pm
When will our channels owners, actors celebs ever take responsibility for their extremely useless actions. With all due respect Adnan should’ve stopped the show. I know it takes courage and he definitely was not comfortable sharing that screen with such an insensitive character but he should’ve reacted then and there and walked away. Aamir liaquat needs to be banned for life immediately. Or else the public needs to stop Listening to this insanity. Such a tasteless act.
Khalil May 02, 2020 02:35pm
Amir is very talented but he has no control over his emotions and temper hence he keeps making embarrassing mistakes on tv and has made a joke of himself on so many occasions. I remember him trying to force an apology out of a Mullah once on tv and then storming off. I never watched his shows after that. Anyway, Kudos to Adnan for keeping cool on screen.
M. Umair A. Khan May 02, 2020 02:40pm
This man is disgusting to the next level.
FAZ May 02, 2020 02:46pm
He will hold his market in a certain segment of society who unfortunately are not literate enough. As long such audiences exists, all he needs is to say sorry. No matter how many a time he crosses the boundaries
Zack Robins May 02, 2020 03:07pm
Why do we have to see him again and again on tv? He is a disgrace to the society.
BrownFlower May 02, 2020 03:08pm
The reason he's hired because he reflects on the majority. Stop hiding behind the bush. He's a product of Pakistani mindset.
Mark May 02, 2020 03:17pm
Even his apology appears so insincere.
Manoj May 02, 2020 03:20pm
He was wrong. He apologized. Hope he's more sensitive in the future. Chapter closed.
AJ May 02, 2020 03:29pm
Why is Aamir Liaquat still allowed to appear on TV despite so many similar incidences in the past?
Tanit May 02, 2020 03:47pm
@Manoj How many times does chapter should be closed? It is not first or second time that he made such a bad comment. He has done it so many times that now no one is keeping count on it.
ruknani May 02, 2020 03:57pm
dont know how low he can go.
Mrs.khalil May 02, 2020 04:02pm
I am surprised, why quite reasonable people like Adnan siddiqui , became part of this show,
GM May 02, 2020 04:04pm
Amir Liaquat should not have said about the towering personalities who are already not among us. simply he should understand the impact of his words on the feeling on the millions of fans of Siri Devi and Irrfan sb.
GM May 02, 2020 04:04pm
Amir liaquat always needs cheep publicity
Vijay B. May 02, 2020 04:22pm
What aamir Liaquat Husain said can hardly be considered an apology it is more like an eye-wash.
M. Saeed May 02, 2020 04:42pm
Why this man Liaquat still on our channels? He has been punished several times but hardest incorrigible. Must be boycotted by the people.
Vijay B. May 02, 2020 04:51pm
People should have the good sense and good taste not to make any scurrilous remarks about those who are not with us any more. I wouldn't even make any similar rem,arks about Donald Trump or Imran Khan once they are gone.
Vijayan May 02, 2020 05:02pm
Very decent of him to admit his mistake and apologize. Let us move on.
Mutahir.noor May 02, 2020 05:22pm
Adnan siddique reponse was perfect and with in parameters
Khwaja Shirjeel May 02, 2020 05:31pm
Adnan's fault why do you attend programmes hosted by him when you know his past. He does this every time with everyone.
Haris May 02, 2020 05:43pm
This guy has no control on his tongue.
Ajay May 02, 2020 05:44pm
As expected madrassas education
RogerKhan May 02, 2020 05:59pm
Truth be told, no one takes Amir Liaqat seriously in Pakistan, even his political carrier is a sham. This man has on several occasions been exposed publicly for his crude behavior and then he renders these apologies, but soon after gets caught up in new controversies, deliberately aimed at boosting his media presence. He is a classic media TROLL who feeds on fracas either created by him or someone else.
Shafi May 02, 2020 06:04pm
Ashamed again because of Amir Liaqat but thats a never ending story. Very proud of Adnan Siddiqui who has always maintained a high moral ground at all levels.
Syed Raza May 02, 2020 07:13pm
I can never expect how somebody can make a joke about somebody who is not in this world. My heart felt condolence to the bereaved families,rest in peace. Islam does not teach this,he himself is a religious scholar.
Yeshwant Rao May 02, 2020 07:23pm
It shows his level of thinking & intelligence.
dean May 02, 2020 07:34pm
He should apologise on TV where he made the comment. Well done Adnan for doing the right thing. No need for such vile comments!!
Asif Hashmi May 02, 2020 07:45pm
@Rajesh Sharma I would like to clarify that the actor is not from India but is Adnan Siddiqui, a well know Pakistani actor who occasionally has worked in some foreign films.
Amir May 02, 2020 08:07pm
i do not understand why he is even allowed to host ramadan specials. the channels who hire him does not care about respect, but money. I remember several years back Express used to write so much against him, than one day they hired him for ramadan special, and all those reports on express tribune disappeared, and news reports in his favor appeared.
LAHORI KID May 02, 2020 08:15pm
This guy has no control over his mouth, history has taught us that much, the guy is classless and has no conscious, you do not disrespect people, period. Yet he still has a following, and a program ?
Javed May 02, 2020 08:29pm
I would expect nothing but callous from Amir. He is the definition of callous.
Surendra Sukhtankar May 02, 2020 08:52pm
His show should be cancelled. Period.
Ali May 02, 2020 10:25pm
Adnan should have left straight away. I wonder why he kept on sitting there listening to this nonsense and didn’t do anything?
Ali May 02, 2020 10:27pm
I’d you have seen his video on YouTube you will never go Or see his programme.
Anil May 02, 2020 10:37pm
Habitual offender.
Zeeshan May 02, 2020 10:38pm
Humanity should prevail
Hamza May 02, 2020 11:22pm
Why is it, that only HE and a vveerryy small number of "hosts" make this mistake over and over again? Either they're not trained or professional enough to learn, or the producers should be taken to task!
Nk May 03, 2020 12:07am
Magar meray bhai Amir aap baar baar kiyun baray kiyun hotay hain?
Laila May 03, 2020 01:40am
The problem is the industry has many of such people. They keep inviting the likes of Amir Liaqat, Khalil Ur Rehman and others. It's hard to think of the exceptions. Even our politicians like Fawad Chaudhry, Firdaus Ashiq Awan, have gone on record saying inappropriate things. Misogyny, ridiculing or blaming victims, schadenfreude, even deceased don't get to rest in peace. There simply is no moral standard. No wonder our society is the way it is. Men and women alike. Remember Amir Liaqat is the same guy who sat laughing after a female viewer called in with a question about rape. So why surprised?
Sunil May 03, 2020 02:22am
It just bettered the image of Pakistan & it's people in my eyes. I salute the humanity of this actor to coming so clean & above this callous act. Only such good people will lead our World to be a better place.
Thomas May 03, 2020 05:02am
Thank you for clarifying your stand. Jokes on people who are no more among us cannot be tolerated.
Vijay B. May 03, 2020 05:25am
To Aamir Liaquat Husain Your lame apology "Keeping humanity in mind, this should not have been said. I made a mistake." just does not cut the muster and from what I can discern, you are not really sorry at all. What you are doing is called "Eye wash". Forget "keeping Humanity in mind" Don't you have your own value system that tells you what you did was wrong? Or do you not have a value system you can call your own and live by at all?
Sandeep May 03, 2020 05:29am
Is this guy for real? Shame on him and the channel that hires him.
Alih May 03, 2020 06:04am
I thoughgt Adnan was a sensible guy. How can anyone go to this mans' show? You disappointed me Adnan.
Just Saying May 03, 2020 08:43am
In any other country, Aamir Liaquat, would have been banned permanently from TV because of the number of despicable things he has said over the years.
Amer May 03, 2020 09:21am
Mr. Liaqat will never learn. Shame on the channels who keep hiring him.
Sameer May 03, 2020 11:39am
Amir Liaqat is the same person whom many pakistanis always consider a Hero, no matter what he says or speaks . Speaks volume avout Pakistanis in general.
Imran May 03, 2020 12:35pm
Amir Bhai Kia ho Gaya hy apko.kaha phans gay ho.aap aik knowledge ka samandar ho.apko apna muhasba karna chahiay Oor choro ye su
Roshan May 03, 2020 04:35pm
Amir Liaquat has ego and thinks he is super human being, makes fun of everybody. Sadly, people like him get good ratings for TV channels. Stop watching him and see the difference.
Laila May 03, 2020 04:53pm
he problem is the industry has many of such people and they keep inviting the likes of Amir Liaqat, Khalil Ur Rehman and others. So it continues. It's hard to think of the exceptions. Even our politicians like Fawad Chaudhry, Firdaus Ashiq Awan, have gone on record saying inappropriate things. Misogyny, ridiculing or blaming victims, schadenfreude, even deceased don't get to rest in peace. There simply is no moral standard. No wonder our society is the way it is. Men and women alike. Remember Amir Liaqat is the same guy who sat laughing after a female viewer called in with a question about rape live on air. So why are people surprised?
Laila May 03, 2020 06:21pm
The problem is the industry has many of such people. They keep inviting the likes of Amir Liaqat, Khalil Ur Rehman and others. It's hard to think of the exceptions. Even our politicians like Fawad Chaudhry, Firdaus Ashiq Awan, have gone on record saying inappropriate things. Misogyny, ridiculing or blaming victims, schadenfreude, even deceased don't get to rest in peace. There simply is no moral standard. No wonder our society is the way it is. Men and women alike. Remember Amir Liaqat is the same guy who sat laughing on air on national tv after a female viewer called in with a question about rape. So why surprised?
Anon May 03, 2020 06:40pm
@Sameer Your comment says volumes about the lying, hateful nature of racist Indians.
Mrs Zaidi May 04, 2020 02:13am
No words to describe Amir Liaquat. I never could understand what he is doing on TV shows or anywhere in Pakistan.
Sudhakar May 04, 2020 03:54am
Apology was heart felt!
Laila May 04, 2020 09:13am
The problem is the industry has many of such people. They keep inviting the likes of Amir Liaqat, Khalil Ur Rehman and others. It's hard to think of the exceptions. Even our politicians like Fawad Chaudhry, Firdaus Ashiq Awan, have gone on record saying inappropriate things. Misogyny, ridiculing or blaming victims, schadenfreude, even deceased don't get to rest in peace. There simply is no moral standard. No wonder our society is the way it is. Men and women alike. Remember Amir Liaqat is the same guy who sat laughing after a female viewer called in with a question about rape. So why surprised?
Rabia May 04, 2020 11:18am
@Omair nor can I respect a television channel that airs his show
Humayun Mirza May 04, 2020 02:06pm
@Sameer No sir you are grossly mistaken, he does not qualify for a villain either. Most controversial and despicable figure of electronic media.
dipak singham May 04, 2020 03:43pm
Even it wasn't joke anyway. Both the legend is no more and craking jokes in front of his coleague. Very shameful. at the end he realised his mistake and apologised.
Kumar(Varanasi) May 04, 2020 07:37pm
Why you keep giving mileage to a foolish person?
N abidai May 04, 2020 08:53pm
It was a sarcastic off color humor , not a joke ,more of witty observation, will not work in Pakistani tv,the mind sets are not developed! This is why good programming , educated CEO 's are needed ,who encouraged more educated young people who have world views !
Tariq Mahmood May 05, 2020 11:16pm
Amir Liaqat was banned many times for appearing in TV channels but he was always hired again. He is a low caliber person, certainly and particularly not suitable for live transmissions.
JawAd May 06, 2020 02:10am
To all those asking why he keeps coming back on tv is because he has an audience . Did you see the laughter his non sensitive remarks evoked . Problem is he represents the microcosm of society that is crass,uncouth and intolerant.Several Pakistani comics on mainstream media are full of body shaming,racially insensitive and relegiously intolerant. The messengers can be shot at but the real problem are the followers . Hats off to Adnan that showed the other side of our society that is cultured open minded and above all brave to confront bigotry in full view of society instead of succumbing to cheap laughter and claps.
Laila May 06, 2020 11:43am
It's very easy. You want him to go away? Then stop watching his shows, stop watching the channel that transmits his shows and stop watching the work of artists who attend his shows. Otherwise stop acting surprised and outraged.