
Donald Trump denies calling Duchess Meghan Markle ‘nasty’

Donald Trump denies calling Duchess Meghan Markle ‘nasty’

Trump, in fact, did use “nasty” to describe Meghan when asked about her comments about him during the 2016 campaign.
03 Jun, 2019

President Donald Trump insisted Sunday that he never called Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and the wife of Britain’s Prince Harry, “nasty.”

The president used the adjective while discussing Meghan in a recent interview with Britain’s The Sun newspaper in the run-up to his state visit to the U.K. on Monday. But debate on social media since then has raged over whether his use of “nasty” referred to the duchess herself or the negative things she said about him in 2016.

Trump and his defenders have accused the news media of spreading a deliberately false narrative about him.

A look at the claim:

TRUMP: “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty.’ Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold!” — tweet Sunday.

THE FACTS: Trump, in fact, did use the word “nasty” to describe Meghan when asked about her comments about him during the 2016 campaign.

In audio of the interview posted on the newspaper’s website, Trump discusses the upcoming state visit, his second meeting with Queen Elizabeth II and the Trump family members who are tagging along on the trip. The reporter then asks about Meghan, who isn’t joining other royals to meet Trump and his wife, Melania, due to the recent birth of her first child, Archie, in May.

Asked if he was sorry to miss out on meeting the American-born Meghan and told that she “wasn’t so nice about you” during the campaign, Trump says: “I didn’t know that. No, I hope she’s OK. I did not know that.”

When told that Meghan once said she might move to Canada if Trump was elected, Trump responds: “No, I didn’t know that she was nasty.”

The former Meghan Markle supported Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, calling Trump “divisive” and “misogynistic.” The former actress also said she might move to Canada. “Suits,” the cable TV legal drama she starred in at the time, was filming in Toronto.

She ultimately married Prince Harry in 2018 and moved to Britain.

After the interview was released, reporters at some news organizations tweeted that Trump called Meghan “nasty,” sparking debate.

The case isn’t as clear as Trump portrays it to be, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center.

Jamieson said in an email that since Trump’s interviewer is informing him about a statement that Trump says he was unaware of “one would ordinarily assume that his answer refers to that statement.” But she says the answer — “was nasty” — could also refer to a person or to what the person said.

Complicating matters, Jamieson said, is Trump’s history of verbal attacks on people he views as antagonists and his sensitivity to negative statements about his election.

“As a result, difficult to know what he meant,” she said.

In the Sun interview, Trump also spoke positively about Meghan when asked whether it was good for an American to be a member of the British royal family.

“I think it’s nice. I think it’s nice. I’m sure she will do excellently. She’ll be very good. She’ll be very good. I hope she does,” Trump said.


Bhaijan Jun 03, 2019 09:07am
President Trump has denied, And matter stands closed.
Hani Jun 03, 2019 11:00am
Nothing new
Jehengir khan Jun 03, 2019 11:14am
Trump has very thin skin...mentally unfit to be a president of the most powerful nation in the world....he should be impeached but Democrats as usual are scared puppets....
Syed Jun 03, 2019 11:47am
He is suffering from both long term and short term amensia. That is whenever it suits him.
Mahmood Jun 03, 2019 12:26pm
Trump has earned his notoriety for his lies, insults, denials, and contradictions. The only reason the so-called 'Great' Britain would extend a state visit to someone as crass and uncouth as Trump is because of Britain's diminishing stature and lack of power in the international arena. With the added isolation of the island if Brexit does happen, then Brits will without a doubt, feel more vulnerable and weaker - economically, politically and militarily - than ever before. Their only saving grace is good ties with the US and US military bases in the UK. Without US support and dependency on US firms for UK jobs and investments, Brits will have nothing - except failing economy and aging Royal family without much of clout around the world
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 03, 2019 01:04pm
In my view, President Trump is a very controversial figure and, he likes to be in news through his degrading and bullying statements. He will face strong demonstrations during his forthcoming visit to UK, as he is not liked there.
Abdul Majid Farid Jun 03, 2019 02:04pm
Trump, the liar.
fairplay Jun 03, 2019 08:05pm
@Bhaijan he lies constantly, almost pathologically. He did say it, confirmed.
brmurr Jun 04, 2019 01:27am
What?! Has Dawn reduced itself to tabloid status? Come on, Dawn, this is not how you gain respect as a reputable media outlet.
Laila Jun 04, 2019 03:40am
Why is this even news? What does it matter if he called a gold digging opportunitist nasty. I find her dislikable. Now can we get back to real news?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 09, 2019 07:31pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster.