
Sanam Jung's morning show just featured blackface and it's not okay

Sanam Jung's morning show just featured blackface and it's not okay

Hey Sanam Jung, making dark-skinned women look beautiful isn't the difficult challenge you think it is
Updated 21 Nov, 2019

Bridal makeup competitions are a fairly regular feature on morning shows, so we can't blame TV producers for wanting to spice up those segments.

So what did Sanam Jung's Jago Pakistan Jago go and do? They introduced brownface.

It started a little like this: On Day 3 of the competition that was aired on Hum TV yesterday, participants were told by host Jung and mentors Amber and Farida that they were being presented with a particularly difficult task now that they are in the advanced stages of the competition.

What was the said task? Turning dark-skinned models into beautiful brides.

Sanam Jung's Jago Pakistan Jago
Sanam Jung's Jago Pakistan Jago

If the implication that 'dark isn't beautiful' isn't offensive enough, it was revealed that the participants will first have to darken the skin tone of light-skinned models using the "Negro" shade of Kryolan TV paint stick foundation and then proceed to figure out how they will do contouring, pick eye shades, etc "on such a dark complexion".

Yes, that's blackface in live action. Well... more like brownface, because our dusky Pakistani women are worth mocking, right?

The participants were restricted from lightening the dark skin of their brides, so much so that they were told to refrain from even colour correcting their undereye circles. This could have been a positive, progressive step because a lot of makeup artists tend to lighten their dusky clients' skin tone instead of working with their natural complexion. However, the opportunity to make such a statement remained untapped.

The participants were instead prevented from focusing on proving their makeup mettle by a series of unnecessary obstacles: they were given insufficient time to do their jobs, repeatedly interrupted and harassed by the host and mentors and were further handicapped by the condition that they could only use one hand to do make-up. As a result, barely any of the participants were able to do a good job.

Participants were challenged to turning dark-skinned models into beautiful brides, as if it was an especially difficult challenge
Participants were challenged to turning dark-skinned models into beautiful brides, as if it was an especially difficult challenge

More regressive aspects of the show: While Farida recognised that the participants could get dark-skinned clients any day, Amber thought it appropriate to emphasise the difficulty of the task by saying, "I've done the makeover of so many brides, but I've never had such a bride, like a Habshan, ever. But you are being presented with this challenge."

Terms like 'Habshi' or 'Habshan', 'Makrani' and 'Negro' were used liberally during the episode.

Fine, 'Negro' is an actual shade in the Kryolan range (they really ought to change it) but Jung should have the awareness to realise the extremely racist connotations of the word and avoid using it on national TV, because she definitely said "Inko dark kar ke negro pe le ke aana hai (Make them dark to get them to look negro)."

It would have been nice if she had commented on the inappropriateness of the shade name. Instead, Pakistani ethnicities like Makrani and Sheedi people were othered by using their names as descriptors for 'unusually' dark-skinned people.

If the show had ended with a monologue that challenged society's bias against dark skin by showing off the work of the successful participants of this round, a lot of the damaging effect of this segment could have been countered.

The show needed to send the message that all skin types look beautiful; it is up to the makeup artiste's experience and skill set to be able to do their makeup appropriately. But unfortunately, by the end of the show, dark skin remained the subject of ridicule.


Khurram Mar 15, 2018 01:53pm
Truly regressive. Wonder how our Pakistani women get so amused after watching such pathetic morning shows?
R Sultan Mar 15, 2018 02:07pm
We Pakistanis are all different shades of brown anyway. So why do we have problems with being dark brown or light brown or even black!
Sunny Mar 15, 2018 02:41pm
Well its perfectly normal as all the countries in the Indian subcontinent have still to understand the term racism first before exploring to see the attitudes that term connotates . We all have no qualms to use the terms habshi , habshan , negro etc freely to other dark skinned people around us yet surprisingly cry Racism when we encounter a bit of aggression from a European or American
Sabir Mar 15, 2018 02:43pm
In India women want to be white and in Pakistan women want to be dark.
Niz Mar 15, 2018 02:43pm
What?! Did I just hear the "N" word? Horrendous. Goodness me, don't these people know that we have an indigenous black population in Pakistan too!
Alisha Mar 15, 2018 02:47pm
Disgusting to see them abuse majority of Pakistani population's skin tone. Stop this whitewashing and brown shaming brought by british colonisation.
Hurt Mar 15, 2018 02:48pm
Now I am hurt. Not only am I ugly, but I am extremely dark complexioned.
Niz Mar 15, 2018 02:49pm
I am no snow-flake but for a person who was look after and raised by a Sheedi woman, had an aunt with Sheedi background, played with kids from Sheedi neighborhood. This news overwhelmed me. It embarrasses me that rather than celebrating and respecting our country's diversity we stoop down to such racially derogatory practices. Can't PEMRA seriously FINE such morning shows?
helping hands Mar 15, 2018 03:10pm
Not the first time that JPJ shows how abysmally low it can get. Seriously fail to understand how they let this pathetic morning show run even after so much objection against it!
The right wrong Mar 15, 2018 03:30pm
About time Pakistan created a anti racism law. How can such downright absurdity happen in a live show ! What is the mental caliber of the producer, hosts everyone else involved in this shameful exercise ! This is shocking. The channel should be finned for airing such downright racist show.
Tariq Mahmood Mar 15, 2018 03:34pm
This mindset very much reflects the mess the whole country is in! Beauty is not just skin deep.....heard of the adage Ms Jung?
Maria Mar 15, 2018 03:54pm
Highly pathetic. I believe these morning shows should be banned and if you have to show anything, make it more intellectually interesting. Show documentaries, science shows, biographies of famous people. Anything to take the masses out of dark skin complex to fair skin superiority. I thought Sanam Jung was better than other ladies but turns out she is as shallow as the rest. Before doing this show, she should've realizes that she was a mocking stock before her transformation. She was a fat/obese woman who could've been locked just like she locked the dark skinned ladies. Highly insensitive and pathetic.
azhar Mar 15, 2018 04:00pm
Shameful! Please include in the article the name of the channel where the show was aired. the producers and channel owners should be held responsible for the content in these shows. I'm sure if PEMRA notices it, they will criticise the host but never the producers.
Anonymous Mar 15, 2018 04:31pm
Rubbish morning shows
Saadia Mar 15, 2018 04:42pm
This has got to be some kind of joke?! I am a Pakistani living in London and have friends of all different races. I am shocked that such a deeply racist and offensive segment was created and aired as part of a Pakistani morning show. If I am to go by the social media coverage on this today, this show is currently a source of national embarrassment.
Samina Mar 15, 2018 04:56pm
I used to think that she was one of the better female actors until one day i heard her speaking on her morning show..
Nasiroski Mar 15, 2018 04:57pm
This is not confined to this show or presenter this reflects the mindset of general society, and that's why they don't even think before using all the racist slur, they are completely insensitive to other folks feelings
Amira Mar 15, 2018 05:18pm
@Sabir Whitening creams, facials are selling like hot cakes in Pakistan because of this fascination of becoming white. British left Subcontient in 1947, but shunning our own Pakistani skin tone remains.
arbabalijimmy Mar 15, 2018 05:30pm
pathetic morning shows with low IQ Level hosts
Faisal Mar 15, 2018 05:33pm
I'm sure they don't even realize what they have done.
Shahid Mar 15, 2018 06:46pm
Shame on her
junaid Mar 15, 2018 07:08pm
on screen marriages were depressing enough and now we have this
George Mar 15, 2018 08:12pm
The day the mother of this nation is out of any sort of beauty contest. That day they will start raising kids which are capabable of taking this nation forward.
Tzaman Mar 15, 2018 08:18pm
The host and the producer and the participants should be bycotted for such glaring racism. Are these people real?
N abidi Mar 15, 2018 08:34pm
Morning shows are very regressive. They could have used models with dark to medium and light natural skin tones. Thus, given make up tutorials regarding make up that works best with each skin tone. In USA this type of racists show would have been harshly dealt! In the west with all the racists issues, respecting people's regardless of skin color still the law!
Rev. Eldrick Lal Mar 15, 2018 10:53pm
Reprehensible act
TT Mar 15, 2018 11:01pm
Show n channel should be penalized for airing racially offensive program
Hasan Mar 15, 2018 11:22pm
Why cannot one blame the producers btw?! The final responsibility stands with the network that allows this to be aired, which you have not mentioned for some odd reason.
Imran Mar 15, 2018 11:38pm
I am shocked and embarrassed.they don’t even realise what they are doing.when we Pakistanis telling everyone overseas there’s is no rasicm in Pakistan on the basis of colour of skin.shamful!
Rastriga Mar 16, 2018 12:06am
Where is PEMRA ????
anonymouseeee Mar 16, 2018 12:11am
This was pretty bad. I hope that she learns her lesson. Allah made us all beautiful.
Theaamirofsandeigo Mar 16, 2018 12:23am
Absolutely horrific, using divisive to describe human beings.
OZ Mar 16, 2018 01:14am
Is it difficult to find a dark skinned girl in Pakistan, that they needed to paint (black0 a light skinned girl's face.
Lucky Singh Mar 16, 2018 01:41am
Unfortunately, skin tone shaming is prevalent on both sides of the border...
Najum Mar 16, 2018 02:30am
But Snooki gets the ratings; which is why the channel has kept her. Housewives want to watch this trash.
Sarah Mar 16, 2018 02:42am
Sanam really comes across as rude, abrasives and ignorant. She needs to Be More professionals if she wants to come back From this. Look at hosts like Ellen and learn from them!
Nomi Mar 16, 2018 03:19am
In USA black makeup is done successfully the ladies look beautiful. You makeup ladies in Pakistan take this as a challenge Sanam youwere a flop.
CHOORAN BAND Mar 16, 2018 03:48am
Pakistan is still living under gora mentality
AS Mar 16, 2018 04:18am
This is highly offensive! If that happened in America, there would be protests. Pakistani's have no idea when they are being offensive. Sanam's show should be cancelled immediately! There is no room for Hate!
khan Mar 16, 2018 05:20am
They could have used the word African Counntries and now this is how they sell the show and get the ratings
isha Mar 16, 2018 05:23am
This is just one example of the morning shows lowering the collective IQ of the entire nation
aneesa Mar 16, 2018 06:54am
@Hurt i am sure you are not ugly . NObody is .
drfaaiza Mar 16, 2018 06:59am
I am glad you guys decided to write these piece! And highlighted both the distastful racism plus the harassement the contestants face on these shows regularly! Misbehaving with contestants is such a norm that no one talks about it! And people who are not aware of significance of blackface should read up on it instead of asking us to take this lightly! if dark skin was to promoted as beautiful , dark skinned girls should have been given the opportunity to model who never get a chance in our industry!
Wasif Altaf Mar 16, 2018 07:07am
Where are your feminists now?????
Haris Mar 16, 2018 08:32am
People have a right to offend. And you have the right to be offended. It's distasteful sure but it's okay to be distasteful.
H Khan Mar 16, 2018 09:12am
Why are you making an issue out of it? It seems to me you are the one who thinks black is not beautiful. If it were a models face painted white you would not have bothered.
Zak Mar 16, 2018 09:32am
Sanam Jung is very intelligent compare and the show producer should have directed better.
Anita Turab Mar 16, 2018 09:39am
This is the same lady who promotes extended use of betnovate steroid cream to ensure white skin!!! Most of her shows revolve around changing skin colour and making Pakistani girls feel bad about themselves. Where is PEMRA? Hmmm. SLEEPING.
Jawad Mar 16, 2018 09:47am
Almost all morningshoz host r nt hv proper trainng for host da show dy jst talk nonsense nd they dont Hv no sense of humour..
Fatima Mar 16, 2018 09:59am
It's how average Pakistani woman look. The elite host need to exist her glass castle and walk around the city, villages and meet poor people more. Mocking our skin colour and people, calling them racist names is disgraceful. It lowers majority of Pakistani woman's self esteem forcing them to bleach up. End the shaming practice.
Anita Turab Mar 16, 2018 10:18am
@isha truly yes
Iman Mar 16, 2018 10:42am
Perfect definition of 'parhe likhe jahil.'
ahmad Mar 16, 2018 11:06am
I have a dark complexion as well and being subjected to discrimination would hurt me but that won't be called 'racism'. please get your definitions right. Also the shows very well understand what they're doing, no publicity is bad publicity
jahanzeb Mar 16, 2018 12:43pm
Adil Mar 16, 2018 01:34pm
@ahmad calling people negro/ other names by skin tone, projecting it as ugly and ordering them to rectify it in given time is higest form of racism.
Shahnaz Mar 16, 2018 05:02pm
I was absolutely horrified by the content, i was just flipping channels and noticed the bride who had fair arms and a very dark face which looked so unnatural. I just watched it for a minute or so. But wow they used such words to describe the skin colour?!Find some better topics. These channels trying to compete with each other to increase viewers, such a disappointment.
Menahil Mar 16, 2018 05:16pm
Such a shame that this even aired! People like sanam jung whose shows are watched by many Pakistani women have the power to make an impact but instead they choose to continue their regressive ways and further damage society. Very sad.
Saba Mar 16, 2018 06:25pm
Post make up they look like common woman Pakistani walking on the streets. It's disgraceful to see handful of elites mocking majority of humble background Pakistani skin tone as negro and other adjectives. Skin shaming our own people by ourselves. We don't need racist colonisers enemies, when we have our own people outclassing them.
Umair Mar 16, 2018 06:34pm
Kindly ban all morning shows.
Talha Mar 16, 2018 09:07pm
Calling it a difficult task is enough to call the act racist!
Zehra Kamal Alam Mar 16, 2018 10:50pm
This again re-affirms the belief that education in its current form will not change much of racism, classism or sexism, unless these issues are openly and critically discussed at all levels including schools.
Rabab Shaheeb Mar 16, 2018 11:21pm
“but Jung should have the awareness to realise the extremely racist connotations of the word and avoid using it on national TV” Why should we expect Jung to know better, or for that matter any tv celeb? Are they known/engaged in their spheres for their cultural and social sensitivity or simply for the ability to attract public interest and advert dollars? No surprise at all.
Nasir A. Mar 16, 2018 11:29pm
The fact that such shows even get airtime shows how pathetic we are. The channel should stop this show and issue an immediate apology.
Zeba Farookhi. Mar 17, 2018 01:39am
We as a nation just want to hold on to the steriotypes that our parents taught us.We don't even want to move forward or be less regressive as woman.And these morning shows are agood example of that.They are catering to an audience which enjoys and propagates such ideas.
Furqan Mar 17, 2018 02:41am
This is what happens when people who have no knowledge and no research becomes anchors and TV hosts.
Maria Mar 17, 2018 03:14am
If Hum was a respectable channel, they would fire Sanam Jung and end Jago Pakistan for such reprehensible behavior. This made international news/Twitter trending moments for how ridiculously terrible it was. It's 2018-- dark Pakistanis are just as beautiful as light ones and this type of racism should be not tolerated at all.
Ali Rehman Mar 17, 2018 05:02am
Pathetic, Sahme on the producer and host.
Ali Rehman Mar 17, 2018 05:02am
Pathetic, Sahme on the producer and host.
Junaid Mar 18, 2018 08:46pm
they could have taken south indians instead they are naturally black