
Updated 20 Apr, 2017

A year after the Panama Leaks and five months after the Supreme Court hearing on the Panama case, the Supreme Court passed a judgement this afternoon stating that "a thorough investigation is required" into allegations of corruption by the Sharif family.

Taking this as a victory, the Sharif family is already [celebrating][2].

Because, well, Pakistan. Here's what Pakistanis had to say online:

1) Think the verdict is a joke? Haha. We have more where that came from

2) We are all Imran Khan/Gormint Aunty right now.

3) In the words of Sahir Lodhi, who gives you that right to differentiate? Who are you to decide? Are you some kind of demi-god?

4) When you're at a loss for words...

5) Post-verdict we got Salman Ahmad in the house...

6) ...and a gulab jaman in the mouth.

7) Guess it's good to be ready to celebrate... just in case:

8) Some are already thinking about our future generations


Farid Lodhi Apr 20, 2017 06:44pm
Frédéric Bastiat, who said: "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
SAQIB FARID Apr 20, 2017 07:09pm
When there is a CHAIR after retirement who will choose the Right way.
STHF Apr 20, 2017 07:37pm
@Farid Lodhi That is a really good quote. Will use someday.
really? Apr 20, 2017 07:55pm
@SAQIB FARID Justice Khosa did. His dissent note has been published in this same newspaper.
Asif Apr 20, 2017 08:36pm
@Nazrana Ghaffar, you made my
Zaf Apr 20, 2017 09:17pm
We will remember this decision not for twenty years but for Centuries. What a shock! Have no word to express.
Princess_of_DHUMP Apr 20, 2017 10:31pm
Very pro PTI! A little subtlety would have been nice, DAWN
Abdulla Hussain Apr 20, 2017 10:59pm
Gulab Jamun has stuck neither in nor out. Face the sweet of your sowing.
prefer Honesty Apr 20, 2017 11:02pm
@Farid Lodhi So true.
Muhammad Munir Apr 20, 2017 11:30pm
Loved the gulab jamin in the mouth picture. He is celebrating not sure about the exact outcome.
aj Apr 20, 2017 11:37pm
@Farid Lodhi The truth nothing but the truth in your qoute. Well said
Munawar Apr 21, 2017 01:35am
@Farid Lodhi you nailed it
Uzair Apr 21, 2017 04:31am
@Farid Lodhi Nicely summarised...
احسن Apr 21, 2017 05:06am
@Farid Lodhi so you just wanted to show off by putting a fancy name there. Its such simple verdict, you don't need fancy names.
Sughra Saifuddin Apr 21, 2017 07:19am
A few more brilliants like Justice Khosa rise soon and the Sharifs are down the drain for good. Bravo! Mr. Khosa Shame! Sharifs
ahmed raza Apr 21, 2017 09:12am
This is great both parties are happy about the decision and are distributing sweets. However general public is confused.
ismail parvaiz Apr 21, 2017 09:54am
Aamer Apr 21, 2017 01:47pm
I dont get it why are they celebrating, the case hasn't been decided yet. It will come back to the court after 2 months. 2 judges already gave a verdict against the Prim Minister the other 3 didn't vote in his favour either.
ZAMAN CHANNA Apr 21, 2017 06:59pm
Gulab jaman at 1:59:59 pm.
mrashidhai Apr 21, 2017 07:31pm
Best comment by Sh. Rasheed; " Pappoo who has failed in 2 papers is declared pass".
Anis Sayani Apr 22, 2017 12:48am
Those who are not sincere to their profession do things like this.
khan Apr 23, 2017 01:14am
it is good for pakistan if nawaz sharif stays in power till next election. other wise he will get sympathy vote and come back. staying in power with panama . and be rejected by people like asif zardari