
‘Why do I have to hide my bump?’: Mariyam Nafees opens up about her pregnancy

‘Why do I have to hide my bump?’: Mariyam Nafees opens up about her pregnancy

The actor discussed her journey, from 'taboo' topics and morning sickness to having a supportive husband.
13 Jan, 2025

Mariyam Nafees opened up about her pregnancy and said that after three years of enjoying their marriage, she and her husband Amaan Ahmed, decided that it was the right time to have children.

Nafees, who announced her pregnancy in November, appeared on Nida Yasir’s show Good Morning Pakistan and said she loved children and her friends’ children but had a certain fear about having kids herself.

The actor quickly clarified that it wasn’t fear as much as having mixed feelings about how things would progress, especially given her line of work where she had to be on screen and in front of people.

“You gain weight, which I’ve gained a lot of. I think I’m feeling it because this is the first time I’ve put on weight and I’m wondering why everything is so bloated.”

Nafees added that other things change during a pregnancy as well, including relationships. She said there were many things people didn’t talk about because they were still considered taboo. In some cases, she said, women were so busy in their journey that they forgot to talk about certain things.

When prompted by Yasir about what these things were, Nafees said it was difficult to pray namaz, particularly after the first month, as well as experiencing morning sickness and lethargy.

“It’s commendable that people work when pregnant,” she said, and the host chimed in that during her third pregnancy she dealt with morning sickness while also hosting a morning show.

Talking about staying active throughout her pregnancy, Nafees said her friend, who was a gym trainer, advised her to continue the exercises she was doing prior to her pregnancy without the heavy weight lifting. The Neem actor highlighted that every pregnancy was different and women had to take their doctor’s advice into account and be careful with what they did.

“I am now doing yoga. I was very active throughout my pregnancy and walked 15 to 20,000 steps every day. I travelled, I took all the flights, I did my production work.” Nafees added that she didn’t cancel anything because of her pregnancy, emphasising that it was key to be as active as possible.

“People are still so shy when talking about pregnancies. When we announced my pregnancy we were in the safe zone because we didn’t want to announce it early due to nazar [evil eye]. However, I want to talk about these things. Why do I have to hide my bump? It’s a very natural thing. No one is saying spread indecency, but it’s something to be proud of. The journey I am going through is so beautiful and I want to share it with the people who are happy for me.”

The actor also spoke about her husband’s support during the journey, and said that while he was always very caring, he made sure to go to all of her doctor’s appointments even if he had to take time out from work. During visits to her gynaecologist, she would wonder why some women were alone, even on the weekends, something the actor found disheartening.

“It made me appreciate my husband, I didn’t even have to tell him.”

Nafees criticised clinics where the father wasn’t allowed in scan rooms and believed that the bond between the father and the child should develop before the child was born. She said her doctor ensured that her husband was allowed inside scan rooms with her.

“It was a joy to see him see the scans, it was very beautiful.”


Gulabo Jan 13, 2025 01:45pm
What a useless article
Muneer Ahmed Memon Jan 13, 2025 01:48pm
Why giving a routine matter as Taboo. This is all coming since birth of first human. By publishing such article you are making a normal thing as Taboo.
Sam Jan 13, 2025 01:54pm
No one cares about your bump.. get over yourself
Laila Jan 13, 2025 02:00pm
Congratulations to Maryam Nafees. Thats great news. Enjoy and stay blessed. So many important issues raised as to how Pakistani society views pregnancy. Being pregnant is a blessing and natural thing. Unfortunately awami jahalat/ignorance has censored and shamed the most natural things like pregnancy and driven a wedge between the natural bond between an expecting husband and wife (by not including nor raising males to be responsible and involved in the pregnancy) and father and child - all under the insanely false guise and misguided sense of haya/modesty. A husbands job is not simply to impregnate the wife. It's not a wife's job to birth or later raise the child alone. Baby bumps are natural and no need to hide it.
Laila Jan 13, 2025 02:10pm
@Muneer Ahmed Memon But it's not considered normal in Pakistan. That's the point of the article. Dawn is highlighting this so it will make people think and not treat it as a taboo or shameful.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 13, 2025 03:38pm
NYS Jan 13, 2025 07:01pm
Flaunt when you are expecting All body shape changes when you conceive,one of the alter phase of marital life phases
Ehsan Jan 13, 2025 07:11pm
If it’s a taboo it’s messed up
Ahmed Jan 13, 2025 09:17pm
Nazar exists. It is part of our belief. So hiding your bump for that is reason enough. @Laila All body parts are natural. Should they all be exposed? Why should any part be hidden?
M. Saeed Jan 13, 2025 10:52pm
What is new about baby bump? At any moment there are millions of bump bearing ladies are moving around in this planet of over 8000 million people, all passed through creating bumps on their mothers belly's, at their time
Laila Jan 14, 2025 04:09am
Look up Dawn article called, "Pakistani women are calling out pregnancy shaming for its hypocrisy" from July 3, 2019. In 6 years we have not progressed. It shows why a nation shamelessly obsessed with harassing married couples about "khushkhabri kab dogi/doge" also shames pregnant women for being visibly pregnant. THAT is why, it is not "useless". It's relevant. Silencing/censoring is also part of the shaming.
Laila Jan 14, 2025 04:13am
@Gulabo Pointing out pregnancy shaming and exclusion of husbands in their joint pregnancy is not useless. Shaming under false guise of haya, however, is backwards.
Laila Jan 15, 2025 08:07am
@Ahmed As usual you are conflating and shifting the focus. The article is clearly about pregnancy and pregnancy bumps. So that's what I am talking about. I don't see why that is so hard for you to understand. Islam speaks very frankly about sex, bodies, reproduction, contractions, delivery etc. Should we censor religion too? Oh wait we already do. I recall from an earlier exchange you rejected taqwa. So no need to worry about nazar. Just lower your gaze. Problem solved. I do hope 2025 will be the year you will learn to stay on topic. Fingers crossed, Ahmed!