
Actor Zoya Nasir calls out critic Lubna Faryad for 'disrespecting' artists

Actor Zoya Nasir calls out critic Lubna Faryad for 'disrespecting' artists

Faryad had criticised Nasir's character Ainee from Badzaat for wanting to be an actor or model in the show.
Updated 19 Mar, 2022

Actor Zoya Nasir has an issue with the language used by a critic, Lubna Faryad, when discussing her show Badzaat. Faryad hosts Amma TV Aur Mein on Galaxy Lollywood and reviews Pakistani dramas. However, her review of Nasir's show wasn't well received by the star.

In the March 7 episode of the YouTube show, Faryad reviewed the drama's storyline that revolves around Wali (Imran Ashraf) and his birth mother (Saba Faisal), whom he chooses to meet even after his father had cut ties and had divorced her while he was still young. In the drama, it shows that Faisal belonged to the entertainment industry and was a dancer who chose her career above her son. Later in life, Wali's half-sister Ainee (Nasir) wants to follow in their mother's artistic footsteps and becomes a model, a career her brother disapproves of.

While critiquing the show, Faryad had referred to Faisal as a "tawaif maa [prostitute mother]" whom Wali stays in touch with despite the painful memories he has of his parents before they separated. She discussed a scene in which Wali ruins Ainee's fashion shoot and brings her back to his mother's house, questioning her choice of clothing and career.

While referring to the scene and Nasir's character wanting to pursue a career in modelling, Faryad said that often "educated mothers have educated children" therefore a daughter following her mother's footsteps in the show is not strange. "There used to be a heera mandi before. The heera mandi has all moved. There used to be dances to tablas and now Indian songs are played...This is the movement."

Though the Amma TV Aur Mein episode came out 11 days ago, it grabbed Nasir's attention on Friday. She took to Instagram stories and wrote, "I love amma (Faryad) and where she appreciates or calls out whatever when the industry does something wrong but to disrespect the entertainers like that and to use such condescending tone for a career. I'm sorry amma you've disappointed me so badly. You went straight to Heera Mandi? You mean we can't be clean models or actors?"

Nasir also wrote that Faryad has "collectively hurt" the feelings of a lot of hardworking "shareef [innocent] families" including her mother and father who, "instead of being a movie writer has written countless books on Islam." She suggested that Faryad pick one up herself and read it. "Ambitions for being an actor can be achieved just by talent and passion," she wrote.

In another Instagram story, Nasir wrote, "Diss our acting and bad content but to insult a profession from which you've made your fame? Don't get carried away. These supposedly actors from Heera Mandi that you assume only are the ones who keep you entertained." She also suggested that Faryad Google and "see the actors and the respectable families where all these artists come from".

"Your review is one thing but to disrespect a profession in such an ignorant way was such a low blow," wrote Nasir. She also suggested that the critic should be more "careful" in the future with her words.

Nasir also said that nowhere has it been suggested that her character Ainee is doing things "that are morally wrong to be an actor or a model". According to her, Ainee is just trying to escape her brother and to be distant from her mother who sides with her son. "Heera Mandi really? that too in such an ignorant breezy way just because she wants to be in entertainment? That's your opinion about all the artists? Seems like it because that comment was not just limited to one character. You broke a lot of hearts of a lot of respectable families of artists," wrote the Mere Humsafar star.

The actor also wrote that artistry runs in families and gave example of doctors and lawyers. "Artist's children have artistry running through their veins and these artists keep the world beautiful amma. Just like you adapted your son's profession because I'm sure it runs in the family? No harm, no foul and certainly no disrespect. Only love," she wrote.

Nasir also clarified that she had to take to a public forum because Faryad formed a "strong, misleading and hurtful" opinion. "It wasn't your guess [on] Ainee about what she might do, you made it pretty clear it was all artists in general," she wrote.

The Instagram stories have since expired due to Instagram's 24-hour format. So far, Faryad has not responded.


CringeCop Mar 19, 2022 03:23pm
pakistan entertainment industry is full of clowns, the fact that IMAGES thinks it’s doing some great service is disgusting.
Syed Hasni Mar 19, 2022 04:11pm
Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be. We do not respect our artist; we love them
TenJee Mar 19, 2022 06:19pm
I cannot find what these 'countless books on Islam' by her father are.
Ilovehelen Mar 19, 2022 10:37pm
I think the concept of critics is new to our celebs. First they want us to watch mediocre movies in the name of patriotism and then praise there poor performance to feed there ego.
You know who Mar 20, 2022 12:03am
Pakistani entertainment industry seriously lacks creativity. They just can't make a drama/film without there being a weird storyline where the female character is either being dragged around by her male counterpart or the society in general. Can't you people explore some new genres? And Zoya, the kind of entertainment you guys are providing these days, we seriously don't need it.
Nada Mar 20, 2022 12:14am
zoya is so right. This train of thought is exactly the same as someone very very famous. They say there was a woman who was considered lewd because of her profession, the people around her began to harras her claiming she ought to be killed . Then the famous man sad here I have a mirror please see in it your true faces, once the people saw their true faces they stopped harassing that woman.
Hanna Mar 20, 2022 12:23am
Well said Zoya Nasir,its a good thing to call out such nasty hypocrites
Epicfailer Mar 20, 2022 01:14pm
Yes, we need to praise them for whatever garbage they throw at us and give our money to watch their movies in the name of Patriotism.
Laila Mar 20, 2022 09:55pm
I don't particularity care for Zoya but I think she is right here. It's sad that women continue to be the worst enemies to other womegb. Instead of respecting each other and supporting each other they put each other down.
Rami Mar 21, 2022 09:28am
Pakistan needs to build a culture of respect, artists must be respected for their hard work in many artistic fields like other professionals, doctors ,lawyers , teachers etc!
Muneeba Kamran Mar 22, 2022 01:13pm
Disgusting Worthless Cartoons on our tellys nowadays.