
Malala Yousafzai praises Angelina Jolie for publishing book on children's rights

Malala Yousafzai praises Angelina Jolie for publishing book on children's rights

Children and young adults have rights equal in status to that of any adult, she said on social media.
17 Sep, 2021

Nobel laureate and activist Malala Yousafzai lauded American actor Angelina Jolie for publishing a book that gives children "the knowledge they need to stand up to injustice".

Yousafzai posted a picture of herself with Jolie on Instagram and spoke about the book. "Children make up almost one-third of the world's population. Just like adults, children have rights," she wrote. I'm proud of my friend Angelina Jolie and Amnesty International for writing Know Your Rights, a book to give children the knowledge they need to stand up to injustice in their own lives and around the world.

"To the children and young people who are reading this: You have rights that are equal in status to that of any adult. No one has the right to harm you, to silence you, to tell you what to think or believe, to treat you as if you don’t matter, or to prevent you from participating fully in society," Yousafzai stressed.

The Nobel laureate also shared Amnesty International's video on Twitter in which Jolie talks about children under attack from "governments, teachers and parents" who fail to protect them.

"It isn't just that children need to know about their rights, or people need to know about their rights," the actor explained in the video. "It's that we do know. We do know what is absolutely healthy, and decent and fair for a child. There is intent to silence children. There is intent to control children, there is intent to turn a blind eye and allow others to harm children. So, it is not this beautiful thing of wanting to just appreciate and love your rights. It is about understanding it is a fight. And children have been under attack for a very long time."

Recently, both Yousafzai and Jolie have doubled down on highlighting the crisis the Afghan people, especially children, are facing after the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. Jolie joined Instagram to share a letter she received from a teenage girl in Afghanistan to give voice those who are "losing their ability to communicate on social media and to express themselves freely". Yousafzai has urged world leaders to take steps to ensure the safety and rights of Afghan women, children and minorities.


Toni Sep 17, 2021 11:52am
Jolie is a fake, Malala should choose carefully between real and pretentious people it grows on some.
Chrís Dăn Sep 17, 2021 12:23pm
Malala always makes me proud in front of international community. She is an asset. Bliss.
Tanvir Khan Sep 17, 2021 12:41pm
Malala Yousafzai is a Star, with roots in Pakistan. Her beauty is in her innocence and simplicity. All girls in Pakistan could be Stars if they had the same freedom as Malala Yousafzai has in Great Britain!
Ahmad Sep 17, 2021 01:26pm
One thing common between Malala and Jolie is that both take care to differentiate between human rights of Afghan children and those of Palestinian children. They both know that not doing that comes with a price they are unwilling to pay.
AH Sep 17, 2021 01:37pm
All degenerates stand together
Chrís Dăn Sep 17, 2021 01:50pm
@Toni Angela has donated millions in African charity.
ahsan Sep 17, 2021 03:13pm
@Tanvir Khan think again , that means a US/West style permissive society. are you advocating that?
ahsan Sep 17, 2021 03:17pm
@Ahmad yes, you're right. it's because the remote control of these both is in the hands of the US/West.
British Pakistani Sep 17, 2021 03:43pm
Angelina is probably an acquaintance of Malala who makes out shes her friend. Just trying to stay relevant. Even dressing like her!
Usman Sep 17, 2021 03:54pm
Both are hungry for fame, publicity. Not genuinely interested for the well being of poor people
Joe Sep 17, 2021 04:00pm
Children make up almost one-third of the world's population. Just like adults, children have rights," she wrote" Has she spoken a word about the suffering women and children are having in Afghanistan? No she will not .
Toni Sep 17, 2021 04:15pm
@Chrís Dăn "@Toni Angela has donated millions in African charity." Money does not buy reality, it bought your perception; she has not understood the plight, the rape and pillage of Kashmiri and Palestinian women and children, the same goes for Malala; lets look deep. Malala at least stood up for her own people from very young age of 14, I have video of her concern for girls education. Has Africa benefited from Jolie's money, nothing changes by throwing money, they do that in Australia and aboriginal people are no better.
Captain Sep 17, 2021 04:33pm
Malala is a controversial figure
Vasu Sep 17, 2021 06:44pm
This is called business. Malala cares nothing about anyone's rights. She has been groomed to do this business and make money. Fake activists.
Omveer Singh Sep 17, 2021 08:06pm
What has she done for Pakistan.
CS Sep 17, 2021 09:01pm
Malala Implanted by west
SYED ADNAN SHAFQAT Sep 18, 2021 09:52am
Just follow your ancestors values, as you have lived with fake status all the years to grew up in the transit homeland. dont be westerner now.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 18, 2021 12:56pm
What else can she say at this crucial, critical, carping, caviling and compelling juncture in time and history to stay afloat, thumb her impression, rally support, look busy, get counted and above all, remain in the powerful multimedia limelight?
Amir Nawaz Sep 18, 2021 05:29pm
Two opportunist ladies.... both hungry for PR and relevance !
Amir Nawaz Sep 18, 2021 05:30pm
@Tanvir Khan .... who are you praising? Malala or Great Britain?
Khalid Munir Sep 18, 2021 06:51pm
@Toni and you are real ?