
Should animals wear modest clothes too, social media asks after goat gang-raped in Okara

Should animals wear modest clothes too, social media asks after goat gang-raped in Okara

People are enraged at increasing acts of sexual violence in Pakistan and are calling on the government to do something.
28 Jul, 2021

Social media users are asking Prime Minister Imran Khan a hard question after the disturbing news of a goat being gang-raped by a group of men surfaced — was the animal at fault for what it wore?

According to the Express Tribune, an FIR has been filed against five men for gang-raping and killing a goat in Okara.

The disturbing news left many angered and concerned about aggressive sexual behaviours fast becoming a social epidemic that needs to be urgent addressed through education and psychological counselling. Sadly, as we all know, such steps are rarely taken in Pakistan because the root of hyper-sexuality is often linked to one thing alone — the victim's choice of clothes at the time of the assault.

Many have sarcastically questioned whether the goat should also be blamed for its lack of clothing, modest or otherwise.

Activist Shaneira Akram shared the grotesque news about the rape and sarcastically advised "viewer discretion" before a picture of a goat she posted on Instagram. "This footage contains nudity, pornography and strong sexual content that apparently may be arousing to some," she wrote.

"A goat today, what’s next tomorrow ?" Akram questioned angrily at the beginning of a long message that asserted the need for empathy, education and welfare systems that help make women and children safe in society. We need change, she urged.

Actor Mathira also shared the news of the rape on Instagram and mockingly asked whether the animal also needed to "wear an abaya" in order to escape the assault.

Many users on Twitter directed their sarcastic questions on whether the goat was immodestly dressed towards PM Imran since the premier has previously said that women's clothing creates temptation amongst men unless they're "robots".

People's bitterness has been amplified by the recent gruesome murder of Noor Mukadam, an incident that has left many women across the country scared and concerned for their safety. The PM has been criticised on social media for his continued silence on her murder.

One user shared the news of the incident and asked if "naked animals have impact on men too?"

Some users tagged the prime minister's Twitter account and asked about the goat's culpability directly.

"I want to ask PM Imran Khan how did [the goat] entice those men who were clearly not robots," another user questioned.

"Men are not robots, if goats keep roaming around, it will definitely have an impact [on men]," one user sarcastically posted.

"Shame to all those who link rape to women’s clothings and not as a serious mental illness and brutality, caused by patriarchy," one user angrily wrote.

Pakistan is still shocked from Mukadam's gruesome murder and has had no time to recover before being hit by more cases of assault. People, especially women, have protested a severe lack of empathy and concern for women's safety in the country, and have yet to see concrete action from the state.

The recent early release of Shah Hussain, who stabbed Khadija Siddiqi 23 times, has spurred public anger and left many people despondent. Hussain was released after serving just three and a half of his five-year jail term due to "technical remissions" granted for good conduct and blood donations.

We hope our government will open its eyes and its ministers do more than tweet about violence against women. The government needs to recognise that its people are crying out for safety and something to be done. Tweeting about it, isn't going to fix the situation.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 28, 2021 04:12pm
What a horrific, horrendous, horrifying, hideous, grave, grim, gruesome, gross and great tragedy? Are we still living in the dark ages?
bhaRAT© Jul 28, 2021 04:12pm
Disgusting act of beastiality!
usman Jul 28, 2021 04:13pm
That was totally a sign of creating hype.
True man Jul 28, 2021 04:14pm
The word modesty and Mathira used in any capacity is just a joke itself.
Hamed Jul 28, 2021 04:15pm
Studies by an American in the '30s showed that in rural areas in USA, about 16 % had sex with animals.
Iram Jul 28, 2021 04:17pm
Raping a goat. what we are, Animals? Why people mocks the modest clothing. Ladies & Gentlemen being a Muslim (both men & women) its obligatory to wear modest cloths. Imran Khan does not mean that the rape victims were not wearing modest cloths, rather he meant the overall provocative stuff on media/society leads towards such crime. the vulgar stuff through media (films, dramas etc. )turn on people towards sexuality.
ST Jul 28, 2021 04:22pm
Our woman folk are going berserk. So stupid comments . Just wow!
Ali Mehdi Jul 28, 2021 04:32pm
How about identity of the criminals. What is police doing to arrest them n take them to court.
Omer Jul 28, 2021 04:32pm
What a stupidity! This Is not what PM meant. Social media is full goons. Simply brainless nonsense!
Guest Jul 28, 2021 04:33pm
Who needs education? Our tax money is better spent on putting up banners praising NAB and the government, going on wild goose chases after opposition leaders, and lining the wallets of the fat cats in government. Really, it's better this way.
@Miss R Jul 28, 2021 04:33pm
What to say ?? I am totally speechless.....Just hang the rapists before the public or follow Islamic way of punishments and cut their heads off. Make them an example for the others ,not to dare to think of doing this shameful act.
Wolf Jul 28, 2021 04:34pm
I think we are taking this issue of rape or sexual assault on humans and animals in wrong direction and no body seems come forward with solution. Simple solution is to legalize brothels in Pakistan as it used to prior to BHUTTO regime. We have put this wrong and hipocrat barricade of Islamic Society on our minds and we have to remove this and come up with rational solution to this issue to reduce such incidents obviously you cannot totally eliminate it. We all know that illicit sex trade is happening in every town and city openly like cancer. Why not confine it into some industrial area through legalizing sex trade the it is in developed countries. Yes we are an Islamic country and we do many things that Islam forbids. Why not fix this social issue the same way as many other countries have fixed it. Lets start an educated and rational debate than blaming IK. IK is not as bold as we think but he understands the issue and knows the solution but cannot dare because of Mullahs fear.
Khaled Jul 28, 2021 04:44pm
The poor goat.
Jo Jul 28, 2021 04:50pm
Tragedy of a sexually frustrated nation. Whilst leaders blame women. How odd and delusional.
AAA Jul 28, 2021 05:00pm
Nothing left to say, as nothing low than this can be done, this level of frustration and on it our PM want to make it more conservative society, moreover he want to watch us the barbarian era dramas like Ertugrul ghazi and so on and expected end result is this.
Afzaal Ansari Jul 28, 2021 05:02pm
Its heinous and humiliated crime
Tamilselvan Jul 28, 2021 05:08pm
How sick can men be in Pakistan? What a sick religious society . Even primitive people had more common sense than these guys.
M. Asghar Jul 28, 2021 05:09pm
Lot of women is getting confused through their own confusing nolse!
A Guest Jul 28, 2021 05:16pm
Poor goat
Khaled Jul 28, 2021 05:38pm
Where was billy?
wolf Jul 28, 2021 06:13pm
@Jo Exactly! We need to explore venues to dissipate that frustration. All developed countries have put in place solutions to resolve these social issue. Rational behind we cannot talk about solutions is that we are an Islamic society and therefore those tested solutions are off the table.
Saeeds Jul 28, 2021 06:30pm
Anyone have any suggestions to deal with sexual frustration. Everyone get married in teens and keep 3-4 wives or allow to have relationships after certain age.
Saif Zulfiqar Jul 28, 2021 06:52pm
These inhuman will not die but suffer for ever physically.
wolf Jul 28, 2021 06:53pm
@Hamed same can be said for Eastern Europe and Sub-continent.
Hamed Jul 28, 2021 07:02pm
"raping" an animal is not against any law in "civilised countries".
Najam Jul 28, 2021 07:09pm
Disgusting act. Seperately shame on ik for his anti-women views. He is an embarrassment
Justice Jul 28, 2021 07:21pm
Crazy people and society...
MansoorK Jul 28, 2021 07:43pm
Chemical castration is the only solution for these animals because if we handed them punishment as per the Sharia Law, most here will raise a hue and cry and will start questioning Islam and its harsh punishments. Good luck!
Im Raan Jul 28, 2021 08:00pm
It's the goat's fault, totally. Why was she wandering around buck naked?
Im Raan Jul 28, 2021 08:03pm
@@Miss R They didn't rape the goat with their heads. Why not lop off the offending organ?
Chrís Dăn Jul 28, 2021 08:04pm
@Hamed they have data so you can abuse it. We do all without data with hush hush statistics.
Im Raan Jul 28, 2021 08:09pm
@MansoorK Totally agree with chemical castration: slowly drip concentrated sulfuric acid on the offending organ.
Khanm Jul 28, 2021 09:52pm
When hanging chicken on a soup container can be banned cos they look sexy or tempting ..would it make any difference if animals are clothed...
Abdul Jul 28, 2021 11:09pm
Culprits of the society need to be found for the justice. It wonders, no one has seen them nor capture them but here we are talking about again correcting others!
Omar Jul 28, 2021 11:35pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad who said people had sex with goats in the dark ages??
Fastfriend Jul 29, 2021 12:08am
It is really unfortunate that this is being highlighted just to create anxiety in the nation. It happens everywhere in the world but not advertised for shame reason. In Australia women have sex with their pets,but you never hear this.
Brong Jul 29, 2021 12:50am
@Hamed Why do you always bring America into the discussion? Does it make this act of violence OK? You constantly compare Pakistan with America. It's a defensive & weak stance you take.
Gfg Jul 29, 2021 12:56am
I feel very ashamed of living in such a society.. RIP poor animal
Jondon Jul 29, 2021 01:09am
Men and women should dress modestly it public. It's not a difficult concept for anyone with an IQ above 50. If you leave your house with the door unlocked and you get robbed, does the owner take some responsibility? Or is it only the criminal at fault? Wake up before it is too late
Ravi Vancouver Jul 29, 2021 02:10am
@Iram Good try, but Imran Khan said that women with the unmodest dresses can attract rapists. In the latest interview, he repeated the same but added that rapist is at fault too.
Pradeep Sagar Jul 29, 2021 02:28am
So what can the government really do? It is the society that is messed up.
Faisal Jul 29, 2021 02:28am
@Khaled not funny. That animal suffered greatly.
Pradeep Sagar Jul 29, 2021 02:29am
@Hamed So you think this is okay. And where did you get that 16% from?
Im Raan Jul 29, 2021 03:00am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad You had doubts?
Kevin Jul 29, 2021 03:29am
Now even animal rights are at stake forget about human rights!
Kevin Jul 29, 2021 03:30am
@Hamed What a justification!! No wonder these things happen in Pakistan.,
LgbtqX Jul 29, 2021 03:56am
Let's ask our supreme leader.
White Noise Jul 29, 2021 07:44am
There is a sickness in our society which has been in existence for decades. You are surprised and angry now cause we got social media to report such things.
Fahad Ansari Jul 29, 2021 08:02am
So typical of a repressed society where women are fully covered and men are so frustrated that they take it out on animals.
Dr. Habib A. Zuberi Jul 29, 2021 09:15am
@Wolf This is a very sensible recommmendation. Go with it and see how things develop.
Khalid Jul 29, 2021 09:26am
Until and unless punishment for sexual crimes is not given swiftly and publicly such crimes will not be controlled
Fahad Ansari Jul 29, 2021 10:29am
This is a result of adopting and following the middle east's ideology.
Hamed Jul 29, 2021 10:56am
@Kevin I didn't justify it. Such things can happen in other countries too. One must find out why that happened. Robbery and murder is on daily basis.
Hamed Jul 29, 2021 11:03am
@Pradeep Sagar I didn't say it is OK. Such things can happen in other countries too. Robbery, murder etc happen in other countries too. One must find out why. Whether 16 % or less doesn't change the fact.
Hamed Jul 29, 2021 11:12am
Please check in Internet about such things in other countries today.!!
Sara Jul 29, 2021 01:33pm
Punjab needs to seriously work upon its society and social behavior. Almost every day, we hear some new incident in the province happening that causes the whole nation to be embarrassed in front of the whole world. We fear there crimes to be replicated in other parts of the country as well.
Laila Jul 29, 2021 03:43pm
I can't believe some of the comments here trying to compare Pakistan to West and justifying and downplaying rape of animals. Last I checked we call ourselves an Islamic Republic. Also it is completely irrelevant what happens in other countries. The other countries are not the subject fo this article, are they? So "what about so and so" is not an argument. What is relevant is that PMIK has failed to admit that men, pubescent boys, children and animals are raped too. So it is completely valid to use his previous irresponsible, absurd and mythical comments to question his logic. Clearly we must cover up animals, men and children and keep them home. It's called being responsible, people. Otherwise admit the absurdity in constantly propagating debunked rape myths.
Laila Jul 29, 2021 03:49pm
@Hamed I don't know what you år so fascinated by other countries. Sex with animals falls under 'Bestiality' in most countries and is not allowed. Even it was allowed as you believe, it still is irrelevant to this articles discussion which is about Pakistan. Why are you changing focus? Why do you care what happens in other countries? Lots of things happen in other countries like sex education in schools, promiscuity, cohabiting before/without marriage, interfaith marriages, drinking, should we allow that in Pakistan too? You are essentially just ifiying rape of animals. Animals can't consent, neither can children.
Laila Jul 29, 2021 03:55pm
@Jondon women are not jewelry, houses or cars. Stop objectifying us. The rapists and only the rapists are at fault 100%. They choose to rape. Nobody forces them to it. It's crime. Only the crimina is responsible. In Saudi Arabia businesses are left unlocked and if you rob you get your hand cut off. The shop owner is not held responsible. Linking sexual crimes to dress is an old rape myth and debunked. It is opposite of fact. What is so difficult to understand about this? Stop blaming victims. Should goats, oubsent boys, me and children also dress "modestly and responsibly" because they do get raped too in Pakistan?
Laila Jul 29, 2021 04:02pm
@Fastfriend can you cite a reliable sourceto support tour claim that in Australia womeh have sex with their pets? Also do these women also include the millions of Muslim women living in Australia. Way to generalize and espouse ignorant unsubstantiated stereotypes to justify rape if animals in Pakistan. Imagine if somebody made such a sweeping generalization if Pakistani men having sex with animals or Pakistani men grooming children for sex both in Pakistan and in UK is normal? I don't think you are many of us would like that. Let us solve our problems without shifting focus to the West each time. The same West which is the most popular place for Muslims to migrate to.
Nk Jul 29, 2021 06:30pm
@Iram Absolutely correct.
Nk Jul 29, 2021 06:31pm
@AAA You thinking is a nut case
Nk Jul 29, 2021 06:37pm
The free for all available social and electronic media is the main culprit of this immoral acts. Our mind just thinks the other way. This nation is going to be destroyed if we do no take control of content on electronic media.
Im Raan Jul 29, 2021 08:18pm
@Hamed Worry about Pakistan, not 'other countries.' Your concern should be your place of domicile.
Umar Jul 30, 2021 04:48pm
Bechara bakra. Saved from the qurbani only to suffer a fate worse than death.
Sabah Shahid Jul 30, 2021 04:59pm
Lust and sexual attraction doesn't make you rape someone . Men aren't animals that can't control themselves when aroused. Such acts are done out of spitefulness by people who get high on inflicting pain and humiliation on others be it women or in this case animals.
Nadeem Jul 31, 2021 02:08am
Women, children, religious minorities and now even animals are not safe in this country. But we and our govenment is obsessed with the violations of human rights Kashmir. We need to get our own house in order first!!!
Cindy Carlson Jul 31, 2021 03:35pm
Obaid Rahman Aug 04, 2021 02:36am
Can't blame the men, young female goat not covering her self in public will attract attention.