
Twitter is outraged and afraid after video of Islamabad man, woman being sexually assaulted goes viral

Twitter is outraged and afraid after video of Islamabad man, woman being sexually assaulted goes viral

Usman Mirza may have been arrested but people are still highlighting how unsafe women are in this country.
Updated 07 Jul, 2021

The hashtag #ArrestUsmanMirza has been trending since Tuesday night, when graphic videos of the stripping, sexual assault and torture of a woman and man began circulating on social media. Usman Mirza has since been arrested by the Islamabad police but social media isn't appeased.

The FIR, which was registered on Tuesday — presumably after the video began circulating on social media — says the assault took place within the Golra police station limits at an apartment building in sector E-11/2. The case was registered on the complaint of a sub-inspector.

"The video of the incident went viral on social media. In the video, five to six men can be seen keeping the victims in custody under gunpoint. The accused also stripped the couple naked while threatening them," the FIR said, adding that the suspects were also doing "vulgar acts".

The case was registered under Section 354-A (assaulting and stripping woman of her clothes), Section 506 (criminal intimidation), Section 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint) and Section 509 (sexual harassment) of the Pakistan Penal Code.

Social media initially trending the #ArrestUsmanMirza hashtag to have Mirza, the main suspect, arrested. But after his arrest, the hashtag continued to be used to highlight the situation.

You blame women for being raped because of their clothes, reject bills that will punish domestic abusers and now men go around raping girls and make videos of it, wrote comedian and rapper Ali Gul Pir. "It's time for a change," he wrote, tagging Prime Minister Imran Khan. His sentiment was widely shared on social media as people have been bringing up the premier's recent comments linking rape and women's clothes. "If a woman is wearing very few clothes it will have an impact, it will have an impact on the men, unless they’re robots. I mean it’s common sense," he had said.

Among other messages on social media were frequent appeals for people to stop sharing the video as it showed the victims' faces.

However, many people noted that it takes a graphic video of violence for action to be taken in this country.

According to Islamabad Deputy Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat, the video is a few months old. Action was taken by the police after the video began circulating on social media.

"We live in a country where ... abusers can get away with crimes because they are backed by a state that always tells them it was the woman’s fault," wrote one user, criticising the lack of government support for victims.

Another believed this was part of a greater issue where petty tyrants are able to commit crimes with impunity. "Change must begin now," they wrote.

Internet celebrity Nasir Khan Jan knew this is part of a never-ending cycle.

"Let me tell you what's going to happen after this incident," he wrote. "The police will release Usman Mirza, ministers will tweet one after the other, #ArrestUsmanMirza will trend for another two days on Twitter and then we'll forget until the next rape," he said. His commentary is spot on because, unfortunately, this is the same thing that happens every time an incident like this is reported in Pakistan.

One user demanded we make an example of Mirza, but how many examples do we need?

This user had something to say about how scary it is to be a woman and yet be blamed for crimes against you.

Another raised a harrowing point about the videos that haven't gone viral on social media. Though they're talking about Mirza in particular, this applies to thousands of cases across the country.

Many of the post on social media were from women who are terrified after hearing of and in some cases seeing this assault.

Where are women supposed to be safe? Not on the streets, not in schools or universities and not in our homes. This horrifying incident just reminds us that there are very if any spaces where women are safe. Until we take concrete action to ensure the safety of women in this country, incidents like this will remain Twitter trends that, as Nasir Khan Jan said, die out after a day or two.

We have one thing to ask of you — stop sharing the video but don't stop being outraged. Be angry at this incident and others like it and use your anger to fight for safer spaces for women in this country.


Hassan Jul 07, 2021 01:41pm
Mr. PM this is a test case for you and also Chief Justice. This has happened in your city. Let's see what you guys are doing on this and then sing the tunes of Justice!
Fastrack Jul 07, 2021 01:54pm
Its high time now the world listens to our great leader Khan. Purdah is the only way out, its best weapon to neutralise the non robots
asim Jul 07, 2021 01:54pm
Horrible indeed. Looks like the otherwise silent police was forced to take action due to the video getting viral. On the other hand, why is Dawn giving this horrible incident the theme of violence against women, when in fact a man and a woman were violated together?
Abbasshah Jul 07, 2021 01:55pm
Castrations straight away period .
Tayab Nisar Jul 07, 2021 02:05pm
justice never and ever served to the victims in Pakistan. Our courts only knows to grant bail or next date......
Khan Jul 07, 2021 02:09pm
No 1 will b safe unless we set an example by giving the most scariest of the punishments to these predators. Public execution of rapists will b a right step in controlling this crime.
M. Emad Jul 07, 2021 02:11pm
Could be a FAKE/ TikTok Video.
M. Saeed Jul 07, 2021 02:15pm
This monster of a man lives in the so called Capital of the State Of Medina, right under the nose of it's Khalifa named PM. Can he ever rise to become a real model of the Khalifa of Sultanat e Medina?
Fastrack Jul 07, 2021 02:17pm
@Fastrack Commenting from rape capital of the world. Indians: proud experts in faking and lying.
RationalBabu Jul 07, 2021 02:28pm
@Abbasshah you are talking about mass castrations here!
Dean Jul 07, 2021 02:31pm
Arrest this dog! that is what he is and put him away for life
Asad Jul 07, 2021 02:34pm
Media and Elite Class is responsible in spreading obscenity in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Parvez Jul 07, 2021 02:36pm
Doing a quick search for most dangerous countries for women in 2021 .... China, India and the U.S.A. are listed in the top three places.....Pakistan is not much better as it sits at number 5....with Bangladesh at number 8.
Tariq Jul 07, 2021 02:36pm
A criminal is a criminal nothing to do with what IK said.Issues are multifactorial not singular!
M. Saeed Jul 07, 2021 02:37pm
It is visible from the picture of the monster in bars that, he is not afraid, proud of his doings and not at all ashamed even to hid his face from camera.
F Nawaz Jul 07, 2021 02:37pm
Social media has only just started bringing it out the filth that was already there. Its time for big social reforms and it begins with getting our thinking out of our pants.
Imdad Jul 07, 2021 02:49pm
@RationalBabu Are you afraid?
Imdad Jul 07, 2021 02:50pm
@Dean Don't insult dogs.
SHADAB ANWAR Jul 07, 2021 03:12pm
I believe that IK may have been influenced by the First lady when making comments about women inviting rape. First lady is always clad in burqa. There is no problem in wearing burqa but it should not be forced upon anyone. Its the person's choice and IK has no right to give lectures on this. Monsters like Usman Mirza will rip off the burqa's to quell their hunger for sexual fantasies.
Najam Jul 07, 2021 03:48pm
Please ask imran if the victims were targeted brcuase of not observing pardah??
Ali Mehdi Jul 07, 2021 03:56pm
PMIK is responsible for the safety of common people. When these incidents happen how can he find reasons to excuse the culprits. This criminal needs to be publicly hanged together with his accomplices.
Hang_Him Jul 07, 2021 03:57pm
This guy should be given an exemplary punishment such as Chemical castration for this Ugly Monster. But we all know he will end up free and will be hunting down his next prey.
Falcon1 Jul 07, 2021 04:00pm
Let's see. Women are not safe in this country. Children are not safe in this country. Average man could be robbed in the streets of any major city or killed for his mobile, wallet, bike or car. Minorities are not safe in this country. Is there ANYONE safe in this country at all?? Or do they all need to seek asylum in other countries??: I believe that's why more and more have settled in Canada for this and many other reasons??
AH Jul 07, 2021 04:02pm
@asim Dawn has its own agenda. Even one rape case is not acceptable but can Dawn have a comparison of rape figures from around the world before making out Pakistan is such a bad place.
AH Jul 07, 2021 04:06pm
@Fastrack Problem is nobody follows islamic rules in Pakistan so people can't complain when these bad things happen. These two were meeting in a hotel and this criminal took advantage of the situation.
Multani Jul 07, 2021 04:08pm
We watched too many Bollywood movies and now we see the results in our society. Boycott Indian , develop our own with Turkey and China.
Jo Jul 07, 2021 04:21pm
Enough is enough. The politicians, police and judiciary are all complicit for their lacy of action and victim blaming behaviours. Just sad at where our country is heading.
A. ALI Jul 07, 2021 04:29pm
Our courts are responsible for this shape of society. Our courts are granting bails to such criminals.
A. ALI Jul 07, 2021 04:30pm
@M. Saeed . Shame is what you are getting.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 07, 2021 04:33pm
What a gruesome, gigantic, grim, gross and great tragedy? Are we still living in the dark ages?
M Hussein Jul 07, 2021 04:38pm
@asim This was how Twitter was portraying this. Either way, evil is captured
amina zahir Jul 07, 2021 04:41pm
Well I don't know why my comments nevvvverrrr makes it to the comments section. I see only few favourite people names appearing again and again. Wonder why? Anyways it is a great idea to contact the family of the culprits parents first and foremost then family and friends and try to find the root cause of such abominable acts. Highlight the environment such rascals are raised in. Tell people where they are going wrong. Only catching the criminals will not solve the issues.Once you start questioning the family only then the families will start questioning their men at home.
MG Jul 07, 2021 04:46pm
All results of victim-blaming from so-called educated leaders
Aliraza Jul 07, 2021 04:55pm
Dawn Media, please stop portraying your own country as unsafe just due to action of a single individual. There are tons of incidents in other countries as well.
hussain Jul 07, 2021 04:59pm
220 million population and how many are twitteratis? I don't require the chattering class to tell me that this crime should be dealt with, secondly could the liberals stop their ingratiating to their white masters, they seem to assume they have their pulse on the nation's thinking, you don't.
Haider Jul 07, 2021 05:00pm
I hope the next would be the daughter of PM or any politician or judge. Then they may think about solid laws and enforcement.
Chrís Dăn Jul 07, 2021 05:11pm
@Asad and parents never teach any ethics in childhood which is the real age of learning.
Chrís Dăn Jul 07, 2021 05:12pm
@Parvez does it absolve us of all our rapes?
ST Jul 07, 2021 05:26pm
Stripping someone naked is a height of a crime .Should be given a life long lesson to this guy.
1971 Jul 07, 2021 05:26pm
@Fastrack Mothers ,in Pakistan,are forcing their boys to wear chastity belt, not to protect them from street fighters but from those who profess to be custodians of religion of peace. And you of speak of other countries.
mhs Jul 07, 2021 05:42pm
What are the duties of an Islamic head of state for pious and non pious citizens or even Muslim and non Muslim citizens
haris Jul 07, 2021 05:49pm
Why everyone is maligning a country and Govt. alone? This is societal problem and we all have to share the responsibility. Recently, we have already witnessed a video in which a women (landlady) beating a young boy (probably a servant) in front of her neighbors. We have to share the responsibility instead of looking for escape-goats and lame excuses.
LakhdiLanatEmad Jul 07, 2021 05:55pm
People should reveal such people so that other learn from it
D’Souza Jul 07, 2021 06:06pm
For the first time this PM will be appreciated for taking a u turn if he retracts his rape and women’s clothes statement.
Irfan Huq Jul 07, 2021 06:10pm
PM and everyone will announce an exemplary punishment for the rapist as it was announced in motorway rape case. Who needs exemplary punishment just punish long enough and maintain law and order please. Asia Bibi's rapists are Scot free and roaming in the streets of Pakistan today. Please make the country safe for women and children from these rapests.
Reader Jul 07, 2021 06:11pm
I agree with the first comment. This is indeed a test case for the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, The President of this country. Unless this man is brought to justice, our mothers, our sister, our daughters, will never be safe. Shows the kind of people we really are. Shame on Pakistan as a nation.
JUR USA Jul 07, 2021 06:14pm
China started progressing by punishing corrupts and then work flow, Pakistan can never move ahead until implementation of law doesn’t matter what. All others are talks..
Usmankhan Jul 07, 2021 06:16pm
Khabrana nahi hai...Ye naya pakistan hai...yaha molestation aur r@pe bhi hoga aur koi punishment bhi nahi hogi.
Irfan Huq Jul 07, 2021 06:18pm
@hussain The PM was once ruled by a white woman master what a master class
Reader Jul 07, 2021 06:21pm
Those who talk and shout about Islamophobia in the west, can spare a thought on what is going on in this Islamic Republic.
Irfan Huq Jul 07, 2021 06:22pm
@Aliraza Dawn is not portraying the world is portraying Pakistan as the most dangerous countries in the world for women. Instead of going after the people who are bringing the problem on surface go after the laws and order and fix it and make it safe for everybody.
Amjad Durrani Engineer USA Jul 07, 2021 06:24pm
Very sad, painful & indigestible. Despite living in a male chauvinistic society however you can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, they step forward & share their truth so others know they aren't alone. Apart from such heinous crimes & that too in the capital of the country, we must raise our voice to 1000 female killing every year in the name of honor, scores getting disfigured by acid attacks for refusing a marriage proposal, many gang raped, & given as child brides to settle tribal disputes by so-called Jirgas crowded by feudal lords. We must also recognize the right of those millions of women working as bonded labor in agricultural fields, brick kilns & household of our rich and affluent many of them posing as public representatives. It is heartening to note that people are getting aware of this horrendous problem & say no to this women abuse. Let us educate our communities through mass awareness program to root out the problem.
Irfan Huq Jul 07, 2021 06:25pm
@amina zahir This has been done many times over and the literature is full of data. You may ask any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst they will give you the reference. It is the law and order and the governance and the fear of being punished that counts. You can't go to the parents of this adult rapist and start questioning.
Reader Jul 07, 2021 06:31pm
@Aliraza . Yes there may be tons of incidents in other countries , but Pakistan is without any doubt a very unsafe country for females. Dawn has every right to portray what it thinks. This is not the case of one individual, it is the case for half of Pakistan's population, over 100 million people. It is the way our mindset is molded at an early impressionable age, our upbringing in families, our society, how very warped and perverted our mindsets are. Of course there are millions of good souls in our country.
korakagez Jul 07, 2021 06:34pm
Do people know the inside story before making judgements?
Humza Jul 07, 2021 06:40pm
@Multani The problem is that Bollywood culture is celebrated in Pakistan and people are taught to idolize Hindi / Urdu instead of our own cultures. Listen to the youtube video of this man cursing in jaahil Hindi / Urdu and you soon see how Indian media dialogue is infiltrating the culture of this land. On top of it, we have a PM who excises rape and violence against women by blaming women and not charging the criminals.
Mimi Jul 07, 2021 06:46pm
@RationalBabu u absolutely right land of pure people doing their taught thing. It is normal here
Irfan Huq Jul 07, 2021 06:47pm
I am requesting dawn and other media. Please like other stories do not make it disappear from the pages of news media. Please keep printing the news even few lines on a regular basis as a follow up and as a reminder. Please do that don't let the story disappear like other stories thank you
Mansur Ul Haque Jul 07, 2021 07:16pm
Try to control such incidents by giving examplary punishments instantly and making stringent laws otherwise menace will get out of control. A lot of time passed still Sialkot Motor way culprits not hanged.
Saeeds Jul 07, 2021 07:30pm
From his real estate advertisement ,seem like he is good Muslim and believer. I am sure Pakistan justice system considered this aspect before giving any judgment
Asim Jul 07, 2021 07:54pm
This is a test of our judicial system
M. Khan Jul 07, 2021 07:56pm
This will keep happening. This will never change until people make efforts to change. What is the first effort: stop throwing rose petals on criminals and thugs, be they sardars or choudharies or waderas or politicians or dons or any Zalim for that matter. Are the people ready????
Chicky Jul 07, 2021 09:04pm
You do know that there was a male victim as well? But I guess men can only be oppressors.
Shubs Jul 07, 2021 09:56pm
We see so many cases of blasphemy accused being "unfortunately killed" sometimes within court premises in Pakistan. "Spontaneous" mobs surround police stations baying for their blood. Doesn't happen with sexual assaulters. I wonder why.
Captain Jul 07, 2021 10:12pm
Where there are humans, crimes would occur, can’t stop but can be controlled ...
A Jul 07, 2021 10:32pm
Pakistan should get sharia.
amina zahir Jul 08, 2021 12:50am
@Irfan Huq Which literature? Every society has its own complexities and you cannot totally apply Western researches here. Here mostly people have very perverted view of religion and women and in the houses you always see victim blaming mentality. All men in the same society are not like that but why 'some men are' should be a point of research here. Parents cannot be totally absolved. Once you highlight flaws of such parenting or mentality it might help others fix themselves and their men before it's too late.
Irfan Huq Jul 08, 2021 01:22am
@korakagez Video is modern day DNA. What is happening is indisputable and recorded why it is happening is something to be found out by investigation.
Irfan Huq Jul 08, 2021 01:33am
@haris Government provides law and law enforcement it makes laws which are practiced the judges to implement those laws the laws are to protect the weak and the victim laws are to govern the country in the civil way government is everyway responsible what happens inside the country and should act accordingly to fix it if there is something wrong yes government is entirely responsible.
Daanish Jul 08, 2021 02:16am
Stay focused on crime and criminal. Keep politics out as most tweets in this section are promoting their own agenda.
Faiz Jul 08, 2021 03:56am
@Fastrack should men wear burqa too? Boys are being raped on the streets and in Maderressahs as well.
eastern neighbor Jul 08, 2021 04:35am
@Multani Turkish and Chinese women wear very modern clothes. Fine with you?
Riaz Uddin Jul 08, 2021 04:59am
The accused’s face unfolds the untold story beyond doubt! Face is the index of personality!
Murad Mahal Jul 08, 2021 05:02am
@Parvez: Okay dum dum. Happy USA India are on top because they report. Pakistan lowest because it reports only one out of ten.
Saba Jul 08, 2021 06:34am
I am just horrified for the victims right now. What they must have gone through then, and what they must be going through now …. Our society is a very cruel society. We might be seeing all this support for them on social media but I hope in their real life there is someone to support them as well … instead of judging them for the rest of their lives … and I am afraid that the girl will suffer the most. Prayers for them
za Jul 08, 2021 07:01am
He is not stupid. He knows what he was doing. He showed the video to the world and prove what a powerful person can do in Pakistan. Law is only poor & weak to punish them.
M khan Jul 08, 2021 07:15am
@Fastrack let’s start with you
Shagufta Aziz Jul 08, 2021 10:09am
Everything, everyone says is true but why was the girl stupid enough to go with that boy to an empty apartment ???? Why?????? This was really dangerous
Alward Siyyid Jul 08, 2021 06:04pm
@Fastrack Why not put blinkers on the men? They are the ones with the problem, better castrate them.
Irfan Huq Jul 08, 2021 06:51pm
@Shagufta Aziz We don't know the detail of the truth so let us not dilute the crime by blaming the victim or even mentioning what was she doing there this is not Relevant here.
Mariana Jul 09, 2021 02:47pm
@Fastrack Yes the Purdah needs to be tied over men's eyes and even more tightly over their male organs.
Salman Jul 12, 2021 11:24am
@Fastrack Seriously? If purdah is the only way to protect women then why are children being raped and why are men not showing any restrain. Islam has advised both men and women. When men start following that advice then we can talk about purdah.
Ahsan Gul Jul 13, 2021 06:43pm
These cowards who call themselves goons are everywhere in Pakistan. They pick helpless people girls or guys who are financially weak and physically not strong. They pay their way out from jails as our judiciary is not that strong. Strong reaction from the government with no possibility of bail and justified punishment from hanging to long years in jail is needed. But our public from all sectors of our society without any political purposes must participate on this call. PM IK has taken step forward and public must support to quash this ugly culture of goons from our nation rather criticizing him. Sincerely
Ahsan Gul Jul 13, 2021 06:45pm
@Salman so sad to read your confused comments on this most important and heartbreaking issue! Sincerely