
06 Apr, 2021

The prime minister spoke to the nation on Sunday, and not everyone liked what he had to say.

Since then, scores of people — several of whom are familiar names — have taken to the internet to voice their opinions about the prime minister's statements. While the premier got support from some quarters, many were heavily critical. Some even expressed fear and nervousness at the reality of having a man with such opinions being at the pinnacle of power in Pakistan.

The content of the premier's speech has spread over the internet like wildfire, and the main takeaway was that temptation and vulgarity can be blamed for rape.

Activist and politician Jibran Nasir kept it simple. He pointed out where he found the flaws in the premier's statement, and made the case that 'power imbalance' and not 'temptations' lead one to commit such a heinous crime as rape.

Academic and activist Ammar Ali Jan shared this sentiment, but his words touched a nerve. Our greatest tragedy is that we refuse to learn lessons from our tragedies, he wrote, hopefully awakening public conscience.

Lawyer Reema Omer made it stupid friendly. She listed down her thoughts to make an easy to follow and digestible version of what should probably be obvious. Thanks, Reema.

Other Twitter users echoed the thought.

One user thought it was time we forwent myths about rape, and prioritised putting an end to rape culture.

Users didn’t like the PM’s moralising and how it seemed that he hoped to impose his own morals on everyone else.

We hope that the Twitter savvy prime minister takes a looks at the tweets about his speech and takes note — many citizens of Pakistan didn’t appreciate what you had to say.


PEW Apr 06, 2021 09:07pm
He will be history by next election!
Rafiq Apr 06, 2021 09:19pm
Why do we want to thrust our narrative. PM has his own viewpoint, one can have alternative theory but that doesn't mean we use condescending tone to put him down. When was the last time any PM engaged with masses pike Khan sahab?
Khaled Apr 06, 2021 09:22pm
So in the Naya Pakistan, women will have to attire in purdah, to keep the predators away.
Bibby Apr 06, 2021 09:29pm
we cannot allow our mothers ous sisters or daughters to wear Western dresses and then demand respect in out society. We are Muslim society and it's Muslim country .if you like Western way of life then please migrate to Canada and Australia or other countries where you can live your dream life.
Imran Apr 06, 2021 09:31pm
I am afraid to say our PM has been influenced by his wife who in these modern times hides behind a full veil - can you imagine PM IK taking wife on a official visit?
Browngirl Apr 06, 2021 09:31pm
Saudi Arabia and Iran (both controlled by mullahs) have lots of rape cases. Most aren't even reported because the victim is punished.
Imran Apr 06, 2021 09:34pm
In Pakistan for years you will hear the cleric's, men at the top talking about the excess's of the west & temptation yet in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan we have very high rates of child abuse, rape etc, is that temptation or lack of civil protection coupled with a weak Law?
Truth Hurts Apr 06, 2021 09:42pm
Even though IK is Oxford educated, his thinking is like Madrasa educated.
Ibrahim S Apr 06, 2021 09:45pm
I’d suggest monarch IK to make stories book of Mullah Nasreddin Hooja compulsory. At least we will enjoy the stories and understand our inner foolishness
shubs Apr 06, 2021 09:48pm
Well, this is the same guy that was lecturing others about the border between Germany and Japan. Just like in India, the fist rots from the head.
A shah Apr 06, 2021 09:55pm
Incompetence at its best
Engr Nasir Apr 06, 2021 10:14pm
Many people liked what is he saying. We need to contain obscenity so that the society is not prone to immortality.
Ibrahim S Apr 06, 2021 10:29pm
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future
Sid Apr 06, 2021 11:05pm
All these lefties on social media should also come out and support the gay community in Pakistan. Will they?
Chrís Dăn Apr 06, 2021 11:10pm
@Ibrahim S yes we see it in IK and his mentor Bushra Bibi.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 11:36pm
@Imran I don't think you can blame this one on his wife only when this is the normative way of viewing sexual assault. Society puts on blindfolds, pretends the elephant in the room isn't there and blames the victim. It's lack of education of imortant basic things and patriarchal rigid conservative mullahs and men running this country in the face of facts and common sense. IK had no issue sowing his wild oats when young, living in London, enjoying life as any western bachelor and in old age such men get a moral awakening which starts the day they get married. Education education and education is the way.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 11:41pm
@Rafiq because the PM is a PM. He is supposed to be a leader and source of inspiration and morality. This is not a random man in his home or mosque putting out his views. This is the damn leader of the already very illiterate and ignorant country dumbing down a very serious issue by blaming the victim and offering criminals a card blanche to rape.
optimist Apr 06, 2021 11:47pm
@PEW From Karachi PTI will get zero seats in next elections.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 11:49pm
@Bibby you have an extremely simplistic and wrong view of the world. I assume you haven't travelled much or had much exposure to other Muslims. Western/West is not a monolith. Millions of Muslims are born and live in the West despite having roots in the East. They dress western while practising their faith. Westerners don't have own clothes or fashion. Majority Muslims outside Pakistan wear western clothes or did you think Arab, Turks, Bosnians, Chechs, Persians all wear shalwaar kameez and dubatta? You are nobody to decide or dictate what the women of your household can or can not wear. It's their choice. Islam has not made force halal. You don't seem to take issue with many Pakistani guys inside Pakistan wearing western garb? Ah those pesky double standards and need to socially control women and their bodies. Your comment is unrelated to the topic (sexual assault). Nothing to do with clothes. Otherwise go cover up men, boys, children, animals who also get raped in Pakistan
optimist Apr 06, 2021 11:50pm
@Imran Its a pity. Islam allows man to have sex with their slave women. But this is 21st century when women have excelled in all fields and make more money than men in West. Pakistan is still primitive in actions and thoughts.
Laila Apr 06, 2021 11:54pm
@Engr Nasir you need to study what sexual assault including rape sodomy incest child abuse is. Then you need to understand the facts that clothing and entertainment has nothing to do with it. Also know that men, boys and small children and even animals get raped in Pakistan. Should we put them in purdah too?
Alexander kahn Apr 07, 2021 12:21am
These so called experts live in denial. There is clear correlation between obscenity in the media and serial offences. That is why many experts suggests chemical castration rather than prison. Because even harsh punishments have failed to stop these heinous crimes.
Erum Aziz Apr 07, 2021 12:38am
PM Imran Khan is doing a good job he raised the voice of 99 percent Pakistanis. Those who critize him and want to follow some other culture must leave Pakistan and start living where they want. Happy living.
Erum Aziz Apr 07, 2021 12:42am
@Khaled your women spend whole night with whom? do you know that???
Erum Aziz Apr 07, 2021 12:44am
@Browngirl But India has got the top most rape cases in asia.. why?
Erum Aziz Apr 07, 2021 12:45am
@Imran you see every girl child with abuse don't you? should we hang you in Public as an example for Pakistanis?
Arif samana Apr 07, 2021 12:48am
@Khaled so should they be In purdah if they follow Islam
Memon Apr 07, 2021 01:16am
Ok, rape is an act of violence, not lust/desire. That is based on some papers written by the western organization on surveys and interviews within the western culture. In a culture where nudity is not taboo, sex is not a mystery, consensual sex between two adults is not frowned upon. Pakistan is different, where sex is taboo, where most people don't have intercourse until they get married, where pornography is widely available so people fantasize but can't do anything. where the most many men can do is to stare at women. That culture breeds animals, not humans, where men rape because they get that chance because they are curious because they know they won't get caught because they can do that!
Zahif Apr 07, 2021 01:16am
@PEW, You wish!
Zahif Apr 07, 2021 01:22am
@Khaled , in your "purana Pakistan" women were raped and murdered in MPA hostel and then labeled 'bazari aurat' then released to history with no action against the perpetrators. The Law Minister of the time "advised" to not to make it a political issue because "yeh hota rehta hae" and none of the "liberals" made even a meek sound! May be, this nation deserves that level of insensitivity!
AK Apr 07, 2021 01:51am
@Ibrahim S .....Agreed more than anything....
Freethinker Apr 07, 2021 05:41am
@Bibby Respect is not earned by dress, if that was the case women in Afghanistan would have been most respected as they wear burqa when they go out.
Shahid Zaman Apr 07, 2021 06:27am
@ Rafiq PM like anyone else can have his own opinion but as a leader PM's opinion matters and it can impact the policies. So IMO PM is not just anyone who can say anything...
Sam Apr 07, 2021 07:34am
He knows nothing about Pakistan and culture....shame he is sitting in PM's office. A total misfit.
Sam Apr 07, 2021 07:35am
Where is Riasat e madina?
Humza Apr 07, 2021 07:42am
@Engr Nasir Do we need Imran Khan to teach us about morality when we all know about his past and Sita White. Is it Islamic to father a child out of wedlock and then run away from a court case in Nevada when it is proven you are the father of the said child? Imran Khan and his team are nothing but a bunch of jokers who have proved more jaahil than anyone else.
Gopal Patel Apr 07, 2021 07:44am
M Jibran Nasir is absolutely right. The would be rapists will be deterred if the government puts fear of massive retribution in their hearts. Governments should consider enacting laws to award death punishment for rapists.
SanT Apr 07, 2021 07:58am
@Bibby what kind of sexual urge you get when you see your sister in western attire?
alok Apr 07, 2021 08:00am
Pakistan national dress for women - Purdha !! Congrats for Naya Pakistan :)
PEW Apr 07, 2021 08:06am
@Bibby who is we? Talk for yourself!
Sach Apr 07, 2021 08:39am
@Bibby Perhaps you haven't travelled to many " Muslim" nations. In the 80s UAE where I grew up crimes against women were common and Dubai was codenamed Testosterone city. Iran has reported many rape cases. Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan all have rape cases even today. It's not a question of being a Muslim nation. Faith has nothing to do with crime. So take away this myth that Muslim nations with Muslim way of life have no crimes. Face the issue as it is. Attaching it to faith or any other factor will never allow us to find a solution.
Patriotic Apr 07, 2021 08:43am
What about the innocent infants and small children being the victims of rape in madressas and elsewhere!
johnpapa Apr 07, 2021 08:47am
@Bibby the same should apply to all Muslims in France please take them back and let them wear purdah
Saleha Majid Apr 07, 2021 08:52am
Temptation is materialized when predator comes across a powerless prey be it a woman, a female child, a male child, or even adult males. Multi prong approach is required to control the abuse. 1. Reduce temptation triggering elements e.g. stop obscene visual arts (for me obscene is any thing that violates the moral code) 2. Empower the powerless, teach them defensive techniques 3. Serve swift public justice to the culprits
Ahmed Apr 07, 2021 09:00am
@browngirl If they aren't reported then how do you know they happen?
Nazim khan Apr 07, 2021 09:00am
All factors such as weak arraignment, trial, accountability, social vulnerability, stigma, unfettered desire fanned by pornography etc., combined lead to the perpetration of a rape crime. Let's do our part.
Ibrahim S Apr 07, 2021 09:27am
@Sid - what do you call Baccha Bazi in KP
Niamet Ladak Apr 07, 2021 09:29am
@PEW Yes! you are right! NOW that he has married a parda nashin, he thinks everyone should be like his wife or what?
Jai Apr 07, 2021 09:35am
He has a Jihadi radical mindset
Anwar Apr 07, 2021 09:42am
@Sid they will if you create an environment where they are not threatened for their lives for saying it. Right now they feel safe enough to stand for rape survivors and their dignity.
Sahdia Apr 07, 2021 10:03am
I wonder how PM would explain sexual harassment during hajj in Mecca. There are many many such experiences of females of different ages . . .
Coolair Apr 07, 2021 10:11am
Guys, you are only speaking about incidents recorded in books. Correctly said, it is ice tip only. Ever thought about our spouses, who are victims of marital rape and sexual violence. They don't even have ability to consider themselves as victims. Too far from raising their voice against this
Naeem Apr 07, 2021 10:14am
@Rafiq I love IK for many reasons but this is not one of them. Great power comes with great responsibility & when his narrative is totally wrong, it is a cause for concern for everyone
Ashraf Javed Apr 07, 2021 10:27am takes courage and shares a complete report of comments with the General Public. Above 80% population are agreed with PM Imran Khan's statement. Pakistan is an Islamic state and it must be surrounded by full Islamic values. As I have observed that shared tweets of those who denied and opposed PM Imran Khan point of view. Now share a complete report of comments on this news.
SJ Apr 07, 2021 10:29am
Still living in medieval times...sorry to know about his mindset..
SJ Apr 07, 2021 10:29am
Disgusting remarks by the head of government...
nk Apr 07, 2021 10:33am
Every time has had a modern time. So in the previous modern time westerners also used to cover themselves as they used to go to the church and abide by the Bible. The sexual revolution in the west particularly in US came in the 60's that took them away from their religious beliefs too and so here they are today what they are and we are copying them.
nk Apr 07, 2021 10:35am
@PEW You mean because he promoted Pardah? If so then you will be history. Vulgarity is the mother of immorality.
nk Apr 07, 2021 10:39am
@Sid Never mind US has allocated 23 million in January stimulus bill for Gender recognition plans in Pakistan and that will cover your wish, All these social issue and topics that have risen in Pakistan in the recent past are the result of an Agenda and that is to destroy the moral structure of Pakistani society.
sri Apr 07, 2021 10:44am
What is that flushing down the toilet - respect for IK.
Khurram Iqbal Apr 07, 2021 11:16am
IMRAN KHAN ZINDABAD. See how he put his point. Government has made a very strict law. It has already done what was expected from the government. But the society must play its part now. We should also protect our women and children. What harm is there if women cover themselves up to protect there own self. He just want us to play our part. That's what he said.
Talat Haque Apr 07, 2021 11:17am
He is the worst kind of hypocrite - purda has nothing to do with rape
Khurram Iqbal Apr 07, 2021 11:37am
Ok the law is there. but how is this law going help the young miner boys in SHAHRAG district in Harnai Baluchistan. How does this law protect child sex abuse at Bus & truck stations in KP. Agreed, vulgarity is one reason, but you see poverty is another big reason. Government cant absolve itself by just making the law. You've got to enforce it. You must look at other major reasons leading to child abuse.
Toni Apr 07, 2021 01:05pm
This topic is known to all, anything said on this topic is subject to scrutiny by all to prove the other wrong; Inhumane Abhorrence, rest is Law and implementation by the Judiciary. Your comment on PMIK is subject to same judgement. The more you comment, the more you deny the Victims' suffering.
masood hussain Apr 07, 2021 04:51pm
@Khaled In the same country Mehwish Hayat is awarded pride of performance award.
Laila Apr 07, 2021 05:13pm
@Browngirl yes, but even in Iran and Saudi Arabia and even when wearing chador/abbaya/burka/niqab it is still the female's fault. Society will say, she clearly did something to arouse the "man" and seduce the poor weakling who can't keep it in his pants yet the same society wants us to believe such a "man" will be the Head of the house, be the breadwinner, and lead, protect, his family and be responsible and just.
Zubaida Ali Apr 07, 2021 05:14pm
PM IK is right as vulgarity is one of the factors. His comment was in grneral and as per the teachings of Islam. So, instead of holding the arrow and pointing it in different direction as per your wishes, lets think as a nation how we can help curb this crime. Imran Khan is one of us...the only difference is that he is leading the nation. Lets become a think tank and suggest solutions✌️
Zubaida Ali Apr 07, 2021 05:15pm
@PEW in your dreamz only!
Factory Apr 07, 2021 07:56pm
@Bibby We are Muslim society and it's Muslim country .if you like Western way of life then please migrate to Canada and Australia or other countries where you can live your dream life. If you follow the preachings of Islam, then why would women need to wear purdah. So your religion cannot control mens temptations?
Laila Apr 07, 2021 10:26pm
@Sid what's up with conflating unrelated issues? This issue is about rape and condemning rape and rapists instead of victim blaming and giving rapists a free card to rape. How the actual hell did you get gay rights into this?
Laila Apr 07, 2021 10:39pm
@Khaled no the purdah is not just for women. The purdah and home confinement will also apply to: Grown men Young boys Male prisoners Female prisoners Children Madrassa students Patients in coma Infants Animals especially farm cattle Dead bodies in their graves (probably have to excavate them and store them at home)
Laila Apr 07, 2021 10:48pm
@Erum Aziz speak for yourself. You can't tell Pakistani people to leave (??!?!), because you are in denial about facts and what causes rape is. Last I checked this country is not a dictatorship but a democracy. You don't speak for 99% of Pakistan. Kindly stop making up numbers. If you feel so threatened by dissenting views then the problem lies with you. Not the dissenters. Pakistan is diverse with 220 million people with diverse opinions.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 12:32am
@Ashraf Javed Pakistan is Islamic state by name only. No consent of Islamic values. All customs are predominantly hindu indian culture. Joint family system, mandated purdah in front of mahram, Baraat/Rukhsati wedding function, gender based double standards, female preferred by many to stay home etc. That is not islam. Islam is very different than most think it is. But thanks to ignorant clerical indoctrination of the masses we think our culture and values is Islam. It is not.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 12:34am
@Sahdia maybe the women should stay home and do hajj in their hearts. Because you know, some men just can't help it. "Not enough willpower", as PMIK would say.
Humza Apr 08, 2021 12:56am
@Rafiq He is supposed to be the representative of the country but when the leader of a country gives personal views that show lack of education, it reflects badly on all Pakistanis. All over the world, Imran Khan has made a joke of himself with his ill informed personal views. The same guy who would date and do all manner of things as a cricketer is now blaming women for the bad behavior of some men. Rape has nothing to do with temptation but it has to do with criminality, lack of education and lack of self control. Why are so many more rapes present in Saudia and Iran ?
truth Apr 08, 2021 08:35am
@Erum Aziz User your brain why India has more cases? More population , more crimes reported , more highlighting issues. Less stone age traditions But still it has a long way to go.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 02:51pm
@Erum Aziz source? As far as I know India has a huge population 5-6 times more than ours. Reporting rape for victims doesn't carry the same stigma as sexual crimes is not subject to same tabooism as it is Pakistan. In Pakistan it is a fact that most rape cases go unreported so our unofficial number is much higher than our official number. Even the PMIK confirmed this. This article is about Pakistan. Let us stick to. This topic. Why do you think men, young boys, children, dead bodies in graves and even animals are raped in Pakistan? Its not religion, it is not Fahashi its misogyny and patriarchy running amok without accountability, hudood (limits) for boys. Most parents don't raise their sons right and but spoil them and society thinks what ever men do is fine because boys will be boys. Rape predates Islam, modern entertainment industry lolly wood, Hollywood, bollywood. It's ancient. So clearly Fahashi does not explain our rape culture in Pakistan.
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 07:50pm
Twitter thinks PM Imran Khan is a Donald Trump.
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 08:10pm
@truth I used three things at same time, my brain, my memories and knowledge, later my heart. 'Prostitution is legal in India' so are the number of rape in India too. It is an legal industry there. They earn money huge lots of money. There red light areas in most cities in india. 'Kama Sutra' is made in India. Drugs, Alchol etc are also legal in many parts of India. In 2007 when I was in the college my Indian friends told me 'Being a girl or a woman is not easy in India. Because in India at every 12 minutes a girl is raped' and today is 2021. Not satisfied with your answer. Sorry
Erum Aziz Apr 08, 2021 08:45pm
@Laila not all over in Pakistan but in romote areas rape cases go unreported. It is also due to Wadaras, Chaudries involvement basicly Landlords and a strong fear that these victums have, that she could get kill or hurt or even bring her whole family in a big trouble. In cities when these Wadaras or Chaudries migrated they bring the same whole corrupt system with them. Their children their family members, even their house mates understand this corrupt system better than a educated person living in city. They start buying houses in posh areas of Pakistan. While living in the city they start learning to become behave and pretending to be educated, but old people said 'family habbits never changes'. Their children needs girls, alchol, go and check their refrigerators, their mobiles, you will find lots and lots of evidence. Normally educated families children are involved in education. They don't have enough time to become romeo and juliet.
Owais Apr 08, 2021 11:17pm
You keep giving the researches from other countries, every one knows in heart that rape is a reaction to provocation. Although I've no political affiliation but people calling this PM educated for three years are now blaming him for his views based on facts. If one doesn't believe it, see how it's proportionality with going liberal over the years.
Laila Apr 09, 2021 01:11am
@Erum Aziz your reply does not change the fact that rape numbers are low is not because rape occurs less frequently but becausekt is not reported. And this goes both for villages and cities across the country.Your reply has a lot of stereotyping. Unless you have actual evidence its slander. In Islam making back biting/false accusations/lander is equal to eating the flesh of your dead brother. So the case still stands. We have low number of rape because victims are afraid to come forward and those that do, know its impossible to get a conviction. A girl who openly says she was raped will be viewed as tainted and no man would want her for marriage. Society will blame and shame her even accuse her of trying to get famous, rich etc. Look up PMIKs statements. Even he said that the reported cases don't even make up 1% of the actual number cases.
Raza Apr 09, 2021 08:34pm
IK has failed to do any thing on protecting women and innocent children from abuse so perhaps he has decided that it is easier to blame the victims than fight for them. I expected more
Laila Apr 10, 2021 12:31am
@Owais everybody who relies on facts, knows that victim blaming like saying "rape is a reaction to provocation" is rape myth #1. Myths and cultural beliefs re not facts. Urgently contact a rape crises centre and talk to them and let them educate you because you are wrong. Secondly if you believe this then one wonders what provocation was made by rape victims like children, men, young teenage boys, even babies, dead bodies in graves, coma patients in hospitals, victims of war and occupation like Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Kurdistan. But according to you they provoked the rapists, so they were raped.
Someone Apr 10, 2021 07:17pm
It is his own opinion. Why are you guys hating on him? Have some mentality. Also, both of the sides are correct and, now a days the amount of modernisim is in our country rape tends to happen because of vulgur clothes mostly. You cannot blame the rapist completely, you gave him the opportunity, you are at fault.
Someone Apr 10, 2021 07:19pm
@Laila things donot change so quickly.the amount of damage nawash left is out of control. Luckily apart from this we are goung wild on tons of the other things. Appreciate what got better than criticising him for one thing he didnot. An dmost likely he will in future. It takes time, have some patience.
Laila Apr 11, 2021 12:09am
@Someone the only one who is responsible for rape is the rapist. To rape is a choice. Don't subscribe to rape myths as it is ignorance. Don't blame victims. NO means NO. Consent matters Force is rape, not consentual sex There is no justification for rape Islamically, legally or morally. Kindly study rape (sexual violence).You can contact a rape crises centre. Don't reduce men and boys to weak monsters who can't keep it in their pants. It's insulting to men. Real men don't rape. Things don't change over night. But they will never change if myths and ignorance continue to lead people incl the PMIK.
Laila Apr 11, 2021 12:11am
@Owais the PMs views are not based on facts, they are based on ignorance and rape myths. That's the issue. People expect him to do better.
Laila Apr 11, 2021 04:39pm
@Someone the only one who is responsible for rape is the rapist. To rape is a choice. Don't subscribe to rape myths as it is ignorance. Don't blame victims. NO means NO. Consent matters Force is not consent There is no justification for rape Islamically, legally or morally. Kindly study rape (sexual violence).You can contact a rape crises centre. Don't reduce men and boys to weak monsters who can't keep it in their pants. It's insulting to men. Real men don't rape. Things may not change over night. But they will never change if myths and ignorance continue to lead people incl the PMIK.
Laila Apr 12, 2021 03:34am
@Someone the only one who is responsible for rape is the rapist. To rape is a choice. Don't subscribe to rape myths as it is ignorance. Don't blame victims. NO means NO. Consent matters Force is not consent There is no justification for rape Islamically, legally or morally. Kindly study rape (sexual violence).You can contact a rape crises centre. Don't reduce men and boys to weak monsters who can't keep it in their pants. It's insulting to men. Real men don't rape. Things may not change over night. But they will never change if myths and ignorance continue to lead people incl the PMIK
hussain Apr 12, 2021 01:08pm
how many of the 220 million Pakistanis are on Twitter. so what Twitter is 'abuzz' with what the PM said. As a Pakistani I don't give a Damn what Twitter is abuzz with or for that matter what the coconuts in our country are talking about, but if they attack my conservative values then expect a comeback.
hussain Apr 12, 2021 01:09pm
@Khaled are you a coconut or a Kam bakht hiding under a Muslim name.
hussain Apr 12, 2021 01:13pm
@Imran when in the past 30 years have you heard these issues being talked and discussed openly, and that too by a PM.
Sceptic Apr 12, 2021 06:08pm
@Engr Nasir you've certainly put your foot in your mouth. If obscenity assures immortality bring it on