
Prime Minister Imran Khan, oversimplifying rape isn't the way to stop it

Prime Minister Imran Khan, oversimplifying rape isn't the way to stop it

There was a lot of unpack in the PM's recent Q&A session with the public, especially his discussion of rape.
06 Apr, 2021

Prime Minister Imran Khan over the weekend held a two-hour long question and answer session with the public and there's one topic he discussed that's of particular interest to us and the rest of Pakistan — rape.

One caller from Hyderabad had two questions for the premier:

  • What steps has the government taken to prevent rape and child abuse, and are you satisfied with them?
  • Since you speak of the State of Madinah, why isn't the government hanging rapists in public?

Now, instead of answering the question — particularly part A — the prime minister went into a different direction.

He started with stating that the issue pained him greatly, adding the crimes against children and women reported in newspapers are not even 1 per cent of what actually happens in Pakistan.

Rape has always existed in our society but people were ashamed and didn't talk about it before, said PM Imran, adding that now, more people are talking about it.

"I want to say, like corruption isn't eradicated by enacting laws, the same goes for rape cases. We have made the law on rape and child abuse very strict but society must fight it together," said the prime minister.

"Society has to decide that these crimes are [equal to] the destruction of society."

Well said, prime minister. A society has to be cognisant of this menace and take steps together to combat it.

But here's where we lost him: The premier then linked the rise of rape and sexual abuse to the rise of "vulgarity".

Pause: To begin with, his oversimplified take on rape is problematic to say the least because "vulgarity" (also, who gets to decide what is vulgar and what is not?) is not the only reason for rape. In fact, we're very interested to know if this reasoning stems from some research that the government has conducted? And this is us genuinely asking the government: if you have taken steps to find out why cases of sexual violence are on the rise and more common in one place than the other, do share it with the public.

He mentioned several times that we as a society should fight rape and "vulgarity" but he never mentioned educating people on why this is wrong. By blaming vulgarity, he's removing the onus from the rapist. What he should be saying is we must teach men that rape is wrong regardless of what the victim is wearing or doing.

And if there is rampant "vulgarity" in the society, then perhaps the government could open rehabilitation centres for such men who have been affected so badly that they resort to violence? Instead of highlighting how vulgarity has corrupted the people and led to a rise in sexual violence — a dangerously ambiguous statement — tell us what you are doing to tackle this issue.

The premier also spoke of religion and the concept of 'pardah' in Islam. It is to remove "temptation" from society because "not everyone has willpower", he said.

Pause: His assertion that some people don't have any willpower is, again, problematic as it, again, places the burden of blame on the victim: the man didn't have the willpower therefore the woman should have been covered from head to toe. We wonder if the same concession would be given to a woman for lets say an extramarital affair: she lacked willpower so the man should have known better. We highly doubt it. So why this leeway for men?

Also, Islam talks about modesty for both sexes. Why is it that our leaders and those in power forget to talk about how men should lower their gaze to avoid temptation? Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran prove that layers of clothes alone do not stop rape. The problem is not in the women and children who are abused and harassed, neither is it in their clothes — it's in the rapists and abusers and their mindsets. And by perpetuating this mindset, the prime minister is telling women living in Pakistan that the burden of safety lies on them.

Imran Khan went on to touch upon his time in England (surprise, surprise), India copying Hollywood, him asking local film producers not to bring in Indian or Western content, children's access to information on their mobile phones, and of course, the Turkish shows that will save us all.

What he did not do, however, was actually answer the caller's questions. He missed an opportunity to brief the people on what his government is doing, has done and intends to do by the time his government's term is over. That is what parents of children want to know. That is what women — regardless of whether they wear a chador or not — want to know.

The basic idea of what he was saying is sound — that rape is everyone's problem and that laws are not enough, we must all fight it together — but his moralising saw him veering off topic and displaying a dangerous misunderstanding of a critical issue.


Fastrack Apr 06, 2021 04:20pm
This is the second piece today on the same topic. We get what happens when IK haters-cum-Aurat March proponents get a half chance to sling mud at IK.
sherry saleem Apr 06, 2021 04:23pm
only capital punishment can stop rape,, mark my words.. any other punishment will make these goons stronger...
Ba-Akhlaq Apr 06, 2021 05:13pm
Before he became Prime Minister I thought he knew everything about everything but now I have taken a U Turn.
Only Apr 06, 2021 05:22pm
This is how they talk, if people with small brains sit in big chair.
Jaredlee007 Apr 06, 2021 05:24pm
Vulgarity is no doubt a serious issue.
It's me Apr 06, 2021 05:24pm
Vulgarity partly contributes to it hence he is right. Social media and uncontrolled access to objectionable material and its addiction also leads to uncontrollable and insatiable desires that CAN lead to assault and rape. Prime Minister is not a religious scholar or an expert on everything. The points he covered and addressed are reasonable enough. Don't expect him to provide an answer that fits every query. This I say when I am a staunch hater of PTI and especially the PM. If rules have been made strict and he mentions this, then he is right. His stance that we as a society need to improve is correct since if the society doesn't put measures aiming to a respect females then all the government can do is police and finally punish. Government can't control people all the time. People can control themselves all the time by raising their morals.
Ibrahim S Apr 06, 2021 05:32pm
Can someone please wake up our monarch IK
Abdul Apr 06, 2021 05:41pm
The Prime Minister's comments are a disgrace
paul Apr 06, 2021 05:41pm
IK stated what the Pakistanis in control (men) wants to hear to ensure his popularity is not diluted by addressing the real issue, if not that then he is part of the problem and therefore partially responsible for the actions of wrong doers. This applies to everyone of us also.
Jehan Apr 06, 2021 05:53pm
Unfit for the PM job
I'm okay. Apr 06, 2021 06:04pm
I believe he has not been sleeping since the day he came to power, therefore, he has been out of his mind since the day he came to power.
Royal Pain Apr 06, 2021 06:48pm
Well that's what you get when you hire a cricketer to do the job of a leader. Imran Khan is a liar, plain and simple just the Shareef family and the Zardari / Bhutto clan.
YKZ Apr 06, 2021 06:51pm
Please do recite the Holy Qur'an to learn what type of behaviour our Creator Wants from men and women and what acts He Forbids to eradicate such evil acts from the society. However, this doesn't mean that the state has been absolved of its responsibility to stop the same. More importantly we need a speedy and affordable justice system in the country as an effective preventive measure. Now a days rapists seem more powerful than the state.
Ibrahim S Apr 06, 2021 07:14pm
If you ask me how many problems are we facing , I will write a Book on it, but if you ask me what’s the solution, I will take a big U-turn at book.
ivehadit Apr 06, 2021 07:24pm
His answer was straight out of the 19th century. This is the kind of logic that also justifies honor killings. did he really want to go there? Pure nonsense.
Farhan Apr 06, 2021 07:26pm
Vulgarity seems to have a clear cut link except capitalists who make money out of vulgarity
Feroze Khan Apr 06, 2021 07:39pm
There is a saying that I have heard, "if you cannot DAZZLE them with BRILLIANCE, BAFFLE the with BS".
Leo Apr 06, 2021 07:40pm
Please ask him what is Annabel's ? What was he doing there in the seventies and eighties? Today hypocrisy has fallen to greater depth!
Ibrahim S Apr 06, 2021 07:41pm
After dictator Zia , we found another actor to destroy this nation .
Afzaal Ansari Apr 06, 2021 07:42pm
Such types of crimes are actually dilapidated the society and their preventive measures are just frivolous and unsatisfied.
Khalid iqbal Apr 06, 2021 07:52pm
The Primeminister is being picked on . He has a point which is being ignored, if women avoid certain form of dress code , they can stay out of the rapers eye, the women also havesome responsibility in this issue , learn to protect yourself , develop physical strength, avoid areas that are no go areas for women in the evening , have a male company , and so on and so forth.the courts should put rapers behind bars , and punish them .this is a multi facet problem , and the solution is likewise.
tuk Apr 06, 2021 08:29pm
As a handsome cricket star who spoke English fluently, IK mingled with the so called "decadent" Western society of the Hollywood stars and rich socialites. But that did not make him a rapist but a confused born-again conservative Muslim at old age.
St. Mercury Apr 06, 2021 08:38pm
It is total BS. Islam never had the courage to stamp down the rape and child abuse. In Islam you need four witnesses to the rape. Right there is an escape clause for men to never be convicted.
Khurram Iqbal Apr 06, 2021 09:03pm
PM is right.
Khurram Iqbal Apr 06, 2021 09:04pm
You are wrong.
Amjad Khan Apr 06, 2021 09:26pm
Some writers never miss a chance to criticize Imran Khan the honest hardworking PM of Pakistan.For them personal vested interests come before truth and integerity.
NAYYAR IQBAL Apr 06, 2021 10:18pm
FOLLOWING ARE THE MAIN FACTORS OF CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN . 1. At times black sheep in Police are not helpful to victim and support and help the criminals 2. Punishment is not severe and exemplary 3. Pornography and obscene films are the major cause to excite and stimulate to resort to antisocial activities .4. Wrong way of teaching religion by persons of dubious character .
Ali Apr 06, 2021 10:44pm
I agree with PM Imran khan. That Vulgarity is one of the Major cause of these issues
Chrís Dăn Apr 06, 2021 11:01pm
What IK will say rapes of minors in Kasur district. Three serious tragedies of rape happened in Kasur during ladt 12 months and published in newspapers. Not a single word by IK. Regarding women-IK is just a woman hater.
NINO Apr 06, 2021 11:09pm
Forgive him for he knoweth not either what he does or what he says. At best he is a captain of a cricket team. The most incompetent PM in the history of the country
Laila Apr 07, 2021 12:01am
PMIK is doing a brilliant job at slinging mud at himself,Jinnah beautiful vision for Pakistan by blaming all the victims of rape and sexual assault including men, boys, children and animals. Yes, because rape against these groups also happen on the daily. Just because we don't talk about it or pretend we didn't read it in the the paper doesn't mean it didn't happen. The only ones responsible for rape are the rapists. A man of the world, well travelled and educated at ivy league Oxford PMIK should know better than to speak with the tongue of the ignorant and backwards mullahs and misogymists who don't care about facts nor common sense. Clearly we are back to Purana Pakistan.
Laila Apr 07, 2021 12:05am
Unfortunately it's sad that despite being well traveled and educated at one of the finest universities, Oxford, he still remains archaic, patriarchal and ignorant in some of his views. I really hope, he changes his views and stop defying logic, science, facts. We have no other alternative than him. I don't want to return to Sharifs, Zardari etc. Sexual assault has nothing to do with what we wear. Even children, toddlers, boys/men, and animals get assaulted. Should we veil them too? It's not rocket science. Rape is bad, wrong, crime and sin. The victims are always blameless and the rapists are always the guilty and blameworthy. No if or but.
Zarshan Buzdar Apr 07, 2021 12:58am
I am a recent graduate from the department of anthropology Quaid-i-Azam University. During my feild work, one of my respondent disclosed that bestality is soo common in his are that he still have wet dreams over animals. I took it as a joke, but latter when i interacted with other students of various universities i came to realise that our society is sexualy starved and there is a dire need to have a serious debate over the rising sexual desperation among youth. Few possible measures that government can take is to promote a sense of equality among opposite genders, take into account the changing notions about sexuality and gradually pave the way for sex ed.
Zahid Sharfi. Apr 07, 2021 03:04am
@Ba-Akhlaq Sir, He has surprised many as he has no solid understanding of any area of human behavior. It seems his wife brings in a very different run of the mill approach and that resonates in public with nothing but ridicule. Thanks.
Toni Apr 07, 2021 03:25am
This topic is known to all, anything said on this topic is subject to scrutiny by all to prove the other wrong; Inhumane Abhorrence, rest is Law and implementation by the Judiciary. A comment on PMIK then gets subject to same judgement by all.
Wolf Apr 07, 2021 04:25am
One of the main factor the IK missed to mention is the open access to pornography at the click of finger - on mobile phones.
Wolf Apr 07, 2021 04:28am
We have millions who are uneducated, nothing meaning full to do and are frustrated. Such people can create nuisance of any kind and proportion.
Wolf Apr 07, 2021 04:31am
Western societies where prostitution is legalize has less cases of rape. Even Bangladesh and India have legalized prostitution. Legalization of prostitution helps with dampening of rape cases.
Stay blessed Apr 07, 2021 04:33am
At least attempt to answer the questions first.. Then go on about personal opinions
Stay blessed Apr 07, 2021 04:33am
At least attempt to answer the questions first.. Then go on about personal opinions
Wolf Apr 07, 2021 04:33am
We had legalized brothels in Pakistan, BHUTTO closed them at the behest of Islamic groups.
Wolf Apr 07, 2021 04:42am
@NAYYAR IQBAL totally agree with you. Sexism - use of women to attract attention of people in media where women are willing or unwilling party. Makeup, which started from prostitution also supplement the issue. Fully occupied society in meaning full activities and education an potentially reduce rape cases but cannot eliminate.
Laila Apr 07, 2021 05:25am
@St. Mercury in Islam rape victims didn't get blamed, shamed or punished. In Islam rapists got punished. In Islam chastity is required not just for women but for men too. In Islam women could go out unescorted and do their business without expecting to be raped or assaulted or abducted. Pakistan does not practise Islam. It practices desi version of Islam which is culture based, misogynistic and has allows double standards when raising boys and girls, creating huge gender inequity and making females be held responsible for all bad things. Maybe if many Pakistani parents start qctuqlly raising their sons and teaching them about right and wrong, chastity, consent, limits and restrict their freedom as they do with daughters, then rape would not be rampant. Not a single day goes by without rape cases. So don't blame Islam.
Aam Aadmi Apr 07, 2021 07:01am
The rapists will thank PMIK for justifying the rape and seek mercy after committing the rape. Another low for PMIK.
Manoj Apr 07, 2021 09:15am
Split personality. Aapne ghabrana nahin.
Incompetent Khan, IK Apr 07, 2021 10:15am
@Fastrack This is the second piece today on the same topic. We get what happens when IK haters-cum-Aurat March proponents get a half chance to sling mud at IK. That shows the frustration of IK bhakts. It is not over, there are many in pipeline in future. Please be brave and make yourself rugged to face many more tough situations.
Erum Aziz Apr 07, 2021 10:29am
No need to throw the whole nation in fire just because of few comments. As per suggestion which is already given to most of our beloved anti-cultural Pakistanis, you don't like Pakistan, don't like our culture, don't put respect to our society, respect our customs and values, you criticize our system than simply leave Pakistan, we aren't dying nor begging you even if you leave... Society is not based on 100 or 1 or 2000 of people, we are 230 millions remember... We Pakistanis know very well who is financing these most 'loyal' and so called 'liberal Pakistanis' now a days... They just want Pakistanis to adopt 'naked culture' of western, dam care about Pakistan and it's societies. Dam care what would happen to Pakistan and our Pakistanis in the future, but their money must not stop... If we start running societies based on their ideology we could ruin Pakistan.. They are just after one thing "naked Pakistan" just ask them to give up their 'dual nationalities' and become Pakistani.
Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere Apr 07, 2021 11:02am
@Ba-Akhlaq, rest assured you're not alone!
Chrís Dăn Apr 07, 2021 11:07am
@It vulgarity is a subjective term.
Chrís Dăn Apr 07, 2021 11:10am
@YKZ you can not FORCE other human beings to follow religion. Religion is personal and therefore each person will go in his own one grave and will be accountable only for himself/herself. You have no power to dictate others.
Normaldehide Apr 07, 2021 11:49am
I don't believe it because then there are women who serve in private for the fancy created by vulgarity. Why do people kill small kids for sex? A prime minister can stop nudity from spreading. Thats it!
Leo Apr 07, 2021 12:08pm
@Feroze Khan Well said!
Sameer Apr 07, 2021 05:20pm
He didn't oversimplify anything just stayed his point of view. This print and electronic media has developed a habit of creating unnecessary hype of anything he says and blow it out of proportion. U can't put words in his mouth. U don't have his mind he doesn't have ur mind. Stop creating silly controversies. Don't have anything better to do
Perwez Apr 07, 2021 11:15pm
The author actually misquotes IK's remarks. He is telling the fact that laws are there, but it is not promulgated as such and civil society including police, and the judiciary has to play its part in reducing and curbing these immoral and tragic crimes. He never said that Turkish dramas and children's access to information on their mobile phones will save us all. In addition, he says that modesty also plays important role in curbing them as well. You guys blow it up out of proportion. Appreciate what he is doing. Perwez USA.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 12:50am
@Erum Aziz I am disapounted by your stereotyping of 220 million Pakistanis. "We pakistanis"? What a bold attempt to speak on behalf of all. Who gave you such rights as the nations spokesperson? "Anti cultural Pakistanis" ? Well Pakistanis are not homogenous and culture is not static. When you understand that the rest will make sense to you. You seem to think all Pakistanis must agree at all times and if they don't then they must leave the country. What kind of an absurd logic is that? We are a democracy. So everybody has the right to agree or disagree. Surely the chronic suspicions and conspiracy theories must be worn out by now. That's no way to counter dissent. Argue your points logically. Don't accuse pe Pakistanis you haven't met of being financed by external powers because you disagree with their opinions. Try to build some tolerance so you can accept that you live in a diverse democracy where people have different opinions. Pakistan is their home too.
Adnan Apr 08, 2021 01:10am
He rightly said that.. stop vulgarity..educating people.. strict punishment can stop it
Laila Apr 08, 2021 01:10am
@Perwez modesty does not play a role I curbing rpe and sexual violence. To think modesty including dress code will change or curb rape is ignorance. If he kept the issues seperately I have no issue. But linking rape and vulgarity because it the becomes a matter of cause and effect is wrong. So yes, he is wrong. You live in the US, so you can walk into any rpe crises center and get educated on this. Rape is a universal crime and sin. It is inexcusable and is always the fault of the rapist. Otherwise we need to lock up and veil our children, Infants, men, young teenage boys, cattle, and excavate our Dec bodies and keep them in our home so nobody will rape and defile them as is happening across Pakistan today. The problem lies in ignorance of sexual violence and its fundamentals. Instead people mainly subscribe to myths, suspicion, conspiracy theories and what they hear. Not facts, scientific expert information and literature, not reality. Societys double standards re also at fault.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 01:13am
@Aam Aadmi imagine their defense in court? "Well s per our PM Imran Khan, we did not have enough willpower and all the Bollywood and Hollywood entertainment just really fueled us". The vulgarity can be used by any criminal to justify his crime. Not enough willpower.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 01:16am
@Wolf I am actually quite interested in the period of Jinnah, the 80s, Bhutto, Zia ul Haq nd have started a "small" project of reading up on our history. Any way I cn get in touch with you, if you are willing impart knowledge on this topic which you appear to have?
Laila Apr 08, 2021 01:21am
@Khalid iqbal when you start talking about women being responsible then you are victim blaming. "No go areas for women in the evening"? "Male company"(always)? "learn to protect themselves"? Better idea: put rapists in jail or hang them as deterrance rather than restrict victims in their movement. Should we also have no go areas for boys and men in the evenings because they get abducted and raped too? Should males have company of other males or security/bodyguards? Why are even males themselves unable to protect themselves against rape? You and those who up voted you clearly don't understand what sexual assault is, that it has othing to do with where you go, at what hour or how you dress or how you look at men or anything. Rape is about sexual violence. It is happening in this country daily not just to women but also children, boys, young men and even animals. That's the level of depravity going on in this country. Kindly devote less time on myths and more time studying facts.
Laila Apr 08, 2021 03:18pm
@Khalid iqbal when you start talking about women being responsible then you are victim blaming. "No go areas for women in the evening"? "Male company"(always)? "Learn to protect themselves"? Better idea: put rapists in jail or hang them as deterrance rather than restrict victims in their movement. Should we also have no go areas for boys and men in the evenings because they get abducted and raped too? Should males have company of other males or security/bodyguards? Why are even males themselves unable to protect themselves against rape? You and those who up voted you clearly don't understand what sexual assault is, that it has othing to do with where you go, at what hour or how you dress or how you look at men or anything. Rape is about sexual violence. It is happening in this country daily not just to women but also children, boys, young men and even animals. That's the level of depravity going on in this country. Kindly devote less time on myths and more time studying facts.
Imdad Apr 10, 2021 09:30pm
@Jehan , missing the most inadequate, but an expert 'merciless-looter' of Pakistan nation, holidaying in LONDON??
Imdad Apr 10, 2021 09:37pm
@Ibrahim S The most EVIL Zia, who had imposed this worthless individual Nawaz Sharif, reading from pieces of paper, but an EXPERT LOOTER of Pakistani nation.
Jay Apr 12, 2021 11:40am
"I want to say, like corruption isn't eradicated by enacting laws, the same goes for rape cases. We have made the law on rape and child abuse very strict but society must fight it together," Nothing wrong with that statement. If we are permeating vulgarity with casual objectification of women, then even fixing the criminal justic system won't do any good.
Syed Ahmed Apr 12, 2021 05:34pm
PM KHAN IS 100% RIGHT Asif Jeddah