
Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is encouraging fellow celebs to declutter their wardrobes for charity

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is encouraging fellow celebs to declutter their wardrobes for charity

"Sell them to people who could do something more worthwhile with the money. Sell them to cleanse your soul," she said.
09 Apr, 2021

After the success of her thrift sale, model Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is encouraging celebrities to start auctioning their old clothes and donate the amount to charity.

She has already explained that thrift sales give people the opportunity to buy expensive clothes at comparatively lower prices after people got mad at her for selling her possessions.

The clothes she was selling were from stores such as Zara and New Look and most were barely worn.

In her latest story, she admitted to selling the clothes for two reasons — one, to trim down her closet to strive for a more minimalist lifestyle and two, to generate funds for those who are truly in need.

"I don't know how to digest the perception this drive has taken, with a lot of bullies personally targeting me and my family for undertaking this cause, regardless, I do know that it is the right thing to do. And that is being done with a good heart!" she said.

She then announced that she was collecting Rs200,000 and encouraged other high-profile celebrities to sort out their wardrobes and sell what they don't really use.

"Sell them to people who could do something more worthwhile with the money. Sell them to cleanse your soul, sell them to dilute that toxicity, sell them in the name of God, sell them for Ramazan, sell them to accumulate a few good deeds or just simply sell them because it's the right thing to do," she encouraged in an Instagram post.

"There are bigger things to worry about, to be possessed by, to strive for! And in search of those bigger things I urge my fellow colleagues from the industry to put some of their favourite pieces of clothing up for sale — put them out there, move on, build another future!"

She ended her last post with a prayer for people who were bullying her for a harmless sale. "Like every year, I pray Allah melts the hearts of all his people, He softens them, makes them bloom like flowers, and those tongues that spew poison are turned as sweet as gulab jamun," she posted.

Decluttering with Saheefa Jabbar Khattak for a good cause? Count us in! We hope all our celebrities take part in Khattak's project and give back. We also wouldn't mind a peek into their closets!


M. Saeed Apr 09, 2021 06:20pm
Why not auction celebrity wardrobes at fortune prices to the rich-bugs for their prized possessions to spend the proceeds for charity and earning welfare prayers.
M. Siddique Apr 09, 2021 06:27pm
Very sound advice. Their wardrobes could be lifeline for many.
It's me Apr 09, 2021 07:17pm
Loser. Trying to find ways to undo the negativity originally generated.
Loser Apr 10, 2021 01:21am
@It What negativity?
skb Apr 10, 2021 05:16am
@It That was unnecessary... be polite.
shahida shahid Apr 10, 2021 05:35am
Why do we have to interfere in everyone's life if she wants to unclutter her wardrobe its her decision why do mr/ miss nobody has to give their unwanted advice, secondly she should be applauded because she is doing for a good cause
Chrís Dăn Apr 10, 2021 10:50am
Dear good lady,this nice tradition is purely western where people believe in sharing. Here in Pakistan, people do not share their good stuff. Forget about it.