
Model Saheefa Jabbar encourages women to let go of their body insecurities

Model Saheefa Jabbar encourages women to let go of their body insecurities

"Why don't I like seeing my face in the mirror without a concealer?" Saheefa asks herself in a recent Instagram post
02 Jul, 2018

Model Saheefa Jabbar Khattak is using her social media to address important issues relating to body image.

"Freckles , Blemishes, Fine lines, Open pores, Dark circles, Acne, Scars, Fatness. Why [does] a woman worry so much for all these things?" wrote the model in her Instagram post.

The model, who received backlash for cutting her hair short last year, asked women to reflect on the source of their self-doubt and encouraged them to let go of conventional beauty standards.

Her post read, "Where [does] that self doubt came from? Why don't I like seeing my face in the mirror without a concealer? No matter how nicely dressed I am, no matter how well spoken and educated or successful I am, there's always a doubt! Self doubt. Why do I feel the need to shave my arms and legs every second day and let's not forget about the painful hot wax process. I am more than this. YOU are more than this."

And Saheefa's fans are already cheering her on.


jaredlee007 Jul 02, 2018 04:20pm
Strange! She herself has her photos WITH makeup. Please let women do what they are comfortable with, no need to create the so-called false consciousness.
Rubina Jul 02, 2018 04:27pm
Good move but practice it too. We would like to see you with unshaven arms and without concealer next time you do an AD. If you do it, only then we will believe you, otherwise it's just publicity stunt to attract attention and stay in News like Meera.
Sanjrani Jul 02, 2018 04:42pm
Saheefa who?
Lubnakhan Jul 02, 2018 04:48pm
Saying this is easy for those who are already fit and probabaly donot face acne blemishes and scare .
Sarwat Jul 02, 2018 07:58pm
Exactly my Point!! Why are women so self-conscious about LOOKS? We would have been better as a society and nation if we had other things at a higher priority. What are we giving back to our families, Kids and the society with branded clothes, make-up and everything matching? Wish we were able to move beyond these worries as a nation.
Sameer Jul 02, 2018 10:06pm
Do whatever you want. Just do it on your own turf. Lots of other problems that need to dealt with first before we address a model's insecurities.
Lubna Jul 03, 2018 02:43am
No doubt relying on self image with only makeup and outside appearance is a superficiality showing low self esteem of that person however to appear tidy and groomed and spruced up is a good trait so there’s a thin line in approach if one can’t live without makeup and outside garnish then there’s a problem otherwise not all do that for same reason
Ayaz Malik Jul 03, 2018 12:26pm
Personality is not just appearance, although, it is important but insecurity and self doubt about our appearance is not necessary. If you improve your health it will improve your skin nails hair and eyes. Things you cannot change about your appearance just accept them and work on your personal mission in life and nurture the academic physical and spiritual aspect of life so we can maintain a sense of well-being and self esteem.
Hammad Ali Jul 03, 2018 03:38pm
I'm really like this