
10 Mar, 2021

Schools in some cities of Punjab, and Peshawar are closing down for two weeks due to rising coronavirus cases, Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood announced on Wednesday afternoon. Of course, reactions across the country were mixed, with students in Sindh, Balochistan and the rest of KP asking why they weren't being sent home too.

Mahmood said on Wednesday that educational institutions in seven cities of Punjab will close down for two weeks from March 15. These cities are Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Lahore, Gujrat, Multan, Rawalpindi and Sialkot.

Islamabad schools will also shut down and the AJK government will decide what to do for schools in Muzaffarabad.

Schools in Sindh and Balochistan will continue to operate with 50% attendance every day.

Twitter erupted on Wednesday afternoon after the announcement.

Students were salty over being excluded.

Some said it's time to head north.

Some people went a step further.

University students had some demands too.

Some people actually want to go to school.

And some parents want their kids to go too.

Everyone is convinced this person can see the future.

Shafqat Mahmood is a Gen Z hero,

Shafqat Mahmood 2023!

While we're here for the jokes and memes, we have to remind you that coronavirus cases are rising, as is the positivity rate. Wear masks, stay safe and stay home everyone!


Ahsan Gul Mar 10, 2021 04:38pm
His decision must be based on research and consideration about students safety. Not only in Pakistan but around the world, Corona is creating havoc in communities and countries. Better safe and be a little late! Sincerely
Nasir Mar 10, 2021 06:02pm
The matter is how to convert these times into productive learning. Do not take it as leisure time need serious thinking and implementation.
NYS Mar 10, 2021 07:07pm
Unpredictable situations are howering after every trimester Kindly continue board exams physically
ambreen Mar 11, 2021 01:44am
School closure should not mean fun and partying . When schools close but these same kids start socializing with friends at malls , weddings or their muhallas there is no purpose of closing schools. Mr Shafqat Mehmood should also enforce rules to avoid spread - even adults spread covid when they congregate in dawats and prayers without masks!
ambreen Mar 11, 2021 01:44am
@Nasir Exactly
afeefa amir Mar 11, 2021 10:05am
Kashif Mar 11, 2021 03:42pm
But our school is not closing
nk Mar 11, 2021 07:54pm
This is what it is a kind of escape from education. Why half of the students hailed the school closure not difficult to understand.
nk Mar 11, 2021 07:57pm
It is suggested to take all exams in physical presence, Their is a lot behind what the students want
FARIDA RAHMAN Mar 11, 2021 07:57pm
Why does the government always seek easy approach to every problem. people should do everything while the government will stay shining on its throne .Do schools have clean water to drink or even washrooms or water and soap in washrooms ? Has garbage been removed, have streets been washed and sprayed, if not then closing or opening of institutions will be just waste of time ,
Teddy Mar 12, 2021 07:04am
No takers for smart Imran Khan Niazi?
AinOther Mar 12, 2021 08:21am
So students in some districts will have less time to complete their syllabus... online classes are not as effective as some people claim.
AinOther Mar 12, 2021 08:23am
Why didn't the government stick to its earlier plan of allowing 50 % students attendance....that would have been much better n safer