
A patriarchy pandemic: The best of the Aurat March

A patriarchy pandemic: The best of the Aurat March

We bring you our favourite posters from the Women's Day marches across Pakistan.
Updated 08 Mar, 2021

It's Women's Day today and you know what that means — Aurat March posters galore! We love seeing the amazing and creative posters people come up with for the marches every year.

This year, because of the pandemic, attendance at the marches was lower than previous years but many people were there in spirit! In fact, some of the organisers of the marches asked people to share their posters online if they weren't able to come to the March in person. However, marches were still held in Lahore and Islamabad, and a dharna (sit-in) in Karachi.

Here are some of our favourite posters from this year's Aurat March.

There's a patriarchy pandemic

Why she marches

Mask up, eyes down

You don't have to be a woman to be a feminist

Memes against misogyny

When dirty minds are prioritised over menstrual health

Here is what has been happening at different marches in each city.


Pure joy.


A dharna is being held at Frere Hall in Karachi
A dharna is being held at Frere Hall in Karachi

Photo: Images
Photo: Images

Photo: Images
Photo: Images

Photo: Images
Photo: Images


In Lahore, the Aurat March started from the Lahore Press Club and moved to the Punjab Assembly building.

The Aurat March Lahore organisers also laid out a "#MeToo blanket" on which women shared their experiences of sexual violence and abuse.

Photo: Imran Gabol/Dawn
Photo: Imran Gabol/Dawn

Photo: Imran Gabol/Dawn
Photo: Imran Gabol/Dawn

What were your favourite moments of this year's Aurat March? Let us know in the comments below.


Ahmed khan lehri Mar 08, 2021 07:38pm
We respect our mothers, sisters and daughters but we don't want them to become showpieces as west has made them.
Ahmed khan lehri Mar 08, 2021 07:41pm
Freedom doesn't mean to wear as much short cloths as a girl can but freedom is to become decider of your fate and future even in full clothes and burqa as well.
John Mar 08, 2021 07:55pm
Most of the placards are in English, most ordinary pakistan will not understand anything.. looks like a thing for Elite only
Hammad Hassan Mar 08, 2021 07:58pm
@Ahmed khan lehri i dont see anybody wearing inappropriate clothing. Tou what made u specifically write this comment over here?
Haris Mar 08, 2021 11:47pm
@John These playcards are for you. If you get them, our mission is accomplished. But I am sure you don't ot.
Jameela Faraz Mar 09, 2021 08:28am
@Ahmed khan lehri lol Change mindset, not blame!
AK Mar 12, 2021 02:31pm
Shame, shame and shame......they are not at all representative of Islamic Republic of Pakistan....