
Ertugrul's Celal Al can't get enough of Islamabad

Ertugrul's Celal Al can't get enough of Islamabad

"Your brothers and sisters from Turkey are with you, and along with greeting you with salam, they are also praying for you."
09 Jan, 2021

It is no surprise that Celal Al who is currently sightseeing Pakistan as part of a Turkish delegation that recently made its way for a meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan, is counselling the nation's film and drama diligence to locally produce shows that may be as awe-inspiring for the youth, as his hit series Dirilis Ertugrul.

Al, who is spending his time at the capital, is all-praise for the generosity fellow Pakistani people have shown for his welcome.

The Ertugrul star, shared some patriotic pictures on Instagram during his visit, rooting for a Pakistani-Turkey brotherhood for lifetime and sending his love to fans residing in the nation.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

"Your brothers and sisters from Turkey are with you, and along with greeting you with salam, they are also praying for you," his caption read. "Dil Dil Pakistan, Can Can Pakistan, Turkiye Pakistan brotherhood zindabad İnshallah Alhamdulıllah."

Previously, Adnan Siddiqui and Humayun Saeed who were also part of this visit, shared glimpses of the wonderful evening full of fun on social media.

A photo posted by Instagram (@instagram) on

"The man in the middle stands tall in physical appearance and commands immense respect as an actor-star too. Abdur Rehman on-screen and real life Celal AL has won many hearts in Pakistan with his role of a valorous warrior who is distinct in actions and thoughts. We were no exception!" the Mere Paas Tum Ho star posted.

"Look at the grins on our faces! For the entire time he was in the room, it was bursting with an infectious joie de vivre. Didn’t feel like we were meeting him for the first time."

He had also revealed his personal fan moment, excitedly: “Though he says he’s fallen in love with Pakistan and our hospitality, I must tell you my friend, you have got two fans for life in megastar Mr Humayun Saeed and a fairly popular actor, yours truly."


M. Emad Jan 09, 2021 06:44pm
How easy to fool 'National Hero-searching' Pakistani people !
M. Emad Jan 09, 2021 07:20pm
Under a 'Hero-making' agenda, Pakistan is searching to the Middle-Eastern & Anatolian (Turkey) medieval semi-historical past for great warriors 'Heroes' !
IMRAN QURAISHI Jan 09, 2021 08:21pm
One don't have to showcase a fully grown beard in order to visit Pakistan. Pakistan is a very modern and moderate country with no restrictions on the type of beard one has to have in order to feel welcome.
SAk Jan 09, 2021 08:52pm
We love you AR alp.
Fastrack Jan 09, 2021 09:00pm
@M. Emad Hate and obsession keeping you glued to Pakistani news 24/7. Shame for own Hindu identity forcing you to hide your Hindu identity. We look at you Indians and the only thing you feel is pity.
Teddy Jan 09, 2021 09:09pm
What a hype.
NK Jan 09, 2021 09:21pm
Wow! he really strands tall in the photo.
NK Jan 09, 2021 09:22pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI What nonsense is this. What his beard has to do with Pakistan here.
Himmat Jan 09, 2021 09:22pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI To get an idea of common Pakistani dress, look at photograph of PDM rally.
Chrís Dăn Jan 09, 2021 09:28pm
Nice to know it:)
Chrís Dăn Jan 09, 2021 09:47pm
@M. Emad for your poor info please:Ertugal is equally liked in UK and France . It is a great serial.
asad Jan 10, 2021 12:27am
@IMRAN QURAISHI are you suggesting he put on a beard just to be welcomed in Pakistan? Grow up!
asad Jan 10, 2021 12:34am
@M. Emad Pakistan is celebrating heroes from our shared Islamic past no matter if they were Arabs, Turks, Kurd, Pashtun or any other nation who were at the forefront fighting for Islam's glory and against injustice and oppression. I have been following your comments. It seems like you are from an Indian or west Bengals disinformation network just like the one recently busted
Observer Jan 10, 2021 01:42am
Searching for ancestors?
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jan 10, 2021 03:19am
Welcome dear brother Celal Al. Prayers and regards from the entire nation. I sincerely hope more Turkish brothers and sisters would visit our beautiful country. Long Live Pakistan and Turkey's friendship.
Saj Jan 10, 2021 04:03am
@M. Emad are you saying Ertugal wasn’t a major heroic figure in Islamic history? And Turkey has actually produced something great, Pakistan should produce but hasn’t done as yet, this doesn’t mean they should just ignore what is there
JohnD Jan 10, 2021 04:05am
But be careful. Arabs will not like this
Ram Jan 10, 2021 05:23am
@M. Emad After the failure of bollywood making flop movies on Bahubhali, Chattrapati etc I knew you would come here. While those were great men, at least I respect the Muslim heroes. You can stay in India with a fake Muslim name, which shows how much dignity you really have.
Bilal Jan 10, 2021 06:02am
@IMRAN QURAISHI seems you have me Tak disorder to judge anyone wrong.
aftab khan Jan 10, 2021 06:17am
Lala Turk , story worth noticing..
K Jan 10, 2021 07:17am
This is what Turkey can give Pakistan? What Pakistan needs is Turkish investment.
TANWIR Jan 10, 2021 07:30am
It’s inspiration and motivation for local media industry to provide content related to great history of Muslims and especially Muslim of indopakistan. Ppl are tired of watching typical Saas bahoo , love affair etc themes which present no greater goal for audiences to aspire. Good job TRT for bringing the change
Adrodo Jan 10, 2021 09:04am
@IMRAN QURAISHI he keeps his beard as his choice probably. If your idea of modernity and development is linked to a beard then u probably need to get proper schooling.
MA Jan 10, 2021 09:39am
@IMRAN QURAISHI Was that even a topic - hello!
Arooj naveed Jan 10, 2021 10:42am
Excellent proud to be Pakistani humayun saeed himself is a great solitaire
Arooj naveed Jan 10, 2021 10:44am
Pakistan is a very honourable country and welcome all the guests very generously and gesture
Zak Jan 10, 2021 10:49am
'rooting for a Pakistani-Turkey brotherhood for lifetime and sending his love to fans residing in the nation.' Says it all.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 10:50am
@M. Emad 'How easy to fool 'National Hero-searching' Pakistani people ! Easier to fool them in India. They elected Modi! Says it all.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 10:53am
@M. Emad 'Under a 'Hero-making' agenda, Pakistan is searching to the Middle-Eastern & Anatolian (Turkey) medieval semi-historical past for great warriors 'Heroes' ! Why you so eager to latch on to us. Be proud of your heroes, like Khiljis, Ghauri's Aibak's, Mughals and greatest of them all, Emperor Aurangzeb. They too are Turks, so your heroes are Turks as well. Celebrate.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 10:54am
@IMRAN QURAISHI He had a beard for the Ertugrul drama. You must be an India, hence ignorant comment. Research before commenting.
Roma Jan 10, 2021 12:10pm
Good beard! Average actor! Excellent propaganda value!
Zak Jan 10, 2021 12:11pm
Turks ruled the entire subcontinent and left a refined legacy to a dark and medieval subcontinent.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 12:11pm
Pakistsn and Turkey are blood and cultural brothers.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 12:16pm
@M. Emad 'How easy to fool 'National Hero-searching' Pakistani people !' RSS hero is the' butcher of gujarat'.
Zak Jan 10, 2021 12:17pm
@M. Emad 'Under a 'Hero-making' agenda, Pakistan is searching to the Middle-Eastern & Anatolian (Turkey) medieval semi-historical past for great warriors 'Heroes' ! Turks, Arabs, English ruled India.
Fandom Beyond the Boarders Jan 10, 2021 12:30pm
@Fastrack spot on, bro.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 12:35pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI come on we are hardly a moderate or modern country. You have to go outside Islamabad and see the rest of Pakistan too. Governments may come and go, but we are still run by mullahs. Illiteracy is still high. How we reacted to women's day march including breaking through barriers like savages attacking marchers show how "moderate" we are. But no you don't have to have a beard or specific hair cut to visit Pakistan. As a guy especially nobody cares even if you walk around shirtless. But for female visitors there's a lot of cultural norms and traditions including what you wear in public. Turkey is however moderate and modern in true meaning of the word. Women go out even at night time and there is not much danger. They can wear skirts, go wherever they like, do where ever they like and education wise their nation is high in literacy. They don't force convert or kill minorities. Their women don't need a man's consent to get married, divorced or an abortion. They're equals.
Anonymouseee Jan 10, 2021 12:49pm
Mashallah. Long live Pak-Turk friendship.
Anonymouseee Jan 10, 2021 12:50pm
@M. Emad why are Indians and Bengalis so jealous of us Pakistanis.
Chrís Dăn Jan 10, 2021 12:56pm
@NK it is,Sir! One faces the most clumsy,unshaped bushy,without any trimming since years beards, only and only in Pakistan. I have been to many other Muslim countries too-Malaysia,Indinesia,Jordan,Oman,Turkey, Kosovo,Bosnia -but trust me could not find so much versatility in bushy/untidy kinds & sha0es of so many beards as I can see in any or every street of my Dear ciuntry ,Pakistan. The vommentator just pointed out a valid fact.
jdd Jan 10, 2021 03:05pm
@Zak now that's history kid
M. Emad Jan 10, 2021 03:12pm
Bangladesh has thousands of inspirational Mukti Heroes. Bangladesh not searching any 'Hero' in Middle-Eastern desert or different corner of the world !
Laila Jan 10, 2021 04:03pm
@Zak Turks never ruled the subcontinent. Historically verifiable fact. Look it up. I really don't know why you insist on misrepresenting history. It's hardly a secret. The fact that you think Turks ruled the subcontinent shows you dont know history. Pakistan and the region was ruled by many invaders. None of them Turks though.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 04:05pm
@Zak also its scientific and historical fact that Pakistanis are not blood brothers. Never were. Considering Turks never came here to Pakistan. You can't just dismiss historians and scientists and rewrite history.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 04:08pm
Anybody who has mixed with Turks and been to turkey can confirm there culture is quite different from ours. We in Pakistan even censor intimate scenes of their dramas and we are not secular like Turkey. Turkish women are free to march, marry, divorce and decide over their hearts, minds and bodies without the consent of interference of males. In Pakistan most would have cardiac arrest if women here did that.
M. Emad Jan 10, 2021 04:24pm
• Pakistan is a 'Hero-Searching' country. • Bangladesh is a 'Hero-Making' nation.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 04:28pm
Conspiracy theories and total rewriting of history to benefit whatever identity crises some of us Pakistanis are going through is rife in the comment section. And everybody who disagrees with this factually wrong and recently fabricated "history" which flies in the face of history, anthropology and genealogy will be labeled an Indian, hindu or just jealous. Personal attacks will never substitute counter argumentation. Facts:Turks never ruled the subcontinent. We are culturally not similar, nor do we share their blood.
Laila Jan 10, 2021 04:34pm
Despite Turks never ruled or invaded the subcontinent we did in fact have many other invaders, and they were just that, invaders. They didnt come peacefully, knock on doors asking to settle down and suddenly intermarry or romantically woo our women. They invaded and did what invaders do. Violent times. Millions of locals were killed at times. Our history spans thousands and thousands of years. Predating even Islam and all other religions. We are not Arabs, Turks, Persians. Even they make fun of us because they know how desperate some of us are to latch on to their heritage, culture and ethnicity. It defies logic why one can not celebrate our own rich and long standing subcontinental history and diversity. Rewriting history won't work. Anybody can acces history books and look this up. We clearly need somebody to make an epic show about our rich history because clearly the schools are not doing their job well enough going by the lack of knowledge about own history and basic facts.
M. Emad Jan 10, 2021 04:36pm
Almost all present day Pakistani Muslims are in fact descendants of Hindu/ Buddhist/ Jain/ & the Idol-worshipper sons of the soil.
Chrís Dăn Jan 10, 2021 05:26pm
@M. Emad in film or tv industry Bangla Desh is not making any heroes.
Syed Jan 10, 2021 06:36pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI You reflect your narrow thinking mentioning beard size.
Awais Jan 10, 2021 09:27pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI shown himself what actually he is. No matter visiting Pakistan. And its good.
wiserneighbour Jan 10, 2021 09:35pm
Who is this barbarian?
NK Jan 10, 2021 09:56pm
@M. Emad Do you all who have liked here know Ertugrul is equally followed in 71 countries including Latin America, Central Asia. N America, Africa & and even Scandinavian countries. It has over 133.38 million people viewers right now on digital media only. It has a US IMBD rating of 8 of 10.
NK Jan 10, 2021 10:52pm
@JohnD The drama is very well followed in Middel East.
Ravi Sanku Jan 10, 2021 11:34pm
I saw Ertugrul, it was nice but definitely not out of the world. Looks like the fame they got in Pakistan is kind of mass hypnosis. No hate towards Turkey, I have Turkish friends and had a good experience when I visited Istanbul last year.
SAk Jan 11, 2021 02:08am
@Laila google Mughal’s origin. They were Turks.
Zak Jan 11, 2021 02:58am
@Laila Shows you don't know what ' Turk' conotates. Where do you think Khiljis came from, they also ruled Egypt. What has RSS been teaching?
Zak Jan 11, 2021 03:22am
@Laila Facts ; Learn proper truthful history. 'Later, another Turkish dynasty, the Khilji, ruled the sub continent from 1292 to 1320 A.D. until they were replaced by the Tughluqs, who governed from Delhi from 1320 to 1414 A.D. Eventually, the Mughals seized control of the whole sub continent, their rule lasted until British colonization.
IMRAN QURAISHI Jan 11, 2021 06:01am
@Laila . You are 100% right. Totally agree with you and every single word you wrote holds a lot of weight and is nothing but the truth.
Salman Jan 11, 2021 10:22am
M Emad Bangladesh has only produced traitors. No heros from Bangladesh.
Zak Jan 11, 2021 03:25pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI '@Laila . You are 100% right. Totally agree with you and every single word you wrote holds a lot of weight and is nothing but the truth.' Two trolls agreeing with each other on a Pakistani forum and both taught wrong history, the RSS history. But they are learning for first time. Truth takes a while to swallow.
Zak Jan 11, 2021 03:26pm
@IMRAN QURAISHI '@Laila . You are 100% right. Totally agree with you and every single word you wrote holds a lot of weight and is nothing but the truth.' 100% right in being totally wrong.
Zak Jan 11, 2021 03:28pm
@Anonymouseee '@M. Emad why are Indians and Bengalis so jealous of us Pakistanis.' Bangladeshis love us but Indians hate us. Indians taught to hate from education system, because they are an insecure country. That will be their down fall.
Zak Jan 11, 2021 03:37pm
@M. Emad 'Almost all present day Pakistani Muslims are in fact descendants of Hindu/ Buddhist/ Jain/ & the Idol-worshipper sons of the soil. Indians are all Turks descent. The Tughlaq dynasty (Ṭughlāq or Arabic script: طغلاق) also referred to as Tughluq or Tughluk dynasty, was a Muslim dynasty of Turkic origin which ruled over the Delhi sultanate in medieval India. Its reign started in 1320 in Delhi when Ghazi Malik assumed the throne under the title of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq.
Arfeen Khan Jan 11, 2021 05:36pm
@wiserneighbour - Wake up.. you need to come out of your prejudices and stereotypes.
Turkish slave Jan 11, 2021 06:21pm
@Ram much like your fake Hindu name from Pakistan .
Laila Jan 12, 2021 03:53am
@NK yes it is but Turkish dramas generally have a large audience in the middleeast and have for decades. So it's not a new interest. We in Pakistan are new to Turkish dramas. But Egypt and Saudi Arabia have banned Ertugrul due to why they perceive is a political threat.
Zak Jan 12, 2021 02:12pm
@Laila '@NK yes it is but Turkish dramas generally have a large audience in the middleeast and have for decades. So it's not a new interest. We in Pakistan are new to Turkish dramas. But Egypt and Saudi Arabia have banned Ertugrul due to why they perceive is a political threat.' Pakistanis love Turkish dramas, viewership highest in the world at 173 million. In your India, it has 106 million viewers.
Zak Jan 12, 2021 02:13pm
@Turkish slave '@Ram much like your fake Hindu name from Pakistan .' And yours from India.
Zak Jan 12, 2021 02:15pm
@Laila Ertugrul teaches, to be sincere in heart and never disguise the truth by being under assumed impostor names. Never be ashamed of being Indian.