
Fahmida Riaz's daughter turns down presidential award for late mother

Fahmida Riaz's daughter turns down presidential award for late mother

"I am refusing the presidential award for my mother's work. I'm sure she would have refused it if she was alive today."
Updated 04 Sep, 2020

Famed poet Fahmida Riaz's daughter has declined the presidential award announced by the government for her late mother, in protest against the kidnapping and torture of journalists and writers.

Taking to Facebook, Veerta Ali Ujan, posted, "Awards section contacting me about ammi's award investiture ceremony. . . .how can I accept an award for her work at this time? It would be an insult to her whole life's struggle for justice and equality."

"Writers and journalists are being kidnapped, tortured, even murdered. Harassers being awarded. Karachi left to rot in sewage."

"So. No thank you. I am refusing the presidential award for my mother's work. I'm sure she would have refused it if she was alive today."

Speaking to Images, Ujan says, "If my mother was alive today, she would not wish to be associated with any government award in the current climate of authoritarian intimidation of publications, writers and journalists. She would be crying over the state of Karachi and angry at the way blasphemy cases are being used as a blunt instrument to divide society."

She continues, "If anyone doubts this, they can read her poetry and prose. If the government wishes to award her, it should refrain from rewarding and encouraging injustice, exploitation and misogyny."

Born in pre-Partition Meerut in 1946, Fahmida Riaz was among the leading Urdu poets of her time.

A relentless social critic, she had been active in several human rights movements and was among those who campaigned against the military rule of General Ziaul Haq and the execution of former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Riaz passed away on November 21, 2018. She was 72 years old.

Previously, Saeen Taj Joyo, the father of a Sindhi teacher and activist Sarang Joyo, had also refused the President’s Pride Award (Nisan-e-Pakistan) due to his son’s disappearance. Sarang Joyo was recently found and was alleged to have been tortured in captivity.


SAk Sep 03, 2020 04:15pm
Your call and we respect that. Nobody is perfect and so are journalists.
Junaid Ali Sep 03, 2020 04:17pm
Government will award her mother anyway her name will be in hall of fame it doesn't matter If her daughter will accept or not
Taha A. Sep 03, 2020 04:21pm
Brave daughter of brave mother, kudos to such valiant men and women whom are the last wall of defence before we become China.
Furrukh Rao Sep 03, 2020 04:27pm
Once you are no longer in this world there is no need for any award. The only Award is Jannah.
lasun Sep 03, 2020 04:32pm
Naya Pakistan
MG Sep 03, 2020 04:35pm
Kudos madam, I appreciate your courage call a spade a spade
Zak Sep 03, 2020 04:43pm
Frivolous reason for refusal. Disrespect to her late mother.
Monsieur Sep 03, 2020 04:56pm
an Award for a journalist in one hand and kidnapping and torture of another journalist on the other hand ....
nit Sep 03, 2020 04:59pm
Great job ! very proud of her.
Ss Sep 03, 2020 05:04pm
Bravo. Well done.
M. Emad Sep 03, 2020 05:08pm
Urdu poet Fahmida Riaz wrote book/ poems/ articles about the plight of stranded Bihari Pakistanis in Geneva Camps ('Geneva Bastis') at Dhaka and other towns in Bangladesh.
Aqil Siddiqi Sep 03, 2020 05:54pm
I agree 100% with her.
Gordan J Yoker Sep 03, 2020 06:08pm
Correct decision
Only Sep 03, 2020 06:21pm
Asif Sep 03, 2020 06:29pm
She is a true rare Pakistani
Ahmed Sep 03, 2020 07:32pm
This step required rare courage and conviction. History acknowledges such people.
Farooq Ahmed Sep 03, 2020 07:33pm
A lineage of character, salute to you.
Marquis de Sade Sep 03, 2020 07:46pm
Why do you think the award wasn't given while she was alive?
Gopal Patel Sep 03, 2020 07:46pm
She has shown her empathy for one of the most insecure community. She deserves our kudos .
Asim Sep 03, 2020 08:56pm
A brave stand indeed
Picacho Sep 03, 2020 08:57pm
Your mother will be proud of you. And we Pakistanis are proud of you. Censorship and excesses against journalists today under IK is more than even during martial laws. Sad. Tragic
Salman Sep 03, 2020 09:12pm
Who is she, and who is her daughter ?
Tariq Sep 03, 2020 10:11pm
I think GOP and its people who are related to such affairs should had some genuine hard work in awarding people the highest country award. Don't make mockery to such prestigious award by announcing such people remain controversial and put themselves first rather then country.
SThapa Sep 03, 2020 11:53pm
You go girl! Gutsy call.
Tatheer Sep 04, 2020 12:04am
Shows the lady’s character a lot of respect from my side
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 04, 2020 12:07am
No doubt, one needs some special guts, resilience, fortitude, courage, bravery and the grit to do something like that.
Azhar Awan Sep 04, 2020 01:07am
one soul is more than millions and your decision is loud and clear and we appreciated
Niaz H. Jafri Sep 04, 2020 01:28am
Bravo !!!
Changez Khan Sep 04, 2020 01:52am
Never heard of her.
Gulshan Omar Sep 04, 2020 02:07am
SALAM MY BRAVE WOMAN. Not many have this kind of guts. You are the future of Pakistan. U
Faiza Sep 04, 2020 03:32am
@SAk so is this gov.
Saeed Sep 04, 2020 03:41am
@Taha A. or Saudi Arabia :-(
SYed zAfar kazmi U.s.a Sep 04, 2020 04:24am
Bravo. Great daughter of a great mother. It’s for characters like such that the hope for a better tomorrow, no matter how slim, keeps alive,
Ahsan Gul Sep 04, 2020 04:26am
But what the current government has done not to recognize your mom? Sincerely
Toni Sep 04, 2020 04:54am
Freedom and free speech starts with acceptance of Personal Responsibility. Your rights end where others start, be it journalistic opinion, stick to facts, evidence and not speculations.
Sak Sep 04, 2020 05:17am
While she was living in 2014, she accepted Kamal-e-Fun Award and things were perfect back then.
Hassan Sep 04, 2020 06:23am
@Salman : if you don't know about a great personality then it's your loss not hers....
Think Twice Sep 04, 2020 06:24am
@Ahmed ,... What rare courage ? not accepting the reward for mother is rare courage ?
Think Twice Sep 04, 2020 06:26am
It is not you to decide madam.
Asif Ali Sep 04, 2020 09:52am
Brave daughter of a brave mother.
Syed Ahmed Sep 04, 2020 10:20am
@Junaid Ali well said sir how she is to turn down
Banda Ajiz Sep 04, 2020 12:47pm
People of high moral standing and values have many times refused to accept awards from government. Their level is higher than these awards which are sometimes given to blue eyed and undeserving people. She and Joyo have increased their respect by this refusal.
T-man Sep 04, 2020 08:37pm
Good decision.
ambreen Sep 05, 2020 07:14am
uh ok !