
YouTuber Irfan Junejo quits vlogging due to mental health issues

YouTuber Irfan Junejo quits vlogging due to mental health issues

"What I'm saying might sound arrogant but I just want to work from the heart," shared the now former vlogger.
12 Feb, 2020

Popular vlogger Irfan Junejo will no longer make vlogs.

Or at least not at the frequency he used to. Taking to YouTube in what can be said to be his last vlog - for now - which is titled 'I Quit', Junejo opened up about mental health issues that surfaced with fame and popularity as a vlogger, leading him to be more anti-social than his loud and fun authentic self.

"I don't go to any events or award ceremonies," said Junejo. "I don't go on podcasts, left Twitter and minimised the use of my camera in general. As I got more popular, I got more reclusive. The most surprising part is that I do love all this."

"I never thought all my wildest dreams would come true through vlogs, from meeting Ronaldinho to buying my dream bike. I did fulfill all material wishes. In the time of the internet, it's easy to get famous but not to get recognition."

He went on to say, "I have self-esteem issues, I have anxiety issues. I don't have any confidence in me to make anything that I want to make and I'm too scared to say what I really mean."

For Irfan, it all started when he "crossed 500k subscribers."

"I've been hunting for the reason of my existential crisis," he shared.

He gave examples of celebs taking risks and moving on to the next thing and finally said, "I don't like making vlogs anymore. I'm not saying I'm leaving YouTube or never making vlogs because if I personally really want to, I might do so. But vlogs are no longer the focus of my life."

He made sure to end his note with, "What I'm saying might sound arrogant but I just want to work from the heart."


Common Sense Feb 12, 2020 04:42pm
I stopped watching Junejo's vlogs about a year ago after he mentioned that he likes Zardari. No brainer for me.
Common Sense Feb 12, 2020 05:48pm
publicity stunt
Recommend 1
JunejoArmy Feb 12, 2020 06:01pm
He never said he wont be making vlogs anymore. He just said he is not into it with his heart anymore.
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