
Emirati travel vlogger Khalid Al Ameri is now a big fan of Pakistan

Emirati travel vlogger Khalid Al Ameri is now a big fan of Pakistan

"One of the greatest lessons I have learned from this trip is don't always believe what the media tells you," he wrote.
18 Jan, 2020

Another day, another foreign travel vlogger who wants to tell you that Pakistan is a misunderstood country.

Popular Middle Eastern social media sensation Khalid Al Ameri was recently in the country and claims to have fallen in love with it.

Read: Another foreign traveller is in Pakistan and she wants you to know our country is 'safe'

His vlog titled 'The Truth About Pakistan' shows him going around Islamabad doing all sorts of touristy things such as eating some scrumptious Pakistani grub, talking to the locals and praying at Faisal Mosque. He starts the video by saying, "My view of Pakistan has completely changed from the minute that I reached; I see things differently, I see Pakistan differently and I want you to see it differently too."

"I have fallen in love with Pakistan and its incredible people, this is why..." he wrote in the caption.

"One of the greatest lessons I have learned from this trip is don't always believe what the media tells you about a country or a community, visit for yourself, see for yourself and more often than not you will be surprised by the kindness, beauty and hospitality you will experience. Pakistan Zindabad, much love and God bless."

Ameri also met President Dr. Arif Alvi during his trip, sharing that "loving and hospitable are the words I would use to describe the people of Pakistan":

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Khalid was in Pakistan with his wife, Salama Mohamed who often appears in his vlogs.


WOW Jan 18, 2020 05:56pm
Wow I have watch so many video of Khalid and family. Great sense of humour and fun. Welcome to Pakistan.
Kami Jan 18, 2020 07:23pm
Well done Brother and a big welcome to Pakistan!
Fastrack Jan 18, 2020 08:57pm
Love begets love.
joe Jan 18, 2020 09:43pm
One of the greatest lessons I have learned from this trip is don't always believe what the media tells you about a country or a community, "" Exectly is applicable in few more countries
Sara Jan 18, 2020 11:32pm
Good PR. Government should hire more such vloggers for positive promotions to increase tourism.
Saira Jan 19, 2020 03:45am
Great video and thank you for spreading the word about the real Pakistan! Keep coming!
Zak Jan 19, 2020 05:08am
Great video. Always welcome.
Hassan Jan 20, 2020 12:33am
Welcome and come back soon...