
Fahad Mirza and Sarwat Gillani's PDA in Rome has sparked outrage all the way in Pakistan

Fahad Mirza and Sarwat Gillani's PDA in Rome has sparked outrage all the way in Pakistan

The moral police is more rattled by an affectionate married man than they are of abusive husbands. Go figure.
Updated 24 Jan, 2020

Is PDA between two consenting married adults a crime?

No, but you'd think so looking at the comments on Fahad Mirza's Instagram post.

If you, like us, have been living vicariously through Mirza and Sarwat Gillani's dreamy European holiday on Instagram, you've probably seen the picture that has rattled the moral brigade all the way in Pakistan.

For the inundated, the photo is of the married couple kissing in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome.

While public displays of affection (PDA) may not be everyone's cup of tea, you can't deny that a celebration of love hits you right in the feels! But obviously, the haters were quick to ruin their little moment.

It'd be laughable if it weren't so disturbing that our society is more tolerant towards men abusing their wives than showing them affection.

And this is hardly anything new; the same happened when Yasir Hussain gave Iqra Aziz a hug and kiss on the cheek right after he proposed at the Lux Style Awards. Also, remember when Jibran Nasir gave Mansha Pasha a peck on the forehead at their engagement and everyone lost it?

Why, no, that is actually NOT the Islamic Republic of Pakistan...

But even if it were, they're a married couple! Leave them alone.

And even if they weren't, just leave them alone? We for one think it's a welcome change to see a desi man expressing love for his significant other.

Where is the lie though?

Sending the happily married couple good vibes and lots of nazar repellent!


Ali zaidi Jan 24, 2020 04:47pm
Pakistanis have so much free time :)
abdul karim admani Jan 24, 2020 04:59pm
When in Rome act like Romans
M. Saeed Jan 24, 2020 05:12pm
Public Display of Affection (PDA) by several former well-known personalities have often appeared and ignored by the media. Why make such PDAs in locations abroad, of married couple, a matter of debate in Pakistan?
Mustafa Ali Shah Jan 24, 2020 05:14pm
I don't know what is the problem with our public. Simple thing is: don't poke your nose in others business. You don't like it, don't watch it. Another point, it's Rome, ITALY, not Pakistan. Most important of all they are Husband and Wife and none of anybody's concern how they show their affection. Norms in Pakistan are very different to Europe or the West, please bear that in mind. Have fun, life is to short to be repressed by bullies.
Riazullah Baig Jan 24, 2020 05:19pm
Who cares, and who are these two consenting adults? Pak society is hypocrite to its core.
Naveed Jan 24, 2020 05:51pm
These are private moments between husband and wife and there is no reason to object to this. There are millions of people posting pics like this. We have to train ourselves to behave properly if someone doesn’t adhere to our standards. I think it’s better to show more of this to people to open their brains.
khalid Jan 24, 2020 06:20pm
Good luck to them. As if we don't know whether married couples kiss!!. In a country like Pakistan, this is exactly what we need. Let us stop being hypocrites.
Demagogue Jan 24, 2020 06:54pm
I call it a cheap publicity stunt!
Daskalos Jan 24, 2020 07:49pm
Delightful to see people happily in love. The Trevi fountain reminds me of 'Three coins in a fountain '. Live and let love folks!
Fawad Ahmed Jan 24, 2020 08:05pm
This is elite class pressing its normd on the midfle class which still has family culture and husband n wife avoid holdings hands in public. All the things mentioned in the comments above haveen happening throughout history if it was behind closed doors. Therefore, it was not common evil of society. This will destroy the family fabric of our society.
AbdulHaque Shaikh Jan 24, 2020 08:23pm
Each person have their own opinion about this matter. But ultimate responsibility lies on these two if they are hurting other human being who may or may not be their loved ones. Because the matter is not as simple as expressing love in public. They are married and have made commitment to other people their sposes , their families may be their children etc. Betrayal and Hurt is universal feeling in human being. Nothing to do with any religion
Lalajeee Jan 24, 2020 08:37pm
Awesome with reservations
Ahmad kainth Jan 24, 2020 08:53pm
Who stops them from kissing in public . What is the logic of sharing with the public . These are their personal moments but when people and journalists start asking actors and celebrities about their personal lives , they rush to make them silent by saying that they would not ask personal questions. Logic is simple. Enjoy the moment rather than spoil it by sharing on social media .
Imran Jan 24, 2020 08:55pm
As they say here in the liberal west 'Get a room'.
Agha Hasaan Jan 24, 2020 09:06pm
Let them be please, enemies of love!
haris Jan 24, 2020 09:18pm
Not worthy of a news story at all.
Vik Jan 24, 2020 09:52pm
You guys are really a repressed society man ! It’s just a kiss!!! Geeez !
Dr. Doctor Jan 24, 2020 10:18pm
B.S. Don't justify behaviour not representing of who you are. Neither religion nor culture supports this. We live in the West but know our limits. The ones who live at home immediately forget who they are? PDA is fine. Then going out of the way to ensure the moment gets captured and shared with the rest of the world is what is the sign of you know what.
St. Mercury Jan 24, 2020 10:22pm
I am shocked that there are no comments. There is no harm in PDA. I do that with my wife of 38 years. No fear.
N abidai Jan 24, 2020 11:25pm
They married and in Rome ,do as the Roman do ,is what a wise man said! Get a life !
Shahzad Qureshi Jan 24, 2020 11:33pm
I dont have a problem with husband and wife kissing but a pakistani news paper publishing picture of such act is very surprising to me.
Shahzad Akbar Shaikh Jan 25, 2020 12:46am
What's the big deal here
Saeeds Jan 25, 2020 01:24am
People who have issue with these trivial things . Should ask themselves how they conceived and than look at there parents . That will be enough to respect any couple
Zeshan Ahmed Jan 25, 2020 01:25am
Who cares and, why is this news?
BrownFlower Jan 25, 2020 01:27am
Even if they weren't married; when in Rome do as the Romans do.
Azhar N Hussain Jan 25, 2020 01:53am
Every nook and corner of Pakistan we hear vulgar abuse, that is alright but kissing your wife and holding her hand is not. The affects of chadder aur char dewaari are coming to haunt us.
Shahid Jan 25, 2020 07:31am
To me, it is nothing more than a trick to gain cheap popularity, as true love does not need a public display. Moreover, we are copying the West to unknowingly show our own inferiority complex and loyality to our fore masters.
Mahmood Ahmad Jan 25, 2020 09:10am
Loved the picture!!!
OH Jan 25, 2020 09:14am
Good to see two married people in love. There will always be criticism. So ignore!
masood hussain Jan 25, 2020 10:31am
A man slapping his wife is more acceptable on our screwed up society.
Chris Jan 25, 2020 11:24am
What is the point of this article?
Neo Jan 25, 2020 11:35am
Our celebrities need to calm down with PDA. Some of them are literally on top of eachother as they can't seem to control themselves. The sentiment for love is one thing but why the need to share private moments with the public. This isn't our culture. Infact you will rarely see this in most Western cultures.
HashBrown® Jan 25, 2020 12:23pm
@Neo "This isn't our culture. Infact you will rarely see this in most Western cultures." I'm sorry, what?? Firstly, with respect, who are you to determine what our culture is and isn't? Secondly, not that it matters, but western culture is far, far more liberal than simply a husband and wife kissing. And no, there's no need to copy that, but I would happily copy the west's approach to sex education and safeguarding women's rights. Talk to a volunteer from the Edhi foundation about abandoned babies and abused wives, and then start telling us what is and isn't in our "culture".
Khan Jan 25, 2020 12:54pm
There's nothing wrong with showing love and affection for your wife.
Neo Jan 25, 2020 02:34pm
@HashBrown® The article is about public display of affection not any other social issues that you highlighted (which I agree should be tackled with better education and raising of awareness). I am no one to determine what our culture is as its been given to us by our ancestors and the millions who sacrificed their lives to give us the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Please never forget.
A Khan Jan 25, 2020 03:25pm
Why can't we copy the goods things in Western society? Like obeying traffic laws, not throwing around trash, having a sense of Civic responsibility, and being honest. Why do we choose the worst things to imitate? Western society has over-sexualized itself to the point that they have destroyed their family values. Do we really want to go down that path? Can we have the wisdom and fortitude to learn from their mistakes? Some things need to be kept to the privacy of one's home. Let's put some faith in the wisdom of our elders please. Publish my comment if you believe in freedom of speech (as you claim)
Anon Jan 25, 2020 05:26pm
Shameful disregard of our cultural and religious norms. At least don't flaunt it on social media. May be trying to hide their marital troubles and gain cheap publicity.
Anon Jan 25, 2020 05:46pm
@Khan Do it in private.
BK Jan 25, 2020 10:42pm
Nazar isn’t a meme, and when it’s a meme than y’all have bigger problems than nazar. Other than that, Instagram Public posts of anything including PDA is fake and scripted. Have PDA if that is what you want but to put it on insta, there is definitely some external motivation beyond the relation.
tipusmle Jan 26, 2020 01:47am
Who cares about world, you need to prove your love to your spouse. But why you need to post pictures to prove your love to the world, is there any doubt?
Amer Jan 26, 2020 04:42am
Another example of a repressed society who feel the need comment on something so mutual between 2 consenting adults.
Zoe Jan 26, 2020 06:42am
Majority of our people are sick minded.. Actually we don't have anything to do, we don't have the right thing to put our energy into, so this energy is misdirected. There should be something constructive to do for youth.
Jonathan Jan 26, 2020 12:01pm
Let the private life remain private!
K Ahmad Jan 26, 2020 04:47pm
So whats wrong. They are a couple
Dr.Sadaf Jan 26, 2020 07:05pm
Why the display of a private moment?
Wolf Jan 28, 2020 03:56pm
Twenty years back we never used show our family photos to even our neighbors. Now we share every single family photos of family members of any age on Facebook! Things have changed whether we like it or not we have to live with them.