
Rabi Pirzada announces she's leaving showbiz

Rabi Pirzada announces she's leaving showbiz

The singer shared on Twitter that she'll be leaving the entertainment industry.
Updated 04 Nov, 2019

Singer Rabi Pirzada has announced that she'll be leaving the entertainment industry.

Taking to Twitter, Pirzada wrote: "I, Rabi Pirzada, am quitting showbiz. May God forgive my sins and soften the hearts of people in my favour."

On Friday, the singer became a victim of cyber crime and harassment when her personal photos and videos were leaked and widely circulated on social media.

We're hoping Pirzada is staying strong in the face of such dreadful abuse and vehemently condemn this breach of her and any person's privacy.


tQ Nov 04, 2019 03:44pm
Showbiz or no showbiz, no one is allowed to intrude someone's privacy. Whoever does this is a sick criminal and must be made an example.
Recommend Nov 04, 2019 04:01pm
Say strong girl. You are not alone. You have our support
ROZ Nov 04, 2019 04:04pm
it is getting common these days that private content of celebrities is leaked.... it happened to Jennifer Aniston ....and many more.... Rabi Pirzada should be brave enough to continue.... Rest is her personal decision.....!
Omar Nov 04, 2019 04:15pm
You should not as this will give people more arguments that "she paying for her sins" but actually it should be the person who did this to you. None of us are pure and we all know very well the bad things we did but still roam around as if nothing has happened. You have a whole life in front of you & I wish you all the best.
sarmad Nov 04, 2019 04:23pm
Stay strong, It was not your fault, wish you all the best.
fairy Nov 04, 2019 04:26pm
Jehengir Khan Nov 04, 2019 05:05pm
Come on got to fight back.... running away is not the solution.... crooks are everywhere in this world......they must be defeated and the only way is to stand up against them.....
Ali Nov 04, 2019 05:57pm
I had never been a fan of her but just got sympathetic to her after the leaked video. What ever the reason its too much. We need to learn from our Creator who never exposes our sins to others. May she recovers to a respectable future.
Mujeeb Nov 04, 2019 05:58pm
Despicable! we have some sick people among us that don't have respect for anyone's privacy. Rabi is only the most recent high profile victim.
Saifuddin Takhtawala Nov 04, 2019 06:09pm
You don't need to quite showbiz world just for the reason not acceptable. Stay strong, you are note the first one, you won't be the last either. Have faith in your abilities. Those who breached your privacy are blackmailing you emotionally and by quieting showbiz you succumbed to their demand. Be strong and have faith in your abilities.
Creed Nov 04, 2019 06:19pm
Time will save you. Don’t ever forget what you are made of..
Abdul Nov 04, 2019 06:52pm
this is the cost of free publicity.
Adeeb Nov 04, 2019 06:59pm
Baray Bay Aabroo ho kay tairay kochay say hum niklay.
Ehsan Nov 04, 2019 07:10pm
What a shame, we need to realize what implications our actions can have on other people’s lives. Stay strong Ms peerzada and hope to see you back with a bang.
HonorBright Nov 04, 2019 07:48pm
Rabi, don't
Saad Razzaq Nov 04, 2019 09:51pm
Every one of us have secrets. Whoever thinks negative about this woman should introspect. You don't have to quit, no big deal. Move on, we are with you.
TR Nov 04, 2019 10:04pm
Stay Strong.
Sukumaran Nov 04, 2019 10:14pm
Silencing criticism in such a manner is sickening and an extreme abuse of power. There seems to be a pattern of events after Sabeen Mahmud killing , Hamid Mir attack and Rabi's video leakage.
Peshawari Nov 05, 2019 02:35am
Dear Rabi, Peerzada, We are with you please stay strong and never let the people to damage your dream and play with your emotions.
Sultan Niazi Nov 05, 2019 04:00am
Hi Riba Please go after whoever did this. Revenge porn has laws in the USA and europe to protect innocents like you. Please pursue this legally and name it Riba Law back home. Go after him and don't leave showbiz as you are then unfortunately, empowering these bigots. Good luck to you Sultan
Aamer Mohar Nov 05, 2019 06:44am
I feel bad for her the way things have unfolded during the past few days. Whosoever got hold of her videos of private and personal nature and spread them around with ill intentions has committed a crime and should be brought to justice.
Lutera Nov 05, 2019 06:51am
Then the person who leaked the private pics and videos has succeeded. I am not her fan but for the sake of women all over she needs to stand up to it. If only the people of Pakistan stand with her and support her.
Patriot Nov 05, 2019 08:09am
Truly heartbreaking. The only way these incidents can be prevented is through the rule of law and accountability. Whoever invaded her privacy needs to be punished in a way so that others can take a lesson.
Ahmad Nov 05, 2019 11:10am
Unfortunate that such an event has happened to this girl, and some others aswell, please dont trust your boy friends and never ever send them nudies like this. Please dont make nude vids of yourself in these times when mobile hacking is on the rise.
saira k Nov 05, 2019 01:19pm
Those who leaked her pictures are cowards, they are having male domination attitude. They do not want ladies to come out and study or go to work. I support Prime Minister Imran Khan Ehsaas scholarship scheme for helping poor boys and girls to study and improve the knowledge of society
Alih Nov 07, 2019 04:27pm
FIA cyber wing needs to investigate her case very seriously and let the people know the truth. They should be way to stop this nonsense of maligning through internet.
Aussie Nov 09, 2019 05:15am
don't leave showbiz girl, just let it blow over . Stay strong,