
Bilawal Bhutto says his life partner should get along with his sisters

Bilawal Bhutto says his life partner should get along with his sisters

In a candid interview, Bilawal answers some of our most burning and also random questions, all 73 of them
15 Apr, 2019

Politicians, they're just like us!

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari thinks biryani > pulao and is also not getting time to Netflix these days, according to a new interview he did with The Current, in which he answered some burning and many random questions, all 73 of them.

Witty as always, here's 5 memorable moments from the tell-all:

1) He's still waiting to be impressed by our PM

When asked what was one thing he liked about Imran Khan, he cheekily smiled and replied, "I'm still looking for something to like about Mr. Khan." Savage.

2) He's looking for some interesting qualities in a significant other

This question's inescapable. Bhutto is no stranger to being asked about his marital status or what he's looking for in a partner.

Read: This conversation proves even Bilawal Bhutto can't escape the rishta scene

"There has to be a level of connectivity. We have to get along, she would have to be intelligent and educated, perhaps a sense of humour. And most importantly, she'd have to get on with my sisters."

3) The one piece of advice from his mother he holds dear

He shared that his mother, the late Benazir Bhutto, gave him lots of guidance but one instruction he tries to abide by is that one should never react to anger and count to ten before they do.

Solid advice.

4) If he wasn't a politician, he'd be working in the philanthropic sector

If he had to choose a different career path, the 30-year-old says he'd probably be doing something in education or human welfare.

"I believe in advocating for humanities as a subject, critical thinking, promoting the arts and culture so perhaps more in a philanthropic domain. But you know, fate and destiny and events had other plans," he revealed.

5) His favourite thing to eat in the morning and midnight are the same

One word: haleem!

See, we have so much in common.

Watch the full interview here:


Gordon D. Walker Apr 15, 2019 01:18pm
Fun... Gordon D. Walker Canada
riz Apr 15, 2019 01:23pm
If Bilawal want to succeed in politics he has to distance himself from the corruption allegations against his father and Aunt and further he has to improve the performance of Sindh Government especially in Karachi where PPP government have failed very miserably to deliver anything infact they have destroyed the development work completed during the Musharraf government
M. Emad Apr 15, 2019 01:25pm
. . . Father, Asif Ali Zardari ?
Skeptic Apr 15, 2019 01:36pm
The bigger question is, 'who would like to have new last name like Zardari?? It will be a very short list of candidates.
Newborn Apr 15, 2019 01:38pm
He's weird but good.
Human Apr 15, 2019 01:58pm
So did you ask, "When are you giving people back their looted money?" Thought so!
sab Apr 15, 2019 02:07pm
Has he dented his family life by making his life partner subservient to his sisters?
Robin Mitha Apr 15, 2019 02:36pm
What a refreshing change, cones across as a genuinely nice guy........ i hope he stays this way
Zafar Apr 15, 2019 02:38pm
Nice to have young people in politics no matter from which party they belong, because the priority is something which driven by the age factor mainly, thats why our curriculum contain "The Seven Ages Of Man" the very definition of how our priorities evolve with age, definitely going to vote for PPP in next election as Karachi really need ownership, right now PPP look more decent under Belawal leadership, recent Thar Coal inauguration and police reform act in favor of Amal Case seems decent way of doing things, at least they show concern about Karachi citizens compare to Mafia MQM whom just care about job quota for their family members.
Ranger Apr 15, 2019 03:36pm
Why copy Vogue 73 questions?
Ahsan Gul Apr 15, 2019 03:46pm
Bilawal zardari needs to distance himself from Asif Zardari his father. And until he does, public will not accept him even a grown up.
Imran Apr 15, 2019 04:32pm
Bilawal needs to get on with the common man.
LAHORI KID Apr 15, 2019 04:58pm
Bilawal needs to earn the position he was gifted, instead of playing the opposition, guided by his father, Bilawal should focus on two issues, the province of Sindh, and the people. There is no way he can look back 20 years or so and feel proud of what his grandfathers party has accomplished. The truth is, Bilawal and his father Asif Zardari, both took the lead of their party, it was not earned, it was inherited.
Aa Apr 15, 2019 05:07pm
@Skeptic, exactly my thought.
Ahmad Apr 15, 2019 05:18pm
So she would need an NRO from them.
Fasad khan Apr 15, 2019 05:19pm
So who is he?
Ed Medders Apr 15, 2019 05:47pm
First time I've heard Dilawar speak with such candor, at least, in an informal setup by the video journalist. He is obviously an Oxford's groomed elite Pakistani's lineage of the Bhutto dynasty (almost like the Gandhi dynasty of India, to a smaller extent), but he seems to project an image of trying to be a Pakistani yet caught up more with the his dominating Western brought up. Most important ingredient that will ultimately be judged and rejudged by the masses of Pakistanis will be, his core belief and his deveneered Western outlook with a genuine innermost passion of Pakistan as his grandfather Mr. Zulifqar Bhutto became due to the fast moving political events of the Ayub Khan era. If I may predict, Dilawar would make an excellent caretaker of Pakistan if he can project a very clear and undiluted PPP's stale ideology that has yet to evolve into a progressive and a non-traditional provincial one thus breaking many taboos to become a more grass-root mass oriented forward looking one!
AZAM AKBAR Apr 15, 2019 06:03pm
Mr. Bilawal Zardari, You don't need life partner you have already called corruption.
Kaneez Fatima Apr 15, 2019 06:13pm
Finding a life partner who will get on well with your sisters will not be easy. Good luck to you all!
kabir Apr 15, 2019 06:15pm
@Zafar Surprisingly you have still some hope with Mr. Bilawal who is campaigning to save his tainted father instead of poor masses of Sindh let alone Urban Sindh whose population has lost all hopes from PPP led Sindh Government especially Urban youth who have rather brutally notched out of any hope of getting any government job even in city district departments let alone the provincial job. PPP has completely alienated the whole urban populous even Biiawal Zardari never spoke about the residents of Urban area as if Urban Sindh does not fall under his ambit
Zak Apr 15, 2019 06:32pm
‘If he had to choose a different career path, the 30-year-old says he'd probably be doing something in education or human welfare.’ One word- THAR.
Cricket Khan Apr 15, 2019 06:41pm
Once again this is how we glamorize the elite who are elite because they are corrupt. When will we ever learn
Ibrahim Apr 15, 2019 06:57pm
I do not think there will be any problem between his wife and sisters.
Skeptic Apr 15, 2019 07:07pm
@Aa Except that the Sisters themselves are not getting any offers - who are elder than Bilawal. The burden of being Zardari?? Does not bode well for the young lad or his chances of finding a 'life-partner' who will get along with the females in the house.
saksci Apr 15, 2019 08:17pm
It is time for news media ask where the funds came from to decorate his office or how he could justify a lavish breakfast (eggs...) while the kids in Sindh are starving. These elitist news media in Pakistan is there duty to serve crooked families of politicians and there readers.
saksci Apr 15, 2019 08:21pm
@Zafar Why don't you move to Tharparkar Sindh see how great job your great leader is doing.
Sultan Ahmed Apr 15, 2019 09:17pm
The most elementary qualification wanted of a member of Parliament or a minister is his impeccable honesty he not only should possess such quality of character but he should be demonstrating it while performing his public. Unfortunately, Bilawal doesn't like to be taught / preached The national misfortune is with the PMLN leadership .we, the people of Pakistan will have to come forward to search out from our own ranks the most efficient and competent group of men who could be able to put the state of affairs on the right track leading to the ultimate goal of Pakistan as an egalitarian state.
Maz Apr 15, 2019 09:29pm
I agree
AZAM AKBAR Apr 15, 2019 10:31pm
@Zak Mr. Zak, But Mr. Bilawal Zardari doesn't know where Thar is located in his home province Sindh.
Thunderbolt Apr 16, 2019 03:33am
But that is possible when it is established that this person, Bilawal Zardari, is a genuine Man!
Mian Shah hussain adv Apr 16, 2019 08:09am
To be truthful, this guy doesn’t fit in politics.
Farhan Apr 16, 2019 06:15pm
Just because he is eloquent, doesn't mean that he is not his father's son which truly reflects in his public speeches.
Gamal Apr 17, 2019 01:35am
Reason for his fame, power and prominence? Son of BB and Asif Zardari (nothing else)
Nadeem Khan Apr 18, 2019 12:55am
I was not impressed by your dad or you moms days of rule,,,,