
Pakistanis respond with outrage as women's bike rally in Peshawar gets cancelled

Pakistanis respond with outrage as women's bike rally in Peshawar gets cancelled

The irony of Cynthia Ritchie biking on the streets of Peshawar just a few months ago is not lost on them
20 Jan, 2019

Peshawar was set to host its first women's bicycle rally on January 19, but after protests by religious parties, the event was cancelled.

Pakistanis are rightfully outraged, and for multiple reasons.

Also read: Women's bicycle rally in Peshawar cancelled after protest threat by religious parties

1) Just a few months prior to this incident, US blogger Cynthia Ritchie was snapped riding a bike on the streets of Peshawar. Pakistanis on social media were quick to hail her a hero for depicting a softer side of the country. It's clear now that when it comes to stepping out in public, we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women?

Also read: This photo highlights how we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women


2) Why is #MasculinitySoFragile that seeing a woman on a bike threatens the very existence of these men?

Here are just a few tweets that sum up the rage Pakistanis are feeling.

Of course, the irony of Cynthia Ritchie promoting an image that Pakistani women can freely ride a bike on the streets was not lost on them. Speaking of which, many asked, #WhitePriviledge, much?


Its not me. Jan 20, 2019 02:31pm
What do you expect in Naya Pakistan?
BRR Jan 20, 2019 02:57pm
The comedy of errors, a white woman gives pakistanis a certificate and they applaud. Meanwhile a brown memsahib tries to ride a bike and all muslim men protest. Hilarious.
Beiging China Jan 20, 2019 04:17pm
Men won
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