
Pakistanis respond with outrage as women's bike rally in Peshawar gets cancelled

Pakistanis respond with outrage as women's bike rally in Peshawar gets cancelled

The irony of Cynthia Ritchie biking on the streets of Peshawar just a few months ago is not lost on them
20 Jan, 2019

Peshawar was set to host its first women's bicycle rally on January 19, but after protests by religious parties, the event was cancelled.

Pakistanis are rightfully outraged, and for multiple reasons.

Also read: Women's bicycle rally in Peshawar cancelled after protest threat by religious parties

1) Just a few months prior to this incident, US blogger Cynthia Ritchie was snapped riding a bike on the streets of Peshawar. Pakistanis on social media were quick to hail her a hero for depicting a softer side of the country. It's clear now that when it comes to stepping out in public, we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women?

Also read: This photo highlights how we apply different standards to desi women versus foreign women


2) Why is #MasculinitySoFragile that seeing a woman on a bike threatens the very existence of these men?

Here are just a few tweets that sum up the rage Pakistanis are feeling.

Of course, the irony of Cynthia Ritchie promoting an image that Pakistani women can freely ride a bike on the streets was not lost on them. Speaking of which, many asked, #WhitePriviledge, much?


Its not me. Jan 20, 2019 02:31pm
What do you expect in Naya Pakistan?
BRR Jan 20, 2019 02:57pm
The comedy of errors, a white woman gives pakistanis a certificate and they applaud. Meanwhile a brown memsahib tries to ride a bike and all muslim men protest. Hilarious.
Beiging China Jan 20, 2019 04:17pm
Men won
Joe Jan 20, 2019 04:18pm
When Mulla's run the writ ,what else can you expect in Naya Pakistan?
Lost cause Jan 20, 2019 05:08pm
Why should boys have all the fun
Mutex Jan 20, 2019 05:35pm
The cancellation is good step. No need of western culter in Pakistan. Any one else who is has problem with the cancellation , those can give the bike to their wife and sister.
Nadeem Jan 20, 2019 06:38pm
Welcome to the age of stones!
Pure_Pashtun Jan 20, 2019 07:01pm
We are all for women's education and their rights, but not in for such things which promotes vulgarity in public and never will be; how about we leave such activities for Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. So whoever organized this event should stop trying as a whole.
M. Emad Jan 20, 2019 07:48pm
Women's bike rally can be held inside the Peshawar stadium.
Saif Zukfiqar Jan 20, 2019 08:18pm
Read today's ARAB NEWS. The female of Saudi Arabia are riding Motorbike now. There are no religious restrictions if the muslim female ride motorbikes or fly airplanes.
Sanjay Capoor Jan 20, 2019 08:36pm
It's sad , want to see my pakistani sisters walking in every stride of life equal to their male counterparts as what we say they are equal side of coin in our society.
sajid Rafique Jan 20, 2019 09:58pm
At age65 , i am still a bike rider but it is very safe in sugar land texas
Ali Kazmi Jan 21, 2019 02:19am
@BRR Little do you know that almost all women in Peshawar are white.
Ali Kazmi Jan 21, 2019 02:19am
@Joe; The Mullahs are all allied with Nawaz Sharif.
Huzaifa Jan 21, 2019 04:12am
This is not bad idea that women ride a bicycle or aeroplane it our society's mindset if a seven year old zainab is not free to move in street then how you peoples think that a mature 18 year girl is safe by riding a bicycle in street First of all kindly change peoples mindset about women then commense such intiatives
nick s Jan 21, 2019 04:32am
@BRR: Yeah, REALLY Hilarious!
nick s Jan 21, 2019 04:37am
@Saif Zukfiqar : But Saudi females need permission from the boys ---who may even be their grandsons! If mullahs could not control "decency", they are afraid they will become irrelevant. Then who will remain to 'baptize' babies, marry people, or bury them?
MG Jan 21, 2019 04:59am
Welcome to the 7th century AD
illawarrior Jan 21, 2019 06:24am
Can someone explain to me, exactly what is considered obscene about cycling, and why the perceived "obscenity" applies to one gender only.
HelloWorld Jan 21, 2019 06:37am
I guess riding bike is also against Pakistan’s culture, just like PadMan movie.
Khattak Jan 21, 2019 06:39am
If women's rights only mean riding bicycles, wearing shorts and pants than the people of Peshawar are indeed living in stone ages. Please focus on basic human rights (food, shelter, health care, clean drinking water, waste removal, education, security, corruption (Financial, ethical, moral) etc etc etc).
HashBrown® Jan 21, 2019 09:46am
@Saif Zukfiqar With respect, brother, nobody should be looking to Saudi Arabia as the guardians of our morality, particularly when it comes to their treatment of women. Just because they've finally decided to let women drive, it doesn't mean that previously it was in any way wrong - just that the Saudis hadn't caught up with the modern world.
Asad Jan 21, 2019 09:51am
Good to hear that the rally got cancelled
Mahesh Mohit Verma Jan 21, 2019 10:10am
Nicely written article. As an India I would say that, in India woman can even drive metro trains, bus, Temples , Gurudwaras, and probably ISRO will plan to send a woman to Mars. Its ironic that in our neighborhood, women struggle for basic rights.
Guzni Jan 21, 2019 10:53am
The problem is the same "social media" would have been in the forefront in criticizing if it was held.
Noor Wali Jan 21, 2019 10:54am
I condemn the cancellation of cycle rally in Peshawar. it must be rescheduled soon.
SadFaces Jan 21, 2019 12:09pm
"35 women on a bike vs male fragility - who would win?" The one with the most ego. I mean why force women to come out in the open sun when they can travel in car?
Asif Ali Jan 21, 2019 01:54pm
@Mutex , then by-cut all, don't ride on a car, Rail, all are western.
Asif Ali Jan 21, 2019 01:58pm
Where is strong man? to give equal rights to all.
haris Jan 21, 2019 02:10pm
same people support these parties
ga Jan 21, 2019 06:00pm
@Mutex - With regard to Western culture, your English is really. Why not write in Urdu? Why use Western inventions like cars, planes , smart phones? Riding a bike has nothing to do with West. its a form of transportation like a horse or a camel.
ramasubramanian Jan 21, 2019 10:07pm
@Mutex It's really sad to see your comments. I did not understand the vulgarity in women riding the bike.
Arsha Jan 21, 2019 11:31pm
@Mutex so riding a bike is western culture? RIDING a bike is wrong? Writing in English is ok? Using western inventions and products is good? Wearing western shirts and trousers is fine? My goodness.... I pity your inability to think or empathize. I guess lack of education or exposure to outside world and lack of spiritual awareness leads to such mental darkness.
Arsha Jan 21, 2019 11:33pm
@SadFaces women were not being forced to come out in open. Instead they are being forced to not be in open. Such a shame. Such misogyny
Arshad Jan 21, 2019 11:37pm
@Pure_Pashtun if this is how educated people in Pakistan wonder the country is still stuck in stone age with no scientific progress in its name. Sad to see how people can limit their own lives with such abominable thinking. Sad to see the privilege of a human nind being wasted in such a way. Cycling is vulgar....seriously? And only for women? Just oppress oppress oppress. All Pakistani men unite to suppress their women, to keep them in dark. Why men think it is their right to come between a woman and her right to life....can never understand.
PS Jan 22, 2019 12:51am
@Mutex I did. But can they ride anywhere?
Stop Jan 22, 2019 07:19am
Will the Khalif allow this when he eventually rules Pakistan? Good to get used to it now
Vijay Kumar Jan 22, 2019 07:36am
Mullahs will not allow Pak to change. Shackled in religious web. No Naya Pakistan.
Mahnoor kokab Jan 22, 2019 07:41am
@SadFaces what about those who don't have a car???
joe Jan 22, 2019 09:58am
BAN all religious parties
mady Jan 24, 2019 04:43pm
If riding bicycle is vulgar act then walking, running, eating also vulgar.