
American singer Cher requests Anser Aziz to free lone elephant Kavaan

American singer Cher requests Anser Aziz to free lone elephant Kavaan

The pop icon's representative met with the Mayor to discuss Kavaan's future in Marghazar Zoo
20 Sep, 2017

ISLAMABAD: A representative of American pop icon Cher met with Mayor Sheikh Anser Aziz on Tuesday to discuss proposals to shift Kavaan, the lone elephant at Marghazar Zoo, as well as to improve the zoo itself.

Mark Cowne, Cher’s representative, also visited the zoo last year to see how Kavaan was doing.

During the meeting, Mr Aziz and other concerned officers discussed various proposals regarding the zoo and Kavaan. The mayor told Mr Cowne that facilities for zoo animals had been upgraded, and all the animals were received much better treatment than they were a year ago.

Also read: There is still time to save Kavaan, the lone elephant

Speaking to Dawn, Mr Cowne, who introduced himself as a long time friend of Cher’s, said she has formed a charitable foundation called Free The Wild, which aims to protect wild animals in captivity.

“Cher says that she believes in freedom for Kavaan, because the elephant has spent too long in a bad and damaging situation, Cher says please give the lone elephant his freedom and his dignity by setting him free,” Mr Cowne told Dawn after the meeting.

Mr Cowne was told by the mayor and other officials that previous employees accused of mistreating the elephant had been removed and replaced with new individuals, who were better trained and had more expertise.

The mayor told him facilities for the elephant, including feed, the quality of his shed and medication, had been improved to significant degree. “We are continuously working to improve conditions for Kavaan,” the mayor said, adding that the international community should be satisfied that the elephant is now in safer hands.

Mr Cowne said during the meeting that the elephant, now over 30, should be freed and the civic authority should bring a pair of elephants after expanding the elephant exclosure.

In response, Capital Development Authority officials told him the authority would take the proposals into consideration, and will make a decision based on what is in Kaavan’s best interest. According to the CDA, Mr Cowne said that the improvement in the elephant’s health was encouraging.

“It is satisfying to see that conditions around Kavaan have significantly improved. Our organisation extends its full cooperation for assistance in kind of technical and professional expertise,” a CDA spokesperson quoted Mr Cowne as saying.

Originally published in Dawn, September 20th, 2017


Muhammad TAriq MAsood Sep 20, 2017 02:30pm
Does She believe in freedom for Rohangian Muslims?
Reality Sep 20, 2017 02:41pm
Unable to understand, why is the elephant in the Zoo in the first place. What kind of entertainment one can get visiting the animals in captivity. What would an innocent person feel if a bunch of people with cameras are brought to see him and get amused. Likewise the guilty wont feel pleased by the way. So they should be free to their native lands... if you want amusement then travel to those lands, see and study them in their natural habitat Hope i made some point.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 20, 2017 02:43pm
What an highly eccentric and wholly unilateral mindset of Cher and her representative? Why don't they care for "people" first, who are faced with wide-spread devastation and destruction all over the world amid various on-going global crisis that mankind is facing right now in Houston, Florida, Burma, Jammu & Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, Iraq etc.?
M. Emad Sep 20, 2017 03:17pm
Bangladesh has about 300 wild-Elephants.
muhammad Sep 20, 2017 03:17pm
Cher is a great artist with big heart salute to her love for innocent creatures of God I really BELIEVE in her capabilities
Ravendra Kumar Sep 20, 2017 03:18pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sir.. You forget to mention Balochistan and FATA also.
sheema zain Sep 20, 2017 03:21pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Animals need to be protected too. Why do people always bring in why dont they care for people first argument in. Its our job to care for all of Gods creation not just humans and let them do what they want to. Who are you to tell them what to do Sir.
sheema zain Sep 20, 2017 03:21pm
Hope the animal finds peace
M. Emad Sep 20, 2017 04:30pm
Bangladesh has about 300 wild-Elephants. Send Kavaan to Bangladesh forest.
bobby Sep 20, 2017 04:45pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Care towards a living being should not be determined by hierarchy in animal kingdom. Humans tend to have least amount of gratitude these days compared to animals. It is the human race which is responsible for the devastation and destruction of animal habitat and in turn our planet. It is our race that should be wiped off if this planet has any chance of survival. So, Cher is doing exactly that. Making this planet safe for a future generation.
syed ahmed Sep 20, 2017 05:17pm
Likely she can not survive by her own & needs help to feed .
Jonathan Menezes Sep 21, 2017 12:48am
DR. SALARIA, AAMIR AHMAD your rant about Cher is a cheap shot how do you know and what evidence do you have that Cher is also not involved with other projects that need her help? Caring for animals does not mean she does not care for people and your vicious attack is an indication that you do not care for people making wild accusations to get attention!
aman Sep 21, 2017 06:05am
Cher’s God Bless you,you are better human being than us!
Non conformist Sep 21, 2017 07:59am
@bobby totally agreed
Alba Sep 21, 2017 09:34am
Cher is also a fine film actress famous for movies like Mask, Moonstruck and Suspect.
Alba Sep 21, 2017 09:35am
@Muhammad TAriq MAsood ..... Only if you can spell their name.