
Why is calling someone a 'maid' considered an insult?

Why is calling someone a 'maid' considered an insult?

Momina Mustehsan had the best response to this man who said she looked like a maid at his house
Updated 18 Sep, 2016

A few weeks ago, Cafe Flo was criticised for allegedly discriminating against men on motorbikes, this time Coke Studio singer Momina Mustehsan has been called a 'maid' as a put-down. What do these two incidents highlight? A sense of classism embedded deep in our society.

Momina recently found herself in the limelight after her Coke Studio debut with Afreen Afreen and while many have been swayed by her physical beauty, one person feels she looks like... a 'maid'.

In a comment on Facebook, an individual curtly attacked Momina's physical desirability and dismissed her beauty by comparing her to his household help. He wrote, "... no offense but she resembles the maid girl in my house."

To which Momina gracefully replied, "... resembling your maid isn't offensive, I'm glad I have lookalikes who work hard, even if it's a maid at someone's house #RespectAll."

However, she didn't end there. She continued to add to her argument, discrediting the man's unsettling perception.

His comment, however, paints a highly disturbing view of our society, a society in which the 'acceptability' of expressing classist attitudes has now extended beyond the 'safe' realms of private social gatherings and has made its way to public platforms like social media.

Momina's response garnered her many admirers on Twitter, including Shahbaz Taseer.

This episode triggers one to think along the lines of what the word 'maid' represents. Domestic help has long been viewed disparagingly. The use of the word maid (or masi in our part of the world) denotes a negative connotation. But why? And when did calling someone a maid as an insult become acceptable?

A quick search on Google describes maid as 'a female domestic servant.' Ironically, across the border the same word in Hindi, masi, denotes a caretaker and is usually used in reference for a mother or mother's sister.

Unfortunately, the negative associations we continue to ascribe to people providing services like cleaning will only go away once we start respecting all individuals, their professions and the hard work they put into it.

After all, everyone is working towards providing the best they can for themselves and their families, whether it's the CEO of a company or a maid.


Ameet Kumar Sep 17, 2016 03:20pm
yes, all those who work hard are respectable, dignity of work!. all human are beautiful but people look through their own perspectives. you are much respected #Momina-Mustehsan, #respect #keepitup
Maxx Sep 17, 2016 03:21pm
The most intelligent level headed, prudent reply by Momina to vitriol and senile comment. More respect to her. Proved that she is not only beautiful but compassionate and caring...a beautiful mind.
BREERAH Sep 17, 2016 03:35pm
In Pakistan, being a girl in any profession is offensive to many people, I don't know why. Being a beautiful person is a crime and being beauty with brains is a disaster.....
Dr.Muhammad Abul Hossain Sep 17, 2016 03:48pm
Comment on Momina Mustehsan's physical appearance proves sickness of mind of the commentator. According to Louis Cahn, the famous architect-"Beautiful does not mean good looking" Beauty encompasses both the external and internal aspect of a human being. I consider Momina a very beautiful person.
Yousefzai Sep 17, 2016 04:02pm
I really don't get any reason why she have criticized and hated, apart from being incredibly beautiful, She is so young and yet so talented. You go girl and stop feeding these irritating trolls.
Nasiroski Sep 17, 2016 04:03pm
This tweet is only reflection of our society where poor and laborer are not given any respect ever and now it is tantamount to insult.
Yasser Sep 17, 2016 04:04pm
She was attractive but she has come out beautiful now.
Striker Sep 17, 2016 04:04pm
Girls and Boys who work to earn their living are more respectable and better than those well off but ugly at heart!
irfan Sep 17, 2016 05:13pm
everyone in pakistani society is a hypocrite as else the situation of the country would be better, shame on us all.
Qaiser Sep 17, 2016 05:13pm
Is it all right calling someone beautiful /ugly? Just a question. If it is alright calling someone gorgeous or beautiful, non of these virtues are associated with the person you are, same applys with calling anyone ugly. In my opinion, can be wrong
Murtaza Ahmad Sep 17, 2016 05:16pm
Beaurtifully handled by Momina. But some one individual comments should not resemble to whole society.
Mahmood Sep 17, 2016 05:23pm
Heck, there have been instances where someone you called 'mate' looked at you suspiciously! Also, maid is not an offensive term, It all depends on how you see it. In English even words like Fair Maiden were used, to refer to a young women, in the folklore, during the medieval times.
Jawad Sep 17, 2016 05:29pm
When you are actively engaging in modern day slavery such comments like she resembles my maid are no surprise to one's ears. Nations engage in slavery have no futures and no wonder they are being punished by nature for their deeds.
Syed Waqar Ali Sep 17, 2016 05:41pm
A maid is a maid. If you call a person who is not in this profession then it is an insult to her. In the western society a maid is given equal respect as given to any body else. Either it is an office, restaurant or any public place you can't distinguish as to who is maid or an executive or even a high profile person. All take take their food together on one table. We have made a distinction amongst ourselves. This distinction is widespread in some asian countries where they are labelled as low caste persons.
Shiraz Sep 17, 2016 05:55pm
Beautiful respond just as beautiful as her!
Agha Ata Sep 17, 2016 07:30pm
Even to discuss whether a maid can be respectable or beautiful is offensive to all women. It is so illogical and so rediculous. Would a maid become beautiful if he stops being a maid? Or would a beautiful lady who is not a maid would become ugly if she becomes a maid? A rose grown at a dirty place would still give as beautiful rose as a rose in a royal garden. The person said, she looked like my maid, was trying to say that she was inferior. That shows how inferior that person was himself. (Incidentally, I am a man)
Agha Ata Sep 17, 2016 07:42pm
@Syed Waqar Ali Yes. Right. Only education can take these ignorant people to such places where maids are as respectful as the bosses.
AXH Sep 17, 2016 08:21pm
This young lady is beautiful over all. from the outside and inside.
TOMUHTO TAWMAYTO Sep 17, 2016 08:45pm
I salute Momina... good answer lady, and more than that, a great advice to people. May you succeed in life.
sherali mitha Sep 17, 2016 09:17pm
"House Keeper" will be a better description for a House Maid.... Our HK is respected and loved by our children, as if she is a family member and we very much appreciate that. "Please, Thank You, Sorry" are the words and actions for the kids to connect with the HK. Respect for all, that's the code.... And how come this wise guy has come up with an added qualification of being a beautiful maid...!! Sick mind or just a road side Romeo....God help such spoiled brats...
Fazeel Mehboob Sep 17, 2016 09:27pm
That's we call real example of Optimistic human.
Mohammad Anwar Sep 17, 2016 09:58pm
Baig is stuck with the word Maid. Why is he is focused on the outer appearance of individual instead of the inner beauty of someone who is working hard to make a living instead of begging or resorting to illegal means. While world has gone forward some how we are still stuck with the caste system. People like Baig need to grow up and respect the INTEGRITY of the individuals rather than look at their title.
Uzair Sep 17, 2016 10:57pm
Maasi, jamadar, etc. have negative connotations in Pakistan because we are a bunch of self-deluded arrogant pricks who consider working with out hand a deficiency. Pathetic mindsets leads to a pathetic nation. Need to disabuse our notions of what is respectful and what is not.
Yankee Sep 17, 2016 11:49pm
Is this man hasham himself beautiful than "maid " Momina. Mr. Hasham pehle ayeene mein ja k apni shakal dekho phr kisi pe aitraz karna. pendoo admi.
Taimur Sep 18, 2016 12:11am
MM beautifully replied and won many hearts. I must also add that many in our society help and take care their servants. Partially or fully look after education of their children. Silently. Not every one is alike, and society is not as pathetic as some times portraid in media.
Waheed Noor Sep 18, 2016 12:29am
Well, people in India (Congress detractors)routinely call Ms Sonia Gandhi 'bar maid'. Is that not considered insult? Then again they also refer to their PM Mr Modi as 'Chaiwala'. But he considers that an honor. It all depends on the context, I suppose.
AbbasToronto Sep 18, 2016 01:22am
In the 1950s growing up in Rawal Pindi I remember an old timer say the following ditty: "bandi ko bandi kaha woh ro pari Bivi ko bandi kaha woh hans pari". Times change.
Paxton Roy Sep 18, 2016 01:41am
@Syed Waqar Ali : There is NO shame in honest work! That leaves us with the rich, doctors, military men, and many ambassadors who abuse their positions and EXPLOIT people. Maybe Dawn and all world media can do an expose on how domestic workers are abused and exploited in rich and poor countries!
Jawad Sep 18, 2016 01:54am
She felt insulted that's why she's defending it, she could have just ignored and not reply. Double standard. My mom was a cook at peoples homes so what...she used to cook at peoples homes and made good salary.
Hasan A Sep 18, 2016 01:56am
Who is Hashaam Baig? He's a loser, no need to post his post, why give him unnecessary attention? Momina, you're gorgeous, and he's simply jealous.
Arif Sep 18, 2016 02:03am
All maids are beautiful. What an arrogant and stupid person who tweeted!
Ali Saqib Sep 18, 2016 03:29am
Actress Reema Khan's niece continues to win people over - oh my lord, how has this world changed for the worse?
manzer Sep 18, 2016 03:38am
Masi or Khala (both meaning mother's sister) were title given to senior household help to show them respect. Similarly, senior male helps were called chacha. In aristocratic families children were required to show respect to the seniors regardless of their social status. I guess, nouveau riche don't follow those standards.
J.Niaz Sep 18, 2016 03:52am
Calling a Maid a Maid is like calling a Spade a Spade. Nothing wrong there.
Anees Sep 18, 2016 03:58am
A useless discussion. A beautiful maid is simultaneously a daughter, a sister,a wife, a mother. Respect everyone and chill.
Mumtaz Ahmed Shah Sep 18, 2016 05:37am
One of commentator ' Agha Ata ' has rightly explained and appreciated. Momina's ideas to human beings are valuable and we salute her ideas so beautiful than herself. Go ahead, God will help you ( Texas)
Abrar, USA Sep 18, 2016 05:58am
I dont know who this graceful lady is, but the remarks made by the man are simply disgusting
hore choopo Sep 18, 2016 06:38am
Actually the concerned person avoided a harsher word of house cleaner who are not considered beautiful due to their dark complexion.The maids in pakistani culture are mostly old and called Mai.I am sure the word "maid" was not used for a servant doing cooking or dish washing.Young maids are as beautiful or otherwise as the other ladies.The person concerned show his picture so that he may may be compared with Brad Pit.
atif Sep 18, 2016 07:23am
well thats bad, no matter what every one is equal , well about her beauty it not that i want to disgrace her but salute to our people that i dont even watch coke studio and i had to log in especially to watch video as people have created hype about her beauty.
illawarrior Sep 18, 2016 07:47am
@Syed Waqar Ali No it is NOT an insult to be called a maid.
illawarrior Sep 18, 2016 07:54am
@hore choopo House cleaners have dark complexions? How is that? Is there something about cleaning houses that changes skin pigmentation? Beauty (and lack thereof) comes in all shades of complexion. You don't have to look far to see some beautiful/handsome black and brown people, and some ugly white ones.
Saulat Haider Sep 18, 2016 08:51am
Momina is one of the most beautiful face with both heart and mind plus a very nice human being. She has millions fans inside and outside of Pakistan. Cafe Flo should come out of their societal prejudice and discriminatory mindset.
KB Sep 18, 2016 09:33am
Yes she is an average looking girls which perfectly OK and men made hype over her of all kinds. But now! she is miss universe. Well said Mamina. Respect is something we cannot give to our heroes how can we give it to any other Pakistani.
jimmy Sep 18, 2016 09:46am
She looks like Nazia Hasan
Ash Sep 18, 2016 10:33am
I had a chance to take my kids to McDonald and shocked to see maids looking after babies and kids during birthday party but shocked and saddened that no main was given food - how sick this Pakistan society is where there is a sharp line between human beings . We don't live in Pakistan but do I want my kids to be brought up in this sick society !! NO
Muhammad A Sep 18, 2016 11:42am
There is debate going on whether she is beautiful or not.. Seriously.........10 million people hungry in our country and that my friend is UGLY. Beauty and the maid issues are counter productive. We need to value our words, thoughts and time. This debate is not value of time.
Kamran Sutan Sep 18, 2016 12:20pm
The comment say a lot about Haasham Baig and the way he was brought up. He has brought shame to his parents.
Bobby Singh Sep 18, 2016 12:38pm
Hashaam Baig must be blind. She is H.O.T., HOT.
asif Sep 18, 2016 12:58pm
In my side 'Massi' is also said with respect, to those who are elderly, related to you somehow and at a higher rank in the family. I guess the word 'maid' has been used in derogatory terms.
Zahid MAHMOOD Sep 18, 2016 12:58pm
What a befitting reply and thoughts, hats off to Momina
unbiased Sep 18, 2016 01:26pm
In our house no one calls the caretaker as maid. My kid asked me why? and my answer was being maid is her profession just like I am an accountant which is my profession. People don't call me "accountant". Therefore she is called by her name with "aunty" attached as we call all other elder female family/ friends. Giving respect dignifies you in return. One of my Bosses (Saudi) he goes to any meeting and will meet the Personal Assistant, executive, manager or their boss with full respect, in return he gets respect from all who work with him. So demeaning only opens up your personality says nothing about the person who is addressed.
Agha Ata Sep 18, 2016 07:29pm
The "Cleaning Lady" is the right word to address a maid. It is English; so what? So is the maid.
Nasir Islam Sep 18, 2016 10:23pm
To begin with Mr. Baig will benefit from some remedial English. His rude comments about Momina are out of line and condescending. Beauty follows a normal distribution and maid can be as beautiful as their employers. In fact the emloyers like Baig can be ugly too. The pictures I have seen, Momina should have no worries on account of looks. The more beautiful and graceful is the way She dealt with this rude insibuation. I wonder what Mr. baig lookslike?
worthless wealth Sep 19, 2016 05:36am
Ma'asi, in its right perspective is a respectful address meaning Mother's Sister. Thus, to win over a lady worker's trust and confidence, the household members in olden times used to address her as Ma'asi to make her feel comfortable and at home as a part of the family. Likewise is the case of a Victoria Coach (Horse Buggy) who is called "MAMA" by the kids using it as a ride to go to school and back home. Now let us suppose that there is NO MA'ASI or MAMA, as they are looked down upon for their profession and low income, what would become of our poor mothers!
SHabbir Afridi Sep 19, 2016 07:10am
I would have married you first and again:) rest of them should live it, love it, deal with it
SunNy RaJa Sep 19, 2016 09:48am
Momina, your words made you and his maid more beautiful. I think he wanted to draw attention and he succeeded in it. :P
yawar abdul rehman Sep 19, 2016 12:57pm
Momina Rocks!!
U Sep 19, 2016 01:53pm
Respect for momina
Shafiq hadidian Sep 19, 2016 06:43pm
May be lal baip sb has fallen in love with his maid and wanted to marry with her, just to make his parents feel that maid looks like momina (means our maid my love is beautiful )... He got what he wanted to get
Bupi Sep 20, 2016 07:18pm
Its all the way one takes. All human being are same when born difference if any all is man made. This shows where even Religion also fail castisam is in Mind even when Religions teach thst all are equal.
Bupi Sep 20, 2016 07:18pm
@Dr.Muhammad Abul Hossain Beauty comes from heart not from eyes
AshrafTo Sep 21, 2016 02:20am
Refreshing innocence and pure beauty with icing of intellect.Go girl! Ignore the ignorance.
Mohsin Sep 21, 2016 02:24pm
Her heart is also beautiful as she is. Good punch.
Pakistani Sep 21, 2016 07:13pm
Momina not only you are beautiful you are smart as well. I am a fan of you now a strong woman who truly deserves to represent the women of pakistan
Pakistani Sep 21, 2016 07:15pm
@BREERAH for the act of few people don't generalize the whole society in pakistan women work in every field with dignity