
Social media reacts to Sharmeen Obaid's second Oscar win

Social media reacts to Sharmeen Obaid's second Oscar win

The filmmaker won for her documentary A Girl in the River, which sheds light on honour killing in Pakistan
29 Feb, 2016

Today Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy made history as the only Pakistani to win two Academy Awards.

She was awarded the Oscar in the category Best Documentary - Short Subject for her documentary A Girl in the River, which follows the life of an 18-year-old girl who is a survivor of an honour killing attempt.

She is one of only eleven female directors who have ever won an Oscar for a non-fiction film and the only Pakistani to win two Academy Awards.

Social media reacted to the win, here's what people had to say:

From celebs to politicians, many gave the director a shoutout.

Her speech moved many.

Obaid-Chinoy winning the accolade was like a slap in the face of the "moral brigade" that tried to put her down.

Many hoped this would pave the way for reform.

Obviously, haters gonna hate.

But we can't let that get our girl down!


Bhajan Lal Feb 29, 2016 12:33pm
Congrats !
Thoroughthinker Feb 29, 2016 12:35pm
Just cause, continued good efforts, consistent watch of the wrong and genuine will to put-in what one can to correct the wrong, has to be well appreciated by the humane minds. Congrats to Ms Chinoy for doing much than her part. We must have many many more of Chinoys in every walk of our lives.
Faisal Baloch Feb 29, 2016 12:36pm
Congratulations on the achievement. You have made Pakistan proud. We Pakistanis as a nation should take it in positive note and struggle for change in this area. In recent history I find two shining stars of Pakistan: - Sharmeen & - Malala Let us build on it.
Jawaid Islam Feb 29, 2016 12:38pm
Superwoman...let's now make a feature film with Meryl Streep as the godmother to two Pakistan born grandchildren. she visits them on and off with Dakota Johnson and Fawad Khan as parents.
Nomi Feb 29, 2016 01:02pm
Indeed, a moment of pride. A COngrats to her & Pakistan.
Zahid Akbar Feb 29, 2016 01:25pm
Excellent Effort
ghinva Raza Feb 29, 2016 01:31pm
it was really sad to watch It was not as highlighted as it should have been ..I heard about Sharmeens Oscar on an international FM at 7:00 am in UAE,they even mentioned first Sub-continent Women from Pakistan won an academy for a second time.but I was shocked to see when I logged into my PC & on dawn news page I had to scroll into latest news to find an acknowledgement of the OSCAS win.!!! really sad!!!
AA Feb 29, 2016 01:48pm
All I can say that by winning the oscars twice she has crossed the physiological barrier that many Pakistanis have for not being able to excel globally... now many other talented professionals and artists will strive for the excellence after being inspired by her achievements...She has not just won this for herself she has shown our nation that the best is achievable...
Saz Feb 29, 2016 01:53pm
Cheers all round. Also notice she wrote " we won our ...." Unlike a certain Crickiter who had won HIS world cup at the twilight of HIS career" in a team sport. Way to go lady we respect you.
zak Feb 29, 2016 02:02pm
Proud of the new face of Pakistan rising. We compete with the best in the world and -WIN-to prove we ARE THE BEST. Congrats Sharmeen, we are now waiting for a hat-trick. Good Luck!
imransamo Feb 29, 2016 02:15pm
I see another Peace Nobel coming to Pakistan anytime soon.
M. Baluch Feb 29, 2016 02:18pm
A million congratulations to our wonderful Ms. Chinoy! Such a brave and courageous lady, working against all odds, fighting for the poor and the meek, and achieving universal acclaim for documenting a scourge that afflicts not only Pakistani society, but wherever women are fighting for their rights and their honor and dignity.
parveez Feb 29, 2016 02:44pm
If we can show the bad side of Pakistan , and it improves the lives of Pakistanis in some way. Then thats fine with me. Now she should make a documentary, on slave labour, or maybe on EIDI.
dr zahid Feb 29, 2016 02:55pm
shermeen made pakistan proud..a lady with resilience and commitment..
Skeptic Feb 29, 2016 03:22pm
The irony which brought fame and fortune to people like Obaid-Chinoy and Malala Youssefzai could not be more profound. Ms. Chinoy is in the limelight and rightly acclaimed at the World stage for documenting the injustices and cruelty against women in our society. And Malala came to the fore for being a victim of that violence, ignorance and intolerance of misguided narrow-minded groups who do not want to see girls educated or be seen as progressive. In both instances, Pakistan was mentioned for all the wrong reasons. And yet, both of these beautiful souls have been propelled to this stage, beyond anyone's dreams, even perhaps their own despite the efforts by many to stop them in their quest - a resounding defeat to naysayers. A perfect example for each action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Well deserved award. And all the more power to both females. The only two females from Pakistan who've accomplished the recognition and acclaim.
Parvez Feb 29, 2016 03:46pm
For those who feel she has been honored for showing the negative side of Pakistan, should think again........she has been honored for being brave , for being honest, for showing what is wrong and thereby forcing a change for the better.
Ayaz Feb 29, 2016 04:37pm
Congrates Sharmeen, will see the impact ....... How it will help out to eradicate the Honor Killing .
Masroor Naqvi Feb 29, 2016 04:38pm
Very well deserved recognition, Keep it up Sharmeen and keep more coiming
Amer Rao Feb 29, 2016 05:14pm
Congratulations Sharmeen , there are so many other social issues in Pakistan , I hope you will raise those too.
Ali Feb 29, 2016 05:23pm
Excellent.. COngrats Sharmeen
MA Feb 29, 2016 05:25pm
wish it was for something positive
A. A. Feb 29, 2016 05:51pm
I think she is an excellent Director. I also saw one of her short film about a guy who started handling traffic on his own - very well made. That had a positive feel about it. I am curious (and Sharmeen can also take it as a challenge) that if she could make a positive short film about any topic in Pakistan, will it even get nominated for Oscars? Having said, congratulations Sharmeen. You very well deserved the award and you have made us proud.
Haroon Feb 29, 2016 05:55pm
This is the only way (and of course when coupled with legislation) to change mentality of our people. If they could change themselves, they would have done it long time ago. Good work Sharmeen
Sami Ullah Swati Feb 29, 2016 06:23pm
I am just curious that Oscars for PK goes to films focus on the negatives of the country. Can we have similar success for these awards focused on the positive aspects of Paksitani society and culture??
Vijay Feb 29, 2016 06:34pm
Hearty Congratulations. You and Malala are the champions for women’s rights in Pakistan.
Dr.Ijaz Ahmad Feb 29, 2016 06:41pm
She has paid back to Pakistan in real sense. Pakistan is proud of her like Malala. CONGRATULATION
Yawar Feb 29, 2016 06:42pm
Thank you Sharmeen for bringing the issue of honor killings to the forefront and for giving a voice to victims who are unable to speak.
Anil Feb 29, 2016 06:45pm
Hamaad Feb 29, 2016 06:52pm
Congratulations Sharmeen, next time please make a movie that shows the improvements that came about as a result of your first two documentaries.
Ehsan Feb 29, 2016 07:23pm
Many congrats, it's a proud moment for her as a documentary maker. I fail to understand though how is a proud moment for Pakistan to be known for all the negatives!!
Muhammad Arshad Feb 29, 2016 07:43pm
Great News......
OmarFL Feb 29, 2016 08:15pm
Indeed a proud moment !! And I give full credit to Sharmeen, not once but twice. HOWEVER ... I challenge her to get an Oscar by creating a movie / documentary portraying something completely positive about Pakistan. I CHALLENGE HER and ANYONE !!!
zafar Feb 29, 2016 08:16pm
This morning two brothers were sentenced to death for honor killing their sister and her husband, both married under the law. This has to be a first for Pakistan. If Sharmeen's work stops one killing, and I am sure there will be many more than that, it will be commendable. It will also form the foundation for a more just society. Kudoos to her for doing all in her power to correct what is so wrong with us. A second Oscar is cherry on top!
Bob Feb 29, 2016 08:24pm
Anything "FOR WOMEN" i am for it. Poor souls have been suffering a lot. So anything that mitigates their hardships is always welcome. So hearty congratulations to Ms. Chenai. May she bring up more topics for discussion in future.
Kuka Feb 29, 2016 08:47pm
You will keep on winning awards as long as you raise negatives issues of Pakistan. I would wish you would have got an oscar for telling people how beautiful is this country.
God's gift to women Feb 29, 2016 09:11pm
Let her make a documentary about Abdus Sattar Eidhi's contributions to Pakistan's society & see if she could even be considered a nomination for Oscars
Hassan Parvez Feb 29, 2016 09:31pm
Congratulations Shermeen, well done.
Muhammad Ali Dairywala (Toronto Canada) Feb 29, 2016 09:31pm
Fantastic job Sharmeen! You make us all proud of your achievements as an educated, enlightened, courageous and creative woman from Pakistan. You will also make us all very proud by showing good news stories from Pakistan.
Jehan Zeb Mir, M.D., USA Feb 29, 2016 09:54pm
Finally a voice against dishonorable killing of women .
Uday Kulkarni Feb 29, 2016 10:03pm
@Sami Ullah Swati - I do NOT think this is about negativity at all. If any one thinks like that, or says negative; all I would say is "God Forgive them for they do NOT know what they are talking." First of all one should understand that there is discrimination against women all over the world even in developed countries; not just Pakistan or India. Then there are all types of other discriminations across the entire world. It not only needs guts to prepare such movies ; it also needs strong conviction and perseverance to project any type of evils in the society and any person whether through movies or whichever way tries to make the society sit up; take notice and think about such evils is doing a commendable job . Such people are rare to find and deserve award because this is what will change the society for better and make this world a better place to live. CONGRATULATIONS TO SHARMEEN . She made Pakistan proud . Nothing negativity in this.
Malik Feb 29, 2016 10:07pm
Amazing ... Congrats ... I remember the time 1992-1994 ... Pakistan had heros like Sharmeen .. not one ...5 in total .. Nusrat Fateh Ali .. Cricket world cup winner captain ... Hockey world cup winner Captain ... Jansher Khan ... and last but not least Snooker worldcup winner ....... I donno where did those days go ... But with sharmeen's winning I am thinking those days are coming back ... We will win cricket T20 world cup too ...
Will Kenneth Feb 29, 2016 10:25pm
Congratulations!!! This great nation is proud of you.
shan Mar 01, 2016 12:09am
We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. GEO PAKISTAN.
Yasmin Mar 01, 2016 12:17am
@God absolutely true!
mehkan Mar 01, 2016 12:18am
Congrats Sharmeen! As always, more positivity and energy to you! Yes you have highlighted some of the darkest aspects of Pakistani society. But then someone has to, that is how change is brought in! That is how change happens. We need to introspect over our own-selves. And what is better introspection than something visual. Super proud of you. May we all learn to accept our weaknesses and rise above them and conquer ourselves.
f. khan Mar 01, 2016 12:31am
@imransamo I don't see why so many Pakisatni people are so happy about this oscar. Twice Sharmeen documentaries have reflected the heinous crimes entrenched in Pakistani society. This dirty laundry on the world stage doesn't is not much to be proud about. I do admire Sharmeen's courage by putting her life on the line. I pray she remains safe in a place where human life is wasted so readily on daily basis.
solani Mar 01, 2016 01:27am
Karan Mar 01, 2016 02:02am
Congratulations! - from India :)
Ahmad Mar 01, 2016 02:07am
We should deliver good news to the world ! Impression must be improved in the eyes of the world
Shiv Mar 01, 2016 02:33am
Congratulations for getting the 2nd Oscar!!!
Anwar Amjad Mar 01, 2016 05:27am
Thank you making us all proud. Thank you also for showcasing Pakistani fashion at the world’s glitziest platform.
Aamir Zuberi Mar 01, 2016 08:13am
And how was Pakistan projected? Good for a cause does not come by making films. Oscars should go to the unsung heroes who are actually doing something about the problem. I am sorry but films like this do not project a positive image amongst people who already are ignorant about our country.
Anonmous Mar 01, 2016 08:34am
I am actually amazed to see how dis-proportionally Dawn has reported the reaction, considering something like "We Disown Sahrmeen" was one of the top trends on Twitter in Pakistan, the opposing point of view at least deserved objective analysis and more than 3/23 quoted tweets and videos. What was more striking was that comments hardly representing hatred like "@sharmeenochinoy amazing achievement indeed - 2 Oscars! Perhaps a third can come by showing the positive that is also Pakistan! Just an idea" were tagged as being from haters, isn't there a lighter word or is it the official policy to dub critics as haters no matter how rational they are.
nj01 Mar 01, 2016 09:37am
Congratulations from friends of India!!
SJ Mar 01, 2016 10:43am
Beautiful glorious woman, you did it again! Keep going as you are one of the inspired compasses this nation needs as "rakhtey safer", none else.
Pakistani By heart Mar 01, 2016 11:31am
Many many Congrats. Well done
Fazal Karim Mar 01, 2016 12:09pm
Congratulations Chinoy for the great service. Unfortunately we are getting awards for exposing our ugly face, some body should make films on some very good works being done in Pakistan.
Sohaila Mar 01, 2016 03:01pm
Congratulations Sharmeen! Now make a documentary on Edhi & Bilquis Edhi too. Husband & wife have set an example for the world.
Aamer Mar 01, 2016 03:59pm
So Proud of Sharmeen Obaid. Congratulations hope you win more and make us proud again.
Rao Mar 01, 2016 06:01pm
@Ayaz It would sensitize and inform and educate todays's viewers , politicians and so on. It is well known that eternal truths need to be retold over and over again many times as societies march through passage of time!
Ayesha Mar 02, 2016 03:08pm
@Rao This movie is not even shown in Pakistan so how it will educate the masses? As for politicians, they don't need to watch a movie for legislation. Women protection bill was not passed after watching a movie. You need massive compaigns for that at every level. So all those people who are repeating this mantra that this will change our society need to think again. This movie will not change anything and yes Pakistan was portrayed negatively once again. So you can't blame Pakistanis for not being happy about it.