
Ghulam Ali cancels Delhi concert, says he won't perform until relations with Pak improve

Ghulam Ali cancels Delhi concert, says he won't perform until relations with Pak improve

The legendary ghazal singer had been invited to perform on November 8 by the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi
Updated 04 Nov, 2015

Legendary ghazal singer Ghulam Ali's concert in India has been cancelled for a second time in a month, as his upcoming performance in Delhi on November 8 has been postponed, reports NDTV.

After Shiv Sena forced the cancellation of his concert in Mumbai last month, Ghulam Ali was invited to perform in Delhi by the Aam Aadmi Party.

Shiv Sena was reported to have threatened to disrupt Ghulam Ali's Delhi show as well, but the the Aam Aadmi Party government had promised extra security at the event.

While NDTV states that Ghulam Ali cited personal reasons behind the cancellation of the November 8 event, CNN-IBN reports that the singer is upset at the politics being played.

According to CNN-IBN, Ghulam Ali claimed that he is upset over how political parties were trying to score brownie points by not letting him perform in India.

Ghulam Ali has cancelled all his scheduled concerts, including later performances in Lucknow on November 25 and in Delhi on December 3.

His statement immediately sparked a reaction on Twitter:

While some spoke in his favour...

...others resorted to Pakistan-bashing:

A previous version of the story misidentified Ghulam Ali as a qawwal. The error is regretted.


saurabh singh Nov 04, 2015 04:15pm
Ghulam bhai do your work which you do best which is singing. Do not get disturb by bad words/ actions of bad elements either in India or elsewhere. Braves and truthful do not bother much about these voices, these bad elements will surely fade away. Do not bolster them by cancelling your planned and prepared events. As always do your best singing and get love from your fans
KRISHAN KUMAR Nov 04, 2015 04:42pm
shri gulam ali's wishes cannot be fulfilled unless and until it becomes a single country i.e. India or two countries like Canada and America
Changez_Khan Nov 04, 2015 04:43pm
Good move by Ghulam Ali, now people in India will be able to enjoy Shiv Sena's melodies.
AXH Nov 04, 2015 04:45pm
Good decision by Ghulam Ali. Let the Indians listen and dance to the tunes of Shiv Sena and RSS.
Human Nov 04, 2015 04:49pm
Thank You . Thank God there are afew saints that want PAKISTAN & INDIA GOOD RELATIONS . together we can built into a good better future
Nasir Nov 04, 2015 04:54pm
Good decission
Oscar Nov 04, 2015 04:59pm
Good step By the great Ghulam Ali.
Concerned Nov 04, 2015 05:02pm
That's indeed a good decision. The current situation between both the countries are not conducive for such cultural exchanges. We talk each other in one channel and on the other being belligerant. This must stop. We must stop any exchanges now. Let's not look at each other's side for now, until the time each other feel that they need the other. Today such a need is not felt within each of these neighbours. Let's ignore each other and mind our own businesses. Time will come when each other will have an inner call within the psyche of its populace to reach out to the other, till then let's live our own lives..
MainNaMano Nov 04, 2015 05:16pm
Atleast someone had common sense. Ghulam ali is a legend. Wish all our actors and singers had this mentality b
lafanga Nov 04, 2015 05:39pm
I agree with the decision 100%. Let Indians listen to Shiv Sena thugs and enjoy their melodious chants. They don't deserve someone like Ghulam Ali sahib.
samir Nov 04, 2015 06:18pm
Correct decision. No movement without government approval.
daada Nov 04, 2015 06:33pm
Good for Ghulam Ali. Safety and security is the first thing, if he is getting need to be a hero.
Tariq Nov 04, 2015 06:45pm
No problem, All kind Indians are welcome to PAK to listen to Mr Gulam Ali. We will welcome with open arms. Ask those who been there!
Tariq Nov 04, 2015 06:47pm
Good Move to create some action, the fundametalist as Shiv Sena spread hate, but the kind people have to clean it up by sacrificing them selfs.
P.Mishra Nov 04, 2015 07:54pm
Never in the history the sub continent has been polarized like this. All windows of culture are being sought one by one by crafty politicians to meet their narrow political gain.
Syed Nov 04, 2015 07:56pm
No matter what the politics been played between the two country, performers are ambassador of arts. They should be spared from these kind of dirty tricks. Also people need to change the mind set " we have enough talent here, we dont need you" No doubt both countries have enough talents.
Ashish Jain Nov 04, 2015 08:23pm
It is easy to criticize what others do. When we are in the same position, we might end up doing worse. It is Ghulam Ali saab's decision alone, if he does not want to come for whatever reasons, then we should respect that. Let's stop criticizing artists. We, as Indians, should look inwards and solve the problems at our end to make India a place where art, music and culture flows freely without any fear. I do understand sentiments of people who are not in favor of this due to terrorism and other reasons. But, as Indians, "Ahimsa Parmodharm". Non-violence is the most important duty. If RSS/Shiv Sena does not like something, protest in peaceful manner, go to court, take legal route rather than throw ink on faces or threatening other artists in India who oppose your views.
PakistanFirst Nov 04, 2015 08:40pm
true patriot
Rational Nov 04, 2015 08:59pm
So Shiv Sena statement that they are only restricting Pakistani to access and perform in Maharashtra was wrong. In reality it applies to the whole India.
Jago Nov 04, 2015 09:09pm
Good. All Pak artists incl singers and actors should join this movement.
SBB Nov 04, 2015 09:14pm
I am sorry to hear this Ghulam Sahab.. I wish you would reconsider. I can understand being disturbed by what happened in Mumbai. But the people of Delhi are welcoming you, and they are requesting for you. Their reaction is the opposite of what happened in Mumbai.. and yet you chose not to go?
Khan Nov 04, 2015 09:20pm
Boycott Indian films and products. We don't need them.
Ashish Mishra Nov 04, 2015 09:23pm
I am an Indian. I am great fan of Ghulam Shaab, Rahat Shaab, Nazia Hassan. It is my desire to watch Gulam Shaab show live. Ghulam Shaab is very well treated and well respected in India than Pakistan. I respect Gulam Shaab's decision.
A Ahmed Nov 04, 2015 10:13pm
The arrogance of shining India is palpable. This is what happens when small countries have their egos inflated... They become so self-assured and hateful, they end up destroying everything.
azkhan71 Nov 04, 2015 10:45pm
The legend Ghulam Sb has taken the right step and sent the forceful message to all the Indian fans that Pakistan comes first. So all Indian fans enjoy Shiv Sena's melodious songs.
shiraz Nov 04, 2015 10:55pm
salute to your courage!
NaJawoo Nov 04, 2015 11:03pm
Good decision sir, India does deserve to enjoy sweet shiv sena songs which represents true India.
Deepak Nov 04, 2015 11:20pm
This is a deserving slap on India's face.
Abdul Karim Nov 05, 2015 12:54am
Is he a pop singer?
kuka Nov 05, 2015 02:25am
InTolerable India! Good decision Mr. Ghulam Ali.
Atul Nov 05, 2015 02:43am
Stay home sir..!
BNS Nov 05, 2015 04:06am
This is a right move. I know there are very nice people in India who respect the singing maestro and want to enjoy listening to him, however, self respect demands what Mr. Ghulam Ali did. And I am sure it will hit to Mr. Ghulam Ali hard financially, however, at times something else is more important than money.
JUST-WONDERING Nov 05, 2015 06:14am
Ghulam Ali sahib should forget India, since he has many more admirers in Pakistan.
Hemant P Kulkarni Nov 05, 2015 07:00am
@Deepak without his concert what is going to make difference for u?? by the way??
khamkhwa Nov 05, 2015 07:13am
there may be individual indians willing to listen to ghulam ali or other pakistani artistes but the overall attitude is anti-pakistani, duly supported/ approved by the ruling class. in fact, being anti-pakistani is the foremost trait of a true indian patriot . in such atmosphere ghulam ali's concerts in india make no sense. i am glad he has decided to cancel his tour. there is more to life than money.
zs Nov 05, 2015 07:15am
Good decission
Talha Nov 05, 2015 07:49am
Ghulam Ali still wants to perform in India but he is disturbed by the recent events. Plus no one can perform when there is a constant fear of security whether a cricketer or a singer.
Ahmer Nov 05, 2015 08:32am
Good example set by Ghulam Ali. To a Muslim self respect should be much more important than money. Let our actors too follow his exampe.
Manish Nov 05, 2015 08:44am
@Changez_Khan for ur info ghulam Ali Saab is bigger celebrity in India than in Pakistan. He is in heart of every Indian ghazal lovers. No one can match him. This just a bad phase.I am sure to listen him in live very soon.