
Mathira felt ‘very uncomfortable’ when Chahat Fateh Ali Khan appeared on her show

Mathira felt ‘very uncomfortable’ when Chahat Fateh Ali Khan appeared on her show

The internet personality placed a hand on her back and posted a video of the interaction without Mathira's consent.
Updated 27 Jan, 2025

Television host Mathira revealed that she was very uncomfortable after an interaction with internet personality Chahat Fateh Ali Khan where he placed a hand on her back and posted the video to his Instagram handle without her consent.

Khan recently appeared on Mathira’s talk show The 21mm Show, and posted a video to his Instagram where he was moving closer to the host while singing his popular song ‘Bado Badi’ as she kept moving away. Khan also gave her a one-armed hug and held her arm repeatedly, despite her nervous laughter.

In a video titled “Mathira breaks silence on harassment by Chahat Fateh Ali Khan”, she spoke about the incident and said that while she believed guests should be respected, the occurrence was very bad. Mathira added that the video was recorded from the back, which wasn’t allowed on her set.

“Me, being a woman, yes, I was very uncomfortable because I don’t do this, I don’t hug people. Why did they post it [the video] without my permission? I don’t understand,” she said.

She said people did many things for fame, but she was disappointed by this incident. “I am a bold personality, but that doesn’t mean you hug me, or put your hand on my back if you see me. I don’t think any sane person would do this.”

The host clarified that she had no say in the matter, was unaware of the reasoning behind his actions and had asked him to remove the video from his page. She added that the video was not deleted, she did not receive an apology and was “very disheartened”.

“People then wonder why some people are rude. When you’re polite to someone, they start crossing boundaries and I’ve learned my lesson,” she said.

Mathira requested that her fans do not touch her if they see her in person, and reiterated that the video Khan posted had nothing to do with her and made her uncomfortable.

“These things happen, and it’s sad we have to deal with it.”

Khan has not talked about the matter. Images has reached out to him for a comment.


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 27, 2025 01:51pm
Please remember the centuries old axiom, "old and bad habits die hard" and refrain from inviting this guy and other guys like him in your future shows.
Taj Ahmad Jan 27, 2025 03:38pm
It’s very bad behavior as an artist, we should respect one another privacy and be respectful same way.
JAMIL SOOMRO Jan 27, 2025 05:50pm
Women are extremely sensitive to being touched by men they don't fully know whether Eastern or Western. Shame on Chahat Fateh Ali Khan for touching Mathira. She looks very disturbed.
Alam Jan 27, 2025 07:07pm
She did it purposely as for publicity and likes .
Alam Jan 27, 2025 07:07pm
Chahat did what he is notorious for !
Laila Jan 27, 2025 07:30pm
Well many are uncomfortable when watching the mess and contradiction that is Mathira. I think she should be thankful anybody wants to be on her pathetic show that kills braincells of anybody unfortunate enough to watch it or listen to her talk. That said, females need to be firm with unwanted contact. Simply say NO and remove their hand or refuse to reciprocate handshakes etc. Keep a firm distance (use a stick if you have to) because sadly many will try to cross boundaries especially on air. Even if you have slap them on air, do it. Dont be shy. Irrespective of how she is dressed or how bold she is or is not, CONSENT matters and no man has the right to touch a woman, child or anybody without their consent. I loathe her but many females can relate to her experiences. Even fully veiled we get harassed and people try to cross boundaries. It is true that politeness is interpreted by some as an open invitation to cross boundaries. Being rude actually deters the creeps. Harassment doesn't have to be a touch. It can be words too. Be mindful. Women are not your or public property. Respect people and their limits aur insaan ke bachay buno. Real men need to step up and intervene when this stuff happens instead of standing by enjoying the tamasha.
M. Saeed Jan 27, 2025 10:46pm
This is Pakistan and everybody knows the values it commands. Even a child knows not to touch a lady without being invited. But, naming some one Chahat does not give him a license to believe every other person wants him to be "liked" and handled as he liked!
sarim Jan 28, 2025 09:03am
I dont her personally - but i can tell she has a great soul is kind and a very loving nature. She is misunderstood big time just beaue she has a bold lifestyle. i Strongly believe she is perfect the way she is - and is not two faced like most of our people in this country. What this singer did was uncalled and a perfect display of a very Male chauvinist society
Duh Jan 28, 2025 11:29am
@Laila What a misogynistic thing to say. She was on air, clearly she wasn't able to scream no in his face.
Laila Jan 28, 2025 06:58pm
@Duh I am so not responsible for your lack of reading or comprehension skills. I didn't say what you claim. I said two simple things. 1) I don't like her or her content2) generally speaking females face harassment and we need to be vocal about it even if on air (or wherever it may happen) and consent matters. If you don't say no, or as you believe "scream no", because you are on air or wherever, then the harasser won't stop. I was speaking generally though, and not about her specifically, had you paid attention. Don't accuse me of what I never said. And look up what misogyny means.
Laila Jan 28, 2025 07:20pm
@Duh Are you ok? Don't use words when you clearly dont know, what they mean or how to apply them. Nothing, I said, was misogynistic. On the contrary. Go, read and understand what I actually wrote in full. I am not responsible for your lack of basic reading skills and comprehension. I spoke generally about harassment being real, and consent mattering and how victims can set limits. You don't have to scream at people. A simple no, remove their hand, resist, leave, a slap are ways to deter harassers. Got it? Harassment is bad and prelonging it because you're on air, as you suggest, makes no sense. It's clear you never read what I wrote and instead rushed to accuse me. Disingenuous at best. Do better.
SyedHasni Jan 29, 2025 01:23am
If you see harassment happening, speak up. Being harassed is terrible; having bystanders pretend they don't notice is infinitely worse. Women are incredibly stoic forgiving creatures and men love them for that. This means they put their selves after everyone else. They come last. So if someone hurts them in anyway, they don’t blame the perpetrator. Their first question is, what did I do wrong to deserve this? What was she wearing, did she lead him on, did she say stop at any time? You are getting in the same trap Laila, Khan is a disgusting fellow and these picture evidence are enough for anyone to believe Mathira's version.
SyedHasni Jan 29, 2025 01:26am
Its shameful for the producer of the show, I would have kicked this football out of the stage.