
30 Jan, 2018

Just days after she blasted media outlets for running news of her divorce, TV host/actor Mathira has gone and confirmed the same in a series of Instagram posts.

Mathira married a Punjabi singer who goes by the name of Flint J in a private ceremony in Pakistan in 2013. Last week, while speaking to Images, Mathira hinted that her marriage is in trouble but pleaded for privacy and said she was shocked that TV channels and online publications are claiming that she spoke about her personal life with them.

So we were surprised to come across a string of Instagram posts in which she announces her divorce and professes both love for her ex-hubs and regret over their relationship.

Addressing her ex-husband Flint J, she wrote, "I tried to keep this marriage, I tried my best to hold on! It was not easy and yes, people will judge me in the society because the woman is always blamed and labelled lol ok! So yes the divorce is done, the hell I am going through and went through only I know and I don't need anyone to know it! I was supporting myself and my child this whole time and will carry on doing that, I loved you and still do! Yes, even if you do not love me..."

"I only loved you and still will but this time from a distance. I am a loser yes because I prefer you being a winner! I hope you have a blessed relationship and lovely life! My absence won't be missed I know.The last public I LOVE YOU ME AND AAHIL WONT EVER come back in your life ROCK STAR YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT! At least one of us is living the dream and having a good time! You say I was a dark phase of your life okay ! Allah is there, I wish you light now," she added.

"My son is my life line and that's all! I don't trust the word love any more! You won! I lost publicly! #flintj I always said I can't live without you but today, you cut and left me no option now I have too! There is no going back. Congratulations for you Freedom Flint J single life back in action!"

In her third and last post which was uploaded less than 24 hours ago, she concludes, "You're a stranger that knows me, a lot of me, you're a stranger that I love for life but won't ever come back in your life! Last status for you love! Get ready for the new girl, I will become truly your ex-wife, Miss M!"

Also read: Never spoke to TV channels about my personal life, says Mathira about divorce rumours

Mathira's ex husband Flint J was quick to respond to the star's Insta post. He shared a selfie and wrote:

"And this message was for me from my ex wife Mathira, ‘Congratulations to the freedom and single life’. I didn’t even want to laugh after reading this. There’s always 2 sides of a coin and story. Fortunately enough, I don’t believe in trapping people in an emotional box by writing stuff on social media that will only fall in my favour, nor do I indirectly try to gain sympathy or attention,"

He added, "I have received tons of messages asking me the reason for my divorce with Mathira, and not one person can claim that I have shared any sort of information with them. My personal life still remains personal, at least at my end. I truly believe that people who follow us are very sensible and mature enough to know what possibly could have gone wrong. I leave everything in the court of Allah and I believe only He can be the judge and do the righteous justice. And once again, may Allah forgive us both for an act which is most unliked by Him."


Khalid Shahzad Jan 30, 2018 08:00pm
Very sad
Kashif Jan 30, 2018 09:54pm
Well all the best for the new chapter of life
Hamid Jan 30, 2018 11:12pm
These people has no social values.
N_Saq Jan 30, 2018 11:40pm
Hey - divorce does not mean you died, it only means that two person who think they like each other and want to live together failed to do so because they have different mindset. If it doesn't work out in the first place the chances are it will never work out. Time to move on. You are a young bunch with a whole life in front of you and there is plenty of fish in the water. So my suggestion to you is go fish and I am sure you will find one. Cheers :) :) :)
Abdullah Jan 31, 2018 09:06am
There should be some limitation for media cells as well as actors & celebs too when they are going to talk about their families & inner relationships.
SAK Jan 31, 2018 10:05am
I truly believe that Mathira is at wrong. The mellow Drama says it all!!!!!! Media world acts in different ways that one can't even imagine and understand all together. Sad, but there is always another side of the story !!!!!!!!! SAK.
Malik Jan 31, 2018 10:42am
Less said the better.
Teejay Jan 31, 2018 10:50am
@N_Saq "Go Fish"? That doesn't sound like a right way to go about searching for a life partner
syed wasim haider Jan 31, 2018 11:46am
Can u imagine the wives who gets divorce are celebrating Divorce parties just like Birthday parties.(Arab News dated 30/01/2017).So, the Pakistani should be brave enough to face the situation and the society must be polite to them.
Ehsan Jan 31, 2018 09:55pm
Very unfortunate, hope they are able to keep it private for the sake of their beautiful child
Faiza Shahid Jan 31, 2018 10:21pm
So sad
N abidi Feb 01, 2018 07:39am
In this society they blames women for everything, even educated people, so, great intervention will change this mind set! Mathria your latter is very moving. Hope this person will give you the respect that you give him in this latter ,for the sake of the kid. Remember mahria you were a complete human being before this man, you still are,now wth a unconditional love of a child! So, go live your life, you are strong, happiness comes from with in,find your happiness!
Aman Feb 03, 2018 01:05am
personal life needs not to be discussed in public- simply floosh idea!