
Social media is lauding the power move that was Hina Rabbani Khar’s Afghanistan visit

Social media is lauding the power move that was Hina Rabbani Khar’s Afghanistan visit

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and Adnan Malik also highlighted the powerful parallels of sending a strong woman to meet a govt that denies women rights.
30 Nov, 2022

The Taliban government in Afghanistan is notorious for its treatment of women and its denial of women’s rights. Which is why the arrival of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar for talks with the government proved to be such a power move. Netizens cannot help but root for Khar, deeming it a boss move to have a woman represent Pakistan, especially before a government like this.

On Tuesday, Khar concluded her one-day trip to Kabul where she held wide-ranging talks with Afghan Taliban leadership on security issues and economic cooperation. Leading a high-level delegation, she is the first minister to travel to the Afghan capital since the government of PM Shehbaz Sharif took over in April.

Videos and photos from Khar’s trip are doing rounds on social media and collecting appreciation all around. Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and actor Adnan Malik re-shared them and highlighted the powerful parallels between the representatives.

Calling it a “flex”, netizens rained down praises for the “strong woman”.

Same here.

One user talked about how brave Pakistani women are and how they deserve opportunities to showcase their capabilities in every sphere.


More power to you, Hina Rabbani Khar!


ENGR Hamid Shafiq Nov 30, 2022 01:20pm
Taliban give respect to a guest woman means they are good people.
Jill Nov 30, 2022 01:21pm
Let's see what the Taliban has to will may as well end as only optics. Not that pakistani women are in a much better state.
Sheila kijawani Nov 30, 2022 01:44pm
Its actually a PR move by Pakistan and also most likely Afghanistan. Just to show the west that Taliban have ‘changed’! Otherwise such meetings are always by the ‘powers that be’ and Taliban would not have even accepted Pakistans request of HRK. Such propaganda Works at home but world is wiser!
Sid Nov 30, 2022 01:51pm
Her not in the room answers to Mehdi will forever haunt her…
Light at the end of the tunnel Nov 30, 2022 02:11pm
With her expensive fashion, she does not represent the average Pakistani woman
Syed Hasni Nov 30, 2022 02:25pm
Taliban has problem with other kind of woman just like Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar, not the good-looking ones.
jsav12 Nov 30, 2022 02:31pm
Hope she spoke about women's rights in Afghanistan in that visit. Now they've banned women from parks.
Navaneeth Nov 30, 2022 02:32pm
Great achievement, congratulations Pakistan !
FAZ Nov 30, 2022 02:42pm
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq And give shelter to TTP who slaughter women in children. Kudos to them.
i pardesi Nov 30, 2022 02:54pm
I hope the Taliban also took it receptively. We were there to ask for assistance in mediating new terms for ceasefire. She is firm though, which is great.
Ahmed Nov 30, 2022 02:59pm
From Musharaf era till date whenever Hina has been assigned with any portfolio she has delivered her best.
Ahmed Nov 30, 2022 03:00pm
Based on her experience, she deserve to be a Federal Minister rather than Minister of State.
AHAQ Nov 30, 2022 03:08pm
Confused Importeds governments attempt to use a woman minister when all male ministers were rejected by the Taliban as a failure in foreign policy. Ground realities will not change
NYS Nov 30, 2022 03:41pm
Woman card to deescalate the humdrum
Aziz Nov 30, 2022 03:42pm
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq They have any other option ? No
Sane Mind1st Nov 30, 2022 03:58pm
A doll meeting devils. Nice photo session.
Kam Nov 30, 2022 03:59pm
Why not Bilawal to the afghan region. Is he intimidated
Ordinary Nov 30, 2022 03:59pm
This should prove that educated mother is key to the development of a nation. They take this message free and provide every opportunity to the daughter, sisters and mothers to develop and help develop the nation. Afghans have no option available if they want to see the Afghanistan to develop and develop as a respectable nation.
Mansur Ul Haque Nov 30, 2022 04:12pm
Very difficult to convince Taliban on any matter. Still they are in victory mode against two super powers of the world. It will take time to bring them on ground. Till then we have to act prudently.
Static Nov 30, 2022 04:32pm
She is more like a film star than a politician. Not very smart but charismatic. They should have sent shirin mazari along with her for brains and to balance out the beauty component.
Afnan Nov 30, 2022 04:55pm
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq the opposite exactly
M. Altaf Nov 30, 2022 05:03pm
I see that this paper is nothing but a mouth piece for the PPP and the PDM. Waste of my time.
asma Nov 30, 2022 05:27pm
What power move.. She is corrupt to the core... All she is doing is travelling enjoying herself
AHAQ Nov 30, 2022 05:47pm
Failure of imported PDM to use others to send a message to Afghanistan's Taliban.
Rizwanul Huda Nov 30, 2022 05:50pm
This picture and news was surprising for me. A clear message to Taliban and somebody well said PAKISTAN AS IT SHOULD BE and I will add AS IT WAS
Harry Nov 30, 2022 05:50pm
No customary hand shakes!
Rubab Nov 30, 2022 05:51pm
More power to HRK
Rauf Taqi Nov 30, 2022 06:09pm
Taliban should understand women are essential part of their society too. I think they have realized this because we are almost unaware of current situation of plight of women there due to lack of credible media
Matt Syed Nov 30, 2022 06:12pm
Wonder Bilawal didn't go because he will loved and welcomed by Taliban folks!!!!!
Anonymouseee Nov 30, 2022 06:21pm
Power move? This trip only proved that the current Afghan government respects women’s right unlike how the western media portrays them.
RamRam Nov 30, 2022 06:32pm
More power to you Ms Hina ji. Support from India for your courage.
Zak Nov 30, 2022 06:53pm
Optics are worthless. Afghan Taliban are practical people, they want results and to deal with those they trust. Anyone with PDM are untrust worthy and just in power fleetingly. In today, gone tomorrow.
Taimur Khan Nov 30, 2022 06:55pm
Not bad! They should also have let her meet some women's groups. There should be fatwas against these idiots. Taliban act as if Islam curtails the freedom of women. If they wish to be recognised as an islamic emirate they need to act in accordance with Islam. No western Sanctions cannot intimidate them. Only islamic scholars and their opinion can reach inside their shells and strip away their self proclaimed legitimacy.
Camilla Nov 30, 2022 07:20pm
Khar belongs to the one percent ruling class, the average Pakistani woman is illiterate, poor, subdued, suffering multiple difficulties at home and outside, an average Pakistani woman's life span is less than a man, a life of oppression and more like her Afghan sister, let not one pretty picture change what is reality. There are millions of women in Pakistan who prefer to wear the burqa, Khar just happens to be not one of them, that does not make Pakistan any better in any way.
Sher Jang Nov 30, 2022 07:24pm
Duplicity of Afghan Taliban. On the one hand,t heir own woman are still suffering, Even school going daughters are not allowed to attend the school because of the Taliban's rule. And now, they are giving respect to Hina Rabni Khar.
jsav12 Nov 30, 2022 07:29pm
@Ahmed inexperienced nepotism baby got that role.
Anjum Pervez Nov 30, 2022 07:31pm
More power to you!
Truth is bitter Nov 30, 2022 07:31pm
@Sheila kijawani say hi to mummy Sheila
Dr. Rafiq Khan Nov 30, 2022 07:56pm
Fishing for congratulations from western neo-liberal feminists which will never arrive.
Hanna Nov 30, 2022 07:56pm
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq looks like your IQ is too low! if they are good people then why they mistreat afghan women?they know that if they treat guests the same way then they will lose funding and support
Ravi Inder Nov 30, 2022 08:30pm
She is The Best ..... Best for Pakistan and the World.....
Zak Nov 30, 2022 08:44pm
@RamRam More power to you Ms Hina ji. Support from India for your courage. Have courage and support the illegaly indian occupied Kashmiris, IOK. They are suffering hundred times worse.
Zak Nov 30, 2022 08:45pm
@Jill Let's see what the Taliban has to will may as well end as only optics. Not that pakistani women are in a much better state. Much better state then in India.
Naveed Lotia Nov 30, 2022 09:07pm
@Jill Pakistani women, on average, are in a much, much better state compared to Afghan women. No comparison.
SivaD Nov 30, 2022 09:41pm
Indeed. on an unrelated note, if PPP principals were not hostage to a feudal mentality, MS. Khar should have been the FM and Bilawal should have been her deputy. She acquitted herself very well last time she was the FM and wholly deserves being a full fledged Cabinet level minister. Bilawal, on the other hand, although showing a lot of promise, is a greenhorn.
FA Nov 30, 2022 10:01pm
@asma and make politicians aren’t? this isn’t even what the convo is about
FA Nov 30, 2022 10:03pm
@Camilla all out politicians — who are largely male — lead privileged lives. Why does class only come up when it’s a woman representative?
Nasir Mamu Nov 30, 2022 10:20pm
Hina Rabbani Khar is a wonder woman and a role model for girls all over the world.
Realist Nov 30, 2022 10:56pm
Taliban are a disorganized bunch of cavemen consisting of multiple independent groups who will eventually turn on each other. They’d only religion is money. I’m glad Pakistan sent an educated female to knock some sense into them.
Raheel Nov 30, 2022 11:18pm
Did we ask them about the killing of Pakistani soldiers last week? Guess that isn't high on our list compared to optics!
Mumtas Nov 30, 2022 11:22pm
Waheed Rehman, US Patriot Nov 30, 2022 11:30pm
Hina Rabbani Khar was chosen to head the negotiations with the Taliban to send a message to the Taliban that they have to deal with a woman if they want to join Pakistan in a regional transit trade plan that will greatly improve Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s economies.
Sadaf Nov 30, 2022 11:52pm
She represents the Elite class and privileged politician families of Pakistan. We have a inferiority compels when we applaud such personalities
dude Dec 01, 2022 12:02am
The World is shunning the Taliban - we should join them. If we have to talk to them then do it privately.
A Taliban Fan ? Dec 01, 2022 12:15am
Yes they are VERY GOOD to the girls and women in their own country.
Jin Dec 01, 2022 12:31am
Bilo didn’t go because Terry would have made him into their boy slave
Basit Khan Dec 01, 2022 12:59am
She is in this position because of her last name .
RamRam Dec 01, 2022 01:45am
@Zak actually you are wrong brother. I live in Kashmir, you are a victim of the propaganda that keeps us as enemies. No sir, today the lot of the Kashmiri in India is better than anyone in Pakistani administered Kashmir. Feel free to fact check. Let me host you and show you the truth.But do you have the courage to see.the truth?
Raj Joshi Dec 01, 2022 02:37am
Somehow it feels like most men in Afghanistan and Pakistan wake up every morning thinking how can they make life more miserable for the women of their country.
Imran Dec 01, 2022 02:47am
What happened to foreign minister Bhutto?
Akram Dec 01, 2022 03:44am
PML government is best for keeping women at higher positions. PML government is modern unlike PTI.
Shujaat Khan Dec 01, 2022 04:58am
@Static You mean Beauty and the Beast.
Waseem Dec 01, 2022 06:52am
All the Liberals, athiest etc all coming out in praise that's is a bold move. How about giving resist to the taliban.
JS Dec 01, 2022 07:03am
Excellent. Proud of Hina Rabbani Khar. She's an exemplary representative and remarkable in her work.
Bol Ke Lab Azad Hain Tere Dec 01, 2022 08:23am
@Camilla very well said!
Shakir Hussain Dec 01, 2022 08:29am
@ENGR Hamid Shafiq really ?
Asim Ahmed Khan Dec 01, 2022 08:29am
It shows their respect for Pakistan and women
Ann Dec 01, 2022 12:15pm
one of the rare moments when you get proud of Pakistan.