
PPP leader Manzoor Wassan’s tone-deaf comparison of flood-devastated areas to Venice has Twitter disturbed

PPP leader Manzoor Wassan’s tone-deaf comparison of flood-devastated areas to Venice has Twitter disturbed

People are calling out the lack of empathy and logic in his rather strange interview.
31 Aug, 2022

Former Sindh home minister and current PPP leader Manzoor Wassan’s recent visit to flood-affected areas in Khairpur stirred controversy due to his very strange comments comparing the flooded areas to Venice, Italy.

Pakistan is facing a climate emergency after monsoon rains wreaked havoc across the country this year, resulting in flash floods. The death toll has crossed 1,000 with over 30 million people displaced. The economic losses accumulate to at least $10 billion, with Sindh in particular suffering damages of over $1.6 billion (Rs355 billion) as all major crops have been destroyed.

At a time when Pakistanis all over the country are focused on extending a helping hand and doing as much as they can to alleviate the suffering of those who have not only lost their loved ones but also their homes and livelihoods, Wassan’s remarks in a now viral clip are not only tone deaf but extremely insensitive and unnecessary.

In a video interview with Geo, Wassan is on a boat talking about how the scene before him is making him reminisce about his trip to Italy. “You can see for yourself — if you’ve ever been to Italy, this is Venice’s scenery, the way there are villages, houses submerged in water. The same kind [I saw] when I had visited Venice.”

According to Geo, the politician, who has represented Khairpur in the Sindh Assembly, also said, “In this area, I have my 1,500 acres of my own private land which consists of gardens destroyed completely due to floods.”

Netizens are disturbed and offended — and rightfully so. They have taken to Twitter to vent their frustrations with such disappointing leaders. “Meet Mr. Manzoor Wassan Sahab, who is in love with Venice, Northern Italy’s top tourist attraction. After horrible destruction from rains and floods in Sindh, he has found similar unique, magical and spectacular scenery in Khairpur. Creative genius explains here,” a Twitter user sarcastically criticised the PPP representative.

Pakistani Twitter users pointed out that people have lost their homes, their crops and their lives, and this is how Wassan chooses to describe the situation. Calling him “shameless,” they condemned the comparison of drowned cities — where people and animals are sick and dying — with a popular tourist spot.

Referring to his tone-deaf remarks that indicated a clear disconnect, a netizen said he is “devoid of grace, logic and a sense of reality”.

Another video is making rounds on social media shows Wassan on the same boat, seemingly waving away flood affectees. Netizens called it a “trend” for politicians to show up for publicity but not actually help those who need it. Pointing out their insensitivity, one user said, “The poor people affected by floods have no idea that Manzoor Wassan is not here for help but to tour Venice.”

Frankly, we are unable to understand what the ex-minister was trying to convey by making such an irrelevant and inconsiderate comparison. His tone doesn’t seem to indicate humour nor does it seem to make any sense to compare a First World country’s famous tourist spot with a Third World country’s disastrous situation that has taken lives and left people homeless and devastated.

There is a time and place for things and speaking in a town inundated by water with its people and their homes literally submerged was not it. Whatever his intention was — a bad attempt at being funny, comparisons of grandeur or romanticising a horrible situation — it fell flat.

The situation is extremely sensitive and those affected by floods are in a fragile state. If that is not within the person visiting’s capacity to speak to them with basic human decency and kindness, we suggest they take a crash course on empathy or don’t go at all.

If you want to do something for the people who are struggling, here is a list of organisations you can donate to.


ComfortablyNumb Aug 31, 2022 04:54pm
That's what you get for keeping Bhutto Alive
Hasnain Haque Aug 31, 2022 04:56pm
What do you expect from a feudal lord who sees everyone else as subservient. This is the whole issue in the country.
saksci Aug 31, 2022 04:56pm
What is the issue PPP leadership consists of VEDERAS.
Ahsan Gul Aug 31, 2022 05:14pm
These rich and corrupt politicians type of landlords are a curse on Pakistan.
abdul Aug 31, 2022 05:16pm
he is such a disgrace to the party, people, and humanity
Syed Mudassir Aug 31, 2022 05:20pm
I just wish that majority of the population start understanding the character of these politicians and their politics and begin raising their voices against their politics. They are not worthy of ruling us!
Zaheer Khurshid Aug 31, 2022 05:22pm
Shame, Shame and thousand times shame.
Shahbaz Ahmed Aug 31, 2022 05:23pm
Mindless, senseless, cheap, what else I can say... unfortunately they are ministers...
Bublu Shublu Aug 31, 2022 05:29pm
Shameless minister. Shameless PPP.
Abida Aug 31, 2022 05:31pm
All PPP and most of the PMLN leaders are like that . They just come to assembly to loot
Jo Original Aug 31, 2022 05:40pm
Our leaders live in cloud cuckoo land! Far removed from reality and lives of citizens.
AZAM AKBAR Aug 31, 2022 06:01pm
The people of the rural areas of Sindh are electing the most corrupt PPP for five decades. Is it possible that such people would change their minds for casting the votes? PPP is keeping the people of rural areas backward, illiterate, uneducated, poor, without the basic necessities of life deliberately.
AHAQ Aug 31, 2022 06:27pm
Crooked wadera mafia mentality can't hide itself behind façade of fake concern for people
Soniye tu auder te la Aug 31, 2022 06:36pm
Bhuttos and Sharifs are devils living among humans.
asma Aug 31, 2022 06:39pm
Head hangs in shame. Is he a human even?????
Nawaz Aug 31, 2022 06:42pm
1500 acres of land. They are monsters and not human.
Imran A. Aug 31, 2022 06:44pm
Next stop Venice, where he can speak how the floods in Pakistan can be compared to the beautiful city of Venice.
Al Athar Aug 31, 2022 06:45pm
What a callous insensitive man.
Pakistani1 Aug 31, 2022 06:49pm
He actually visited the flood affected areas versus people who are making statements from their homes and jalsas.
Mrs.khalil Aug 31, 2022 06:58pm
Salute to this nation , we elect such idiots
Ibrahim S Aug 31, 2022 07:14pm
He may be dumb and stupid but he was in flood water to see the devastation . Where are other political leaders ?
NYS Aug 31, 2022 07:27pm
Embarrassing statement
nk Aug 31, 2022 07:38pm
There are many dumb, heartless fools in our politics.
nk Aug 31, 2022 07:41pm
People are talking about lack of empathy but the apathy is we the people of Pakistan just cannot muster their efforts to get rid of these looters.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 31, 2022 07:43pm
Real face and true character of the so-called hand-picked and self-declared PPP leaders has been exposed before the whole world.
Khan Aug 31, 2022 08:29pm
Powerfull men among poor people , he has never seen or felt pain of a poor person. How do you want him to show some empathy
Syed Hafeez Imran Aug 31, 2022 08:34pm
and we hand over our land. assts and freedom to idiots, crooks and insensitive shamless goons such as these We must share teh blame to help them grab power Wake up Pakistanis Stand UP and fight for right and rights an a CLEAN system disowm these thugs
Fast comment Aug 31, 2022 08:45pm
He always talk like that. Excuse his speech freedom. But he’s devoted and will deliver.
Pandu Aug 31, 2022 08:50pm
What what, what is he saying?
Sajjad Aug 31, 2022 09:40pm
And their leader went to oxford?
Anonymouseee Aug 31, 2022 09:50pm
It still shocks me how people like him are voted into office to begin with. Absolutely shameless.
Atta Aug 31, 2022 10:46pm
@Ibrahim S he was in flood waters to check the damage of HIS agricultural land.
Syed A. Mateen Aug 31, 2022 11:06pm
What one can expect from Manzoor Wassan who is habitual of day dreaming.
Raj kumar Aug 31, 2022 11:24pm
1500 acres of land holding??we thought we had thiefs,you people have bandits.
AHAQ Sep 01, 2022 12:26am
He should move to venice and spare Pakistan from his political wrath
Pandu Sep 01, 2022 12:28am
@Pakistani1 "He actually visited the flood affected areas versus people who are making statements from their homes and jalsas." - he simply visited, looked around, did nothing. Also, the man visited since he thought he will get Venice like experience.
Pandu Sep 01, 2022 12:29am
Did he get Venice-like experience among that misery and destruction? What a horrible thing to say.
Pandu Sep 01, 2022 12:29am
Crude Pakistani leaders who have no sense of situational awareness.
AJ Sep 01, 2022 12:45am
what a great photo shoot .. All he cares about his land..
Attiya Canada Sep 01, 2022 01:10am
How can we plan for emergencies or natural disasters when our political leaders have such a poor understanding of governance!
Ehteshamul Haque Sep 01, 2022 02:02am
People like this should never hold office. Pakistan will never develop unless it goes away with Wadaras ; land lonrds.
Ehteshamul Haque Sep 01, 2022 02:03am
@Hasnain Haque ----- Agree whole heartedly.
Frank Manuel Sep 01, 2022 03:00am
Arrogant and insensitive. A typical feudal Lord attitude looking down upon the suffering people and has the gall to reminisce about his 1500 acre garden. “Let them have cake” attitude.
shubs Sep 01, 2022 03:10am
He owns 1500 acres of land here! Without land reforms since Independence, Pakistanis are literally stuck in pre-Independence era - ruled by landlords who consider the nation their own personal property. Are there any people's representatives in Pakistani politics who are not landlords?
Tarique Mahmood Sep 01, 2022 04:16am
Such a low person he is
Khanum Sep 01, 2022 04:22am
Go live in the flooded area, you will find out the difference.
Ibrahim S Sep 01, 2022 04:29am
@Atta - not sure . But a good point . If that’s true then he can turn his land into little Venice, another tourist water attraction . By the way, if that’s your land under water, what would you do.
Khanum Sep 01, 2022 04:42am
@Anonymouseee , by feeding biryani to poor voters on Election Day.
Khanum Sep 01, 2022 04:48am
@Ibrahim S , big deal! He and his party should have built dams in Sindh to avoid this disaster.
A Sep 01, 2022 04:58am
He likes the boat ride way too much. He was thinking this tour is also like other tours on tax payers money.
Wahab Uk Sep 01, 2022 05:21am
Until Bhutoo is alive expect everyone else to suffer.
Kursi Sep 01, 2022 06:05am
Wasan is 100% right.
Gargoyle Sep 01, 2022 06:25am
We are to blame to keep electing these people as our leaders. N league and PPP are two sides of the same coin.
Solangi Sep 01, 2022 07:33am
These Waderas have destroyed Sindh!
MA Sep 01, 2022 08:34am
Shame on this guy.
Shezi Sep 01, 2022 09:37am
Why not Venice authorities compare Venice with Sindh.
Shezi Sep 01, 2022 09:38am
Whatever ! Bhutto is alive, that's the real big achievement.
Talha Sep 01, 2022 09:39am
Funny how no one mentions that IK and his cabal not only ridiculed the victims, they also announced that this was routine and his jalsas won't stop. Further, IK himself hasn't gotten anywhere NEAR helping flood victims except for the telethon which was more of a photo op
Ron Sep 01, 2022 09:39am
PPP will again win in next elections in rural Sindh.
Hamza Alam Sep 01, 2022 09:55am
Let them eat cake... Ruling feudal elite are the blight of Pakistan
Shezi Sep 01, 2022 10:09am
@Ron I believe you.
A shah Sep 01, 2022 10:25am
I think I just saw the Eiffel Tower too
A shah Sep 01, 2022 10:25am
This is Pakistan for you !
Observer 2 Sep 01, 2022 11:20am
This the mentality of waderas..they treat people as a slaves. India at that time of independence abolished jagirdari..but Pakistan continued this system
Imran Sep 01, 2022 11:37am
remember what happened to the French King who told starving people to eat cake if they can't find bread... same fate awaits these shameless politicians
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 01, 2022 12:48pm
He is like a frog living in a well that he envisages as the "whole world."
AZAM AKBAR Sep 01, 2022 01:07pm
Mr. Manzoor Wassan is one of the Kings of Sindh.
Rahil Sep 01, 2022 01:50pm
waq Sep 01, 2022 02:04pm
why are people even surprised to see the video havent we seen enough of these crooks with luxury lifestyle round the year. these people are minsiters for industries and health. we are doomed.