
Fans applaud Farhan Saeed for breaking the ‘men don’t cry’ stereotype in Mere Humsafar’s latest episode

Fans applaud Farhan Saeed for breaking the ‘men don’t cry’ stereotype in Mere Humsafar’s latest episode

They are glad a Pakistani drama is finally depicting healthy male emotional expression.
15 Jul, 2022

Pakistani dramas are often criticised for portraying toxic masculinity so when Farhan Saeed broke the “men don’t cry” stereotype in Mere Humsafar, fans were all praises.

The drama released episode 28 on Thursday which featured an emotionally charged scene where a heartbroken Hamza (Saeed’s character) got down on his knees to face his wife Hala, played by Hania Aamir, to talk “as equals”. He held her hands and started crying, carrying the conversation instead of bottling up his emotions as men are ‘expected’ to.

Fans took to Twitter to express how touched they were by the scene, saying “let men be soft” because “tears do not belong to any gender”.

They were super impressed by Saeed’s acting, especially “the sorrow in his eyes conveyed”.

Some cried with the actors.

Others were ready to avenge him.

They loved that he conveyed the “equality” he talked about visually as well when he got down on the floor when Hala did.

Even actor Nadia Jamil is hooked on the show.

That’s it.

Have you watched the latest episode?


M. Saeed Jul 15, 2022 06:07pm
------but these days, there is not a single drama where men do not cry. Even the ferocious and heartless person Sikandar in drama Zakham, was seen crying in a scene, where he remembered his childhood.
Reality check Jul 15, 2022 07:56pm
He doesn't represent all men because he leads a comfortable life full of privilege. Men can't afford to be softies in this cruel world if they want to protect themselves and their family.
Art Jul 15, 2022 08:50pm
Ofcourse men have same feelings and emotions, women should never expect that men don’t cry! Stop this hypocrisy
Dr. Salaria, Ahmad Part II Jul 15, 2022 09:07pm
Very important news
Zidan Jul 16, 2022 09:31am
This is one of those concepts which looks great on paper but does not really work out in real life. There has actually been research done on this in the West that men who cook or wear aprons appear 'less desirable' to the significant women in their lives. Strong men should occasionally cry but not be cry babies. While women are attracted to men who are their rock, they will quickly tire of men who are an emotional mess.
Abdullah Jul 16, 2022 09:37am
Man cries but in rain so that nobody can see
Truth be told Jul 16, 2022 01:32pm
How about get an orchectomy or start taking estrogen shots as well to please fans especially ladies since they want to see sensitive non-guys who also can differentiate colours and makeup better than real men..