
Shoaib Malik reveals Sania Mirza ate apples while pregnant so their son would be 'fair-skinned'

Shoaib Malik reveals Sania Mirza ate apples while pregnant so their son would be 'fair-skinned'

Fellow guest Ushna Shah rightly argued against fair skin being the ultimate beauty standard.
09 Apr, 2022

Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik revealed his wife Indian tennis player Sania Mirza's mother made her up her apple intake during her pregnancy to ensure their baby would turn out fair-skinned.

The cricketer appeared on Nida Yasir's morning show Shan-e-Suhoor alongside actor Ushna Shah on April 6. The trio discussed a range of topics in the sehri time show and at one point, Shah's recent post about netizens shaming her for the colour of her hands became the topic of discussion. This led to the focus shifting to society's perception of beauty hinging on fair skin.

"My mother-in-law made my wife eat a lot of apples," shared Malik. "They say that [by doing so] the child ends up being fair skinned."

"But your son is fair," Shah interjected. "Very fair. So it worked," laughed Malik.

Shah didn't let the exchange fade to nothing, though. She asserted that dark skin is beautiful and pointed out the absurdity in deeming fair skin the ultimate beauty standard. "I think tall, dark and handsome is a great thing. My crush growing up was [American professional basketball player] Kobe Bryant who's a Black man. So I don't understand this obsession. There are so many beautiful women in our industry [who have a darker complexion]."

The Parizaad actor shared a personal anecdote about an uncle from her father's side of the family — who are of Persian descent — calling her only 60 per cent beautiful because she's not as fair as them. The actor owned her skin colour and pronounced it beautiful, saying she "loves her tanned skin."

Shah is not the only one standing tall against the colourism rampant in our society — model Mushk Kaleem also spoke out against it in 2019, refusing to whiten herself for shoots and owning her dusky skin. "No, I'm not a pearlescent white-skinned girl, I'm dusky and bronze. To all the clients who book me for shoots and then expect me to douse myself in lighter makeup to make me look 'acceptable for lawn', I'd rather you not book me at all," she wrote.

It is good to see public figures with influence speak out against outdated beauty standards hailing from a colonial past. Gone are the days of Fair and Lovely — all shades are lovely. It is 2022, it's about time we realise there is no formula to beauty — it comes from owning who you are and being exactly that.


Dr Asim Apr 09, 2022 05:09pm
This is very unscientific firstly. Secondly Shoaib and Sania are being highly irresponsible as not only is this not evidence based but also it leads to people engaging in behaviors for having kids with fair skin, who may not. People need to learn to live with the skin color they have and their children inherit.
Nads Apr 09, 2022 05:11pm
What kind of apples?
Sher Khan Apr 09, 2022 05:20pm
Very good reason, I think their son has fair skin?
Father Apr 09, 2022 05:21pm
For Mrs. Akram's sake, give him the habit of wearing seat belt too.
bhaRAT© Apr 09, 2022 05:22pm
South Asians are obsessed with fair skin.
M. Saeed Apr 09, 2022 05:23pm
Sania has got a very charming, bubbly son. About the color of her arms, excessive exposure in games, has tanned and she will retain her original color soon after retiring from the game.
Aimal Apr 09, 2022 05:43pm
What is wrong isf the baby is dark and not fair ? How can skin color be so important ?
The Red Pill Apr 09, 2022 05:50pm
Don't reject it because it is bitter. Whiteness is beautiful. If you are not white enough, you are deprived of some part of beauty. Just like people with less intellect are deprived, people with less white skin too are deprived. Whiteness is not a socially constructed or colonial beauty standard. It's the objective beauty standard.
Ali B Apr 09, 2022 05:55pm
Fair colour so important there although it is still considered as brown in western countries no matter how fair south Asians are.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Apr 09, 2022 06:25pm
Why are people of South Asia in general and Indians in particular so obsessed with the color of their skin?
MG Apr 09, 2022 06:36pm
OK let us ask all our Ugandan friends to feed apples only to their pregnant wives.
Jill Apr 09, 2022 06:37pm
Disgusting to know a educated person thinks eating apples makes the skin fair ...
Nusrat Rizvi Apr 09, 2022 06:41pm
This is as sick as you can get but unfortunately very true of the Indian subcontinent. My daughters are blue and green-eyed, and my son has brown eyes. Their offsprings have different skin tones but I love them just the same.
Khan Apr 09, 2022 06:46pm
Come on whats the point in it?Racist mind?
Tara Ahmad Apr 09, 2022 07:10pm
And what’s wrong being dark skinned? This whole concept of fair vs dark skinned in Pakistan needs to end. It blemishes society.
NYS Apr 09, 2022 07:14pm
Most of the time every individual feels comfortable in his own skin now that depends whether it's tan vice versa The fact we Asians are colonial slave
Jaredlee007 Apr 09, 2022 07:17pm
Educated sports couple is racist. No wonder Shoaib Malik appeared in Fair and Lovely ad. This couple has lost the little respect I had for them.
Pmd Apr 09, 2022 07:22pm
Hope Sania didn't eat green apples. A green giant would have born!
Ali B Apr 09, 2022 07:36pm
No matter how many apples u eat you are considered Brown.
Faizan Apr 09, 2022 07:36pm
When neither parents are fair skinned how could the baby be fair skinned? And of course Ushna is against it, she's relatively dark herself.
Sidhu Apr 09, 2022 07:37pm
Luckily not ate beet root or pumpkin.
Tahmad Apr 09, 2022 07:59pm
Discussion on color of skins is a very sensitive issues and should not be discussed on social media, TV host and guest should avoid this type of discussion in future. Thanks, ARY and TV host.
Tadka Apr 09, 2022 08:03pm
What nonsense,, then entire subcontinent would eat apples to become Europe in future
Dr Tarik Apr 09, 2022 08:20pm
It's good to eat healthy foods but that has nothing to do with skin hue.
Dr Tarik Apr 09, 2022 08:21pm
Congratulations cute baby.
Amir Apr 09, 2022 08:29pm
Can I eat apples as an adult to get fair?
Parsa Apr 09, 2022 08:30pm
The funniest thing I ever heard, apples and fair skin. These people are dimwits.
myview Apr 09, 2022 09:04pm
Most stupid comment on two fronts. First, there's no scientific evidence for the claim. Second, why propagate this 'fair skin' obsession? It insults every human being who's not fair-skinned. Grow up Mr.cricketer!
Secularist Apr 09, 2022 09:10pm
Good education, particularly in science and human values, can go a long way in erasing stupidity and ignorance. By the way colorism is a bane shared across races. As to Sania and Shoaib, how many fairer and whiter people have achieved what they have in life? It is high time people develop self-respect and self-esteem, and be comfortable under their skins.
Sajid Khan Apr 09, 2022 09:50pm
sania is not fair , she can apply all the makeup she wants and she also seems to be uneducated and dumb
Tanvir Khan Apr 09, 2022 09:55pm
The sweet boy looks more like an Indian than a Pakistani!
nk Apr 09, 2022 10:21pm
Aren't they a very nice looking couple. Well in folklore medicine their are many things available, though not scientifically proven.
Khanm Apr 09, 2022 11:01pm
What is wrong being dark skin something derogatory .
N_Saq Apr 09, 2022 11:08pm
A good awareness in Pak. Pakistanis have to stop being the slaves of the white skin because all men are equal. Pakistanis need to believe in themselves and stop treat white people as kings and queens because the white people are just like them. IK was moving Pak in that direction but sadly he couldn’t succeed as the white man’s slaves came in the way. I see the wheel will start turning back again.
Alla Bux Apr 09, 2022 11:16pm
She is just a tennis player. What does she know about genes? She does look good in Jeans though.
Bharat Dave Apr 09, 2022 11:46pm
@Dr Asim Exactly.
Citizen Apr 09, 2022 11:50pm
That’s pathetic.
S. Sandhu Apr 10, 2022 12:15am
Strawberries are better
Abs Uk Apr 10, 2022 12:16am
Shocking statement from Shoaib Malik
Anonymouseee Apr 10, 2022 12:39am
Indians have an obsession with fair skin for centuries.
ss Apr 10, 2022 01:40am
Let's face it there are beautiful and ugly white people and there are beautiful and ugly black and brown people, it all depends on their facial features and overall look, but fairness adds to the beauty.
Humza Apr 10, 2022 03:02am
Sania is South Indian. She should embrace and promote dark skinned beauty and not tell us nonsense about eating apples in India to make one fair !
Rehana Bounse Apr 10, 2022 03:14am
@The Red Pill who says that?
Rehana Bounse Apr 10, 2022 03:18am
@The Red Pill shameful. I assume you’re a person with education. They why say such things? Why?
Dron Apr 10, 2022 04:04am
@Nads whitedelicious
AHAQ Apr 10, 2022 04:50am
Is thare anything called foul skin? The true opposite of fair skin
Firangi Apr 10, 2022 05:21am
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, Fruits are good but they are not going to turn your to be born baby, blue, black or white. That’s a myth.
Jamil Ahmed Apr 10, 2022 05:54am
That’s typical for a country which suffered from white man slavery.
Jamil Ahmed Apr 10, 2022 05:55am
That’s typical for a subcontinent that suffered from white man slavery.
Rahul Kumar Apr 10, 2022 06:45am
Irresponsible comment
Imtiaz Ali Khan Apr 10, 2022 06:48am
I'm a Sindhi, have light skin with green eyes, this does not make me a single bit better than most of my cousins and friends who have black eyes, darker skin and black hair. I feel I get special treatment, people think I'm better than others but I'm only as good as the next person who is speaking the truth. We must cut this obsession with lighter skin.
A Apr 10, 2022 06:57am
@Nads “ What kind of apples?” What?
Riazullah Baig Apr 10, 2022 07:07am
She should have married a white guy but no Shoaib, like Priyanka Chopra to have a fairskinned child.
Riazullah Baig Apr 10, 2022 07:08am
@Jill who said that Shoaib Malik is educated? He is a high school dropout. I don't know about Sania.
Johnw Apr 10, 2022 07:51am
One thing for sure,they are a perfect match,IQ wise
Isthisreal Apr 10, 2022 08:21am
Actually looking at them .. they are not really fair skinned. I mean it doesn't matter if they are or not. It's just that the kid is not really fair skinned. Or am I color blind?
Ali (CA) Apr 10, 2022 08:28am
I love all colours. Health is linked to balanced diet but skin colour need to be investigated.
Noor Apr 10, 2022 08:41am
That’s a very unintelligent thing to say. Shoaib Malik, what you are saying is unfair babies are not desirable. I would like to take a cricket bat and knock on your head, hopefully then you will have something intelligent to say.
TTA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TTP Apr 10, 2022 09:23am
Should have just married a white guy if that was so important. What low self esteem.
Sam Apr 10, 2022 09:28am
@The Red Pill you are kidding!! Of course!!!
Sam Apr 10, 2022 09:29am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Because we have an inferiority complex.
ahmed Apr 10, 2022 10:21am
This disease is spread all over the Indian-subcontinent.
Siddhartha Apr 10, 2022 10:46am
British left long time ago but the colonial hangover still persists in South Asia. What a shame!
ravin Apr 10, 2022 10:56am
The fact is no matter which part of the world you go, fair skin is preferred. From Thailand which is a big market for fairness products to India which is obsessed to a ridiculous extent with fairness, from US where light skinned blacks are preferred as mates by fellow African Americans to UK where everyone non white is 'black' by definition, the world over skin color is associated with acceptance and desirability. Content of the character comes next over color of the skin. Sad but real.
Akhtar Apr 10, 2022 10:59am
Next time, give your wife coconut and coconut milk for fair skinned children.
Jai kishan Apr 10, 2022 11:07am
Well first of all, that's not "tanned skin". It's simply dark brown
Tadka Apr 10, 2022 11:30am
@Sajid Khan is shoib fair both in his comments or skin tone???? Nonsense comment from u
Tadka Apr 10, 2022 11:34am
@Riazullah Baig don't worry Sania is a graduate ...Indian girls mostly do complete their study
Faisal Apr 10, 2022 11:36am
@The Red Pill actually global surveys find the "ideal" skin colour to be light brown.
Atif Apr 10, 2022 11:47am
@Dr Asim yes, you are well spot on.
Atif Apr 10, 2022 11:47am
Yes, you are well spot on.
Dr. Madhusudhan Reddy Tokala Apr 10, 2022 12:13pm
No matter what you eat he will always be called brown man. Check it out when you are in white countries.
Who is She Apr 10, 2022 12:43pm
@Nads : Bad Apples!
Who is She Apr 10, 2022 12:45pm
In That case, the Boy has a Different Father. son does not look anything like Father.
NSG Apr 10, 2022 01:38pm
Give Sania Pakistani citizenship
Bazinga Apr 10, 2022 01:51pm
Shoibs IQ must be low. Sania is smarter than that
Isthisreal Apr 10, 2022 02:28pm
@Abs Uk exactly..he is not so fair and lovely??
HIMANSHU SIROHI Apr 10, 2022 03:00pm
What's with Indian Subcontinent's obsession with Fair skin, stop it. It's not right.
Inquisitor Apr 10, 2022 04:24pm
Never mind the apples, it appears that Malik has descended down the cricket-earning totem pole by signing (as reported in the local media) to play with a second-tier, or sub-district club (Endeavour Hills CC) in suburban cricket in Melbourne in the next (southern) season for a paltry (by his standards) reported $A20,000?
Karim USA Apr 10, 2022 04:36pm
Colonial mentality - want to look like the Masters.
Raj Apr 10, 2022 04:37pm
Its not totally about the actual skin color. Its about the economic and technology stereotype of skin colors. Many fairskin people might prefer dark skin partners but will not do it due to economic disparity.
Saleem Apr 10, 2022 04:47pm
Son looks dont matter. You just have to be famous and little rich. Look at papa how mama fell for him!
Sidc Apr 10, 2022 04:50pm
What a shame ,people still obsessed with skin color. I’m really disappointed with there mentality.
Somalia Apr 10, 2022 05:14pm
As they say ' kala kaluta baingan loota'
Ashish Apr 10, 2022 08:37pm
@Tanvir Khan How does a Pak look different than an Indian? A Pak Sindhi looks same as an Indian Sindhi and likewise with Punjabis, Kashmiris, Pathans, Kutchees and Biharis. Stop living in delirium fed to you over decades
Isthisreal Apr 10, 2022 08:49pm
@Imtiaz Ali Khan True, very true
Outspoken Apr 10, 2022 09:21pm
Sania, no matter what the skin color is, make him a good human being, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther king, was never fair...............
Sunshine Apr 10, 2022 10:14pm
@MG good one!!
Sunshine Apr 10, 2022 10:15pm
@Pmd an incredible hulk u mean??
M. Saeed Apr 10, 2022 10:20pm
What if you feed chimpanzees with apples? Will they become Trumpish?
Sijo George Apr 10, 2022 10:38pm
Its been 75 years since Britishers left, but people still talk about fair skin color. Shameful!
seema Apr 11, 2022 12:08am
Is this national news?
John Rushell Apr 11, 2022 02:22am
When you marry a dark skinned guy , dont expect apple to make your kid white..
Jacksmith Apr 11, 2022 04:29am
One needs to be careful discriminating among colors of skin.
Salman Apr 11, 2022 05:03am
Eating apples for fair skin ? There goes all the genetic theory. Did someone tell this to the south Indians ?
IMTIAZ FARUQUI Apr 11, 2022 05:31am
The baby can be healthy but not fair. Where does this myth came from.
zaya Apr 11, 2022 07:24am
If she ate bananas, he would be taller and grow up to reverse swing curve the ball.
Tadka Apr 11, 2022 08:05am
@Who is She Google will tell you who she is! Do u look like ur dad by the way ? Ever heard of genetics
KK Apr 11, 2022 08:27am
@Tanvir Khan : how do you tell that? :) I as an Indian, have a tough time telling Indians and Pakistanis apart..till we speak our respective languages.
KK Apr 11, 2022 08:38am
@Saleem : Nicely done
s r Apr 11, 2022 10:01am
@Sher Khan , what's wrong with brown skin?racist
Salman Apr 11, 2022 11:00am
@Isthisreal No, you are not color blind, my friend. You just ought to look through the eyes of the parents.
Salman Apr 11, 2022 11:07am
@Ali B Don't be harsh on them. They do the same to all of them. For the Chinese, no matter how fair-skinned they are. They are still called yellow. Japanese, no matter how sophisticated they become, are still called for their primitive lifestyle. South Americans, no matter how fair skinned they are, are still the Latinos. Africans, no matter how fair skin they can get (North Africans are fair skinned), they are still the negroids. South Asians, no matter how fair skinned they can get, will still be called Albinos,.....
CV Apr 12, 2022 07:26am
And now Shoaib will be eating Apples for some time.
Farman Apr 12, 2022 12:08pm
Wow, I really needed to know this.
Chal oye Apr 12, 2022 08:43pm
Even then hes not fair.
Mrs.Khalil Apr 13, 2022 04:49am
Racist mind set.
Scuo Apr 13, 2022 07:09pm
Racism, why black is bad?