
Editorial: The hijab ban in India is a grave loss for Muslim women everywhere

Editorial: The hijab ban in India is a grave loss for Muslim women everywhere

The Karnataka High Court's decision will ultimately hinder Muslim women from enjoying basic freedoms and opportunities.
Updated 15 Mar, 2022

An Indian court on Tuesday upheld a ban on the hijab in class in the state of Karnataka, observing that the "headscarf was not essential to Islam". The court, leading up to the ruling, assessed whether wearing a hijab/headscarf is “part of essential religious practice in Islamic faith” as protected under Article 25 of the Indian Constitution. The Karnataka government argued that it wasn’t “essential” and ultimately the court too declared that “wearing of hijab by Muslim women does not form a part of essential religious practice in Islamic faith”.

The court’s ruling comes after weeks of rows and protests over the observance of hijab in educational institutes in the state. The court was hearing the petitions of Muslim students who had been stopped in January from entering the government college in Udupi for wearing the hijab. Udupi is one of three districts in Karnataka's coastal region and a stronghold of PM Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

While the court's ruling will have a huge bearing on Muslims in not just Karnataka but India at large, the brunt of its repercussions will be borne by Muslim women.

The court's decision will ultimately hinder Muslim women from enjoying freedoms and opportunities granted to every other citizen in India. Many will now have to choose between the hijab and going to school, college or other educational institutes. Ultimately, a Muslim woman in India loses either way. Either she gives up her basic right to religious practice and expression by not wearing the hijab, or she loses out on educational and, ultimately, economic opportunities. Who's to say the ban on the hijab won't be extended to other public spaces in other Indian states as well? Will Muslim women soon be deprived of the opportunity to attend public universities or hold public offices while observing the headscarf?

Leading up to the ruling, the government had argued in court that the observance of the hijab is also a question of law and order. Under Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, religious freedoms are subject to “public order, morality and health”. “If somebody is to assert the exercise the right to freedom of religion, the court will have to see if this exercise affects public order, morality,” the government's advocate general had submitted to the court. “Whenever [such] challenge comes before court, first test, according to me, whether it comes against public order, morality or health.”

It is hard to believe that a piece of fabric on a woman’s head can pose such a great threat to a country's “public order, morality or health”. Ideally, it should also be hard to believe that a young Muslim woman must consider going against the "law and order" of her country when she chooses to wear the hijab to college. For her, just like many girls in India and across the world, the hijab is an external manifestation of her religious beliefs. A choice she made as part of her personal and religious identity. There is nothing devious or conniving about such choices — they are made by men and women of various faiths and religions the world over.

It should be the state’s responsibility to instil tolerance for plurality and respect for other religions within society rather than issue rulings that ultimately discriminate against and alienate a certain segment of society. Such rulings fan hatred and instability, something the state of Karnataka seems to be well aware of given that it has banned large gatherings for a week in the state capital of Bengaluru "to maintain public peace and order" following the ruling.

The court, in trying to decide what is “essential” to a religion, has set a troubling precedent. Having knowledge about a country's laws doesn’t automatically translate into an awareness of religious law and its intricacies that took hundreds of years to set. Neither does it mean one is truly aware of the existing opinions within the religious community in question. In the absence of these, does a court really have the grounds to decide on what is essential to a religion? In situations where the court has no choice but to rule on something as personal and subjective as religion, decisions should not be made in a vacuum. They should ideally always consider social context and religious exegesis.

The Karnataka hijab row and the resultant court order is a glaring example of body politics — how personal issues associated with the body such as sexual harassment, pregnancy and clothing styles — become political battlefields for others to assert power through and over. When this becomes the norm, women (and even men in many cases) no longer retain the power to decide things for themselves. We've seen body politics play out in France as well when it banned the hijab for Muslim women.

We also see small manifestations of people being stripped of bodily autonomy in Pakistan. In 2021, the Toba sub-campus of the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) issued a dress code for its male and female students. Similarly, the Federal Directorate of Education asked female teachers not to wear jeans and tights. The body banned their male counterparts from wearing jeans and T-shirts as well.

Tragically, we're now witnessing a curtailing of religious expressions and bodily autonomy of Muslim women across the border as well. When will we learn that controlling people, through clothes or religion, is wrong. Let people be free to practice their religions and be free to be.


Justice Mar 15, 2022 05:53pm
I am ashamed of my India
Syed A. Mateen Mar 15, 2022 05:54pm
Only a Muslim family living any where in the world knows the importance of a hijab. India is a Hindu country and therefore the rules of judiciary are made keeping in view of Hinduism though millions of Muslims are living in India even before the partition in 1947. I fear that now Muslim girls and women will be subject to assault after Karnatak's High Court judgement. The Muslim NGO's protecting the rights of Muslims in India should file an appeal in Indian Supreme Court and till then Karnatak's High Court Orders should be suspended until the Supreme Court of India gives a final judgement. Muslims will be having one more chance to go to International Court of Justice in case if the Supreme Court of India upheld Karnata's High Court judgement.
M. Saeed Mar 15, 2022 05:57pm
Hijab ban is an infringement in the personal safety and norms of dresses worn by all women of India, not Muslim women alone. In India, some women even wear Hijab from their husbands, in gatherings.
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Mar 15, 2022 06:13pm
Thank you Jinnah
Sajid Khan Mar 15, 2022 06:22pm
it is the mullahs trying to manage folks via a dress code for women
Noreen Mar 15, 2022 06:46pm
Very disappointed on this judgement which has failed to do justice with Muslim women and ultimately will only be an impediment to their education and progress in society.
Aziz Mar 15, 2022 06:47pm
Those who had sided with Maulana Azad and Ghandhi are now rethinking about their decision in 1947 ! You guys are forced to take off your daughters hijab !
well-wisher Mar 15, 2022 06:55pm
Tilak on forehead is also considered Hindu symbol on women. Is that banned or will be banned in Karnataka?
Ather Mar 15, 2022 07:16pm
Emboldened by France and Quebec (Canada).
Moin Mar 15, 2022 07:45pm
Just a correction, this is not BAN, but asked students to follow school uniform "with in" school boundary... outside they are free to wear choice of their dress Burka or Jeans..
Ali Khan Mar 15, 2022 08:28pm
Makes sense. Clothing is subject to religious teachings' interpretations within specific cultures.
Yemeen Zuberi Mar 15, 2022 08:37pm
Hijab or no Hijab, Muslim women must not stop learning and getting education. Again, Education is more important.
Kris Mar 15, 2022 08:37pm
"Having knowledge about a country's laws doesn’t automatically translate into an awareness of religious law and its intricacies that took hundreds of years to set. " This is the fundamental flaw in this argument. Religious laws were setup within a social context. To look at them in absolute terms, without looking at their social context, will prevent humanity from progressing. Many Hindu religious practices were challenged in the 1800's including the horrible practice of Sati. Every religion need to progress. Religions are not about symbols, to minimize them as just that is doing injustice to them. If this change causes women to step back from the public square, then it would be counterproductive. Government should watch for this slide and take proactive measures to address it.
Shaun Mar 15, 2022 08:58pm
People this is about school uniforms and not a public issue.
SKS Mar 15, 2022 09:06pm
so muslim women dont want to go to China, France, Norway or hijab banned EU countries?
Hilla-le-pakistan Mar 15, 2022 09:07pm
@M. Saeed make it compulsory in Pakistan.
Advd Mar 15, 2022 09:08pm
@Noreen progress of women with their hijab? Your progress is that easy to break? Wow. Such callous mentality.
Advd Mar 15, 2022 09:09pm
@well-wisher it's not a dress.
Indian Mar 15, 2022 09:10pm
@Syed A. Mateen there is no Hijab ban in India. They were only asked to wear school uniforms in classes. outside they can wear Hijab without any restriction. All muslims girls previously wearing school dress and suddenly they started to come in Hijab. It's a plan to defame India and disturm the harmony.
Rajeev Mar 15, 2022 09:17pm
@Syed A. Mateen - International Court of Justice?? Are you living in a fool’s paradise ?
ABD Mar 15, 2022 09:22pm
A country that treats its religious minorities as a second class citizen is talking about plurality and religious freedom in India. Muslims who stayed back in India because they were poor and illiterate.
The Indian Mar 15, 2022 09:35pm
The Muslim women of India are happy.
Mann Mar 15, 2022 09:51pm
Hijab is not permitted in schools with uniforms. Outside school one can wear hijab Nikab and buraqa.
A Mar 15, 2022 09:59pm
Hijab is not banned. Burqa is banned, that too just inside the classroom.
A Mar 15, 2022 10:01pm
Talk when you make it compulsory in Islamic republic of Pakistan. If cannot then it has nothing to do with Islam.
Sultan Mar 15, 2022 10:09pm
Hijab is not banned in India. It is not allowed to schools where all students are supposed to come in uniform.
Moorthy Mar 15, 2022 10:09pm
There is no hijab ban in India. The court only said that when the school prescribes a uniform students should follow. This must be same in Pakistan too
Xx Mar 15, 2022 10:10pm
@Justice go to Pakistan
Moorthy Mar 15, 2022 10:13pm
@well-wisher Yes ! In many convent schools bindi and bangles are banned. That is followed by all students
Azzcavazz Mar 15, 2022 10:15pm
@Syed A. Mateen Relax.. This ruling is only for what happens in school. Women outside gave always been accepted.
Moorthy Mar 15, 2022 10:16pm
@Syed A. Mateen There is no hijab ban. It’s a direction that if the school has a uniform, then it should be followed inside the school. In many schools bindi and bangles are also not allowed
Multani Mar 15, 2022 10:22pm
Why can’t we petition ICJ or UNGA or any other body which can force India to withdraw this hijab ban like in France, we should seek Chinese support to move this petition.
1971 Mar 15, 2022 10:29pm
@Rajeev He indeed is.
neil brown Mar 15, 2022 10:56pm
@Aziz yes they should
Justice Mar 15, 2022 11:08pm
In Schools, uniform is required regardless of the religion. Hijab can be worn everywhere else. Sensible verdict.
j Mar 15, 2022 11:14pm
go to the school where it is permitted and no dress code. Simple isn't it?
Tahir Mar 15, 2022 11:15pm
Its not in India, Its only in schools where Uniform is mandatory irrespective of religion. this is already practiced in Europe
j Mar 15, 2022 11:16pm
All these girls never wore hijab going to the school till now? None of the girls going to Missionary schools wear hijab? Go to a school where there is no dress code. Simple solution. nothing to fret about
rahul Mar 15, 2022 11:18pm
If anybody cares for truth, India is banning hijab only inside the classrooms !
A Lone Ranger Mar 15, 2022 11:29pm
@Justice I stronly recommned you send your kids for educatio to Afganistan or any other nation of your choice including Pakistan
Dr. Ramesh K Sharma Mar 15, 2022 11:49pm
@Aziz It would have been fair for everybody if the basis of partition was completely implemented. The total migration of people on religion basis would have brought peace to both countries.
Ashley35 Mar 15, 2022 11:52pm
@Syed A. Mateen - ICJ has zero say in such issues.
Lala Mar 15, 2022 11:55pm
There is no “ban”. Just that in schools all kids have to wear same school dress - outside of the school anyone is free to wear anything.
Amer Mar 15, 2022 11:57pm
Please keep Modi in for 10 more years.
Amit Mar 16, 2022 12:25am
No it is not.
Art Mar 16, 2022 12:26am
She’s covering her face too, very scary!
Pandu Mar 16, 2022 12:36am
The school uniforms are more than capable of protecting modesty. Thanks for this ruling.
Pandu Mar 16, 2022 12:39am
@M. Saeed "In India, some women even wear Hijab from their husbands, in gatherings." - what a horrible thing.
Pandu Mar 16, 2022 12:41am
@Aziz "You guys are forced to take off your daughters hijab !' - so.? is that such a bad thing to remove that in uniformed environments?
Bana Alam Mar 16, 2022 12:43am
@Yemeen Zuberi Hijab is more important for me than anything !
ABD Mar 16, 2022 12:46am
A student may decide to wear no dress at all to claim right to freedom of expression.
ramanae Mar 16, 2022 01:12am
Good decision by court.
Alam Mar 16, 2022 01:22am
@Indian, A woman who always wears hijab , how can she take off her hijab in front of other males inside the school ?
Alam Mar 16, 2022 01:24am
@Shaun Hindus can have anything but not Muslims ! All restrictions are for Muslims and not Hindus !
Raj Mar 16, 2022 01:27am
@ABD You want to take them .. now since you are rich and show so much of sympathy & empathy
Desi Mar 16, 2022 01:31am
@Aziz, so Pakistan women teams player should wear hijab while playing cricket or any other sport
Ahmad - Love India Mar 16, 2022 01:39am
My best advice to all my Indian Muslims sisters, mothers, since court decision came out against Hijab, this law may reversed again sooner than later but for now wear cricket cap instead of hijab and walk in group for safety.
sama Mar 16, 2022 01:41am
There is NO BAN so stop spreading rumors the institution is asking that students wear uniforms - not too much to ask otherwise enroll in a religious school and wear your hijab
sama Mar 16, 2022 01:42am
@ABD no one is second class second class is making a woman feel like an object and making her cover herself in case a man gets ' tempted'
sama Mar 16, 2022 01:42am
@ABD why is a woman responsible for morality?? can't men control themselves?? why make every woman lose her personal identity???
nayataimur Mar 16, 2022 02:07am
to all the nay sayers, read the article from Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy
Raj Mar 16, 2022 02:39am
@M. Saeed The hijab ban is only in the school because in school one has to wear uniform. As the name suggests, uniform has to be uniform.
Charlie Hebdo Mar 16, 2022 03:46am
@Justice Why are you ashamed, I am proud of my India.
gt Mar 16, 2022 03:55am
@Syed A. Mateen No one is going to harm any muslim women in India, It is great country for muslim to live in whole world.
Rahat Mar 16, 2022 04:34am
Can’t you be honest at least once. There is no hijab ban in India. Just the school insisting on Dress Code
Dan Mar 16, 2022 04:47am
@ABD so in Pakistan minorities are treated as first class citizens?
Raj Mar 16, 2022 05:04am
Everyone relax - the ban is inside classroom since the school follow uniform code. Please note that the school has been following dress code since 2004. Only recently the girls wanted to wear hijab inside the classroom.. Outside school the girls are free to wear whatever they wish.
Just Saying Mar 16, 2022 05:20am
There is no hijab ban in India. The ban is on teenage girls wearing Hijab to government schools where the rules require them to wear a school uniform.
justice for all Mar 16, 2022 05:25am
@Kris, Absolutely correct, assiduous and thoughtful comment!
Vgp Mar 16, 2022 05:32am
If hijab is essential in Islam why you don't all Pakistanis wear it in public. Why the double standards here
Rick Mar 16, 2022 05:40am
@Justice why?
AJ Mar 16, 2022 05:50am
What's wrong with this ban? Will a Muslim women wear a hijab if she joins army, or becomes a surgeon, or becomes a cricketer, etc.? Why cannot schools ask their students to adhere to a dress code?
Joe Mar 16, 2022 06:13am
@Justice I am ashamed of my India" You have multiple options including 57 OIC countries.
Vasu Mar 16, 2022 07:02am
@Justice You are welcome.
Vasu Mar 16, 2022 07:03am
@Syed A. Mateen Supreme Court and then International Court of else.
Multani Mar 16, 2022 07:08am
How modi who encourages girl education expect Muslim girls to be educated without hijab, they might drop schools in very large numbers , stop controlling your courts, india must stay secular.
Reena Mar 16, 2022 07:27am
Hijaab/Burkha is not essential for women in your country Please explain????
Shri Mar 16, 2022 07:30am
Absolutely nothing wrong in judgment. Hijab is not a must in Islam unlike turban in Sikhism. Law is same for all. It is none of Pakistan’s business.
Mangesh Mar 16, 2022 07:39am
@Moin Thanks for clarifying. Everyone is making unnecessary noise for no reason.
Cholas Mar 16, 2022 08:02am
It is between school uniforms and religious dress in those schools that have a uniform. Everywhere else there is no discussion on what people wear. Go to a school that does not have uniform. It is as simple as that.
Banti Mar 16, 2022 08:02am
Great relief during summer
Alla Bux Mar 16, 2022 08:03am
@M. Saeed No body banned Hijab outside the schools. If someone wants to wear a Hijab they can join a school where it is allowed.
Cholas Mar 16, 2022 08:04am
@Syed A. Mateen Schools have a right too. And there are schools catering to different concepts too.
Cholas Mar 16, 2022 08:04am
@M. Saeed And that Hijab is not banned. Not sure why getting confused in class room vs outside
Cholas Mar 16, 2022 08:06am
@ABD And the country that bans minorities to top post will lecuture on minority rights
Alla Bux Mar 16, 2022 08:10am
@Noreen The question to ask is why did these men put their daugters in Hijab?
Samir Mar 16, 2022 08:16am
@Syed A. Mateen. ICC judgments are non enforceable.
VITHAL Mar 16, 2022 08:18am
If you do not like India, you are free to leave India and go anywhere you get support.
Pakistani Mar 16, 2022 08:18am
Imagine they call themselves the largest democracy. How democratic.
Ali Mar 16, 2022 08:29am
This hasn't worked in the past and it wont work here as well. All it will do is break a country further.
Observer Mar 16, 2022 08:31am
No one is stopping Muslim women to use hijabs anywhere in the country. Only in Govt schools in Karnataka, where school uniforms are the rules. In Govt schools, uniforms are secular, and no one singles out no one or discriminate each other.
Vish Mar 16, 2022 08:54am
Muslim women must continue with their education. Already hijab was banned for many competitive exams to prevent copying. Some don’t even allow sweaters and blazers. Educational institutions also have a right to prescribe uniforms. The judgment does not effect what happens outside the campus.
Cosmo Mar 16, 2022 08:56am
@Justice Nothing to be ashamed about. Hijab and ghunghat are all symbols of women’s oppression and should be banned in schools.
Anonymouseee Mar 16, 2022 08:59am
Hindu women love walking around scantily dressed and want others to do the same. Shameless India.
TW Mar 16, 2022 09:18am
@Indian India is a Hindu country. They will do everything to discriminate against muslims. This is the reality.
R S Chakravarti Mar 16, 2022 09:25am
@Syed A. Mateen An appeal has been filed in the Supreme Court.
Rajpal Khalsa Mar 16, 2022 09:34am
While personally I disagree with this ban, however the issue here is of conformance with school dress code and not a religious one. Have a question for Pakistani friends, can female military officers or soldiers in Pakistan wear a hijab instead of uniform when on duty??
Ali Mar 16, 2022 10:06am
@Kris the cruel hindu tradition of Sati is not the same as Hijab Your argument is flawed , comparing apples and oranges!!!
Gulshan Omar Mar 16, 2022 10:13am
@Justice , I am very proud of India who has the guts to ban hijab inside the class rooms. India has not band the Hijab any where except inside the class rooms. Very good decision by Karnataka High Court.
M Emad Mar 16, 2022 10:16am
An Internal matter of India ---- Nothing to do with Pakistan.
Deepak Ahuja Mar 16, 2022 10:27am
@Anonymouseee you sound like progressive - we have seen that. Remember equal rights to all get everyone progress
Truth hurts Mar 16, 2022 11:00am
@well-wisher Tilak is not mandatory, and it doesn't hide one's identity. It doesn't cover your face and allow you to cheat during exams.
Gary Mar 16, 2022 12:09pm
@Justice Leave.
Gary Mar 16, 2022 12:11pm
@Amer Till 2029, and yogi will take over.
Sanju Mar 16, 2022 12:34pm
@Syed A. Mateen you hypocrite. You now fear that now Muslim girls and women will be subject to assault after Karnatak's High Court judgement. Did you ever think or worry about security of hindu girls in Pakistan.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 16, 2022 12:34pm
What else could be expected of world's biggest false, feign, sham, shame, frail, feeble, futile, feint and fake democracy called Republic of India under the auspices of racist, liar, bigot, prejudiced, wicked, fraudster, trickster and biased Modi and his fascist, crooked, cunning, corrupt, cruel, crafty, crazy and criminal R.S.S. and BJP cronies, running aggressively and overwhelmingly all over the country in general and the corridors of power and influence in Old and New Delhi in particular?
Tanuj Mar 16, 2022 01:03pm
@well-wisher that is obviously banned for school students like hijab.
Anon Mar 16, 2022 01:21pm
@Moin: correct!! But then twisting the truth serves the narrative in this case.
Anon Mar 16, 2022 01:21pm
@Yemeen Zuberi excellent point made!
Gud Gobar Mar 16, 2022 03:18pm
Uninformed opinion and fear mongering at display. Any lady can wear the hijab where it is included in the uniform or where there is no uniform compulsory. Unlike the sikh religion where it is prescribed to wear the turban Islam does not have any such prescription. It is a matter of personal choice that women can very exercise outside of the school. Majority of higher educational institutes do not have a uniform, so grown up women can exercise their choice of dress.
Vish Mar 16, 2022 08:40pm
Very correct. Pakistan must set the correct Islamic example by compelling it's women cricket team to wear the hijab or the even more Islamic attire the burka, while playing. All other clothing must be banned for women. This will then take Pakistan closer to pure Islam which even it's founders don't practise.
Sayyeda Mar 17, 2022 01:04am
@Mann What about tilak
Sayyeda Mar 17, 2022 01:05am
@Moorthy what about tilak?? Is it banned
Sayyeda Mar 17, 2022 01:06am
@VITHAL where are you standing in India? Please elaborate
USR Mar 17, 2022 02:35am
@Cholas Just shows their IQ. Can not differentiate class room from outside.
A4 Mar 17, 2022 03:05am
Much ado about nothing. Another way to keep women subservient
reason Mar 17, 2022 04:30am
Can someone tell me why face covering of women is banned in tunisia, morocco, tajikistan and chad? All are muslim or muslim majority countries
M. Saeed Mar 17, 2022 02:06pm
@reason, face covering is even banned in Kaaba during Hajj and Umara.
M. Saeed Mar 17, 2022 02:08pm
@Moin , correct, but then, there must have been a clarification from the authorities, after such a big resentment and agitations.
Sam Mar 17, 2022 02:13pm
What no media channel is giving details on is that a 3 judge bench unanimously gave the hijab ruling in Karnataka High court and 1 of the 3 judges is a Muslim woman judge named Jaibunnisa Mohiuddin Kazi. Please digest that before commenting on India, BJP, RSS, secularism etc etc....
Syed Mar 17, 2022 03:36pm
@reason . All those countries have Muslims as majority but not the government or its policies. Its not necessary a pious Muslim will lead those countries as heads of government. And all those countries don't have democracy contrary to India. You don't need to worry on other countries. India is not a Hindu country by its setup itself. Its a confederation of states and indigenous people are the Dravidians who were massacred by your ancestors and invaded India. Period.
Sach baat Mar 17, 2022 03:39pm
@Justice Why? Read the court order clearly instead of depending on these party view. Courts will always take a holistic view. It essentially translates into the fact that if a school has uniform them that prevails over hijab within the classroom. Period.
Syed Mar 17, 2022 03:57pm
@Sam . I am just wondering how come your name is Sam! Hiding under a pseudo name, huh!! Who cares one of the judge in the High Court of Karnataka's bench was a Muslim. Its all a set up. Indian judiciary is notorious for corruption and nepotism. Don't sell your stuff here.
Syed Mar 17, 2022 04:02pm
@Sanju .Tsk.. tsk.. just be thankful for your ranting is posted here. In India one can't think of a minority posting his/her views on media. Also the government records in India itself tells a lot about the atrocities against the minorities. There are still a few good states in India, who despite all the venoms snakes like looming around, stand up for the cause of real justice.
Syed Mar 17, 2022 04:04pm
@VITHAL . First we need to kick out all those labour class from Middle East about 7 million and once the hammer hits in the form of lost jobs and foreign exchange, all your dramabaazi will end. The beef exports from India are done by none other than Hindus!!!!!!!!
Syed Mar 17, 2022 04:09pm
@Kris . As a first step as reforms, lets scrap this system of performing poojas, remove idols from all government establishments, right from schools, police stations, public transport and even courts. When Hindus can do whatever they wish, even when not in their scriptures and this is taken as an unwritten rule by the banana republic courts, you don't qualify to comment. Besides, the biggest shame here is, in public service whats' the need to have any deities on the walls?
Kulbhushan Yadav Mar 17, 2022 09:28pm
@Justice Move out.
harry Mar 18, 2022 01:36am
Bigoted people.
Indian Mar 19, 2022 01:46am
Its just a political agenda. Pak is an islamic country, still army men are not allowed to wear skull cap with uniform. PIA does not allow air hostess to cover head with head scarf but has a different cap as part of uniform. They can choose to wear what they want outside but they have to respect the uniform. It is best to keep any religious attires outside uniform irrespective of religion. Having said that, its not a ban but the dress code of govt run schools. Students can still choose to go to private schools which allow hijab or even islamic schools/madrassas. Its just an issue which is stretched out of proportion and the India High court is absolutely right with its judgment.
Raj Narayanan Mar 19, 2022 05:56am
@well-wisher Yes it is. Also Kadda for non sikhs. I wore a kadda as a child and had to take it out in my school years back because I am hindu.
Syed Mar 19, 2022 04:25pm
Comparison of hijab issue with Pakistan is not relevant at all. Pakistan is not an Islamic country nor it has a sharia law. It's a name sake tag as a prefix. Note that as Hindus have a set of rules which many don't follow at all in India,but still it's an unwritten rule anywhere from schools to public transport. Hypocrisy is bursting at seams when Hindus try to comment on an issue pertaining to Islam. We don't question or ask you for any reason when you guys break coconuts even for an aircraft inauguration! You guys break pumpkin in the middle of the road to ward off the evil spirits and making others to fall on it. Correct your ways.
Gary Mar 19, 2022 10:12pm
Victimhood everywhere.. Get a life.. its a good thing
Sayyeda Mar 20, 2022 12:57am
@gt seriously! Send me one living example with proven track record
Sayyeda Mar 20, 2022 01:50am
Brijender Mudgil Mar 20, 2022 07:28am
You must respect school uniform code
vinod Mar 20, 2022 02:48pm
Hijab banned in schools which having uniforms , other wise hijab is not banned in India.
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:33am
@Justice , in a democratic setup it’s your fundamental right! Please don’t forget the duties that come with it.
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:34am
@Syed A. Mateen , please - it’s been some days after the HC judgement. Could you count the number that have been attacked?
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:35am
@Justice , “in schools … they are allowed”, … and yet you are ashamed of India
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:37am
@Alam , in schools there are no women, they are young girls.
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:39am
@Amer , good old Chinese saying “ don’t wish too hard, it might come true”. Anyway, we are pretty sure he will be, and his legacy - even longer.
Agrippa - The Skeptic Mar 21, 2022 11:44am
@Syed break coconut yes, hide the face, terrorists in burqa ((remember the lal masjid imam)? Grow up guys. Besides, the whole nation has reading and listening comprehension problem. The HC court has upheld the ban ONLY for schools with dress code which does not allow hijab, burqa etc … . No where else is it banned. You can always send your children to schools which prescribe burqa and hijab.
Syed Mar 22, 2022 11:49am
@Agrippa - The Skeptic . Breaking coconuts and lal masjid!! What comparison is this?? Hindu sadhus and sadhvis are directly involved in terror attacks in India, but evidence part, the police and courts don't give any protection to the victims and we see the farce judgements delivered, despite the stark facts. Now stop lecturing on the comprehension part. The dress code should be applied for all. You guys should stop that tilak and poojas at school. India is a democracy by constitution not a Hindu banana republic. No one has the right in India to say that they are the traditional landowners. Its the Aryans in fact who slaughtered the indigenous population of India and brought all these myths and rubbish to divide people. Indian independence sacrifice was much done by communities other than Aryans, now the BJP and their likes. Let me not open the pandora box here. Stop your whimsical practices first .