
Model Bella Hadid calls out discrimination against Muslim women who wear hijabs

Model Bella Hadid calls out discrimination against Muslim women who wear hijabs

The Palestinian-American celebrity urged France and India to stop dictating their choices and what they can wear.
19 Feb, 2022

Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid is no stranger to using social media to advocate for causes close to her heart and she recently used her platform to speak up for women who wear hijabs and against Islamophobia.

Hadid posted three Instagram posts where she spoke at length about the rights of women who choose to wear the hijab, the discrimination they face and called for a stop to it. She also shared the story of Hoda, a young hijabi who was attacked. Hadid demanded justice for Hoda and other women who had been attacked like her.

"In other forms of discrimination: I urge France, India, Quebec, Belgium and any other country in the world that is discriminatory against Muslim women to rethink what decisions you have made or are trying to make in the future about a body that is not yours," the model wrote in the caption.

She also called out people looking to police women's ability to play sports or study while wearing the hijab. "To get an internship, most universities will say the only way to get one is to take off the hijab. It’s ridiculous and really shows how Islamophobic the world is without even acknowledging it. In regards to these new bills that are either in the process of being passed or have already," she wrote.

The model emphasised that it is absurd for men to dictate women's choices about their own bodies in the 21st century. "The egocentrics of a man to think for even for one second, that they have enough validity to make decisions for a woman in 2022, are not only laughable but actually sick in the head."

Quoting a friend and tagging them, Hadid said, "Taqwa Bint Ali said to me 'You know, at the root of it all, all of this is just much deeper than Islamophobia; it's pure sexism and misogyny. no matter the countries or the time men always want to control what a woman does and wears.'"

She ended the post with a resolute "it needs to stop."

The model also shared a photo captured by her friend captioned, "Although different forms of the hijab and head coverings are starting to make an appearance in fashion, let’s still remember the daily struggle, abuse and discrimination Muslim women face on a regular basis because of their faith and what they stand for. To each woman’s body, stand their own opinion on what they should do with it. That is NO ONES decision except for theirs."

In her third post, she demanded justice for Hoda, a hijabi who was attacked and abused.

Hadid said in 2017 that she identifies as a "proud Muslim" and made sure to stand up for her "Muslim sisters." She has been very vocal about Islamophobia and the rights of Palestinians as well. She and her sister Gigi posted about Palestinian oppression and condemned silence on attacks in Palestine. This resulted in controversy for Hadid as the State of Israel's official Twitter account twisted the narrative and claimed she was supporting anti-Semitism which resulted in her stance shifting to neutral, which netizens believed was due to her deal with Dior being under threat.

We're glad to see someone with such influence using their power for good. Western celebrities need to speak up for hijabi women the same way they do for other infringements of women's rights.


Tadka Feb 19, 2022 04:22pm
Nothing wrong with what you have said but first follow it
Malik Feb 19, 2022 05:02pm
Bella - you are not a role model for muslim women. You walk half naked to make money, and preach other muslim women about hijab. Shame on you.
Ahmad - Love India Feb 19, 2022 05:04pm
It's all political specially in India whenever BJP comes in power otherwise all Hindus Indians knows their Muslim Indians and Sikh Indians wearing Hijab and Turbines for centuries as their religious obligations. I urges all BJP politicians, please stop bring religions in politics and in sports. Please let India stay as secular and democratic country in the world and keep unity among all Indians, let make India a great country in the world.
Fastrack Feb 19, 2022 05:05pm
Hijab ban is shameful. 1. Never hurt life in 70 years. 2. Identification may be done by sliding down for few seconds. 3. Sikhs turban banned?
Taj Ahmad Feb 19, 2022 05:08pm
My salute to great lady Bella Hadid, very brave, very strong and very supportive outspoken for all women of the world.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Feb 19, 2022 05:11pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Zak Feb 19, 2022 05:37pm
Modi has had it again. So much bad publicity, Indians are being despised world over.
Syed Hasni Feb 19, 2022 05:57pm
Bella is a force to reckon with!
Ali Mehdi Feb 19, 2022 06:15pm
More power to you Ms. Hadid.
Khan D Feb 19, 2022 06:50pm
Bella talks Bella nonsense. She walks around 90% naked and wants Muslim to use hijab. I agree no hijab in school but strict school uniform.
Marvin Feb 19, 2022 06:54pm
No one is stopped from wearing the hijab in India. However, in the schools in Karnataka, for all students to look the same it is banned since 1983. Those who get admission give consent to abide by the requirement. This whole issue is made messy by Congress since those girls have been appeared without the hijab in school functions and on social media. They can-do online lessons wearing the hijab at home.
A lige Feb 19, 2022 06:58pm
The w hore who goes in buff
Ammer Feb 19, 2022 07:11pm
this is the thing I like about celebs in the US, they're not afraid to voice their opinion on any matter & rarely retract it unlike in India & Pakistan, where celebs voice an anti-establishment opinion, they are harassed by thugs
Zak Feb 19, 2022 08:04pm
@Ahmad - Love India Enjoy india union while you can, under modi, it wont be around for long
Tara Feb 19, 2022 08:50pm
@Tadka It is not mandatory for Muslim women to wear Hijab. It’s their choice if they want to wear it or not.
Wasim Jaweed Feb 19, 2022 09:00pm
@Tadka she is supporting the right of women to decide if they wear hijab or not.. she is following that by deciding not to wear one.
Rana Talukdar Feb 19, 2022 09:24pm
She should Stop dictating what a state should do.
Qbmx Feb 19, 2022 09:37pm
That is very true for a Muslim State , so tell the Pakistanis to put it on shut up
AHAQ Feb 19, 2022 09:52pm
Bella says correct. She is making more of a political statement than a religious statement
Jyo Feb 19, 2022 10:10pm
Hijab is not banned in India. One can wear it anywhere they want to. But, the schools have some uniform codes. They are not allowed ‘within’ the classrooms. If you want to get an education in such institutions, you got to follow their rules. Else, go to a different institute which allows hijabs and burkhas.
dabangg Feb 19, 2022 10:45pm
@Malik That is here whole point. As per her women should wear what they want.
John The Baptist Feb 19, 2022 11:08pm
While I am with her in that it should be the wearer's choice, technically she is wrong: the discrimination is against the HIJAB itself, not the women wearing it. Just to get it clear.
Im Raan Feb 20, 2022 01:16am
What a hoot! A woman who makes a living exhibiting her body is seriously concerned about hijab? Absolutely hilarious!!!!
Murad Mahal Feb 20, 2022 01:34am
What kind of identification Hijab gives except to declare the wearer is Muslim. Why should there be any head and face covoerings for any reason? Bella herself does not wear Hijab. A failure person just wants to be noticed. What is there to be proud Muslim when humanity does not exist. If she is proud then follow proper Muslim way of life. Cover your entire body, not just head, hands and legs. Bella should know what a Muslim is supposed to be. As a lady in Muslim world she is just a property.
Henchi Feb 20, 2022 02:23am
Practice what you preach. You're lucky to an American citizen that gives you the freedom of speech.
jay Feb 20, 2022 02:53am
Practice what you preach
Waheed Feb 20, 2022 03:09am
Bella-i am not going to judge bella as Muslim, but how many celebrities, politicians and influential people are speaking against Islamophobia.
BCah Feb 20, 2022 03:51am
One may wonder all women in Saudi and other oppressed countries wanted to wear Hijab willingly.
1Hindustani Feb 20, 2022 04:09am
All women in the world should be like her and support this cause. I wonder what does she think about equal pay ? Should Muslim's follow Shariya or Law of the land?
Dan Feb 20, 2022 04:43am
@Zak first check how long you are going to be there.
Shaleen Feb 20, 2022 06:49am
We BJP supporting Hindus support our Muslim sisters right to wear or not to wear hijab on roads, outside school and home for safety. However inside school if they are asked to remove the same they should not have any objection as schools are safe or else they can move to a safer school.
Gopal Patel Feb 20, 2022 07:03am
She isn't well informed. Unlike France hijab is not banned in India. The current controversy is about wearing hijab in educational institutions where a dress is prescribed.
Pakistani Feb 20, 2022 07:48am
Shame the Indian Hindus
1Hindustani Feb 20, 2022 08:18am
I support her cause. Will she support men also follow same regressive cultural norm, dress code?
Warid Rhman Feb 20, 2022 08:28am
One would think, Bella Hadid will inspire those who want to uncover their body rather than those who try to cover their head. She should focus the Muslim women in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia who really suffer.
Qamar Rathore Feb 20, 2022 10:25am
@Malik what's your problem. She has the right to say what she wants. What are you doing about it.
Qamar Rathore Feb 20, 2022 10:27am
@Khan D fo you also beat your wife and tell her what she wears, do your wife and daughters live in fear from you, does ut make you feel manly
Qamar Rathore Feb 20, 2022 10:28am
@Marvin so Sikhs take off the turban before entering school to?
Qamar Rathore Feb 20, 2022 10:31am
@Tara and your point is? Telling people what they can wear or not shouldn't be in the hands of others
J Feb 20, 2022 11:02am
First also give minorities equal rights, freedoms and protection in Muslim majority countries.
thinking Feb 20, 2022 11:51am
@Malik half naked? Full naked, she covered her body with handbag and hair in one shoot, but when it suits you guys you promote her
prince Feb 20, 2022 11:56am
Bella first you start wearing it and then give lecture on it
prince Feb 20, 2022 11:57am
Its like corrupted politician giving lecture on not to take bribe
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:13pm
@Shaleen Please let me make it clear that Hijab requires you to covered from head to toe but your face needs to be shown. Hijab is different from burqa or naqab where you need to be fully veiled. So what problems should Hindus have if a Muslim girl wears a headscarf along with a normal shalwar kameez or any long dress?
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:19pm
@Jyo Hijab is just a headscarf over normal clothes which shows your face not a veil like Burqa or Naqab. A Muslim girl does remove the hijab in classroom if the class comprises of girls and female teachers.
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:24pm
@Gopal Patel Muslims girls do remove their hijab/headscarf if they are studying in girls convent but it may not be possible in coeducation schools or colleges.
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:29pm
@Gopal Patel France has banned burqa not hijab for security reasons because burqa covers your entire face but hijab doesn't.
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:31pm
@Khan D What problem do you have with a mere headscarf? It can be liberating for some girls to cover their heads and not worry about how their hair looks.
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:35pm
@Marvin Muslim girls don't wear hijab at home or in schools exclusively for girls.
saira khan Feb 20, 2022 12:44pm
@Marvin Don't believe the fake conspiracies by Godi media which always blames Congress for everything. In reality BJP and RSS are specifically targeting women in Hijabs under the assumption that most of them are Muslims.
MA Feb 20, 2022 01:10pm
She made a point and that is very nice of her.
Maria Feb 20, 2022 01:38pm
What problem do Hindus have with headscarves? Can a normal Indian woman(not an actress) wear western clothes like jeans, skirts, shorts or any revealing figure hugging outfits in India which she can easily wear in western countries and even Islamic countries like Turkey UAE and Malaysia?
Ijaz Feb 20, 2022 02:36pm
@Tadka why should she follow it? Read her articles, what she is saying is that it is up to women what they wear. Therefore its her right not to wear a hijsb as much as it's someone else's right to wear one. That is called freedom to choose. Mera jism meri marzi
Faisal Feb 20, 2022 04:35pm
@Im Raan I fail to see the hilarity.
As Feb 20, 2022 08:08pm
@Malik your thoughts are disappointing
Waheed Noor Feb 20, 2022 08:32pm
Bella who?
Samosa Feb 20, 2022 09:01pm
@Fastrack: Why should it be banned, people can still see their faces even after wearing Turban ? Unlike hijab women can hide their face too, how many times haven't we heard of a criminal escaping wearing a hijab ?
Indie Guy Feb 21, 2022 08:38am
Bella supporting hijab? Why doesn’t she walk around in one for a day and see how it feels?
Naz Feb 21, 2022 09:15am
And what about those muslim women who don't want to wear hijab and qre forced?
Zunaira Feb 21, 2022 09:55am
@Malik She isn't preaching Muslim women to wear Hijab, she is preaching Men like you to respect what a women chooses to wear, be it hijab or anything else!